muxAB = muxB;
-match ffS
- if muxAB
- select ffS->$dff)
- select nusers(port(ffS, \D)) == 2
- index <SigSpec> port(ffS, \D) === port(muxAB, \Y)
- index <SigSpec> port(ffS, \Q) === sigS
+// Extract the bits of P that actually have a consumer
+// (as opposed to being a dummy)
+code sigOused
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sigO); i++)
+ if (!sigO[i].wire || nusers(sigO[i]) == 1)
+ sigOused.append(State::Sx);
+ else
+ sigOused.append(sigO[i]);
+match ffO_lo
+ if nusers(sigOused.extract(0,std::min(16,GetSize(sigOused)))) == 2
+ select ffO_lo->$dff)
+ filter includes(port(ffO_lo, \D).to_sigbit_set(), sigOused.extract(0,std::min(16,param(ffO_lo, \WIDTH).as_int())).remove_const().to_sigbit_set())
+ optional
+match ffO_hi
+ if GetSize(sigOused) > 16
+ if nusers(sigOused.extract_end(16)) == 2
+ select ffO_hi->$dff)
+ filter includes(port(ffO_hi, \D).to_sigbit_set(), sigOused.extract_end(16).remove_const().to_sigbit_set())
+ optional
-code clock clock_pol clock_vld
- if (ffS) {
- SigBit c = port(ffS, \CLK).as_bit();
- bool cp = param(ffS, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool();
+code clock clock_pol sigO sigCD
+ if (ffO_lo || ffO_hi) {
+ if (mul->type == \SB_MAC16) {
+ // Ensure that register is not already used
+ if (param(mul, \TOPOUTPUT_SELECT).as_int() == 1 ||
+ param(mul, \BOTOUTPUT_SELECT).as_int() == 1)
+ reject;
- if (clock_vld && (c != clock || cp != clock_pol))
- reject;
+ // Ensure that OLOADTOP/OLOADBOT is unused or zero
+ if ((mul->hasPort(\OLOADTOP) && !port(mul, \OLOADTOP).is_fully_zero())
+ || (mul->hasPort(\OLOADBOT) && !port(mul, \OLOADBOT).is_fully_zero()))
+ reject;
+ }
- clock = c;
- clock_pol = cp;
- clock_vld = true;
+ if (ffO_lo) {
+ for (auto b : port(ffO_lo, \Q))
+ if (b.wire->get_bool_attribute(\keep))
+ reject;
+ SigBit c = port(ffO_lo, \CLK).as_bit();
+ bool cp = param(ffO_lo, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ if (clock != SigBit() && (c != clock || cp != clock_pol))
+ reject;
+ clock = c;
+ clock_pol = cp;
+ sigO.replace(port(ffO_lo, \D), port(ffO_lo, \Q));
+ }
+ if (ffO_hi) {
+ for (auto b : port(ffO_hi, \Q))
+ if (b.wire->get_bool_attribute(\keep))
+ reject;
+ SigBit c = port(ffO_hi, \CLK).as_bit();
+ bool cp = param(ffO_hi, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool();
+ if (clock != SigBit() && (c != clock || cp != clock_pol))
+ reject;
+ clock = c;
+ clock_pol = cp;
+ sigO.replace(port(ffO_hi, \D), port(ffO_hi, \Q));
+ }
+ // Loading value into output register is not
+ // supported unless using accumulator
+ if (muxAB) {
+ if (sigCD != sigO)
+ reject;
+ if (muxA)
+ sigCD = port(muxAB, \B);
+ else if (muxB)
+ sigCD = port(muxAB, \A);
+ else log_abort();
+ sigCD.extend_u0(32, addAB && param(addAB, \A_SIGNED).as_bool() && param(addAB, \B_SIGNED).as_bool());
+ }
+ accept;
always @(posedge CLK) if (CE) r <= { r[30:0], D };
- input CLK,
+module DSP48E1 (
+ output [29:0] ACOUT,
+ output [17:0] BCOUT,
+ output reg CARRYCASCOUT,
