--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/*! \file theory_quantifiers_bv_inverter_white.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Unit tests for BV inverter.
+ **
+ ** Unit tests for BV inverter.
+ **/
+#include "expr/node.h"
+#include "test_smt.h"
+#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/bv_inverter_utils.h"
+#include "util/result.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+using namespace kind;
+using namespace theory;
+using namespace theory::quantifiers;
+using namespace theory::quantifiers::utils;
+namespace test {
+class TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter : public TestSmtNoFinishInit
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override
+ {
+ TestSmtNoFinishInit::SetUp();
+ d_smtEngine->setOption("cegqi-full", CVC4::SExpr(true));
+ d_smtEngine->setOption("produce-models", CVC4::SExpr(true));
+ d_smtEngine->finishInit();
+ d_s = d_nodeManager->mkVar("s", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ d_t = d_nodeManager->mkVar("t", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ d_sk = d_nodeManager->mkSkolem("sk", d_t.getType());
+ d_x = d_nodeManager->mkBoundVar(d_t.getType());
+ d_bvarlist = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {d_x});
+ }
+ void runTestPred(bool pol,
+ Kind k,
+ Node x,
+ Node (*getic)(bool, Kind, Node, Node))
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(k != EQUAL || pol == false);
+ Node sc = getic(pol, k, d_sk, d_t);
+ Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
+ ASSERT_TRUE((k == BITVECTOR_ULT && pol == false)
+ || (k == BITVECTOR_SLT && pol == false)
+ || (k == BITVECTOR_UGT && pol == false)
+ || (k == BITVECTOR_SGT && pol == false) || ksc == IMPLIES);
+ Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
+ if (!pol)
+ {
+ if (k == BITVECTOR_ULT)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (k == BITVECTOR_UGT)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (k == BITVECTOR_SLT)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (k == BITVECTOR_SGT)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ Node body = d_nodeManager->mkNode(k, x, d_t);
+ Node scr = d_nodeManager->mkNode(EXISTS, d_bvarlist, body);
+ Expr a = d_nodeManager->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
+ Result res = d_smtEngine->checkSat(a);
+ ASSERT_EQ(res.d_sat, Result::UNSAT);
+ }
+ void runTest(bool pol,
+ Kind litk,
+ Kind k,
+ unsigned idx,
+ Node (*getsc)(bool, Kind, Kind, unsigned, Node, Node, Node))
+ {
+ Node sc = getsc(pol, litk, k, idx, d_sk, d_s, d_t);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sc.isNull());
+ Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
+ ASSERT_TRUE((k == BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL && idx == 1 && pol == false)
+ || (k == BITVECTOR_ASHR && idx == 0 && pol == false)
+ || ksc == IMPLIES);
+ Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
+ Node body = idx == 0 ? d_nodeManager->mkNode(
+ litk, d_nodeManager->mkNode(k, d_x, d_s), d_t)
+ : d_nodeManager->mkNode(
+ litk, d_nodeManager->mkNode(k, d_s, d_x), d_t);
+ Node scr =
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(EXISTS, d_bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
+ Expr a = d_nodeManager->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
+ Result res = d_smtEngine->checkSat(a);
+ if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "s " << d_smtEngine->getValue(d_s.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "t " << d_smtEngine->getValue(d_t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "x " << d_smtEngine->getValue(d_x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(res.d_sat, Result::UNSAT);
+ }
+ void runTestConcat(bool pol, Kind litk, unsigned idx)
+ {
+ Node s1, s2, sv_t;
+ Node x, t, sk;
+ Node sc;
+ if (idx == 0)
+ {
+ s2 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("s2", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ x = d_nodeManager->mkBoundVar(s2.getType());
+ sk = d_nodeManager->mkSkolem("sk", s2.getType());
+ t = d_nodeManager->mkVar("t", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(8));
+ sv_t = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, x, s2);
+ sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 0, sk, sv_t, t);
+ }
+ else if (idx == 1)
+ {
+ s1 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("s1", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ x = d_nodeManager->mkBoundVar(s1.getType());
+ sk = d_nodeManager->mkSkolem("sk", s1.getType());
+ t = d_nodeManager->mkVar("t", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(8));
+ sv_t = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, s1, x);
+ sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 1, sk, sv_t, t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(idx == 2);
+ s1 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("s1", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ s2 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("s2", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(4));
+ x = d_nodeManager->mkBoundVar(s2.getType());
+ sk = d_nodeManager->mkSkolem("sk", s1.getType());
+ t = d_nodeManager->mkVar("t", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(12));
+ sv_t = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, s1, x, s2);
+ sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 1, sk, sv_t, t);
+ }
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sc.isNull());
+ Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
+ ASSERT_TRUE((litk == kind::EQUAL && pol == false) || ksc == IMPLIES);
+ Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
+ Node body = d_nodeManager->mkNode(litk, sv_t, t);
+ Node bvarlist = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {x});
+ Node scr =
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(EXISTS, bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
+ Expr a = d_nodeManager->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
+ Result res = d_smtEngine->checkSat(a);
+ if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ if (!s1.isNull())
+ std::cout << "s1 " << d_smtEngine->getValue(s1.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ if (!s2.isNull())
+ std::cout << "s2 " << d_smtEngine->getValue(s2.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "t " << d_smtEngine->getValue(t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "x " << d_smtEngine->getValue(x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
+ }
+ void runTestSext(bool pol, Kind litk)
+ {
+ unsigned ws = 3;
+ unsigned wx = 5;
+ unsigned w = 8;
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkVar("x", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(wx));
+ Node sk = d_nodeManager->mkSkolem("sk", x.getType());
+ x = d_nodeManager->mkBoundVar(x.getType());
+ Node t = d_nodeManager->mkVar("t", d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(w));
+ Node sv_t = bv::utils::mkSignExtend(x, ws);
+ Node sc = getICBvSext(pol, litk, 0, sk, sv_t, t);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(sc.isNull());
+ Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
+ ASSERT_TRUE((litk == kind::EQUAL && pol == false)
+ || (litk == kind::BITVECTOR_ULT && pol == false)
+ || (litk == kind::BITVECTOR_UGT && pol == false)
+ || ksc == IMPLIES);
+ Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
+ Node body = d_nodeManager->mkNode(litk, sv_t, t);
+ Node bvarlist = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {x});
+ Node scr =
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(EXISTS, bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
+ Expr a = d_nodeManager->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
+ Result res = d_smtEngine->checkSat(a);
+ if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "t " << d_smtEngine->getValue(t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "x " << d_smtEngine->getValue(x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
+ }
+ Node d_s;
+ Node d_t;
+ Node d_sk;
+ Node d_x;
+ Node d_bvarlist;
+/* Generic invertibility conditions for LT --------------------------------- */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ult_true)
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ult_false)
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ugt_true)
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ugt_false)
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_slt_true)
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_slt_false)
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sgt_true)
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, test_getIC_bv_sgt_false)
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
+/* Equality and Disequality ---------------------------------------------- */
+/* Mult */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_eq_trueu)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+/* Urem */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+/* Udiv */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+/* And */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+/* Or */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+/* Lshr */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+/* Ashr */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+/* Shl */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_eq_true0)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_eq_true1)
+ runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_eq_false0)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_eq_false1)
+ runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+/* Concat */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_true0)
+ runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_true1)
+ runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_true2)
+ runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_false0)
+ runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_false1)
+ runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_eq_false2)
+ runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 2);
+/* Sext */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_eq_true)
+ runTestSext(true, EQUAL);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_eq_false)
+ runTestSext(false, EQUAL);
+/* Inequality -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Not */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ult_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ult_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ult_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ult_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ugt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ugt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ugt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_ugt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_slt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_slt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_slt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_slt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_sgt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_sgt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_sgt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_not_sgt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+/* Neg */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ult_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ult_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ult_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ult_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ugt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ugt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ugt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_ugt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_slt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_slt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_slt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_slt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_sgt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_sgt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_sgt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_neg_sgt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+/* Add */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ult_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ult_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ult_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ult_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ugt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ugt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ugt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_ugt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_slt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_slt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_slt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_slt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_sgt_true0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_sgt_true1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_sgt_false0)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_plus_sgt_false1)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
+ runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
+/* Mult */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_mult_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
+/* Urem */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ult_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ult_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ugt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ugt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_slt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_slt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_sgt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_sgt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_urem_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
+/* Udiv */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ult_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ult_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ugt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ugt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_slt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_slt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_sgt_true0)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_sgt_true1)
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_udiv_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
+/* And */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_and_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+/* Or */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_or_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
+/* Lshr */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_lshr_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
+/* Ashr */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_ashr_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
+/* Shl */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ult_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ult_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ult_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ult_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ugt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ugt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ugt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_ugt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_slt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_slt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_slt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_slt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_sgt_true0)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_sgt_true1)
+ runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_sgt_false0)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_shl_sgt_false1)
+ runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
+/* Concat */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_true0)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_true1)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_true2)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_false0)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_false1)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ult_false2)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_true0)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_true1)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_true2)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_false0)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_false1)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_ugt_false2)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_true0)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_true1)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_true2)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_false0)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_false1)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_slt_false2)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_true0)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_true1)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_true2)
+ runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 2);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_false0)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 0);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_false1)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 1);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_concat_sgt_false2)
+ runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 2);
+/* Sext */
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_ult_true)
+ runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_ULT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_ult_false)
+ runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_ULT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_ugt_true)
+ runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_UGT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_ugt_false)
+ runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_UGT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_slt_true)
+ runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_SLT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_slt_false)
+ runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_SLT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_sgt_true)
+ runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_SGT);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteQuantifiersBvInverter, getIC_bv_sext_sgt_false)
+ runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_SGT);
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace CVC4
+++ /dev/null
-/********************* */
-/*! \file theory_quantifiers_bv_inverter_white.h
- ** \verbatim
- ** Top contributors (to current version):
- ** Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds
- ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
- ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
- ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
- ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
- ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
- **
- ** \brief Unit tests for BV inverter.
