struct anv_batch_bo *batch_bo = anv_cmd_buffer_current_batch_bo(cmd_buffer);
if (cmd_buffer->level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY) {
+ /* When we start a batch buffer, we subtract a certain amount of
+ * padding from the end to ensure that we always have room to emit a
+ * BATCH_BUFFER_START to chain to the next BO. We need to remove
+ * that padding before we end the batch; otherwise, we may end up
+ * with our BATCH_BUFFER_END in another BO.
+ */
+ cmd_buffer->batch.end += GEN8_MI_BATCH_BUFFER_START_length * 4;
+ assert(cmd_buffer->batch.end == batch_bo-> + batch_bo->bo.size);
anv_batch_emit(&cmd_buffer->batch, GEN7_MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END);
/* Round batch up to an even number of dwords. */