# act_curr points to newest ACT timestamp
#Display("[%016dps] tRRD violation on bank %0d", ps, i)
- m.d.sync += Assert(!(md_recv & (ps < (act_ps[act_curr] + self.timings["tRRD"]))))
+ m.d.sync += Assert(~(md_recv & (ps < (act_ps[act_curr] + self.timings["tRRD"]))))
# act_next points to the oldest ACT timestamp
#Display("[%016dps] tFAW violation on bank %0d", ps, i)
- m.d.sync += Assert(!(cmd_recv & (ps < (act_ps[act_next] + self.timings["tFAW"]))))
+ m.d.sync += Assert(~(cmd_recv & (ps < (act_ps[act_next] + self.timings["tFAW"]))))
# Save ACT timestamp in a circular buffer
with m.If(cmd_recv):
#Display("[%016dps] tREFI violation (64ms period): %0d", ps, ref_ps_diff)
- m.d.sync += Assert(!((ref_ps_mod == 0) & (ref_ps_diff > 0)))
+ m.d.sync += Assert(~((ref_ps_mod == 0) & (ref_ps_diff > 0)))
# Report any refresh periods longer than tREFI
# TODO: find a way to bring back logging