- **
- ** Unit tests for BV inverter.
- **/
-#include "expr/node.h"
-#include "expr/node_manager.h"
-#include "smt/smt_engine.h"
-#include "smt/smt_engine_scope.h"
-#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
-#include "theory/quantifiers/bv_inverter_utils.h"
-#include "util/result.h"
-using namespace CVC4;
-using namespace CVC4::kind;
-using namespace CVC4::theory;
-using namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers;
-using namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers::utils;
-using namespace CVC4::smt;
-class TheoryQuantifiersBvInverter : public CxxTest::TestSuite
- ExprManager *d_em;
- NodeManager *d_nm;
- SmtEngine *d_smt;
- SmtScope *d_scope;
- Node d_s;
- Node d_t;
- Node d_sk;
- Node d_x;
- Node d_bvarlist;
- void runTestPred(bool pol,
- Kind k,
- Node x,
- Node (*getsc)(bool, Kind, Node, Node))
- {
- TS_ASSERT(k != EQUAL || pol == false);
- Node sc = getsc(pol, k, d_sk, d_t);
- Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
- TS_ASSERT((k == BITVECTOR_ULT && pol == false)
- || (k == BITVECTOR_SLT && pol == false)
- || (k == BITVECTOR_UGT && pol == false)
- || (k == BITVECTOR_SGT && pol == false) || ksc == IMPLIES);
- Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
- if (!pol)
- {
- if (k == BITVECTOR_ULT)
- {
- }
- else if (k == BITVECTOR_UGT)
- {
- }
- else if (k == BITVECTOR_SLT)
- {
- }
- else if (k == BITVECTOR_SGT)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- Node body = d_nm->mkNode(k, x, d_t);
- Node scr = d_nm->mkNode(EXISTS, d_bvarlist, body);
- Expr a = d_nm->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
- Result res = d_smt->checkSat(a);
- TS_ASSERT(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
- }
- void runTest(bool pol,
- Kind litk,
- Kind k,
- unsigned idx,
- Node (*getsc)(bool, Kind, Kind, unsigned, Node, Node, Node))
- {
- || k == BITVECTOR_SHL);
- Node sc = getsc(pol, litk, k, idx, d_sk, d_s, d_t);
- TS_ASSERT(!sc.isNull());
- Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
- TS_ASSERT((k == BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL && idx == 1 && pol == false)
- || (k == BITVECTOR_ASHR && idx == 0 && pol == false)
- || ksc == IMPLIES);
- Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
- Node body = idx == 0 ? d_nm->mkNode(litk, d_nm->mkNode(k, d_x, d_s), d_t)
- : d_nm->mkNode(litk, d_nm->mkNode(k, d_s, d_x), d_t);
- Node scr = d_nm->mkNode(EXISTS, d_bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
- Expr a = d_nm->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
- Result res = d_smt->checkSat(a);
- if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
- {
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "s " << d_smt->getValue(d_s.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "t " << d_smt->getValue(d_t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "x " << d_smt->getValue(d_x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- }
- TS_ASSERT(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
- }
- void runTestConcat(bool pol, Kind litk, unsigned idx)
- {
- Node s1, s2, sv_t;
- Node x, t, sk;
- Node sc;
- if (idx == 0)
- {
- s2 = d_nm->mkVar("s2", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- x = d_nm->mkBoundVar(s2.getType());
- sk = d_nm->mkSkolem("sk", s2.getType());
- t = d_nm->mkVar("t", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(8));
- sv_t = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, x, s2);
- sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 0, sk, sv_t, t);
- }
- else if (idx == 1)
- {
- s1 = d_nm->mkVar("s1", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- x = d_nm->mkBoundVar(s1.getType());
- sk = d_nm->mkSkolem("sk", s1.getType());
- t = d_nm->mkVar("t", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(8));
- sv_t = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, s1, x);
- sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 1, sk, sv_t, t);
- }
- else
- {
- TS_ASSERT(idx == 2);
- s1 = d_nm->mkVar("s1", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- s2 = d_nm->mkVar("s2", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- x = d_nm->mkBoundVar(s2.getType());
- sk = d_nm->mkSkolem("sk", s1.getType());
- t = d_nm->mkVar("t", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(12));
- sv_t = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_CONCAT, s1, x, s2);
- sc = getICBvConcat(pol, litk, 1, sk, sv_t, t);
- }
- TS_ASSERT(!sc.isNull());
- Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
- TS_ASSERT((litk == kind::EQUAL && pol == false) || ksc == IMPLIES);
- Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
- Node body = d_nm->mkNode(litk, sv_t, t);
- Node bvarlist = d_nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {x});
- Node scr = d_nm->mkNode(EXISTS, bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
- Expr a = d_nm->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
- Result res = d_smt->checkSat(a);
- if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
- {
- std::cout << std::endl;
- if (!s1.isNull())
- std::cout << "s1 " << d_smt->getValue(s1.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- if (!s2.isNull())
- std::cout << "s2 " << d_smt->getValue(s2.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "t " << d_smt->getValue(t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "x " << d_smt->getValue(x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- }
- TS_ASSERT(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
- }
- void runTestSext(bool pol, Kind litk)
- {
- unsigned ws = 3;
- unsigned wx = 5;
- unsigned w = 8;
- Node x = d_nm->mkVar("x", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(wx));
- Node sk = d_nm->mkSkolem("sk", x.getType());
- x = d_nm->mkBoundVar(x.getType());
