Some boards in gdb/testsuite/boards use the hardcoded ipv4 address "".
Use instead "localhost".
Tested on x86_64-linux.
set GDB [file join [pwd] "../gdb"]
verbose -log "Overriding setting of GDB to $GDB"
-set_board_info hostname
+set_board_info hostname localhost
set_board_info username $env(USER)
-# The ssh key should be correctly set up that you ssh to
+# The ssh key should be correctly set up that you ssh to localhost
# without having to type password.
set_board_info rsh_prog /usr/bin/ssh
set_board_info rcp_prog /usr/bin/scp
set GDB [file normalize [file join [pwd] "../gdb"]]
-set_board_info hostname
+set_board_info hostname localhost
if { [info exists REMOTE_HOST_USERNAME] } {
set_board_info username $REMOTE_HOST_USERNAME
chmod go-rx ."
-# The ssh key should be correctly set up that you ssh to
+# The ssh key should be correctly set up that you ssh to localhost
# without having to type password.
set_board_info rsh_prog /usr/bin/ssh
set_board_info rcp_prog /usr/bin/scp