To build:
First build gem5 as a library with cxx-config support and (optionally)
-without python. Also build a normal gem5 (cxx-config not needed, Python
+without python. When building the library, disable gem5's native SystemC
+API support, as that will conflict with the external version. Also build a
+normal gem5 (cxx-config not needed, Python needed):
> cd ../../..
> scons build/ARM/gem5.opt
-> scons --with-cxx-config --without-python build/ARM/
+> scons --with-cxx-config --without-python USE_SYSTEMC=0 \
+> build/ARM/
> cd util/systemc
Note: For MAC / OSX this command should be used:
-> scons --with-cxx-config --without-python build/ARM/libgem5_opt.dylib
+> scons --with-cxx-config --without-python USE_SYSTEMC=0 \
+> build/ARM/libgem5_opt.dylib
Set a proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH e.g. for bash:
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/gem5/build/ARM/"