This PR removes old debugging code from the linear solver.
The removed code was either redundant, already in comments, or manually disabled by a constant false.
bool d_solvedRelaxation;
bool d_solvedMIP;
- static int s_verbosity;
CutScratchPad d_pad;
std::vector<Integer> d_denomGuesses;
double sumInfeasibilities(glp_prob* prob, bool mip) const;
-int ApproxGLPK::s_verbosity = 0;
} // namespace arith
} // namespace theory
} // namespace cvc5
for(ArithVariables::var_iterator vi = d_vars.var_begin(), vi_end = d_vars.var_end(); vi != vi_end; ++vi){
ArithVar v = *vi;
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- // CVC5Message() << v << " ";
- // d_vars.printModel(v, CVC5Message());
- }
int type;
double lb = 0.0;
double ub = 0.0;
for(ArithVariables::var_iterator vi = d_vars.var_begin(), vi_end = d_vars.var_end(); vi != vi_end; ++vi){
ArithVar v = *vi;
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- CVC5Message() << v << " ";
- d_vars.printModel(v, CVC5Message());
- }
int type;
if(d_vars.hasUpperBound(v) && d_vars.hasLowerBound(v)){
int dir = guessDir(r);
if(len >= rowLengthReq){
- if (s_verbosity >= 1)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "high row " << r << " " << len << " " << avgRowLength
- << " " << dir << endl;
- d_vars.printModel(r, CVC5Message());
- }
ret.push_back(ArithRatPair(r, Rational(dir)));
double ubScore = double(bc.upperBoundCount()) / maxCount;
double lbScore = double(bc.lowerBoundCount()) / maxCount;
if(ubScore >= .9 || lbScore >= .9){
- if (s_verbosity >= 1)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "high col " << c << " " << bc << " " << ubScore
- << " " << lbScore << " " << dir << endl;
- d_vars.printModel(c, CVC5Message());
- }
ret.push_back(ArithRatPair(c, Rational(c)));
int status = isAux ? glp_get_row_stat(prob, glpk_index)
: glp_get_col_stat(prob, glpk_index);
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "assignment " << vi << endl;
- }
bool useDefaultAssignment = false;
case GLP_BS:
- // CVC5Message() << "basic" << endl;
useDefaultAssignment = true;
case GLP_NL:
case GLP_NS:
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "non-basic lb" << endl;
- }
newValues.set(vi, d_vars.getLowerBound(vi));
}else{// intentionally fall through otherwise
useDefaultAssignment = true;
case GLP_NU:
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "non-basic ub" << endl;
- }
newValues.set(vi, d_vars.getUpperBound(vi));
}else {// intentionally fall through otherwise
useDefaultAssignment = true;
- if (s_verbosity >= 2)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "non-basic other" << endl;
- }
double newAssign;
&& roughlyEqual(newAssign,
- // CVC5Message() << " to lb" << endl;
newValues.set(vi, d_vars.getLowerBound(vi));
newValues.set(vi, d_vars.getUpperBound(vi));
- // CVC5Message() << " to ub" << endl;
double rounded = round(newAssign);
if (roughlyEqual(newAssign, rounded))
- // CVC5Message() << "roughly equal " << rounded << " " << newAssign <<
- // " " << oldAssign << endl;
newAssign = rounded;
- else
- {
- // CVC5Message() << "not roughly equal " << rounded << " " <<
- // newAssign << " " << oldAssign << endl;
- }
DeltaRational proposal;
if (std::optional maybe_new = estimateWithCFE(newAssign))
if (roughlyEqual(newAssign, oldAssign.approx(SMALL_FIXED_DELTA)))
- // CVC5Message() << " to prev value" << newAssign << " " << oldAssign
- // << endl;
proposal = d_vars.getAssignment(vi);
if (d_vars.strictlyLessThanLowerBound(vi, proposal))
- // CVC5Message() << " round to lb " << d_vars.getLowerBound(vi) <<
- // endl;
proposal = d_vars.getLowerBound(vi);
else if (d_vars.strictlyGreaterThanUpperBound(vi, proposal))
- // CVC5Message() << " round to ub " << d_vars.getUpperBound(vi) <<
- // endl;
proposal = d_vars.getUpperBound(vi);
- else
- {
- // CVC5Message() << " use proposal" << proposal << " " << oldAssign
- // << endl;
- }
newValues.set(vi, proposal);
parm.pricing = GLP_PT_PSE;
parm.it_lim = d_pivotLimit;
parm.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
- if(s_verbosity >= 1){
- parm.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
- }
glp_copy_prob(d_realProb, d_inputProb, GLP_OFF);
parm.cb_func = glpkCallback;
parm.cb_info = &aux;
parm.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
- if(s_verbosity >= 1){
- parm.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
- }
glp_copy_prob(d_mipProb, d_realProb, GLP_OFF);
Trace("arith::forceNewBasis") << toRemove << " " << toAdd << endl;
- // CVC5Message() << toRemove << " " << toAdd << endl;
d_linEq.pivotAndUpdate(toRemove, toAdd, newValues[toRemove]);
Trace("arith::forceNewBasis") << needsToBeAdded.size() << "to go" << endl;
- // CVC5Message() << needsToBeAdded.size() << "to go" << endl;
bool conflict = processSignals();
return o;
-void Constraint::debugPrint() const { CVC5Message() << *this << endl; }
: d_lowerBound(NullConstraint),
-void ConstraintRule::debugPrint() const { print(std::cerr, false); }
ConstraintCP ConstraintDatabase::getAntecedent (AntecedentId p) const {
Assert(p < d_antecedents.size());
return d_antecedents[p];
RationalVectorCP coeffs);
void print(std::ostream& out, bool produceProofs) const;
- void debugPrint() const;
}; /* class ConstraintRule */
class Constraint {
return d_produceProofs ? getConstraintRule().d_farkasCoefficients : nullptr;
- void debugPrint() const;
* The proof of the node is empty.
