To ensure that there is room in future,
it may be better to allocate 25% to `RESERVED`:
-| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32 | Description |
-| PO9?| 1 | 0 | 0000 | x | EXT300-363 or `RESERVED1` (32-bit) |
-| PO9?| 0 | x | xxxx | 0b0 | EXT200-231 or `RESERVED2` (56-bit) |
-| PO9?| 0 | x | xxxx | 0b1 | EXT232-263 and SVP64(/V/S) |
+| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32| Description |
+| PO9?| 1 | 0 | 0000 | x | EXT300-363 or `RESERVED1` (32-bit) |
+| PO9?| 0 | x | xxxx | 0 | EXT200-232 or `RESERVED2` (56-bit) |
+| PO9?| 0 | x | xxxx | 1 | EXT232-263 and SVP64(/V/S) |
The clear separation between Simple-V and non-Simple-V stops
conflict in future RFCs, both of which get plenty of space.
| PO (9)?| 1 | 1 | nnnn | SVP64:{EXT000-063} |
-**{EXT248-263}** bit6=new bit7=scalar
+**{EXT232-263}** bit6=new bit7=scalar
This encoding represents the opportunity to introduce EXT248-263.
It is a Scalar-word encoding, and does not require implementing
SVP64 or SVP64-Single, but does require the Vector-space to be allocated.
-PO2 is in the range 0b11000 to 0b111111 to represent EXT248-263 respectively.
+PO2 is in the range 0b100000 to 0b1111111 to represent EXT232-263 respectively.
-| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32-3 | 34-37 | 38-63 |
-| PO (9)?| 0 | 0 | 0000 | 0b11 |PO2[2:5] | {EXT248-263} |
+| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32 | 33-37 | 38-63 |
+| PO (9)?| 0 | 0 | 0000 | 1 |PO2[1:5] | {EXT232-263} |
-**SVP64Single:{EXT248-263}** bit6=new bit7=scalar
+**SVP64Single:{EXT232-263}** bit6=new bit7=scalar
This encoding, which is effectively "implicit VL=1"
and comprising (from bits 8-31 being non-zero)
*at least some* form of Augmentation, it represents the opportunity
-to Augment EXT248-263 with the SVP64Single capabilities.
+to Augment EXT232-263 with the SVP64Single capabilities.
Must be allocated under Scalar *and* SVP64 simultaneously.
-| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32-3 | 34-37 | 38-63 |
-| PO (9)?| 0 | 0 | !zero | 0b11 |PO2[2:5] | SVP64Single:{EXT248-263} |
+| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32 | 33-37 | 38-63 |
+| PO (9)?| 0 | 0 | !zero | 1 |PO2[1:5] | SVP64Single:{EXT232-263} |
**SVP64:{EXT248-263}** bit6=new bit7=vector
VL=1 may occur dynamically
at runtime, even when bits 8-31 are zero.
-| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32-3 | 34-37 | 38-63 |
-| PO (9)?| 0 | 1 | nnnn | 0b11 |PO2[2:5] | SVP64:{EXT248-263} |
+| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32 | 33-37 | 38-63 |
+| PO (9)?| 0 | 1 | nnnn | 1 |PO2[1:5] | SVP64:{EXT232-263} |
-**RESERVED2 / EXT300-363** bit6=old bit7=scalar
+**RESERVED1 / EXT300-363** bit6=old bit7=scalar
-This is entirely at the discretion of the ISA WG. Libre-SOC is *not*
-proposing the addition of EXT300-363: it is merely a possibility for
-future. The reason the space is not needed is because this is within
-the realm of Scalar-extended (SVP64Single), and with the 24-bit prefix
-area being all-zero (bits 8-31) this is defined as "having no augmentation"
-(in the Simple-V Specification it is termed `Scalar Identity Behaviour`).
-This in turn makes this prefix a *degenerate duplicate* so may be allocated
-for other purposes.
+This is at the discretion of the ISA WG. Libre-SOC is *not*
+proposing the addition of EXT300-363: it is merely a possibility
| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32-63 |
| PO (9)?| 1 | 0 | 0000 | EXT300-363 or `RESERVED1` |
+**RESERVED2 / EXT200-231** bit6=new bit32=1
+This is at the discretion of the ISA WG. Libre-SOC is *not*
+proposing the addition of EXT200-231: it is merely a possibility
+| 0-5 | 6 | 7 | 8-31 | 32 | 33-37 | 38-63 |
+| PO (9)?| 0 | x | nnnn | 1 |PO2[1:5] | {EXT200-231} |
# Example Legal Encodings and RESERVED spaces
This is not just illegal it is not even possible to achieve.
If attempted, by dropping EXT004 into bits 32-37, the top two
MSBs are actually *zero*, and the Vector EXT2nn space is only
-legal for Primary Opcodes in the range 248-263, where the top
+legal for Primary Opcodes in the range 232-263, where the top
two MSBs are 0b11. Thus this faulty attempt actually falls
into `RESERVED` "Non-Vectoriseable" Encoding space.