#include <iostream>
#include "context/cdo.h"
+#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
namespace CVC4 {
namespace context {
while (d_nodesInserted < d_memory.size()) {
const tree_entry_type& node = d_memory.back();
- Debug("cd_set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::backtrack(): removing " << node.getValue()
+ BVDebug("cd_set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::backtrack(): removing " << node.getValue()
<< " from " << internalToString(getRoot(d_memory.size()-1)) << std::endl;
if (node.hasParent()) {
// Find the biggest node smaleer than value (it must exist)
while (set != null) {
- Debug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getPrev(" << toString(set) << "," << value << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getPrev(" << toString(set) << "," << value << ")" << std::endl;
const tree_entry_type& node = d_memory[set];
if (node.getValue() >= value) {
// If the node is bigger than the value, we need a smaller one
// Find the smallest node bigger than value (it must exist)
while (set != null) {
- Debug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getNext(" << toString(set) << "," << value << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getNext(" << toString(set) << "," << value << ")" << std::endl;
const tree_entry_type& node = d_memory[set];
if (node.getValue() <= value) {
// If the node is smaller than the value, we need a bigger one
- Debug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getElements(" << toString(set) << "," << lowerBound << "," << upperBound << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("set_collection") << "BacktrackableSetCollection::getElements(" << toString(set) << "," << lowerBound << "," << upperBound << ")" << std::endl;
// Empty set no elements
if (set == null) {
EqualityEngine(OwnerClass& owner, context::Context* context, std::string name)
: d_notify(owner), d_assertedEqualitiesCount(context, 0), d_stats(name) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEdge::EqualityEdge(): id_null = " << BitSizeTraits::id_null <<
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEdge::EqualityEdge(): id_null = " << BitSizeTraits::id_null <<
", trigger_id_null = " << BitSizeTraits::trigger_id_null << std::endl;
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
size_t EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::addTerm(TNode t) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTerm(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTerm(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
// If term already added, retrurn it's id
if (hasTerm(t)) return getNodeId(t);
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
bool EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::addEquality(TNode t1, TNode t2, Node reason) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
// Backtrack if necessary
// Depending on the merge preference (such as size), merge them
std::vector<size_t> triggers;
if (UnionFindPreferences::mergePreference(d_nodes[t2classId], node2.getSize(), d_nodes[t1classId], node1.getSize())) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << "): merging " << t1 << " into " << t2 << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << "): merging " << t1 << " into " << t2 << std::endl;
merge(node2, node1, triggers);
d_assertedEqualities.push_back(Equality(t2classId, t1classId));
} else {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << "): merging " << t2 << " into " << t1 << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addEquality(" << t1 << "," << t2 << "): merging " << t2 << " into " << t1 << std::endl;
merge(node1, node2, triggers);
d_assertedEqualities.push_back(Equality(t1classId, t2classId));
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
TNode EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::getRepresentative(TNode t) const {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getRepresentative(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getRepresentative(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
size_t representativeId = const_cast<EqualityEngine*>(this)->getEqualityNode(t).getFind();
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getRepresentative(" << t << ") => " << d_nodes[representativeId] << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getRepresentative(" << t << ") => " << d_nodes[representativeId] << std::endl;
return d_nodes[representativeId];
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
bool EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::areEqual(TNode t1, TNode t2) const {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::areEqual(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::areEqual(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
size_t rep1 = const_cast<EqualityEngine*>(this)->getEqualityNode(t1).getFind();
size_t rep2 = const_cast<EqualityEngine*>(this)->getEqualityNode(t2).getFind();
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::areEqual(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ") => " << (rep1 == rep2 ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::areEqual(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ") => " << (rep1 == rep2 ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
return rep1 == rep2;
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
void EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::merge(EqualityNode& class1, EqualityNode& class2, std::vector<size_t>& triggers) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::merge(" << class1.getFind() << "," << class2.getFind() << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::merge(" << class1.getFind() << "," << class2.getFind() << ")" << std::endl;
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
void EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::undoMerge(EqualityNode& class1, EqualityNode& class2, size_t class2Id) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::undoMerge(" << class1.getFind() << "," << class2Id << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::undoMerge(" << class1.getFind() << "," << class2Id << ")" << std::endl;
// Now unmerge the lists (same as merge)
++ d_stats.backtracksCount;
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::backtrack(): nodes" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::backtrack(): nodes" << std::endl;
for (int i = (int)d_assertedEqualities.size() - 1, i_end = (int)d_assertedEqualitiesCount; i >= i_end; --i) {