* The proof must be a special proof. Either
bool DioSolver::queueConditions(TrailIndex t){
- /* debugPrintTrail(t); */
Debug("queueConditions") << !inConflict() << std::endl;
Debug("queueConditions") << gcdIsOne(t) << std::endl;
Debug("queueConditions") << !debugAnySubstitionApplies(t) << std::endl;
nmonos >= 2 &&
length > d_maxInputCoefficientLength + MAX_GROWTH_RATE;
if(Debug.isOn("arith::dio::max") && result){
- Debug("arith::dio::max") << "about to drop:";
- debugPrintTrail(j);
+ const SumPair& eq = d_trail[j].d_eq;
+ const Polynomial& proof = d_trail[j].d_proof;
+ Debug("arith::dio::max") << "about to drop:" << std::endl;
+ Debug("arith::dio::max") << "d_trail[" << j << "].d_eq = " << eq.getNode() << std::endl;
+ Debug("arith::dio::max") << "d_trail[" << j << "].d_proof = " << proof.getNode() << std::endl;
return result;
return eq.gcd() == Integer(1);
-void DioSolver::debugPrintTrail(DioSolver::TrailIndex i) const{
- const SumPair& eq = d_trail[i].d_eq;
- const Polynomial& proof = d_trail[i].d_proof;
- CVC5Message() << "d_trail[" << i << "].d_eq = " << eq.getNode() << endl;
- CVC5Message() << "d_trail[" << i << "].d_proof = " << proof.getNode() << endl;
void DioSolver::subAndReduceCurrentFByIndex(DioSolver::SubIndex subIndex){
size_t N = d_currentF.size();
SumPair purifyIndex(TrailIndex i);
- void debugPrintTrail(TrailIndex i) const;
bool hasMoreDecompositionLemmas() const{
return !d_decompositionLemmaQueue.empty();
Result::Sat result = Result::SAT_UNKNOWN;
- static const bool verbose = false;
exactResult |= d_varOrderPivotLimit < 0;
uint32_t checkPeriod = options().arith.arithSimplexCheckPeriod;
result = Result::UNSAT;
- if (verbose && numDifferencePivots > 0)
- {
- if (result == Result::UNSAT)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "diff order found unsat" << endl;
- }
- else if (d_errorSet.errorEmpty())
- {
- CVC5Message() << "diff order found model" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- CVC5Message() << "diff order missed" << endl;
- }
- }
result = Result::UNSAT;
- if (verbose)
- {
- if (result == Result::UNSAT)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "restricted var order found unsat" << endl;
- }
- else if (d_errorSet.errorEmpty())
- {
- CVC5Message() << "restricted var order found model" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- CVC5Message() << "restricted var order missed" << endl;
- }
- }
d_pivots = 0;
static thread_local unsigned int instance = 0;
instance = instance + 1;
- static const bool verbose = false;
if(d_errorSet.errorEmpty() && !d_errorSet.moreSignals()){
Debug("arith::findModel") << "fcFindModel("<< instance <<") trivial" << endl;
- // if (verbose)
- //{
- // CVC5Message() << "fcFindModel(" << instance << ") trivial" << endl;
- //}
return Result::SAT;
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fcFindModel(" << instance << ") early conflict" << endl;
- }
Debug("arith::findModel") << "fcFindModel("<< instance <<") early conflict" << endl;
return Result::UNSAT;
}else if(d_errorSet.errorEmpty()){
- // if (verbose)
- //{
- // CVC5Message() << "fcFindModel(" << instance << ") fixed itself" << endl;
- //}
Debug("arith::findModel") << "fcFindModel("<< instance <<") fixed itself" << endl;
- if (verbose) Assert(!d_errorSet.moreSignals());
return Result::SAT;
if(result == Result::UNSAT){
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc found unsat";
- }
}else if(d_errorSet.errorEmpty()){
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc found model";
- }
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc missed";
- }
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "(" << instance << ") pivots " << d_pivots << endl;
- }
if(result == Result::SAT_UNKNOWN && d_errorSet.errorEmpty()){
void FCSimplexDecisionProcedure::updateAndSignal(const UpdateInfo& selected, WitnessImprovement w){
ArithVar nonbasic = selected.nonbasic();
- static bool verbose = false;
Debug("updateAndSignal") << "updateAndSignal " << selected << endl;
stringstream ss;
- if(verbose){
- d_errorSet.debugPrint(ss);
- if(selected.describesPivot()){
- ArithVar leaving = selected.leaving();
- ss << "leaving " << leaving
- << " " << d_tableau.basicRowLength(leaving)
- << " " << d_linEq.debugBasicAtBoundCount(leaving)
- << endl;
- }
