relatively easy learn.
Install and configure google test (manually)
In this section, you will see a brief description of how to install google
test. However, it is strongly recommended that you take a look to the official
you can use it instead of compile.
Create new unit test
If you want to add new unit tests for Yosys, just follow the steps below:
unit test for kernel/, you will need to create a file like this:
* Implement your unit test
-* If you want to compile your tests, just go to yosys root directory and type:
-make unit-test
Run unit test
-To run all unit tests, you need to compile it first and then run it. Follow the
-steps below (from the yosys root directory):
+To compile and run all unit tests, just go to yosys root directory and type:
make unit-test
-make run-all-unitest
If you want to remove all unit test files, type: