E2 : constant Node_Id := Next (E1);
Bnn : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'B', N);
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
New_Loop : Node_Id;
+ Stat : Node_Id;
+ function Build_Stat (Comp : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- The reducer can be a function, a procedure whose first
+ -- parameter is in-out, or an attribute that is a function,
+ -- which (for now) can only be Min/Max. This subprogram
+ -- builds the corresponding computation for the generated loop.
+ ----------------
+ -- Build_Stat --
+ ----------------
+ function Build_Stat (Comp : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ if Nkind (E1) = N_Attribute_Reference then
+ Stat := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
+ Expression => Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Attribute_Name => Attribute_Name (E1),
+ Prefix => New_Copy (Prefix (E1)),
+ Expressions => New_List (
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
+ Comp)));
+ elsif Ekind (Entity (E1)) = E_Procedure then
+ Stat := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (E1), Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
+ Comp));
+ else
+ Stat := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
+ Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc,
+ Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (E1), Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
+ Comp)));
+ end if;
+ return Stat;
+ end Build_Stat;
-- If the prefix is an aggregate, its unique component is an
-- Iterated_Element, and we create a loop out of its iterator.
+ -- The iterated_component_Association is parsed as a loop
+ -- parameter specification with "in" or as a container
+ -- iterator with "of".
if Nkind (Prefix (N)) = N_Aggregate then
Stream : constant Node_Id :=
First (Component_Associations (Prefix (N)));
- Id : constant Node_Id := Defining_Identifier (Stream);
Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Stream);
- Ch : constant Node_Id :=
- First (Discrete_Choices (Stream));
+ Id : constant Node_Id := Defining_Identifier (Stream);
+ It_Spec : constant Node_Id :=
+ Iterator_Specification (Stream);
+ Ch : Node_Id;
+ Iter : Node_Id;
- New_Loop := Make_Loop_Statement (Loc,
- Iteration_Scheme =>
+ -- Iteration may be given by an element iterator:
+ if Nkind (Stream) = N_Iterated_Component_Association
+ and then Present (It_Spec)
+ and then Of_Present (It_Spec)
+ then
+ Iter :=
+ Make_Iteration_Scheme (Loc,
+ Iterator_Specification =>
+ Relocate_Node (It_Spec),
+ Loop_Parameter_Specification => Empty);
+ else
+ Ch := First (Discrete_Choices (Stream));
+ Iter :=
Make_Iteration_Scheme (Loc,
Iterator_Specification => Empty,
Loop_Parameter_Specification =>
Make_Loop_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => New_Copy (Id),
Discrete_Subtype_Definition =>
- Relocate_Node (Ch))),
+ Relocate_Node (Ch)));
+ end if;
+ New_Loop := Make_Loop_Statement (Loc,
+ Iteration_Scheme => Iter,
End_Label => Empty,
- Statements => New_List (
- Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
- Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (E1), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List (
- New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
- Relocate_Node (Expr))))));
+ Statements =>
+ New_List (Build_Stat (Relocate_Node (Expr))));
-- If the prefix is a name, we construct an element iterator
-- over it. Its expansion will verify that it is an array or
Loop_Parameter_Specification => Empty),
End_Label => Empty,
Statements => New_List (
- Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
- Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (E1), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List (
- New_Occurrence_Of (Bnn, Loc),
- New_Occurrence_Of (Elem, Loc))))));
+ Build_Stat (New_Occurrence_Of (Elem, Loc))));
end if;