def add_csr(self, clock_domain):
- self._enable = CSRStorage()
- self._width = CSRStorage(32)
- self._period = CSRStorage(32)
+ self._enable = CSRStorage(description="""PWM Enable.\n
+ Write ``1`` to enable PWM.""")
+ self._width = CSRStorage(32, description="""PWM Width.\n
+ Defines the *Duty cycle* of the PWM. PWM is active high for *Width* ``{cd}_clk`` cycles and
+ active low for *Period - Width* ``{cd}_clk`` cycles.""".format(cd=clock_domain))
+ self._period = CSRStorage(32, description="""PWM Period.\n
+ Defines the *Period* of the PWM in ``{cd}_clk`` cycles.""".format(cd=clock_domain))
n = 0 if clock_domain == "sys" else 2
self.specials += [