# Coherent Deterministic Hybrid Distributed Memory-Processing
-It is not often that a heading for an article can legitimately
-contain quite so many buzzwords, but in this section it is justified.
+It is not often that a heading in an article can legitimately
+contain quite so many comically-chain buzzwords, but in this section
+it is justified. As hinted at in the first section, the last time
+that memory was the same speed as processors was the Pentium III
+and Motorola 88100 era: 133 and 166 mhz SDRAM was available, and
+CPUs were about the same rate. DRAM bitcells *simply cannot exceed
+these rates*, yet the pressure from Software Engineers is to
+make *sequential* algorithm processing faster and faster because
+parallelising of algorithms is simply too difficult to master and always
+has been.