// Get the ids of the merged classes
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::backtrack(): edges" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::backtrack(): edges" << std::endl;
for (int i = (int)d_equalityEdges.size() - 2, i_end = (int)(2*d_assertedEqualitiesCount); i >= i_end; i -= 2) {
EqualityEdge& edge1 = d_equalityEdges[i];
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
void EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::addGraphEdge(size_t t1, size_t t2, Node reason) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addGraphEdge(" << d_nodes[t1] << "," << d_nodes[t2] << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addGraphEdge(" << d_nodes[t1] << "," << d_nodes[t2] << ")" << std::endl;
size_t edge = d_equalityEdges.size();
d_equalityEdges.push_back(EqualityEdge(t2, d_equalityGraph[t1]));
d_equalityEdges.push_back(EqualityEdge(t1, d_equalityGraph[t2]));
void EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::getExplanation(TNode t1, TNode t2, std::vector<TNode>& equalities) const {
Assert(getRepresentative(t1) == getRepresentative(t2));
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
// If the nodes are the same, we're done
if (t1 == t2) return;
BfsData current = bfsQueue[currentIndex];
size_t currentNode = current.nodeId;
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): currentNode = " << d_nodes[currentNode] << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): currentNode = " << d_nodes[currentNode] << std::endl;
// Go through the equality edges of this node
size_t currentEdge = d_equalityGraph[currentNode];
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): edges = " << edgesToString(currentEdge) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): edges = " << edgesToString(currentEdge) << std::endl;
while (currentEdge != BitSizeTraits::id_null) {
// Get the edge
// If not just the backwards edge
if ((currentEdge | 1u) != (current.edgeId | 1u)) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): currentEdge = (" << d_nodes[currentNode] << "," << d_nodes[edge.getNodeId()] << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): currentEdge = (" << d_nodes[currentNode] << "," << d_nodes[edge.getNodeId()] << ")" << std::endl;
// Did we find the path
if (edge.getNodeId() == t2Id) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): path found: " << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): path found: " << std::endl;
// Reconstruct the path
do {
// Add the actual equality to the vector
equalities.push_back(d_equalityReasons[currentEdge >> 1]);
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): adding: " << d_equalityReasons[currentEdge >> 1] << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::getExplanation(): adding: " << d_equalityReasons[currentEdge >> 1] << std::endl;
// Go to the previous
currentEdge = bfsQueue[currentIndex].edgeId;
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
size_t EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::addTrigger(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTrigger(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTrigger(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
d_nodeTriggers[t1Id] = t1NewTriggerId;
d_nodeTriggers[t2Id] = t2NewTriggerId;
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTrigger(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ") => " << t1NewTriggerId / 2 << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::addTrigger(" << t1 << "," << t2 << ") => " << t1NewTriggerId / 2 << std::endl;
// Return the global id of the trigger
return t1NewTriggerId / 2;
template <typename OwnerClass, typename NotifyClass, typename UnionFindPreferences>
Node EqualityEngine<OwnerClass, NotifyClass, UnionFindPreferences>::normalizeWithCache(TNode node, std::set<TNode>& assumptions) {
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::normalize(" << node << ")" << push << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::normalize(" << node << ")" << push << std::endl;
normalization_cache::iterator find = d_normalizationCache.find(node);
if (find != d_normalizationCache.end()) {
result = builder;
- Debug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::normalize(" << node << ") => " << result << pop << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("equality") << "EqualityEngine::normalize(" << node << ") => " << result << pop << std::endl;
// Cache the result for real now
d_normalizationCache[node] = result;
template <class TheoryBitvector>
bool SliceManager<TheoryBitvector>::solveEquality(TNode lhs, TNode rhs, const std::set<TNode>& assumptions) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::solveEquality(" << lhs << "," << rhs << "," << utils::setToString(assumptions) << ")" << push << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::solveEquality(" << lhs << "," << rhs << "," << utils::setToString(assumptions) << ")" << push << std::endl;
bool ok;
// Slice the individual terms to align them
ok = sliceAndSolve(lhsTerms, rhsTerms, assumptions);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::solveEquality(" << lhs << "," << rhs << "," << utils::setToString(assumptions) << ")" << pop << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::solveEquality(" << lhs << "," << rhs << "," << utils::setToString(assumptions) << ")" << pop << std::endl;
return ok;
bool SliceManager<TheoryBitvector>::sliceAndSolve(std::vector<Node>& lhs, std::vector<Node>& rhs, const std::set<TNode>& assumptions)
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve()" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve()" << std::endl;
// Go through the work-list, solve and align
while (!lhs.empty()) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): lhs " << utils::vectorToString(lhs) << std::endl;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): rhs " << utils::vectorToString(rhs) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): lhs " << utils::vectorToString(lhs) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): rhs " << utils::vectorToString(rhs) << std::endl;
// The terms that we need to slice
Node lhsTerm = lhs.back();
Node rhsTerm = rhs.back();
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): " << lhsTerm << " : " << rhsTerm << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): " << lhsTerm << " : " << rhsTerm << std::endl;
// If the terms are not sliced wrt the current slicing, we have them sliced
if (!isSliced(lhsTerm)) {
