-* when p2p1p0 == 101 this indicates that the output is to contain an XOR of the top 8 bits, the middle 16 bits, and the low 8 bits. this in a 4 bit result.
+* when p2p1p0 == 101 this indicates that the output is to contain an XOR of the top 8 bits, the middle 16 bits, and the low 8 bits. this in a 4 bit result (o3o2o1o0)
* the top bit of the 4-bit answer contains x3, the middle 2 bits contain the XOR or x1 and x2, the first bit contains x0.
* therefore, the final result: the top bit contains the XOR of the input bits 24 to 31, the middle 2 bits contains the XOR of bits 8 to 15, the lowest bit contains the XOR of bits 0 to 7.