from migen.util.misc import autotype
from migen.fhdl import simplify
-from misoclib.gensoc import cpuif
+from misoclib.soc import cpuif
from misoclib.cpu import CPU
from misoclib.mem.sdram.phy import initsequence
AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_sys, ~pll_locked | platform.request("cpu_reset") | self.reset),
-class GenSoC(Module):
+class SoC(Module):
csr_base = 0x00000000
csr_data_width = 32
csr_map = {
for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
self.add_cpu_csr_region(name, 0xe0000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), memory)
-class BaseSoC(GenSoC, AutoCSR):
+class BaseSoC(SoC, AutoCSR):
default_platform = "kc705"
csr_map = {
"phy": 11,
"core": 12
- csr_map.update(GenSoC.csr_map)
+ csr_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq=166*1000000,
- GenSoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
+ SoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform)
# wishbone SRAM (to test Wishbone over UART and Etherbone)
+++ /dev/null
-import os, struct
-from operator import itemgetter
-from math import ceil
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import csrgen
-from migen.bus import wishbone, csr, wishbone2csr
-from import uart
-from misoclib.cpu import CPU, lm32, mor1kx
-from misoclib.cpu.peripherals import identifier, timer
-from misoclib.mem.sdram.bus import dfi, lasmibus, wishbone2lasmi
-from misoclib.mem.sdram import minicon,lasmicon
-from misoclib.mem.sdram import dfii
-from misoclib.mem.sdram import memtest
-def mem_decoder(address, start=26, end=29):
- return lambda a: a[start:end] == ((address >> (start+2)) & (2**(end-start))-1)
-class GenSoC(Module):
- csr_map = {
- "crg": 0, # user
- "uart": 1, # provided by default (optional)
- "identifier": 2, # provided by default (optional)
- "timer0": 3, # provided by default (optional)
- "buttons": 4, # user
- "leds": 5, # user
- }
- interrupt_map = {
- "uart": 0,
- "timer0": 1,
- }
- mem_map = {
- "rom": 0x00000000, # (shadow @0x80000000)
- "sram": 0x10000000, # (shadow @0x90000000)
- "sdram": 0x40000000, # (shadow @0xc0000000)
- "csr": 0x60000000, # (shadow @0xe0000000)
- }
- def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq, cpu_or_bridge=None,
- with_cpu=True, cpu_type="lm32", cpu_reset_address=0x00000000,
- cpu_boot_file="software/bios/bios.bin",
- with_rom=False, rom_size=0x8000,
- with_sram=True, sram_size=4096,
- with_sdram=False, sdram_size=64*1024,
- with_csr=True, csr_data_width=8, csr_address_width=14,
- with_uart=True, uart_baudrate=115200,
- with_identifier=True,
- with_timer=True):
- self.platform = platform
- self.clk_freq = clk_freq
- self.cpu_or_bridge = cpu_or_bridge
- self.with_cpu = with_cpu
- self.cpu_type = cpu_type
- self.cpu_reset_address = cpu_reset_address
- self.cpu_boot_file = cpu_boot_file
- self.with_rom = with_rom
- self.rom_size = rom_size
- self.with_sram = with_sram
- self.sram_size = sram_size
- self.with_sdram = with_sdram
- self.sdram_size = sdram_size
- self.with_uart = with_uart
- self.uart_baudrate = uart_baudrate
- self.with_identifier = with_identifier
- self.with_csr = with_csr
- self.csr_data_width = csr_data_width
- self.csr_address_width = csr_address_width
- self.memory_regions = []
- self.csr_regions = [] # list of (name, origin, busword, csr_list/Memory)
- self._wb_masters = []
- self._wb_slaves = []
- if with_cpu:
- if cpu_type == "lm32":
- self.submodules.cpu = lm32.LM32(platform, cpu_reset_address)
- elif cpu_type == "or1k":
- self.submodules.cpu = mor1kx.MOR1KX(platform, cpu_reset_address)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported CPU type: "+cpu_type)
- self.cpu_or_bridge = self.cpu
- self._wb_masters += [self.cpu.ibus, self.cpu.dbus]
- if with_rom:
- self.submodules.rom = wishbone.SRAM(rom_size, read_only=True)