+ output reg [3:0] CARRYOUT,
+ output reg MULTSIGNOUT,
+ output OVERFLOW,
+ output reg signed [47:0] P,
+ output [47:0] PCOUT,
+ output UNDERFLOW,
+ input signed [29:0] A,
+ input [29:0] ACIN,
+ input [3:0] ALUMODE,
+ input signed [17:0] B,
+ input [17:0] BCIN,
+ input [47:0] C,
+ input CARRYIN,
+ input [2:0] CARRYINSEL,
+ input CEA1,
+ input CEA2,
+ input CEAD,
+ input CEALUMODE,
+ input CEB1,
+ input CEB2,
+ input CEC,
+ input CECARRYIN,
+ input CECTRL,
+ input CED,
+ input CEINMODE,
+ input CEM,
+ input CEP,
++ (* clkbuf_sink *) input CLK,
+ input [24:0] D,
+ input [4:0] INMODE,
+ input [6:0] OPMODE,
+ input [47:0] PCIN,
+ input RSTA,
+ input RSTB,
+ input RSTC,
+ input RSTCTRL,
+ input RSTD,
+ input RSTINMODE,
+ input RSTM,
+ input RSTP
+ parameter integer ACASCREG = 1;
+ parameter integer ADREG = 1;
+ parameter integer ALUMODEREG = 1;
+ parameter integer AREG = 1;
+ parameter A_INPUT = "DIRECT";
+ parameter integer BCASCREG = 1;
+ parameter integer BREG = 1;
+ parameter B_INPUT = "DIRECT";
+ parameter integer CARRYINREG = 1;
+ parameter integer CARRYINSELREG = 1;
+ parameter integer CREG = 1;
+ parameter integer DREG = 1;
+ parameter integer INMODEREG = 1;
+ parameter integer MREG = 1;
+ parameter integer OPMODEREG = 1;
+ parameter integer PREG = 1;
+ parameter SEL_MASK = "MASK";
+ parameter SEL_PATTERN = "PATTERN";
+ parameter USE_DPORT = "FALSE";
+ parameter USE_MULT = "MULTIPLY";
+ parameter USE_SIMD = "ONE48";
+ parameter [47:0] MASK = 48'h3FFFFFFFFFFF;
+ parameter [47:0] PATTERN = 48'h000000000000;
+ parameter [3:0] IS_ALUMODE_INVERTED = 4'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_CARRYIN_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [4:0] IS_INMODE_INVERTED = 5'b0;
+ parameter [6:0] IS_OPMODE_INVERTED = 7'b0;
+ initial begin
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (AUTORESET_PATDET != "NO_RESET") $fatal(1, "Unsupported AUTORESET_PATDET value");
+ //if (PREG != 0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported PREG value");
+ if (SEL_MASK != "MASK") $fatal(1, "Unsupported SEL_MASK value");
+ if (SEL_PATTERN != "PATTERN") $fatal(1, "Unsupported SEL_PATTERN value");
+ if (USE_PATTERN_DETECT != "NO_PATDET") $fatal(1, "Unsupported USE_PATTERN_DETECT value");
+ if (USE_SIMD != "ONE48" && USE_SIMD != "TWO24" && USE_SIMD != "FOUR12") $fatal(1, "Unsupported USE_SIMD value");
+ if (IS_ALUMODE_INVERTED != 4'b0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported IS_ALUMODE_INVERTED value");
+ if (IS_CARRYIN_INVERTED != 1'b0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported IS_CARRYIN_INVERTED value");
+ if (IS_CLK_INVERTED != 1'b0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported IS_CLK_INVERTED value");
+ if (IS_INMODE_INVERTED != 5'b0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported IS_INMODE_INVERTED value");
+ if (IS_OPMODE_INVERTED != 7'b0) $fatal(1, "Unsupported IS_OPMODE_INVERTED value");
+ end
+ wire signed [29:0] A_muxed;
