from migen import *
from migen.genlib.record import *
from migen.genlib import fifo
+from migen.genlib.cdc import MultiReg, PulseSynchronizer
+from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *
(DIR_SINK, DIR_SOURCE) = range(2)
self.comb +=[::-1])
+class Monitor(Module, AutoCSR):
+ def __init__(self, endpoint, count_width=32, clock_domain="sys",
+ with_tokens=False,
+ with_overflows=False,
+ with_underflows=False):
+ self.reset = CSR()
+ self.latch = CSR()
+ if with_tokens:
+ self.tokens = CSRStatus(count_width)
+ if with_overflows:
+ self.overflows = CSRStatus(count_width)
+ if with_underflows:
+ self.underflows = CSRStatus(count_width)
+ # # #
+ reset = Signal()
+ latch = Signal()
+ if clock_domain == "sys":
+ self.comb += reset.eq(
+ self.comb += latch.eq(
+ else:
+ reset_ps = PulseSynchronizer("sys", clock_domain)
+ latch_ps = PulseSynchronizer("sys", clock_domain)
+ self.submodules += reset_ps, latch_ps
+ self.comb += reset_ps.i.eq(
+ self.comb += reset.eq(reset_ps.o)
+ self.comb += latch_ps.i.eq(
+ self.comb += latch.eq(latch_ps.o)
+ # Generic Monitor Counter ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class MonitorCounter(Module):
+ def __init__(self, reset, latch, enable, count):
+ _count =
+ _count_latched =
+ _sync = getattr(self.sync, clock_domain)
+ _sync += [
+ If(reset,
+ _count.eq(0),
+ _count_latched.eq(0),
+ ).Elif(enable,
+ If(_count != (2**len(count)-1),
+ _count.eq(_count + 1)
+ )
+ ),
+ If(latch,
+ _count_latched.eq(_count)
+ )
+ ]
+ self.specials += MultiReg(_count_latched, count)
+ # Tokens Count -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if with_tokens:
+ tokens_counter = MonitorCounter(reset, latch, endpoint.valid & endpoint.ready, self.tokens.status)
+ self.submodules += token_counter
+ # Overflows Count (only useful when endpoint is expected to always be ready) ---------------
+ if with_overflows:
+ overflow_counter = MonitorCounter(reset, latch, endpoint.valid & ~endpoint.ready, self.overflows.status)
+ self.submodules += overflow_counter
+ # Underflows Count (only useful when endpoint is expected to always be valid) --------------
+ if with_underflows:
+ underflow_counter = MonitorCounter(reset, latch, ~endpoint.valid & endpoint.ready, self.underflows.status)
+ self.submodules += underflow_counter
# TODO: clean up code below