--- /dev/null
+import collections as _collections
+import copy as _copy
+import csv as _csv
+import dataclasses as _dataclasses
+import enum as _enum
+import functools as _functools
+import os as _os
+import operator as _operator
+import pathlib as _pathlib
+import re as _re
+ from functools import cached_property
+except ImportError:
+ from cached_property import cached_property
+from openpower.decoder.power_enums import (
+ Function as _Function,
+ MicrOp as _MicrOp,
+ In1Sel as _In1Sel,
+ In2Sel as _In2Sel,
+ In3Sel as _In3Sel,
+ OutSel as _OutSel,
+ CRInSel as _CRInSel,
+ CROutSel as _CROutSel,
+ LDSTLen as _LDSTLen,
+ LDSTMode as _LDSTMode,
+ RC as _RC,
+ CryIn as _CryIn,
+ Form as _Form,
+ SVEtype as _SVEtype,
+ SVMode as _SVMode,
+ SVPtype as _SVPtype,
+ SVExtra as _SVExtra,
+ SVExtraRegType as _SVExtraRegType,
+ SVExtraReg as _SVExtraReg,
+def dataclass(cls, record, keymap=None, typemap=None):
+ if keymap is None:
+ keymap = {}
+ if typemap is None:
+ typemap = {field.name:field.type for field in _dataclasses.fields(cls)}
+ def transform(key_value):
+ (key, value) = key_value
+ key = keymap.get(key, key)
+ hook = typemap.get(key, lambda value: value)
+ if hook is bool and value in ("", "0"):
+ value = False
+ else:
+ value = hook(value)
+ return (key, value)
+ record = dict(map(transform, record.items()))
+ for key in frozenset(record.keys()):
+ if record[key] == "":
+ record.pop(key)
+ return cls(**record)
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class Opcode:
+ class Value(int):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.bit_length() <= 32:
+ return f"0x{self:08x}"
+ else:
+ return f"0x{self:016x}"
+ class Mask(int):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.bit_length() <= 32:
+ return f"0x{self:08x}"
+ else:
+ return f"0x{self:016x}"
+ value: Value
+ mask: Mask = None
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Opcode):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return ((self.value, self.mask) < (other.value, other.mask))
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ (value, mask) = (self.value, self.mask)
+ if isinstance(value, Opcode):
+ if mask is not None:
+ raise ValueError(mask)
+ (value, mask) = (value.value, value.mask)
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ if mask is not None:
+ raise ValueError(mask)
+ value = int(value, 0)
+ if not isinstance(value, int):
+ raise ValueError(value)
+ if mask is None:
+ mask = value
+ if not isinstance(mask, int):
+ raise ValueError(mask)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "value", self.__class__.Value(value))
+ object.__setattr__(self, "mask", self.__class__.Mask(mask))
+class IntegerOpcode(Opcode):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ value = int(value, 0)
+ return super().__init__(value=value, mask=None)
+class PatternOpcode(Opcode):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ (pattern, value, mask) = (value, 0, 0)
+ for symbol in pattern:
+ if symbol not in {"0", "1", "-"}:
+ raise ValueError(pattern)
+ value |= (symbol == "1")
+ mask |= (symbol != "-")
+ value <<= 1
+ mask <<= 1
+ value >>= 1
+ mask >>= 1
+ return super().__init__(value=value, mask=mask)
+class FieldsOpcode(Opcode):
+ def __init__(self, fields):
+ def field(opcode, field):
+ (value, mask) = opcode
+ (field, bits) = field
+ shifts = map(lambda bit: (31 - bit), reversed(tuple(bits)))
+ for (index, shift) in enumerate(shifts):
+ bit = ((field & (1 << index)) != 0)
+ value |= (bit << shift)
+ mask |= (1 << shift)
+ return (value, mask)
+ (value, mask) = _functools.reduce(field, fields, (0, 0))
+ return super().__init__(value=value, mask=mask)
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class PPCRecord:
+ class FlagsMeta(type):
+ def __iter__(cls):
+ yield from (
+ "inv A",
+ "inv out",
+ "cry out",
+ "BR",
+ "sgn ext",
+ "rsrv",
+ "32b",
+ "sgn",
+ "lk",
+ "sgl pipe",
+ )
+ class Flags(frozenset, metaclass=FlagsMeta):