+ wire signed [17:0] B_muxed;
+ generate
+ if (A_INPUT == "CASCADE") assign A_muxed = ACIN;
+ else assign A_muxed = A;
+ if (B_INPUT == "CASCADE") assign B_muxed = BCIN;
+ else assign B_muxed = B;
+ endgenerate
+ reg signed [29:0] Ar1 = 30'b0, Ar2 = 30'b0;
+ reg signed [24:0] Dr = 25'b0;
+ reg signed [17:0] Br1 = 18'b0, Br2 = 18'b0;
+ reg signed [47:0] Cr = 48'b0;
+ reg [4:0] INMODEr = 5'b0;
+ reg [6:0] OPMODEr = 7'b0;
+ reg [3:0] ALUMODEr = 4'b0;
+ reg [2:0] CARRYINSELr = 3'b0;
+ generate
+ // Configurable A register
+ if (AREG == 2) begin
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (RSTA) begin
+ Ar1 <= 30'b0;
+ Ar2 <= 30'b0;
+ end else begin
+ if (CEA1) Ar1 <= A_muxed;
+ if (CEA2) Ar2 <= Ar1;
+ end
+ end else if (AREG == 1) begin
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (RSTA) begin
+ Ar1 <= 30'b0;
+ Ar2 <= 30'b0;
+ end else begin
+ if (CEA1) Ar1 <= A_muxed;
+ if (CEA2) Ar2 <= A_muxed;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ always @* Ar1 <= A_muxed;
+ always @* Ar2 <= A_muxed;
+ end
+ // Configurable B register
+ if (BREG == 2) begin
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (RSTB) begin
+ Br1 <= 18'b0;
+ Br2 <= 18'b0;
+ end else begin
+ if (CEB1) Br1 <= B_muxed;
+ if (CEB2) Br2 <= Br1;
+ end
+ end else if (BREG == 1) begin
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (RSTB) begin
+ Br1 <= 18'b0;
+ Br2 <= 18'b0;
+ end else begin
+ if (CEB1) Br1 <= B_muxed;
+ if (CEB2) Br2 <= B_muxed;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ always @* Br1 <= B_muxed;
+ always @* Br2 <= B_muxed;
+ end
+ // C and D registers
+ if (CREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTC) Cr <= 48'b0; else if (CEC) Cr <= C; end
+ else always @* Cr <= C;
+ if (DREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTD) Dr <= 25'b0; else if (CED) Dr <= D; end
+ else always @* Dr <= D;
+ // Control registers
+ if (INMODEREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTINMODE) INMODEr <= 5'b0; else if (CEINMODE) INMODEr <= INMODE; end
+ else always @* INMODEr <= INMODE;
+ if (OPMODEREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTCTRL) OPMODEr <= 7'b0; else if (CECTRL) OPMODEr <= OPMODE; end
+ else always @* OPMODEr <= OPMODE;
+ if (ALUMODEREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTALUMODE) ALUMODEr <= 4'b0; else if (CEALUMODE) ALUMODEr <= ALUMODE; end
+ else always @* ALUMODEr <= ALUMODE;
+ if (CARRYINSELREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTCTRL) CARRYINSELr <= 3'b0; else if (CECTRL) CARRYINSELr <= CARRYINSEL; end
+ else always @* CARRYINSELr <= CARRYINSEL;
+ endgenerate
+ // A and B cascsde
+ generate
+ if (ACASCREG == 1 && AREG == 2) assign ACOUT = Ar1;
+ else assign ACOUT = Ar2;
+ if (BCASCREG == 1 && BREG == 2) assign BCOUT = Br1;
+ else assign BCOUT = Br2;
+ endgenerate
+ // A/D input selection and pre-adder
+ wire signed [29:0] Ar12_muxed = INMODEr[0] ? Ar1 : Ar2;
+ wire signed [24:0] Ar12_gated = INMODEr[1] ? 25'b0 : Ar12_muxed;
