const struct pipe_rt_blend_state *rt = &cso->rt[i];
so->reads_dest |= rt->blend_enable;
- if (rt->blend_enable) {
+ /* From the PoV of LRZ, having masked color channels is
+ * the same as having blend enabled, in that the draw will
+ * care about the fragments from an earlier draw.
+ *
+ * NOTE we actually don't care about masked color channels
+ * that don't actually exist in the render target, but we
+ * don't know the render target format here to determine
+ * that. It is probably not worth worrying about, but if
+ * we find a game/benchmark that goes out of it's way to
+ * mask off non-existent channels, we should fixup the
+ * pipe_blend_state to give us more info.
+ */
+ if (rt->blend_enable || (rt->colormask != 0xf)) {
so->reads_dest = true;