# Have you been involved with projects or organisations relevant to this project before? And if so, can you tell us a bit about your contributions?
-A sequence of projects has enabled early development of vectorisation techniques in the RISC-V domain, and higher performance demonstration with OpenPOWER ISA. This project takes the learnings from previous projects to create a powerful RISC-V based vector ISA capable of the performance of POWER. A full project list is maintained at: <https://libre-soc.org/nlnet_proposals/>
+A sequence of projects has enabled early development of vectorisation techniques in the RISC-V domain, and higher performance demonstration with OpenPOWER ISA. This project takes the learnings from previous projects to create a powerful RISC-V based vector ISA capable of the performance of the Power ISA. A full project list is maintained at: <https://libre-soc.org/nlnet_proposals/>
they include recently:
* <https://libre-soc.org/nlnet_2022_opf_isa_wg/> - improving SVP64