+ wire signed [24:0] Dr_gated = INMODEr[2] ? Dr : 25'b0;
+ wire signed [24:0] AD_result = INMODEr[3] ? (Dr_gated - Ar12_gated) : (Dr_gated + Ar12_gated);
+ reg signed [24:0] ADr = 25'b0;
+ generate
+ if (ADREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTD) ADr <= 25'b0; else if (CEAD) ADr <= AD_result; end
+ else always @* ADr <= AD_result;
+ endgenerate
+ // 25x18 multiplier
+ wire signed [24:0] A_MULT;
+ wire signed [17:0] B_MULT = INMODEr[4] ? Br1 : Br2;
+ generate
+ if (USE_DPORT == "TRUE") assign A_MULT = ADr;
+ else assign A_MULT = Ar12_gated;
+ endgenerate
+ wire signed [42:0] M = A_MULT * B_MULT;
+ wire signed [42:0] Mx = (CARRYINSEL == 3'b010) ? 43'bx : M;
+ reg signed [42:0] Mr = 43'b0;
+ // Multiplier result register
+ generate
+ if (MREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTM) Mr <= 43'b0; else if (CEM) Mr <= Mx; end
+ else always @* Mr <= Mx;
+ endgenerate
+ wire signed [42:0] Mrx = (CARRYINSELr == 3'b010) ? 43'bx : Mr;
+ // X, Y and Z ALU inputs
+ reg signed [47:0] X, Y, Z;
+ always @* begin
+ // X multiplexer
+ case (OPMODEr[1:0])
+ 2'b00: X = 48'b0;
+ 2'b01: begin X = $signed(Mrx);
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (OPMODEr[3:2] != 2'b01) $fatal(1, "OPMODEr[3:2] must be 2'b01 when OPMODEr[1:0] is 2'b01");
+ end
+ 2'b10: begin X = P;
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (PREG != 1) $fatal(1, "PREG must be 1 when OPMODEr[1:0] is 2'b10");
+ end
+ 2'b11: X = $signed({Ar2, Br2});
+ default: X = 48'bx;
+ endcase
+ // Y multiplexer
+ case (OPMODEr[3:2])
+ 2'b00: Y = 48'b0;
+ 2'b01: begin Y = 48'b0; // FIXME: more accurate partial product modelling?
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (OPMODEr[1:0] != 2'b01) $fatal(1, "OPMODEr[1:0] must be 2'b01 when OPMODEr[3:2] is 2'b01");
+ end
+ 2'b10: Y = {48{1'b1}};
+ 2'b11: Y = Cr;
+ default: Y = 48'bx;
+ endcase
+ // Z multiplexer
+ case (OPMODEr[6:4])
+ 3'b000: Z = 48'b0;
+ 3'b001: Z = PCIN;
+ 3'b010: begin Z = P;
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (PREG != 1) $fatal(1, "PREG must be 1 when OPMODEr[6:4] i0s 3'b010");
+ end
+ 3'b011: Z = Cr;
+ 3'b100: begin Z = P;
+`ifdef __ICARUS__
+ if (PREG != 1) $fatal(1, "PREG must be 1 when OPMODEr[6:4] is 3'b100");
+ if (OPMODEr[3:0] != 4'b1000) $fatal(1, "OPMODEr[3:0] must be 4'b1000 when OPMODEr[6:4] i0s 3'b100");
+ end
+ 3'b101: Z = $signed(PCIN[47:17]);
+ 3'b110: Z = $signed(P[47:17]);
+ default: Z = 48'bx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ // Carry in
+ wire A24_xnor_B17d = A_MULT[24] ~^ B_MULT[17];
+ reg CARRYINr = 1'b0, A24_xnor_B17 = 1'b0;
+ generate
+ if (CARRYINREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTALLCARRYIN) CARRYINr <= 1'b0; else if (CECARRYIN) CARRYINr <= CARRYIN; end
+ else always @* CARRYINr = CARRYIN;
+ if (MREG == 1) begin always @(posedge CLK) if (RSTALLCARRYIN) A24_xnor_B17 <= 1'b0; else if (CEM) A24_xnor_B17 <= A24_xnor_B17d; end
+ else always @* A24_xnor_B17 = A24_xnor_B17d;