+ def __new__(cls, flags=frozenset()):
+ flags = frozenset(flags)
+ diff = (flags - frozenset(cls))
+ if diff:
+ raise ValueError(flags)
+ return super().__new__(cls, flags)
+ opcode: Opcode
+ comment: str
+ flags: Flags = Flags()
+ comment2: str = ""
+ unit: _Function = _Function.NONE
+ intop: _MicrOp = _MicrOp.OP_ILLEGAL
+ in1: _In1Sel = _In1Sel.RA
+ in2: _In2Sel = _In2Sel.NONE
+ in3: _In3Sel = _In3Sel.NONE
+ out: _OutSel = _OutSel.NONE
+ cr_in: _CRInSel = _CRInSel.NONE
+ cr_out: _CROutSel = _CROutSel.NONE
+ cry_in: _CryIn = _CryIn.ZERO
+ ldst_len: _LDSTLen = _LDSTLen.NONE
+ upd: _LDSTMode = _LDSTMode.NONE
+ rc: _RC = _RC.NONE
+ form: _Form = _Form.NONE
+ conditions: str = ""
+ unofficial: bool = False
+ __KEYMAP = {
+ "internal op": "intop",
+ "CR in": "cr_in",
+ "CR out": "cr_out",
+ "cry in": "cry_in",
+ "ldst len": "ldst_len",
+ "CONDITIONS": "conditions",
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def CSV(cls, record, opcode_cls=Opcode):
+ typemap = {field.name:field.type for field in _dataclasses.fields(cls)}
+ typemap["opcode"] = opcode_cls
+ flags = set()
+ for flag in frozenset(PPCRecord.Flags):
+ if bool(record.pop(flag, "")):
+ flags.add(flag)
+ record["flags"] = PPCRecord.Flags(flags)
+ return dataclass(cls, record, keymap=PPCRecord.__KEYMAP, typemap=typemap)
+ @property
+ def identifier(self):
+ return self.comment
+ @cached_property
+ def names(self):
+ return frozenset(self.comment.split("=")[-1].split("/"))
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class SVP64Record:
+ class ExtraMap(tuple):
+ class Extra(tuple):
+ @_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+ class Entry:
+ regtype: _SVExtraRegType = _SVExtraRegType.NONE
+ reg: _SVExtraReg = _SVExtraReg.NONE
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"{self.regtype.value}:{self.reg.name}"
+ def __new__(cls, value="0"):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ def transform(value):
+ (regtype, reg) = value.split(":")
+ regtype = _SVExtraRegType(regtype)
+ reg = _SVExtraReg(reg)
+ return cls.Entry(regtype=regtype, reg=reg)
+ if value == "0":
+ value = tuple()
+ else:
+ value = map(transform, value.split(";"))
+ return super().__new__(cls, value)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(list(self))
+ def __new__(cls, value=tuple()):
+ value = tuple(value)
+ if len(value) == 0:
+ value = (("0",) * 4)
+ return super().__new__(cls, map(cls.Extra, value))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr({index:self[index] for index in range(0, 4)})
+ identifier: str
+ ptype: _SVPtype = _SVPtype.NONE
+ etype: _SVEtype = _SVEtype.NONE
+ in1: _In1Sel = _In1Sel.NONE
+ in2: _In2Sel = _In2Sel.NONE
+ in3: _In3Sel = _In3Sel.NONE
+ out: _OutSel = _OutSel.NONE
+ out2: _OutSel = _OutSel.NONE
+ cr_in: _CRInSel = _CRInSel.NONE
+ cr_out: _CROutSel = _CROutSel.NONE
+ extra: ExtraMap = ExtraMap()
+ pu: bool = False
+ conditions: str = ""
+ mode: _SVMode = _SVMode.NORMAL
+ __KEYMAP = {
+ "insn": "identifier",
+ "CONDITIONS": "conditions",
+ "Ptype": "ptype",
+ "Etype": "etype",
+ "CR in": "cr_in",
+ "CR out": "cr_out",
+ "PU": "pu",
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def CSV(cls, record):
+ for key in ("in1", "in2", "in3", "out", "out2", "CR in", "CR out"):
+ value = record[key]
+ if value == "0":
+ record[key] = "NONE"
+ record["extra"] = cls.ExtraMap(record.pop(f"{index}") for index in range(0, 4))
+ return dataclass(cls, record, keymap=cls.__KEYMAP)
+class BitSel:
+ def __init__(self, value=(0, 32)):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ (start, end) = map(int, value.split(":"))
+ else:
+ (start, end) = value
+ if start < 0 or end < 0 or start >= end:
+ raise ValueError(value)
+ self.__start = start
+ self.__end = end
+ return super().__init__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"[{self.__start}:{self.__end}]"
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from range(self.start, (self.end + 1))
