came into play: to add the expected new Simulator (cavatools)
in as another option to triage against.
+Cavatools already has the same gdb debug interface as QEMU,
+so it is expected to be reasonably straightforward to add.
+The qemu interaction utilises a python-based gdbremote client
+to first upload a binary into memory, followed by commands
+to set the contents of registers, including the Program Counter.
+A breakpoint is set, at the end of the program.
+Finally QEMU is permitted to run, and following the trigger of
+the breakpoint, memory contents and register contents are
+dumped (over the gdb-remote interfacce) and from that they
+can be compared against other implementations - or the Expected
+Results - or the Compliance Test Suite expected responses.
+Cavatools is expected to follow the exact same process, using
+the exact same python-based gdbremote client.