- self.register_mem("rom", self.mem_map["rom"], self.rom.bus, rom_size)
- if with_sram:
- self.submodules.sram = wishbone.SRAM(sram_size)
- self.register_mem("sram", self.mem_map["sram"], self.sram.bus, sram_size)
- if with_sdram:
- self.submodules.sdram = wishbone.SRAM(sdram_size)
- self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.sdram.bus, sdram_size)
- if with_csr:
- self.submodules.wishbone2csr = wishbone2csr.WB2CSR(bus_csr=csr.Interface(csr_data_width, csr_address_width))
- self.register_mem("csr", self.mem_map["csr"], self.wishbone2csr.wishbone)
- if with_uart:
- self.submodules.uart = uart.UART(platform.request("serial"), clk_freq, baud=uart_baudrate)
- if with_identifier:
- platform_id = 0x554E if not hasattr(platform, "identifier") else platform.identifier
- self.submodules.identifier = identifier.Identifier(platform_id, int(clk_freq))
- if with_timer:
- self.submodules.timer0 = timer.Timer()
- def init_rom(self, data):
- self.rom.mem.init = data
- def add_wb_master(self, wbm):
- if self.finalized:
- raise FinalizeError
- self._wb_masters.append(wbm)
- def add_wb_slave(self, address_decoder, interface):
- if self.finalized:
- raise FinalizeError
- self._wb_slaves.append((address_decoder, interface))
- def check_memory_region(self, name, origin):
- for n, o, l in self.memory_regions:
- if n == name or o == origin:
- raise ValueError("Memory region conflict between {} and {}".format(n, name))
- def add_memory_region(self, name, origin, length):
- self.check_memory_region(name, origin)
- self.memory_regions.append((name, origin, length))
- def register_mem(self, name, address, interface, size=None):
- self.add_wb_slave(mem_decoder(address), interface)
- if size is not None:
- self.add_memory_region(name, address, size)
- # XXX for retro-compatibilty, we should maybe use directly register_mem in targets
- def register_rom(self, interface):
- self.register_mem("rom", self.mem_map["rom"], interface, size=self.rom_size)
- def check_csr_region(self, name, origin):
- for n, o, l, obj in self.csr_regions:
- if n == name or o == origin:
- raise ValueError("CSR region conflict between {} and {}".format(n, name))
- def add_csr_region(self, name, origin, busword, obj):
- self.check_csr_region(name, origin)
- self.csr_regions.append((name, origin, busword, obj))
- def do_finalize(self):
- registered_mems = [regions[0] for regions in self.memory_regions]
- if isinstance(self.cpu_or_bridge, CPU):
- for mem in ["rom", "sram"]:
- if mem not in registered_mems:
- raise FinalizeError("CPU needs a {} to be registered with GenSoC.register_mem()".format(mem))
- # Wishbone
- self.submodules.wishbonecon = wishbone.InterconnectShared(self._wb_masters,
- self._wb_slaves, register=True)
- # CSR
- if self.with_csr:
- self.submodules.csrbankarray = csrgen.BankArray(self,
- lambda name, memory: self.csr_map[name if memory is None else name + "_" + memory.name_override],
- data_width=self.csr_data_width, address_width=self.csr_address_width)
- self.submodules.csrcon = csr.Interconnect(self.wishbone2csr.csr, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
- for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csrbankarray.banks:
- self.add_csr_region(name, self.mem_map["csr"]+0x80000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), csrs)
- for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
- self.add_csr_region(name, self.mem_map["csr"]+0x80000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), memory)
- # Interrupts
- if hasattr(self.cpu_or_bridge, "interrupt"):
- for k, v in sorted(self.interrupt_map.items(), key=itemgetter(1)):
- if hasattr(self, k):
- self.comb += self.cpu_or_bridge.interrupt[v].eq(getattr(self, k).ev.irq)
- def ns(self, t, margin=True):
- clk_period_ns = 1000000000/self.clk_freq
- if margin:
- t += clk_period_ns/2
- return ceil(t/clk_period_ns)
- def do_exit(self, vns):
- pass
-class SDRAMSoC(GenSoC):
- csr_map = {
- "dfii": 6,
- "lasmicon": 7,
- "wishbone2lasmi": 8,
- "memtest_w": 9,
- "memtest_r": 10
- }
- csr_map.update(GenSoC.csr_map)
- def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq,
- ramcon_type="lasmicon",
- with_l2=True, l2_size=8192,
- with_memtest=False,
- **kwargs):
- GenSoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq, **kwargs)
- self.ramcon_type = ramcon_type
- self.with_l2 = with_l2
- self.l2_size = l2_size
- self.with_memtest = with_memtest
- self._sdram_phy_registered = False
- def register_sdram_phy(self, phy_dfi, phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing):
- if self._sdram_phy_registered:
- raise FinalizeError
- self._sdram_phy_registered = True
- # DFI
- self.submodules.dfii = dfii.DFIInjector(sdram_geom.mux_a, sdram_geom.bank_a,
- phy_settings.dfi_d, phy_settings.nphases)
- self.submodules.dficon0 = dfi.Interconnect(self.dfii.master, phy_dfi)
- if self.ramcon_type == "lasmicon":
- self.submodules.lasmicon = lasmicon.LASMIcon(phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing)
- self.submodules.dficon1 = dfi.Interconnect(self.lasmicon.dfi, self.dfii.slave)
- self.submodules.lasmixbar = lasmibus.Crossbar([self.lasmicon.lasmic], self.lasmicon.nrowbits)
- if self.with_memtest:
- self.submodules.memtest_w = memtest.MemtestWriter(self.lasmixbar.get_master())
- self.submodules.memtest_r = memtest.MemtestReader(self.lasmixbar.get_master())
- if self.with_l2:
- self.submodules.wishbone2lasmi = wishbone2lasmi.WB2LASMI(self.l2_size//4, self.lasmixbar.get_master())
- sdram_size = 2***self.lasmicon.lasmic.dw*self.lasmicon.lasmic.nbanks//8
- self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.wishbone2lasmi.wishbone, sdram_size)
- elif self.ramcon_type == "minicon":
- if self.with_l2:
- raise ValueError("MINICON does not implement L2 cache (Use LASMICON or disable L2 cache (with_l2=False))")
- self.submodules.minicon = sdramcon = minicon.Minicon(phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing)
- self.submodules.dficon1 = dfi.Interconnect(sdramcon.dfi, self.dfii.slave)
- sdram_width = flen(sdramcon.bus.dat_r)
- sdram_size = 2**(sdram_geom.bank_a+sdram_geom.row_a+sdram_geom.col_a)*sdram_width//8
- if sdram_width == 32:
- self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], sdramcon.bus, sdram_size)
- elif sdram_width < 32:
- self.submodules.dc = wishbone.DownConverter(32, sdram_width)
- self.submodules.intercon = wishbone.InterconnectPointToPoint(self.dc.wishbone_o, sdramcon.bus)
- self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.dc.wishbone_i, sdram_size)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported SDRAM width of {} > 32".format(sdram_width))
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported SDRAM controller type: {}".format(self.ramcon_type))
- def do_finalize(self):
- if not self._sdram_phy_registered:
- raise FinalizeError("Need to call SDRAMSoC.register_sdram_phy()")
- GenSoC.do_finalize(self)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import CSRStatus
-def get_cpu_mak(cpu_type):
- if cpu_type == "lm32":
- cpuflags = "-mbarrel-shift-enabled -mmultiply-enabled -mdivide-enabled -msign-extend-enabled"
- elif cpu_type == "or1k":
- cpuflags = "-mhard-mul -mhard-div"
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported CPU type: "+cpu_type)
- return "CPU={}\nCPUFLAGS={}\n".format(cpu_type, cpuflags)
-def get_linker_output_format(cpu_type):
- return "OUTPUT_FORMAT(\"elf32-{}\")\n".format(cpu_type)
-def get_linker_regions(regions):
- r = "MEMORY {\n"
- for name, origin, length in regions:
- r += "\t{} : ORIGIN = 0x{:08x}, LENGTH = 0x{:08x}\n".format(name, origin, length)
- r += "}\n"
- return r