+ @property
+ def start(self):
+ return self.__start
+ @property
+ def end(self):
+ return self.__end
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class Section:
+ class Mode(_enum.Enum):
+ INTEGER = _enum.auto()
+ PATTERN = _enum.auto()
+ @classmethod
+ def _missing_(cls, value):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return cls[value.upper()]
+ return super()._missing_(value)
+ class Suffix(int):
+ def __new__(cls, value=None):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ if value.upper() == "NONE":
+ value = None
+ else:
+ value = int(value, 0)
+ if value is None:
+ value = 0
+ return super().__new__(cls, value)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return (bin(self) if self else "None")
+ path: _pathlib.Path
+ opcode: Opcode
+ bitsel: BitSel
+ suffix: Suffix
+ mode: Mode
+ @classmethod
+ def CSV(cls, record):
+ return dataclass(cls, record)
+class Fields:
+ def __init__(self, items):
+ if isinstance(items, dict):
+ items = items.items()
+ def transform(item):
+ (name, bitrange) = item
+ return (name, tuple(bitrange.values()))
+ self.__mapping = dict(map(transform, items))
+ return super().__init__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.__mapping)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return self.__mapping.__contains__(key)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.__mapping.__getitem__(key)
+ def get(self, key, default):
+ return self.__mapping.get(key, default)
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class Instruction:
+ name: str
+ rc: bool
+ section: Section
+ ppc: PPCRecord
+ fields: Fields
+ svp64: SVP64Record = None
+ __EXTRA = (
+ _SVExtra.Idx0,
+ _SVExtra.Idx1,
+ _SVExtra.Idx2,
+ _SVExtra.Idx3,
+ )
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Instruction):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return (self.opcode < other.opcode)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={self.name!r}, opcode={self.opcode})"
+ @cached_property
+ def opcode(self):
+ fields = []
+ if self.section.opcode:
+ fields += [(self.section.opcode.value, BitSel((0, 5)))]
+ fields += [(self.ppc.opcode.value, self.section.bitsel)]
+ else:
+ fields += [(self.ppc.opcode.value, self.section.bitsel)]
+ # Some instructions are special regarding Rc handling.
+ # They are marked with Rc.ONE, but don't have Rc field.
+ # At least addic., andi., andis. belong to this list.
+ if self.rc and "Rc" in self.fields:
+ fields += [(1, self.fields["Rc"])]
+ return FieldsOpcode(fields)
+ @property
+ def in1(self):
+ return self.ppc.in1
+ @property
+ def in2(self):
+ return self.ppc.in2
+ @property
+ def in3(self):
+ return self.ppc.in3
+ @property
+ def out(self):
+ return self.ppc.out
+ @property
+ def out2(self):
+ if self.svp64 is None:
+ return _OutSel.NONE
+ return self.ppc.out
+ @property
+ def cr_in(self):
+ return self.ppc.cr_in
+ @property
+ def cr_out(self):
+ return self.ppc.cr_out
+ def sv_extra(self, key):
+ if key not in frozenset({
+ "in1", "in2", "in3", "cr_in",
+ "out", "out2", "cr_out",
+ }):
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ sel = getattr(self.svp64, key)
+ if sel is _CRInSel.BA_BB:
+ return _SVExtra.Idx_1_2
+ extra_map = {
+ _SVExtraRegType.SRC: {},
+ _SVExtraRegType.DST: {},
+ }
+ for index in range(0, 4):
+ for entry in self.svp64.extra[index]:
+ extra_map[entry.regtype][entry.reg] = Instruction.__EXTRA[index]
+ for regtype in (_SVExtraRegType.SRC, _SVExtraRegType.DST):
+ extra = extra_map[regtype][sel]
+ if extra is not _SVExtra.NONE:
+ return extra
+ return _SVExtra.NONE
+ sv_in1 = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="in1"))
+ sv_in2 = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="in2"))
+ sv_in3 = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="in3"))
+ sv_out = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="out"))
