for( unsigned j=0; j<cols[i].size(); j++ ){
for( unsigned k=(j+1); k<cols[i].size(); k++ ){
//for strings that are disequal, but have the same length
- if( areDisequal( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
- Assert( !d_conflict );
- if (Trace.isOn("strings-solve"))
+ if (cols[i][j].isConst() && cols[i][k].isConst())
+ {
+ // if both are constants, they should be distinct, and its trivial
+ Assert(cols[i][j] != cols[i][k]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (areDisequal(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]))
- Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare " << cols[i][j] << " ";
- printConcat(getNormalForm(cols[i][j]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
- Trace("strings-solve") << " against " << cols[i][k] << " ";
- printConcat(getNormalForm(cols[i][k]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
- Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
- }
- processDeq( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] );
- if( hasProcessed() ){
- return;
+ Assert(!d_conflict);
+ if (Trace.isOn("strings-solve"))
+ {
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare " << cols[i][j] << " ";
+ printConcat(getNormalForm(cols[i][j]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
+ Trace("strings-solve") << " against " << cols[i][k] << " ";
+ printConcat(getNormalForm(cols[i][k]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
+ }
+ processDeq(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]);
+ if (hasProcessed())
+ {
+ return;
+ }