-def get_mem_header(regions, flash_boot_address):
- r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_MEM_H\n#define __GENERATED_MEM_H\n\n"
- for name, base, size in regions:
- r += "#define {name}_BASE 0x{base:08x}\n#define {name}_SIZE 0x{size:08x}\n\n".format(name=name.upper(), base=base, size=size)
- if flash_boot_address is not None:
- r += "#define FLASH_BOOT_ADDRESS 0x{:08x}\n\n".format(flash_boot_address)
- r += "#endif\n"
- return r
-def _get_rw_functions(reg_name, reg_base, nwords, busword, read_only):
- r = ""
- r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_ADDR "+hex(reg_base)+"\n"
- r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_SIZE "+str(nwords)+"\n"
- size = nwords*busword
- if size > 64:
- return r
- elif size > 32:
- ctype = "unsigned long long int"
- elif size > 16:
- ctype = "unsigned int"
- elif size > 8:
- ctype = "unsigned short int"
- else:
- ctype = "unsigned char"
- r += "static inline "+ctype+" "+reg_name+"_read(void) {\n"
- if size > 1:
- r += "\t"+ctype+" r = MMPTR("+hex(reg_base)+");\n"
- for byte in range(1, nwords):
- r += "\tr <<= "+str(busword)+";\n\tr |= MMPTR("+hex(reg_base+4*byte)+");\n"
- r += "\treturn r;\n}\n"
- else:
- r += "\treturn MMPTR("+hex(reg_base)+");\n}\n"
- if not read_only:
- r += "static inline void "+reg_name+"_write("+ctype+" value) {\n"
- for word in range(nwords):
- shift = (nwords-word-1)*busword
- if shift:
- value_shifted = "value >> "+str(shift)
- else:
- value_shifted = "value"
- r += "\tMMPTR("+hex(reg_base+4*word)+") = "+value_shifted+";\n"
- r += "}\n"
- return r
-def get_csr_header(regions, interrupt_map):
- r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_CSR_H\n#define __GENERATED_CSR_H\n#include <hw/common.h>\n"
- for name, origin, busword, obj in regions:
- if isinstance(obj, Memory):
- fullname = name + "_" + memory.name_override
- r += "#define "+fullname.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
- else:
- r += "\n/* "+name+" */\n"
- r += "#define "+name.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
- for csr in obj:
- nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
- r += _get_rw_functions(name + "_" +, origin, nr, busword, isinstance(csr, CSRStatus))
- origin += 4*nr
- try:
- interrupt_nr = interrupt_map[name]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- r += "#define "+name.upper()+"_INTERRUPT "+str(interrupt_nr)+"\n"
- r += "\n#endif\n"
- return r
-def get_csr_csv(regions):
- r = ""
- for name, origin, busword, obj in regions:
- if not isinstance(obj, Memory):
- for csr in obj:
- nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
- r += "{}_{},0x{:08x},{},{}\n".format(name,, origin, nr, "ro" if isinstance(csr, CSRStatus) else "rw")
- origin += 4*nr
- return r
AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_sys, ~pll_locked | platform.request("cpu_reset") | self.reset),
-class GenSoC(Module):
+class SoC(Module):
csr_base = 0x00000000
csr_data_width = 32
csr_map = {
self.comb += platform.request("user_led", 2).eq(sata_phy.crg.ready)
self.comb += platform.request("user_led", 3).eq(sata_phy.ctrl.ready)
-class BISTSoC(GenSoC, AutoCSR):
+class BISTSoC(SoC, AutoCSR):
default_platform = "kc705"
csr_map = {
"sata": 10,
- csr_map.update(GenSoC.csr_map)
+ csr_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
def __init__(self, platform):
clk_freq = 166*1000000
- GenSoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
+ SoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform)
# SATA PHY/Core/Frontend
--- /dev/null
+import os, struct
+from operator import itemgetter
+from math import ceil
+from migen.fhdl.std import *
+from import csrgen
+from migen.bus import wishbone, csr, wishbone2csr
+from import uart
+from misoclib.cpu import CPU, lm32, mor1kx
+from misoclib.cpu.peripherals import identifier, timer