+ sv_out2 = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="out2"))
+ sv_cr_in = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="cr_in"))
+ sv_cr_out = property(_functools.partial(sv_extra, key="cr_out"))
+ @property
+ def sv_ptype(self):
+ if self.svp64 is None:
+ return _SVPtype.NONE
+ return self.svp64.ptype
+ @property
+ def sv_etype(self):
+ if self.svp64 is None:
+ return _SVEtype.NONE
+ return self.svp64.etype
+class Database:
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ root = _pathlib.Path(root)
+ def parse(stream, factory):
+ lines = filter(lambda line: not line.strip().startswith("#"), stream)
+ entries = _csv.DictReader(lines)
+ entries = filter(lambda entry: "TODO" not in frozenset(entry.values()), entries)
+ return tuple(map(factory, entries))
+ def database_ppc(root):
+ db = _collections.defaultdict(set)
+ path = (root / "insndb.csv")
+ with open(path, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
+ for section in parse(stream, Section.CSV):
+ path = (root / section.path)
+ opcode_cls = {
+ section.Mode.INTEGER: IntegerOpcode,
+ section.Mode.PATTERN: PatternOpcode,
+ }[section.mode]
+ factory = _functools.partial(PPCRecord.CSV, opcode_cls=opcode_cls)
+ with open(path, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
+ db[section].update(parse(stream, factory))
+ for (section, records) in db.items():
+ db[section] = {record.identifier:record for record in records}
+ return db
+ def database_svp64(root):
+ db = set()
+ pattern = _re.compile(r"^(?:LDST)?RM-(1P|2P)-.*?\.csv$")
+ for (prefix, _, names) in _os.walk(root):
+ prefix = _pathlib.Path(prefix)
+ for name in filter(lambda name: pattern.match(name), names):
+ path = (prefix / _pathlib.Path(name))
+ with open(path, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
+ db.update(parse(stream, SVP64Record.CSV))
+ db = {record.identifier:record for record in db}
+ return db
+ def database_forms(root):
+ # This is hack. The whole code there should be moved here.
+ # The fields.text parser should take care of the validation.
+ from openpower.decoder.power_fields import DecodeFields as _DecodeFields
+ db = {}
+ df = _DecodeFields()
+ df.create_specs()
+ for (form, fields) in df.instrs.items():
+ if form in {"DQE", "TX"}:
+ continue
+ if form == "all":
+ form = "NONE"
+ db[_Form[form]] = Fields(fields)
+ return db
+ def database(ppcdb, svp64db, formsdb):
+ items = set()
+ for section in ppcdb:
+ for (identifier, ppc) in ppcdb[section].items():
+ fields = formsdb[ppc.form]
+ svp64 = svp64db.get(identifier)
+ if ppc.rc is _RC.ONE:
+ variants = {name:True for name in ppc.names}
+ elif ppc.rc is _RC.RC:
+ variants = {name:False for name in ppc.names}
+ variants.update({f"{name}.":True for name in ppc.names})
+ else:
+ variants = {name:False for name in ppc.names}
+ for (name, rc) in variants.items():
+ items.add(Instruction(name=name, rc=rc,
+ section=section, ppc=ppc, fields=fields, svp64=svp64))
+ items = tuple(sorted(items, key=_operator.attrgetter("opcode")))
+ opcodes = {item.opcode:item for item in items}
+ names = {item.name:item for item in sorted(items, key=_operator.attrgetter("name"))}
+ return (items, opcodes, names)
+ ppcdb = database_ppc(root)
+ svp64db = database_svp64(root)
+ formsdb = database_forms(root)
+ (items, opcodes, names) = database(ppcdb, svp64db, formsdb)
+ self.__items = items
+ self.__opcodes = opcodes
+ self.__names = names
+ return super().__init__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.__items)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.__items
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key, int):
+ return self.__opcodes.__contains__(key)
+ elif isinstance(key, str):
+ return self.__names.__contains__(key)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key, int):
+ return self.__opcodes.__getitem__(key)
+ elif isinstance(key, str):
+ return self.__names.__getitem__(key)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(key)