> non-standard extensions provided it does not claim to implement that
> standard extension.
+## (6) Clarification of difference between assembler and encodings
+> > The extensible assembler database I proposed assumes that each processor
+> > will have *one* and *only* one set of recognized instructions. (The "hidden
+> > prefix" is the immutable vendor/arch/impl tuple in my proposals.)
+> ah this is an extremely important thing to clarify, the difference
+> between the recognised instruction assembly mnemonic (which must be
+> globally world-wide accepted as canonical) and the binary-level encodings
+> of that mnemonic used different vendor implementations which will most
+> definitely *not* be unique but require "registration" in the form of
+> atomic acceptance as a patch by the FSF to gcc and binutils [and other
+> compiler tools].
# References
* <https://groups.google.com/a/groups.riscv.org/forum/#!topic/isa-dev/7bbwSIW5aqM>