+ endgenerate
+ reg cin_muxed;
+ always @(*) begin
+ case (CARRYINSELr)
+ 3'b000: cin_muxed = CARRYINr;
+ 3'b001: cin_muxed = ~PCIN[47];
+ 3'b010: cin_muxed = CARRYCASCIN;
+ 3'b011: cin_muxed = PCIN[47];
+ 3'b100: cin_muxed = CARRYCASCOUT;
+ 3'b101: cin_muxed = ~P[47];
+ 3'b110: cin_muxed = A24_xnor_B17;
+ 3'b111: cin_muxed = P[47];
+ default: cin_muxed = 1'bx;
+ endcase
+ end
+ wire alu_cin = (ALUMODEr[3] || ALUMODEr[2]) ? 1'b0 : cin_muxed;
+ // ALU core
+ wire [47:0] Z_muxinv = ALUMODEr[0] ? ~Z : Z;
+ wire [47:0] xor_xyz = X ^ Y ^ Z_muxinv;
+ wire [47:0] maj_xyz = (X & Y) | (X & Z_muxinv) | (Y & Z_muxinv);
+ wire [47:0] xor_xyz_muxed = ALUMODEr[3] ? maj_xyz : xor_xyz;
+ wire [47:0] maj_xyz_gated = ALUMODEr[2] ? 48'b0 : maj_xyz;
+ wire [48:0] maj_xyz_simd_gated;
+ wire [3:0] int_carry_in, int_carry_out, ext_carry_out;
+ wire [47:0] alu_sum;
+ assign int_carry_in[0] = 1'b0;
+ wire [3:0] carryout_reset;
+ generate
+ if (USE_SIMD == "FOUR12") begin
+ assign maj_xyz_simd_gated = {
+ maj_xyz_gated[47:36],
+ 1'b0, maj_xyz_gated[34:24],
+ 1'b0, maj_xyz_gated[22:12],
+ 1'b0, maj_xyz_gated[10:0],
+ alu_cin
+ };
+ assign int_carry_in[3:1] = 3'b000;
+ assign ext_carry_out = {
+ int_carry_out[3],
+ maj_xyz_gated[35] ^ int_carry_out[2],
+ maj_xyz_gated[23] ^ int_carry_out[1],
+ maj_xyz_gated[11] ^ int_carry_out[0]
+ };
+ assign carryout_reset = 4'b0000;
+ end else if (USE_SIMD == "TWO24") begin
+ assign maj_xyz_simd_gated = {
+ maj_xyz_gated[47:24],
+ 1'b0, maj_xyz_gated[22:0],
+ alu_cin
+ };
+ assign int_carry_in[3:1] = {int_carry_out[2], 1'b0, int_carry_out[0]};
+ assign ext_carry_out = {
+ int_carry_out[3],
+ 1'bx,
+ maj_xyz_gated[23] ^ int_carry_out[1],
+ 1'bx
+ };
+ assign carryout_reset = 4'b0x0x;
+ end else begin
+ assign maj_xyz_simd_gated = {maj_xyz_gated, alu_cin};
+ assign int_carry_in[3:1] = int_carry_out[2:0];
+ assign ext_carry_out = {
+ int_carry_out[3],
+ 3'bxxx
+ };
+ assign carryout_reset = 4'b0xxx;
+ end
+ genvar i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)
+ assign {int_carry_out[i], alu_sum[i*12 +: 12]} = {1'b0, maj_xyz_simd_gated[i*12 +: ((i == 3) ? 13 : 12)]}
+ + xor_xyz_muxed[i*12 +: 12] + int_carry_in[i];
+ endgenerate
+ wire signed [47:0] Pd = ALUMODEr[1] ? ~alu_sum : alu_sum;
+ initial P = 48'b0;
+ initial CARRYOUT = carryout_reset;
+ initial CARRYCASCOUT = 1'b0;
+ initial MULTSIGNOUT = 1'b0;
+ wire [3:0] CARRYOUTd = (OPMODEr[3:0] == 4'b0101 || ALUMODEr[3:2] != 2'b00) ? 4'bxxxx :
+ ((ALUMODEr[0] & ALUMODEr[1]) ? ~ext_carry_out : ext_carry_out);
+ wire CARRYCASCOUTd = ext_carry_out[3];
+ wire MULTSIGNOUTd = Mrx[42];
+ generate
+ if (PREG == 1) begin
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (RSTP) begin
+ P <= 48'b0;
+ CARRYOUT <= carryout_reset;
+ MULTSIGNOUT <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (CEP) begin
+ P <= Pd;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ always @* begin
+ P = Pd;
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate