--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2020 LambdaConcept <contact@lambdaconcept.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>
+# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Betz <michibetz@gmail.com>
+# Based on code from LambaConcept, from the gram example which is BSD-2-License
+# https://github.com/jeanthom/gram/tree/master/examples
+# Modifications for the Libre-SOC Project funded by NLnet and NGI POINTER
+# under EU Grants 871528 and 957073, under the LGPLv3+ License
+from nmigen import (Elaboratable, Module, Signal, ClockDomain, Instance,
+ ClockSignal, ResetSignal, Const)
+__all__ = ["ECP5CRG"]
+class PLL(Elaboratable):
+ nclkouts_max = 3
+ clki_div_range = (1, 128+1)
+ clkfb_div_range = (1, 128+1)
+ clko_div_range = (1, 128+1)
+ clki_freq_range = ( 8e6, 400e6)
+ clko_freq_range = (3.125e6, 400e6)
+ vco_freq_range = ( 400e6, 800e6)
+ def __init__(self, clkin,
+ clksel=Signal(shape=2, reset=2),
+ reset=Signal(reset_less=True),
+ locked=Signal()):
+ self.clkin = clkin
+ self.clkin_freq = None
+ self.clksel = clksel
+ self.locked = locked
+ self.reset = reset
+ self.nclkouts = 0
+ self.clkouts = {}
+ self.config = {}
+ self.params = {}
+ def ports(self):
+ return [
+ self.clkin,
+ self.clksel,
+ self.lock,
+ ] + list(self.clkouts.values())
+ def set_clkin_freq(self, freq):
+ (clki_freq_min, clki_freq_max) = self.clki_freq_range
+ assert freq >= clki_freq_min
+ assert freq <= clki_freq_max
+ self.clkin_freq = freq
+ def create_clkout(self, cd, freq, phase=0, margin=1e-2):
+ (clko_freq_min, clko_freq_max) = self.clko_freq_range
+ assert freq >= clko_freq_min
+ assert freq <= clko_freq_max
+ assert self.nclkouts < self.nclkouts_max
+ self.clkouts[self.nclkouts] = (cd, freq, phase, margin)
+ #create_clkout_log(self.logger, cd.name, freq, margin, self.nclkouts)
+ print("clock domain", cd.domain, freq, margin, self.nclkouts)
+ self.nclkouts += 1
+ def compute_config(self):
+ config = {}
+ for clki_div in range(*self.clki_div_range):
+ config["clki_div"] = clki_div
+ for clkfb_div in range(*self.clkfb_div_range):
+ all_valid = True
+ vco_freq = self.clkin_freq/clki_div*clkfb_div*1 # clkos3_div=1
+ (vco_freq_min, vco_freq_max) = self.vco_freq_range
+ if vco_freq >= vco_freq_min and vco_freq <= vco_freq_max:
+ for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
+ valid = False
+ for d in range(*self.clko_div_range):
+ clk_freq = vco_freq/d
+ if abs(clk_freq - f) <= f*m:
+ config["clko{}_freq".format(n)] = clk_freq
+ config["clko{}_div".format(n)] = d
+ config["clko{}_phase".format(n)] = p
+ valid = True
+ break
+ if not valid:
+ all_valid = False
+ else:
+ all_valid = False
+ if all_valid:
+ config["vco"] = vco_freq
+ config["clkfb_div"] = clkfb_div
+ #compute_config_log(self.logger, config)
+ print ("PLL config", config)
+ return config
+ raise ValueError("No PLL config found")
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ config = self.compute_config()
+ clkfb = Signal()
+ self.params.update(
+ # attributes
+ a_FREQUENCY_PIN_CLKI = str(self.clkin_freq/1e6),
+ a_ICP_CURRENT = "6",
+ a_LPF_RESISTOR = "16",
+ a_MFG_GMCREF_SEL = "2",
+ # parameters
+ p_FEEDBK_PATH = "INT_OS3", # CLKOS3 rsvd for feedback with div=1.
+ p_CLKOS3_DIV = 1,
+ p_CLKFB_DIV = config["clkfb_div"],
+ p_CLKI_DIV = config["clki_div"],
+ # reset, input clock, lock-achieved output
+ i_RST = self.reset,
+ i_CLKI = self.clkin,
+ o_LOCK = self.locked,
+ )
+ # for each clock-out, set additional parameters
+ for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
+ n_to_l = {0: "P", 1: "S", 2: "S2"}
+ div = config["clko{}_div".format(n)]
+ cphase = int(p*(div + 1)/360 + div)
+ self.params["p_CLKO{}_ENABLE".format(n_to_l[n])] = "ENABLED"
+ self.params["p_CLKO{}_DIV".format(n_to_l[n])] = div
+ self.params["p_CLKO{}_FPHASE".format(n_to_l[n])] = 0
+ self.params["p_CLKO{}_CPHASE".format(n_to_l[n])] = cphase
+ self.params["o_CLKO{}".format(n_to_l[n])] = clk
+ m = Module()
+ print ("params", self.params)
+ pll = Instance("EHXPLLL", **self.params)
+ m.submodules.pll = pll
+ return m
+ pll = Instance("EHXPLLL",
+ i_CLKI=self.clkin,
+ i_RST=0,
+ i_STDBY=0,
+ i_PHASESEL0=0,
+ i_PHASESEL1=0,
+ i_ENCLKOP=1,
+ i_ENCLKOS=1,
+ i_ENCLKOS2=0,
+ i_ENCLKOS3=0,
+ o_CLKOP=self.clkout1,
+ o_CLKOS=self.clkout2,
+ o_CLKOS2=self.clkout3,
+ o_CLKOS3=self.clkout4,
+ o_LOCK=self.lock,
+ )
+class ECP5CRG(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, sys_clk_freq=100e6, pod_bits=25):
+ self.sys_clk_freq = sys_clk_freq
+ self.pod_bits = pod_bits
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # Get 100Mhz from oscillator
+ extclk = platform.request(platform.default_clk)
+ cd_rawclk = ClockDomain("rawclk", local=True, reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += cd_rawclk.clk.eq(extclk)
+ m.domains += cd_rawclk
+ # Reset
+ if platform.default_rst is not None:
+ reset = platform.request(platform.default_rst).i
+ else:
+ reset = Const(0) # whoops
+ gsr0 = Signal()
+ gsr1 = Signal()
+ m.submodules += [
+ Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED",
+ i_CK=ClockSignal("rawclk"),
+ i_D=~reset,
+ o_Q=gsr0),
+ Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED",
+ i_CK=ClockSignal("rawclk"),
+ i_D=gsr0,
+ o_Q=gsr1),
+ Instance("SGSR", i_CLK=ClockSignal("rawclk"),
+ i_GSR=gsr1),
+ ]
+ # PLL
+ m.submodules.pll = pll = PLL(ClockSignal("rawclk"), reset=~reset)
+ # Power-on delay (655us)
+ podcnt = Signal(self.pod_bits, reset=-1)
+ pod_done = Signal()
+ with m.If((podcnt != 0) & pll.locked):
+ m.d.rawclk += podcnt.eq(podcnt-1)
+ m.d.rawclk += pod_done.eq(podcnt == 0)
+ # Generating sync2x (200Mhz) and init (25Mhz) from extclk
+ cd_sync2x = ClockDomain("sync2x", local=False)
+ cd_sync2x_unbuf = ClockDomain("sync2x_unbuf",
+ local=False, reset_less=True)
+ cd_init = ClockDomain("init", local=False)
+ cd_sync = ClockDomain("sync", local=False)
+ cd_dramsync = ClockDomain("dramsync", local=False)
+ # create PLL clocks
+ pll.set_clkin_freq(platform.default_clk_frequency)
+ pll.create_clkout(ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"), 2*self.sys_clk_freq)
+ pll.create_clkout(ClockSignal("init"), 25e6)
+ m.submodules += Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
+ i_ECLKI = ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"),
+ i_STOP = 0,
+ o_ECLKO = ClockSignal("sync2x"))
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x_unbuf
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x
+ m.domains += cd_init
+ m.domains += cd_sync
+ m.domains += cd_dramsync
+ reset_ok = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += reset_ok.eq(~pll.locked|~pod_done)
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("init").eq(reset_ok)
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("sync").eq(reset_ok)
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("dramsync").eq(reset_ok)
+ # # Generating sync (100Mhz) from sync2x
+ m.submodules += Instance("CLKDIVF",
+ p_DIV="2.0",
+ i_ALIGNWD=0,
+ i_CLKI=ClockSignal("sync2x"),
+ i_RST=0,
+ o_CDIVX=ClockSignal("sync"))
+ # temporarily set dram sync clock exactly equal to main sync
+ m.d.comb += ClockSignal("dramsync").eq(ClockSignal("sync"))
+ return m
--- /dev/null
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 LambdaConcept <contact@lambdaconcept.com>
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2022 Raptor Engineering, LLC <support@raptorengineering.com>
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.lib.cdc import ResetSynchronizer
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone, memory
+from lambdasoc.cpu.minerva import MinervaCPU
+from lambdasoc.periph.intc import GenericInterruptController
+from lambdasoc.periph.serial import AsyncSerialPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.sram import SRAMPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.timer import TimerPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph import Peripheral
+from lambdasoc.soc.base import SoC
+from gram.core import gramCore
+from gram.phy.ecp5ddrphy import ECP5DDRPHY
+from gram.modules import MT41K64M16
+from gram.frontend.wishbone import gramWishbone
+from nmigen_boards.versa_ecp5 import VersaECP5Platform85
+from ecp5_crg import ECP5CRG
+from uartbridge import UARTBridge
+from crg import *
+class DDR3SoC(SoC, Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, *,
+ ddrphy_addr, dramcore_addr,
+ ddr_addr):
+ self._decoder = wishbone.Decoder(addr_width=30, data_width=32, granularity=8,
+ features={"cti", "bte"})
+ self.crg = ECP5CRG()
+ self.ub = UARTBridge(divisor=868, pins=platform.request("uart", 0))
+ ddr_pins = platform.request("ddr3", 0, dir={"dq":"-", "dqs":"-"},
+ xdr={"clk":4, "a":4, "ba":4, "clk_en":4, "odt":4, "ras":4, "cas":4, "we":4, "cs":4, "reset":4})
+ self.ddrphy = DomainRenamer("dramsync")(ECP5DDRPHY(ddr_pins))
+ self._decoder.add(self.ddrphy.bus, addr=ddrphy_addr)
+ ddrmodule = MT41K64M16(platform.default_clk_frequency, "1:2")
+ self.dramcore = DomainRenamer("dramsync")(gramCore(
+ phy=self.ddrphy,
+ geom_settings=ddrmodule.geom_settings,
+ timing_settings=ddrmodule.timing_settings,
+ clk_freq=platform.default_clk_frequency))
+ self._decoder.add(self.dramcore.bus, addr=dramcore_addr)
+ self.drambone = DomainRenamer("dramsync")(gramWishbone(self.dramcore))
+ self._decoder.add(self.drambone.bus, addr=ddr_addr)
+ self.memory_map = self._decoder.bus.memory_map
+ self.clk_freq = platform.default_clk_frequency
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.sysclk = self.crg
+ m.submodules.ub = self.ub
+ m.submodules.decoder = self._decoder
+ m.submodules.ddrphy = self.ddrphy
+ m.submodules.dramcore = self.dramcore
+ m.submodules.drambone = self.drambone
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.ub.bus.connect(self._decoder.bus),
+ ]
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ platform = VersaECP5Platform85()
+ soc = DDR3SoC(ddrphy_addr=0x00008000, dramcore_addr=0x00009000,
+ ddr_addr=0x10000000)
+ soc.build(do_build=True)
+ platform.build(soc, do_program=True)
fprintf(stderr, "gram_read error (read bytes length mismatch: %d != %d)\n", received, sizeof(reply));
+ //printf("gram_read: 0x%08x: 0x%08x\n", addr, ntohl(reply));
return ntohl(reply);
*(uint32_t*)(commands+2) = htonl((uint32_t)addr >> 2);
*(uint32_t*)(commands+6) = htonl(value);
+ //printf("gram_write: 0x%08x: 0x%08x\n", addr, value);
sent = write(*(int*)(ctx->user_data), commands, sizeof(commands));
if (sent != sizeof(commands)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gram_write error (sent bytes length mismatch)\n");
uint32_t pattern[kPatternSize];
const int kDumpWidth = 8;
size_t i;
+ int res;
+ uint32_t tmp;
int delay, miss = 0;
+ uint32_t ddr_base = 0x10000000;
+#if 1
+ struct gramProfile profile = {
+ .mode_registers = {
+ 0x2708, 0x2054, 0x0512, 0x0000
+ },
+ .rdly_p0 = 2,
+ .rdly_p1 = 2,
+ };
+#if 0
struct gramProfile profile = {
.mode_registers = {
0x320, 0x6, 0x200, 0x0
.rdly_p0 = 2,
.rdly_p1 = 2,
+ struct gramProfile profile2;
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s port baudrate\n", argv[0]);
ctx.user_data = &serial_port;
printf("gram init... ");
- gram_init(&ctx, &profile, (void*)0x10000000, (void*)0x00009000, (void*)0x00008000);
+ gram_init(&ctx, &profile, (void*)ddr_base, (void*)0x00009000, (void*)0x00008000);
+ printf("Rdly\np0: ");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ profile2.rdly_p0 = i;
+ gram_load_calibration(&ctx, &profile2);
+ gram_reset_burstdet(&ctx);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
+ tmp = gram_read(&ctx, ddr_base+4*j);
+ }
+ if (gram_read_burstdet(&ctx, 0)) {
+ printf("1");
+ } else {
+ printf("0");
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Rdly\np1: ");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ profile2.rdly_p1 = i;
+ gram_load_calibration(&ctx, &profile2);
+ gram_reset_burstdet(&ctx);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
+ tmp = gram_read(&ctx, ddr_base+4*j);
+ }
+ if (gram_read_burstdet(&ctx, 1)) {
+ printf("1");
+ } else {
+ printf("0");
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Auto calibrating... ");
+ res = gram_generate_calibration(&ctx, &profile2);
+ if (res != GRAM_ERR_NONE) {
+ printf("failed\n");
+ gram_load_calibration(&ctx, &profile);
+ } else {
+ gram_load_calibration(&ctx, &profile2);
+ }
+ printf("done\n");
+ printf("Auto calibration profile:\n");
+ printf("\tp0 rdly: %d\n", profile2.rdly_p0);
+ printf("\tp1 rdly: %d\n", profile2.rdly_p1);
printf("memtest... \n");
- uint32_t ddr_base = 0x10000000;
printf("Writing data sequence...");
for (i = 0; i < kPatternSize; i++) {