* Open EDA and VLSI tools and toolflow
* Libre/Open VLSI Cell Libraries
* VLSI Simulation and Verification
+- FPGAs
+ * Libre/Open FPGA designs
+ * FPGA toolchains and Reverse-Engineering
+ * FPGA workflow
+- RTL and HDL
+ * Advanced and innovative
- Circuit Design
* Printed circuit board design tools
* Circuit simulation
Why does it fit FOSDEM
-There has been a lot of progress happening in the last few years regarding libre/free chip technology. From RISC-V to attempts to create libre/free processes to make your own chips. Various countries have been catching up and helping and building up their semiconducter industries, some even pushing libre/free toolchains. E.g. EU sponsors various projects to work in this field to create open toolchains.
+There has been a lot of progress happening in the last few years regarding
+libre/free chip technology. From RISC-V and OpenPOWER to attempts to create
+libre/free processes to make your own chips. Various countries have been
+catching up and helping and building up their semiconducter industries,
+some even pushing libre/free toolchains. E.g. EU sponsors various projects
+to work in this field to create open toolchains.
Meanwhile others push the boundaries to liberate former closed source toolchains for FPGAs. While an often neglected topic, a lot of work happens by various fantastic players all around the world. We hope to bring some attention to this areas which we basicly all too often take as a given when using computers or electronics.
We therefore hope to give Open Hardware and their respective toolchains a small platform, all the way from silicone to pcb.