as basis for custom tools would be helpful.
In the absence of such a tool, the Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (Yosys) was
-developped. This document covers the design and implementation of this tool.
+developed. This document covers the design and implementation of this tool.
At the moment the main focus of Yosys lies on the high-level aspects of
digital synthesis. The pre-existing FOSS logic-synthesis tool ABC is used
by Yosys to perform advanced gate-level optimizations.
An evaluation of Yosys based on real-world designs is included. It is shown
that Yosys can be used as-is to synthesize such designs. The results produced
-by Yosys in this tests where successflly verified using formal verification
+by Yosys in this tests where successfully verified using formal verification
and are comparable in quality to the results produced by a commercial
synthesis tool.
AIG & And-Inverter-Graph \\
ASIC & Application-Specific Integrated Circuit \\
AST & Abstract Syntax Tree \\
-BDD & Binary Decicion Diagram \\
+BDD & Binary Decision Diagram \\
BLIF & Berkeley Logic Interchange Format \\
EDA & Electronic Design Automation \\
EDIF & Electronic Design Interchange Format \\