/* Set the offset bits in DWord 2. */
brw_MOV(p, get_element_ud(header_reg, 2),
+ } else if (stage != MESA_SHADER_VERTEX &&
+ /* In the vertex and fragment stages, the hardware is nice to us
+ * and leaves g0.2 zerod out for us so we can use it for headers.
+ * However, in compute, geometry, and tessellation stages, the
+ * hardware is not so nice. In particular, for compute shaders on
+ * BDW, the hardware places some debug bits in 23:15. As it
+ * happens, bit 15 is the alpha channel mask. This means that if
+ * you use a texturing instruction with a header in a compute
+ * shader, you may randomly get the alpha channel randomly
+ * disabled. Since channel masks affect the return length of the
+ * sampler message, this can lead the GPU to expect a different
+ * mlen to the one you specified in the shader (probably 4 or 8)
+ * and this, in turn, hangs your GPU.
+ */
+ brw_MOV(p, get_element_ud(header_reg, 2), brw_imm_ud(0));
brw_adjust_sampler_state_pointer(p, header_reg, sampler_index);