- Node t = d_nm->mkVar("t", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(w));
- Node sv_t = bv::utils::mkSignExtend(x, ws);
- Node sc = getICBvSext(pol, litk, 0, sk, sv_t, t);
- TS_ASSERT(!sc.isNull());
- Kind ksc = sc.getKind();
- TS_ASSERT((litk == kind::EQUAL && pol == false)
- || (litk == kind::BITVECTOR_ULT && pol == false)
- || (litk == kind::BITVECTOR_UGT && pol == false)
- || ksc == IMPLIES);
- Node scl = ksc == IMPLIES ? sc[0] : bv::utils::mkTrue();
- Node body = d_nm->mkNode(litk, sv_t, t);
- Node bvarlist = d_nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {x});
- Node scr = d_nm->mkNode(EXISTS, bvarlist, pol ? body : body.notNode());
- Expr a = d_nm->mkNode(DISTINCT, scl, scr).toExpr();
- Result res = d_smt->checkSat(a);
- if (res.d_sat == Result::SAT)
- {
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "t " << d_smt->getValue(t.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "x " << d_smt->getValue(x.toExpr()) << std::endl;
- }
- TS_ASSERT(res.d_sat == Result::UNSAT);
- }
- public:
- TheoryQuantifiersBvInverter() {}
- void setUp()
- {
- d_em = new ExprManager();
- d_nm = NodeManager::fromExprManager(d_em);
- d_smt = new SmtEngine(d_nm);
- d_smt->setOption("cegqi-full", CVC4::SExpr(true));
- d_smt->setOption("produce-models", CVC4::SExpr(true));
- d_scope = new SmtScope(d_smt);
- d_s = d_nm->mkVar("s", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- d_t = d_nm->mkVar("t", d_nm->mkBitVectorType(4));
- d_sk = d_nm->mkSkolem("sk", d_t.getType());
- d_x = d_nm->mkBoundVar(d_t.getType());
- d_bvarlist = d_nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, {d_x});
- }
- void tearDown()
- {
- d_bvarlist = Node::null();
- d_x = Node::null();
- d_sk = Node::null();
- d_t = Node::null();
- d_s = Node::null();
- delete d_scope;
- delete d_smt;
- delete d_em;
- }
- /* Generic side conditions for LT --------------------------------------- */
- void testGetScBvUltTrue()
- {
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvUltFalse()
- {
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvUgtTrue()
- {
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvUgtFalse()
- {
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, d_x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvSltTrue()
- {
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvSltFalse()
- {
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvSgtTrue()
- {
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvSgtFalse()
- {
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, d_x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- /* Equality and Disequality ---------------------------------------------- */
- /* Mult */
- void testGetScBvMultEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- /* Urem */
- void testGetScBvUremEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- /* Udiv */
- void testGetScBvUdivEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- /* And */
- void testGetScBvAndEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- /* Or */
- void testGetScBvOrEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- /* Lshr */
- void testGetScBvLshrEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- /* Ashr */
- void testGetScBvAshrEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- /* Shl */
- void testGetScBvShlEqTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlEqTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlEqFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlEqFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, EQUAL, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- /* Concat */
- void testGetScBvConcatEqTrue0() { runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatEqTrue1() { runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatEqTrue2() { runTestConcat(true, EQUAL, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatEqFalse0() { runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatEqFalse1() { runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatEqFalse2() { runTestConcat(false, EQUAL, 2); }
- /* Sext */
- void testGetScBvSextEqTrue() { runTestSext(true, EQUAL); }
- void testGetScBvSextEqFalse() { runTestSext(false, EQUAL); }
- /* Inequality ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Not */
- void testGetScBvNotUltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotUgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNotSgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NOT, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- /* Neg */
- void testGetScBvNegUltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegUgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvNegSgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_NEG, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- /* Add */
- void testGetScBvPlusUltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusUgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, x, getICBvUltUgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSltTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSltTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSltFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSltFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSgtTrue0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSgtTrue1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSgtFalse0()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_x, d_s);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- void testGetScBvPlusSgtFalse1()
- {
- Node x = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_PLUS, d_s, d_x);
- runTestPred(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, x, getICBvSltSgt);
- }
- /* Mult */
- void testGetScBvMultUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 0, getICBvMult);
- }
- void testGetScBvMultSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_MULT, 1, getICBvMult);
- }
- /* Urem */
- void testGetScBvUremUltTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUltTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUgtTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUgtTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSltTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSltTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSgtTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSgtTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUrem);
- }
- void testGetScBvUremSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUrem);
- }
- /* Udiv */
- void testGetScBvUdivUltTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUltTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUgtTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUgtTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSltTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSltTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSgtTrue0()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSgtTrue1()
- {
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 0, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- void testGetScBvUdivSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL, 1, getICBvUdiv);
- }
- /* And */
- void testGetScBvAndUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAndSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_AND, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- /* Or */
- void testGetScBvOrUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 0, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- void testGetScBvOrSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_OR, 1, getICBvAndOr);
- }
- /* Lshr */
- void testGetScBvLshrUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 0, getICBvLshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvLshrSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_LSHR, 1, getICBvLshr);
- }
- /* Ashr */
- void testGetScBvAshrUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 0, getICBvAshr);
- }
- void testGetScBvAshrSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_ASHR, 1, getICBvAshr);
- }
- /* Shl */
- void testGetScBvShlUltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlUgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSltTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSltTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSltFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSltFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSgtTrue0()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSgtTrue1()
- {
- runTest(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSgtFalse0()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 0, getICBvShl);
- }
- void testGetScBvShlSgtFalse1()
- {
- runTest(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, BITVECTOR_SHL, 1, getICBvShl);
- }
- /* Concat */
- void testGetScBvConcatUltTrue0() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUltTrue1() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUltTrue2() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_ULT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUltFalse0() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUltFalse1() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUltFalse2() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_ULT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtTrue0() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtTrue1() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtTrue2() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_UGT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtFalse0() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtFalse1() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatUgtFalse2() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_UGT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltTrue0() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltTrue1() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltTrue2() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SLT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltFalse0() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltFalse1() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSltFalse2() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SLT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtTrue0() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtTrue1() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtTrue2() { runTestConcat(true, BITVECTOR_SGT, 2); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtFalse0() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 0); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtFalse1() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 1); }
- void testGetScBvConcatSgtFalse2() { runTestConcat(false, BITVECTOR_SGT, 2); }
- /* Sext */
- void testGetScBvSextUltTrue() { runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_ULT); }
- void testGetScBvSextUltFalse() { runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_ULT); }
- void testGetScBvSextUgtTrue() { runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_UGT); }
- void testGetScBvSextUgtFalse() { runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_UGT); }
- void testGetScBvSextSltTrue() { runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_SLT); }
- void testGetScBvSextSltFalse() { runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_SLT); }
- void testGetScBvSextSgtTrue() { runTestSext(true, BITVECTOR_SGT); }
- void testGetScBvSextSgtFalse() { runTestSext(false, BITVECTOR_SGT); }