+from misoclib.mem.sdram.bus import dfi, lasmibus, wishbone2lasmi
+from misoclib.mem.sdram import minicon,lasmicon
+from misoclib.mem.sdram import dfii
+from misoclib.mem.sdram import memtest
+def mem_decoder(address, start=26, end=29):
+ return lambda a: a[start:end] == ((address >> (start+2)) & (2**(end-start))-1)
+class SoC(Module):
+ csr_map = {
+ "crg": 0, # user
+ "uart": 1, # provided by default (optional)
+ "identifier": 2, # provided by default (optional)
+ "timer0": 3, # provided by default (optional)
+ "buttons": 4, # user
+ "leds": 5, # user
+ }
+ interrupt_map = {
+ "uart": 0,
+ "timer0": 1,
+ }
+ mem_map = {
+ "rom": 0x00000000, # (shadow @0x80000000)
+ "sram": 0x10000000, # (shadow @0x90000000)
+ "sdram": 0x40000000, # (shadow @0xc0000000)
+ "csr": 0x60000000, # (shadow @0xe0000000)
+ }
+ def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq, cpu_or_bridge=None,
+ with_cpu=True, cpu_type="lm32", cpu_reset_address=0x00000000,
+ cpu_boot_file="software/bios/bios.bin",
+ with_rom=False, rom_size=0x8000,
+ with_sram=True, sram_size=4096,
+ with_sdram=False, sdram_size=64*1024,
+ with_csr=True, csr_data_width=8, csr_address_width=14,
+ with_uart=True, uart_baudrate=115200,
+ with_identifier=True,
+ with_timer=True):
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.clk_freq = clk_freq
+ self.cpu_or_bridge = cpu_or_bridge
+ self.with_cpu = with_cpu
+ self.cpu_type = cpu_type
+ self.cpu_reset_address = cpu_reset_address
+ self.cpu_boot_file = cpu_boot_file
+ self.with_rom = with_rom
+ self.rom_size = rom_size
+ self.with_sram = with_sram
+ self.sram_size = sram_size
+ self.with_sdram = with_sdram
+ self.sdram_size = sdram_size
+ self.with_uart = with_uart
+ self.uart_baudrate = uart_baudrate
+ self.with_identifier = with_identifier
+ self.with_csr = with_csr
+ self.csr_data_width = csr_data_width
+ self.csr_address_width = csr_address_width
+ self.memory_regions = []
+ self.csr_regions = [] # list of (name, origin, busword, csr_list/Memory)
+ self._wb_masters = []
+ self._wb_slaves = []
+ if with_cpu:
+ if cpu_type == "lm32":
+ self.submodules.cpu = lm32.LM32(platform, cpu_reset_address)
+ elif cpu_type == "or1k":
+ self.submodules.cpu = mor1kx.MOR1KX(platform, cpu_reset_address)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported CPU type: "+cpu_type)
+ self.cpu_or_bridge = self.cpu
+ self._wb_masters += [self.cpu.ibus, self.cpu.dbus]
+ if with_rom:
+ self.submodules.rom = wishbone.SRAM(rom_size, read_only=True)
+ self.register_mem("rom", self.mem_map["rom"], self.rom.bus, rom_size)
+ if with_sram:
+ self.submodules.sram = wishbone.SRAM(sram_size)
+ self.register_mem("sram", self.mem_map["sram"], self.sram.bus, sram_size)
+ if with_sdram:
+ self.submodules.sdram = wishbone.SRAM(sdram_size)
+ self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.sdram.bus, sdram_size)
+ if with_csr:
+ self.submodules.wishbone2csr = wishbone2csr.WB2CSR(bus_csr=csr.Interface(csr_data_width, csr_address_width))
+ self.register_mem("csr", self.mem_map["csr"], self.wishbone2csr.wishbone)
+ if with_uart:
+ self.submodules.uart = uart.UART(platform.request("serial"), clk_freq, baud=uart_baudrate)
+ if with_identifier:
+ platform_id = 0x554E if not hasattr(platform, "identifier") else platform.identifier
+ self.submodules.identifier = identifier.Identifier(platform_id, int(clk_freq))
+ if with_timer:
+ self.submodules.timer0 = timer.Timer()
+ def init_rom(self, data):
+ self.rom.mem.init = data
+ def add_wb_master(self, wbm):
+ if self.finalized:
+ raise FinalizeError
+ self._wb_masters.append(wbm)
+ def add_wb_slave(self, address_decoder, interface):
+ if self.finalized:
+ raise FinalizeError
+ self._wb_slaves.append((address_decoder, interface))
+ def check_memory_region(self, name, origin):
+ for n, o, l in self.memory_regions:
+ if n == name or o == origin:
+ raise ValueError("Memory region conflict between {} and {}".format(n, name))
+ def add_memory_region(self, name, origin, length):
+ self.check_memory_region(name, origin)
+ self.memory_regions.append((name, origin, length))
+ def register_mem(self, name, address, interface, size=None):
+ self.add_wb_slave(mem_decoder(address), interface)
+ if size is not None:
+ self.add_memory_region(name, address, size)
+ # XXX for retro-compatibilty, we should maybe use directly register_mem in targets
+ def register_rom(self, interface):
+ self.register_mem("rom", self.mem_map["rom"], interface, size=self.rom_size)
+ def check_csr_region(self, name, origin):
+ for n, o, l, obj in self.csr_regions:
+ if n == name or o == origin:
+ raise ValueError("CSR region conflict between {} and {}".format(n, name))
+ def add_csr_region(self, name, origin, busword, obj):
+ self.check_csr_region(name, origin)
+ self.csr_regions.append((name, origin, busword, obj))
+ def do_finalize(self):
+ registered_mems = [regions[0] for regions in self.memory_regions]
+ if isinstance(self.cpu_or_bridge, CPU):
+ for mem in ["rom", "sram"]:
+ if mem not in registered_mems:
+ raise FinalizeError("CPU needs a {} to be registered with SoC.register_mem()".format(mem))
+ # Wishbone
+ self.submodules.wishbonecon = wishbone.InterconnectShared(self._wb_masters,
+ self._wb_slaves, register=True)
+ # CSR
+ if self.with_csr:
+ self.submodules.csrbankarray = csrgen.BankArray(self,
+ lambda name, memory: self.csr_map[name if memory is None else name + "_" + memory.name_override],
+ data_width=self.csr_data_width, address_width=self.csr_address_width)
+ self.submodules.csrcon = csr.Interconnect(self.wishbone2csr.csr, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
+ for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csrbankarray.banks:
+ self.add_csr_region(name, self.mem_map["csr"]+0x80000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), csrs)
+ for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
+ self.add_csr_region(name, self.mem_map["csr"]+0x80000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), memory)
+ # Interrupts
+ if hasattr(self.cpu_or_bridge, "interrupt"):
+ for k, v in sorted(self.interrupt_map.items(), key=itemgetter(1)):
+ if hasattr(self, k):
+ self.comb += self.cpu_or_bridge.interrupt[v].eq(getattr(self, k).ev.irq)
+ def ns(self, t, margin=True):
+ clk_period_ns = 1000000000/self.clk_freq
+ if margin:
+ t += clk_period_ns/2
+ return ceil(t/clk_period_ns)
+ def do_exit(self, vns):
+ pass
+class SDRAMSoC(SoC):
+ csr_map = {
+ "dfii": 6,
+ "lasmicon": 7,
+ "wishbone2lasmi": 8,
+ "memtest_w": 9,
+ "memtest_r": 10
+ }
+ csr_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
+ def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq,
+ ramcon_type="lasmicon",
+ with_l2=True, l2_size=8192,
+ with_memtest=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ SoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq, **kwargs)
+ self.ramcon_type = ramcon_type
+ self.with_l2 = with_l2
+ self.l2_size = l2_size
+ self.with_memtest = with_memtest
+ self._sdram_phy_registered = False
+ def register_sdram_phy(self, phy_dfi, phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing):
+ if self._sdram_phy_registered:
+ raise FinalizeError
+ self._sdram_phy_registered = True
+ # DFI
+ self.submodules.dfii = dfii.DFIInjector(sdram_geom.mux_a, sdram_geom.bank_a,
+ phy_settings.dfi_d, phy_settings.nphases)
+ self.submodules.dficon0 = dfi.Interconnect(self.dfii.master, phy_dfi)
+ if self.ramcon_type == "lasmicon":
+ self.submodules.lasmicon = lasmicon.LASMIcon(phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing)
+ self.submodules.dficon1 = dfi.Interconnect(self.lasmicon.dfi, self.dfii.slave)
+ self.submodules.lasmixbar = lasmibus.Crossbar([self.lasmicon.lasmic], self.lasmicon.nrowbits)
+ if self.with_memtest:
+ self.submodules.memtest_w = memtest.MemtestWriter(self.lasmixbar.get_master())
+ self.submodules.memtest_r = memtest.MemtestReader(self.lasmixbar.get_master())
+ if self.with_l2:
+ self.submodules.wishbone2lasmi = wishbone2lasmi.WB2LASMI(self.l2_size//4, self.lasmixbar.get_master())
+ sdram_size = 2***self.lasmicon.lasmic.dw*self.lasmicon.lasmic.nbanks//8
+ self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.wishbone2lasmi.wishbone, sdram_size)
+ elif self.ramcon_type == "minicon":
+ if self.with_l2:
+ raise ValueError("MINICON does not implement L2 cache (Use LASMICON or disable L2 cache (with_l2=False))")
+ self.submodules.minicon = sdramcon = minicon.Minicon(phy_settings, sdram_geom, sdram_timing)
+ self.submodules.dficon1 = dfi.Interconnect(sdramcon.dfi, self.dfii.slave)
+ sdram_width = flen(sdramcon.bus.dat_r)
+ sdram_size = 2**(sdram_geom.bank_a+sdram_geom.row_a+sdram_geom.col_a)*sdram_width//8
+ if sdram_width == 32:
+ self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], sdramcon.bus, sdram_size)
+ elif sdram_width < 32:
+ self.submodules.dc = wishbone.DownConverter(32, sdram_width)
+ self.submodules.intercon = wishbone.InterconnectPointToPoint(self.dc.wishbone_o, sdramcon.bus)
+ self.register_mem("sdram", self.mem_map["sdram"], self.dc.wishbone_i, sdram_size)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported SDRAM width of {} > 32".format(sdram_width))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported SDRAM controller type: {}".format(self.ramcon_type))
+ def do_finalize(self):
+ if not self._sdram_phy_registered:
+ raise FinalizeError("Need to call SDRAMSoC.register_sdram_phy()")
+ SoC.do_finalize(self)
--- /dev/null
+from migen.fhdl.std import *
+from import CSRStatus
+def get_cpu_mak(cpu_type):
+ if cpu_type == "lm32":
+ cpuflags = "-mbarrel-shift-enabled -mmultiply-enabled -mdivide-enabled -msign-extend-enabled"
+ elif cpu_type == "or1k":
+ cpuflags = "-mhard-mul -mhard-div"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported CPU type: "+cpu_type)
+ return "CPU={}\nCPUFLAGS={}\n".format(cpu_type, cpuflags)
+def get_linker_output_format(cpu_type):
+ return "OUTPUT_FORMAT(\"elf32-{}\")\n".format(cpu_type)
+def get_linker_regions(regions):
+ r = "MEMORY {\n"
+ for name, origin, length in regions:
+ r += "\t{} : ORIGIN = 0x{:08x}, LENGTH = 0x{:08x}\n".format(name, origin, length)
+ r += "}\n"
+ return r
+def get_mem_header(regions, flash_boot_address):
+ r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_MEM_H\n#define __GENERATED_MEM_H\n\n"
+ for name, base, size in regions:
+ r += "#define {name}_BASE 0x{base:08x}\n#define {name}_SIZE 0x{size:08x}\n\n".format(name=name.upper(), base=base, size=size)
+ if flash_boot_address is not None:
+ r += "#define FLASH_BOOT_ADDRESS 0x{:08x}\n\n".format(flash_boot_address)
+ r += "#endif\n"
+ return r
+def _get_rw_functions(reg_name, reg_base, nwords, busword, read_only):
+ r = ""
+ r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_ADDR "+hex(reg_base)+"\n"
+ r += "#define CSR_"+reg_name.upper()+"_SIZE "+str(nwords)+"\n"
+ size = nwords*busword
+ if size > 64:
+ return r
+ elif size > 32:
+ ctype = "unsigned long long int"
+ elif size > 16:
+ ctype = "unsigned int"
+ elif size > 8:
+ ctype = "unsigned short int"
+ else:
+ ctype = "unsigned char"
+ r += "static inline "+ctype+" "+reg_name+"_read(void) {\n"
+ if size > 1:
+ r += "\t"+ctype+" r = MMPTR("+hex(reg_base)+");\n"
+ for byte in range(1, nwords):
+ r += "\tr <<= "+str(busword)+";\n\tr |= MMPTR("+hex(reg_base+4*byte)+");\n"
+ r += "\treturn r;\n}\n"
+ else:
+ r += "\treturn MMPTR("+hex(reg_base)+");\n}\n"
+ if not read_only:
+ r += "static inline void "+reg_name+"_write("+ctype+" value) {\n"
