--- /dev/null
+# spirv library
+library for SPIR-V parsing
+## `spirv/literal_string.h`
+### `spirv::Literal_string`
+`string_view` for SPIR-V strings -- does endian translation on the fly.
+## `spirv/word.h`
+Contains the definition for `spirv::Word`
+## `spirv/spirv.h`
+Main SPIR-V header, contains the definitions for constants and types from the SPIR-V specification. Generated from `khronos-spirv`.
+## `spirv/parser.h`
+SPIR-V parser. Generated from `khronos-spirv`.
+### `spirv::Parser_error`
+- `error_index` -- the index of the `Word` in the shader that caused the error.
+- `instruction_start_index` -- the index of the beginning of the SPIR-V instruction that caused the error, or `0` if not in an instruction.
+### `spirv::Parser_callbacks`
+Parser callbacks, must be implemented by the user.
+- `void handle_header()` -- called with the values parsed from the SPIR-V shader's header
+- `virtual void handle_instruction_*(Instruction_type instruction, std::size_t instruction_start_index)` -- corresponding function called for each instruction in the SPIR-V shader.
+`handle_instruction_op_ext_inst` is only called for unrecognized extension instructions, otherwise the `handle_instruction_*` function for that instruction is called.
+### `spirv::parse`
+Entry point for the SPIR-V parser. Calls the corresponding functions in `spirv::Parser_callbacks` during parsing. Throws `spirv::Parser_error` on parse error.