- if(degenerate(w) && selected.describesPivot()){
- ArithVar leaving = selected.leaving();
- CVC5Message() << "degenerate " << leaving << ", atBounds "
- << d_linEq.basicsAtBounds(selected) << ", len "
- << d_tableau.basicRowLength(leaving) << ", bc "
- << d_linEq.debugBasicAtBoundCount(leaving) << endl;
- }
- }
ConstraintP limiting = selected.limiting();
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "conflict variable " << selected << endl;
- CVC5Message() << ss.str();
- }
if(Debug.isOn("error")){ d_errorSet.debugPrint(Debug("error")); }
Result::Sat FCSimplexDecisionProcedure::dualLike(){
static int instance = 0;
- static bool verbose = false;
TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_statistics.d_fcTimer);
w = selectFocusImproving();
+ Debug("dualLike") << "witnessImprovement: " << w << endl;
Assert(d_focusSize == d_errorSet.focusSize());
Assert(d_errorSize == d_errorSet.errorSize());
- if (verbose)
- {
- debugDualLike(w, CVC5Message(), instance, prevFocusSize, prevErrorSize);
- }
w, Debug("dualLike"), instance, prevFocusSize, prevErrorSize));
+ Debug("dualLike") << "Focus size " << d_focusSize << " (was " << prevFocusSize << ")" << endl;
+ Debug("dualLike") << "Error size " << d_errorSize << " (was " << prevErrorSize << ")" << endl;
Trace("arith::forceNewBasis") << toRemove << " " << toAdd << endl;
- CVC5Message() << toRemove << " " << toAdd << endl;
d_tableau.pivot(toRemove, toAdd, d_trackCallback);
Trace("arith::forceNewBasis") << needsToBeAdded.size() << "to go" << endl;
- CVC5Message() << needsToBeAdded.size() << "to go" << endl;
d_pivots = 0;
static thread_local unsigned int instance = 0;
instance = instance + 1;
- static const bool verbose = false;
if(d_errorSet.errorEmpty() && !d_errorSet.moreSignals()){
Debug("soi::findModel") << "soiFindModel("<< instance <<") trivial" << endl;
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fcFindModel(" << instance << ") early conflict" << endl;
- }
Debug("soi::findModel") << "fcFindModel("<< instance <<") early conflict" << endl;
return Result::UNSAT;
if(result == Result::UNSAT){
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc found unsat";
- }
}else if(d_errorSet.errorEmpty()){
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc found model";
- }
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "fc missed";
- }
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "(" << instance << ") pivots " << d_pivots << endl;
- }
if(result == Result::SAT_UNKNOWN && d_errorSet.errorEmpty()){
void SumOfInfeasibilitiesSPD::updateAndSignal(const UpdateInfo& selected, WitnessImprovement w){
ArithVar nonbasic = selected.nonbasic();
- static bool verbose = false;
Debug("updateAndSignal") << "updateAndSignal " << selected << endl;
- stringstream ss;
- if(verbose){
- d_errorSet.debugPrint(ss);
- if(selected.describesPivot()){
- ArithVar leaving = selected.leaving();
- ss << "leaving " << leaving
- << " " << d_tableau.basicRowLength(leaving)
- << " " << d_linEq.debugBasicAtBoundCount(leaving)
- << endl;
- }
- if(degenerate(w) && selected.describesPivot()){
- ArithVar leaving = selected.leaving();
- CVC5Message() << "degenerate " << leaving << ", atBounds "
- << d_linEq.basicsAtBounds(selected) << ", len "
- << d_tableau.basicRowLength(leaving) << ", bc "
- << d_linEq.debugBasicAtBoundCount(leaving) << endl;
- }
- }
ConstraintP limiting = selected.limiting();
ArithVar basic = limiting->getVariable();
- if (verbose)
- {
- CVC5Message() << "conflict variable " << selected << endl;
- CVC5Message() << ss.str();
- }
if(Debug.isOn("error")){ d_errorSet.debugPrint(Debug("error")); }
//Assert(debugSelectedErrorDropped(selected, d_errorSize, d_errorSet.errorSize()));
Result::Sat SumOfInfeasibilitiesSPD::sumOfInfeasibilities(){
static int instance = 0;
- static bool verbose = false;
TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_statistics.d_soiTimer);
// - conflict
// - budget was exhausted
// - focus went down
- Debug("dualLike") << "selectFocusImproving " << endl;
WitnessImprovement w = soiRound();
+ Debug("dualLike") << "selectFocusImproving -> " << w << endl;
Assert(d_errorSize == d_errorSet.errorSize());
- if (verbose)
- {
- debugSOI(w, CVC5Message(), instance);
- }
Assert(debugSOI(w, Debug("dualLike"), instance));