+ for word in range(nwords):
+ shift = (nwords-word-1)*busword
+ if shift:
+ value_shifted = "value >> "+str(shift)
+ else:
+ value_shifted = "value"
+ r += "\tMMPTR("+hex(reg_base+4*word)+") = "+value_shifted+";\n"
+ r += "}\n"
+ return r
+def get_csr_header(regions, interrupt_map):
+ r = "#ifndef __GENERATED_CSR_H\n#define __GENERATED_CSR_H\n#include <hw/common.h>\n"
+ for name, origin, busword, obj in regions:
+ if isinstance(obj, Memory):
+ fullname = name + "_" + memory.name_override
+ r += "#define "+fullname.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
+ else:
+ r += "\n/* "+name+" */\n"
+ r += "#define "+name.upper()+"_BASE "+hex(origin)+"\n"
+ for csr in obj:
+ nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
+ r += _get_rw_functions(name + "_" +, origin, nr, busword, isinstance(csr, CSRStatus))
+ origin += 4*nr
+ try:
+ interrupt_nr = interrupt_map[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ r += "#define "+name.upper()+"_INTERRUPT "+str(interrupt_nr)+"\n"
+ r += "\n#endif\n"
+ return r
+def get_csr_csv(regions):
+ r = ""
+ for name, origin, busword, obj in regions:
+ if not isinstance(obj, Memory):
+ for csr in obj:
+ nr = (csr.size + busword - 1)//busword
+ r += "{}_{},0x{:08x},{},{}\n".format(name,, origin, nr, "ro" if isinstance(csr, CSRStatus) else "rw")
+ origin += 4*nr
+ return r
-class GenSoC(Module):
+class SoC(Module):
csr_base = 0x00000000
csr_data_width = 32
csr_map = {
for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
self.add_cpu_csr_region(name, 0xe0000000+0x800*mapaddr, flen(rmap.bus.dat_w), memory)
-class LiteScopeSoC(GenSoC, AutoCSR):
+class LiteScopeSoC(SoC, AutoCSR):
default_platform = "de0nano"
csr_map = {
"io": 10,
"la": 11
- csr_map.update(GenSoC.csr_map)
+ csr_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
def __init__(self, platform):
clk_freq = 50*1000000
- GenSoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
+ SoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq)
self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform.request("clk50")) = LiteScopeIO(8)
from misoclib.mem import sdram
from misoclib.mem.sdram.phy import gensdrphy
from import uart
-from misoclib.gensoc import SDRAMSoC
+from misoclib.soc import SDRAMSoC
class _PLL(Module):
def __init__(self, period_in, name, phase_shift, operation_mode):
from misoclib.mem import sdram
from misoclib.mem.sdram.phy import k7ddrphy
from misoclib.mem.flash import spiflash
-from misoclib.gensoc import SDRAMSoC, mem_decoder
+from misoclib.soc import SDRAMSoC, mem_decoder
from import LiteEthPHYGMII
from import LiteEthMAC
from misoclib.mem.flash import norflash16
from misoclib.cpu.peripherals import gpio
from import framebuffer
-from misoclib.gensoc import SDRAMSoC, mem_decoder
+from misoclib.soc import SDRAMSoC, mem_decoder
from import LiteEthPHYMII
from import LiteEthMAC
from misoclib.mem import sdram
from misoclib.mem.sdram.phy import gensdrphy
from misoclib.mem.flash import SpiFlash
-from misoclib.gensoc import SDRAMSoC
+from misoclib.soc import SDRAMSoC
class _CRG(Module):
def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq):
from misoclib.mem import sdram
from misoclib.mem.sdram.phy import gensdrphy
from misoclib.mem.flash import spiflash
-from misoclib.gensoc import SDRAMSoC
+from misoclib.soc import SDRAMSoC
class _CRG(Module):
def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq):
from migen.fhdl.std import *
from migen.bus import wishbone
-from misoclib.gensoc import GenSoC, mem_decoder
+from misoclib.soc import SoC, mem_decoder
class _CRG(Module):
def __init__(self, clk_in):
-class SimpleSoC(GenSoC):
+class SimpleSoC(SoC):
def __init__(self, platform, **kwargs):
- GenSoC.__init__(self, platform,
+ SoC.__init__(self, platform,
with_sdram=True, sdram_size=16*1024,