if (!slice(lhsTerm, lhs)) return false;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): lhs sliced" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): lhs sliced" << std::endl;
if (!slice(rhsTerm, rhs)) return false;
// We also need to put lhs back
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): rhs sliced" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): rhs sliced" << std::endl;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): both lhs and rhs sliced already" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): both lhs and rhs sliced already" << std::endl;
// The solving concatenation
std::vector<Node> concatTerms;
} solvingFor = sizeDifference < 0 || lhsTerm.getKind() == kind::CONST_BITVECTOR ? SOLVING_FOR_RHS : SOLVING_FOR_LHS;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): " << (solvingFor == SOLVING_FOR_LHS ? "solving for LHS" : "solving for RHS") << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): " << (solvingFor == SOLVING_FOR_LHS ? "solving for LHS" : "solving for RHS") << std::endl;
// When we slice in order to align, we might have to reslice the one we are solving for
bool reslice = false;
Assert(sizeDifference == 0);
Node concat = utils::mkConcat(concatTerms);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): concatenation " << concat << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): concatenation " << concat << std::endl;
// We have them equal size now. If the base term of the one we are solving is solved into a
// non-trivial concatenation already, we have to normalize. A concatenation is non-trivial if
if (!ok) return false;
} else {
// We're fine, just add the equality
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): adding " << lhsTerm << " = " << concat << " " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): adding " << lhsTerm << " = " << concat << " " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
bool ok = d_equalityEngine.addEquality(lhsTerm, concat, utils::mkConjunction(assumptions));
if (!ok) return false;
if (!ok) return false;
} else {
// We're fine, just add the equality
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): adding " << rhsTerm << " = " << concat << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::sliceAndSolve(): adding " << rhsTerm << " = " << concat << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
bool ok = d_equalityEngine.addEquality(rhsTerm, concat, utils::mkConjunction(assumptions));
if (!ok) return false;
template <class TheoryBitvector>
bool SliceManager<TheoryBitvector>::isSliced(TNode node) const {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::isSliced(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::isSliced(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
bool result = false;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::isSliced(" << node << ") => " << (result ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::isSliced(" << node << ") => " << (result ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
return result;
template <class TheoryBitvector>
bool SliceManager<TheoryBitvector>::addSlice(Node node, unsigned slicePoint) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << ")" << std::endl;
bool ok = true;
// Add the slice to the set
d_setCollection.insert(sliceSet, slicePoint);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << "): current set " << d_setCollection.toString(sliceSet) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << "): current set " << d_setCollection.toString(sliceSet) << std::endl;
// Add the terms and the equality to the equality engine
Node t1 = utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, next - 1, slicePoint);
ok = solveEquality(nodeSliceRepresentative, concat, assumptions);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << ") => " << d_setCollection.toString(d_nodeSlicing[nodeBase]) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceMagager::addSlice(" << node << "," << slicePoint << ") => " << d_setCollection.toString(d_nodeSlicing[nodeBase]) << std::endl;
return ok;
template <class TheoryBitvector>
inline bool SliceManager<TheoryBitvector>::slice(TNode node, std::vector<Node>& sliced) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
// The indices of the beginning and (one past) end
unsigned high = node.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT ? utils::getExtractHigh(node) + 1 : utils::getSize(node);
unsigned low = node.getKind() == kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT ? utils::getExtractLow(node) : 0;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): low: " << low << std::endl;
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): high: " << high << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): low: " << low << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): high: " << high << std::endl;
// Get the base term
TNode nodeBase = baseTerm(node);
Assert(d_setCollection.size(nodeSliceSet) >= 2);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): current: " << d_setCollection.toString(nodeSliceSet) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): current: " << d_setCollection.toString(nodeSliceSet) << std::endl;
std::vector<size_t> slicePoints;
if (low + 1 < high) {
d_setCollection.getElements(nodeSliceSet, low + 1, high - 1, slicePoints);
// and generate the slices [i_0:low-1][low:i_1-1] [i_1:i2] ... [i_{n-1}:high-1][high:i_n-1]. They are in reverse order,
// as they should be
size_t i_0 = low == 0 ? 0 : d_setCollection.prev(nodeSliceSet, low + 1);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): i_0: " << i_0 << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): i_0: " << i_0 << std::endl;
size_t i_n = high == utils::getSize(nodeBase) ? high: d_setCollection.next(nodeSliceSet, high - 1);
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): i_n: " << i_n << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): i_n: " << i_n << std::endl;
// Add the new points to the slice set (they might be there already)
if (high < i_n) {
// Construct the actuall slicing
if (slicePoints.size() > 0) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[0] - 1, low) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[0] - 1, low) << std::endl;
sliced.push_back(utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[0] - 1, low));
for (unsigned i = 1; i < slicePoints.size(); ++ i) {
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[i] - 1, slicePoints[i-1])<< std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[i] - 1, slicePoints[i-1])<< std::endl;
sliced.push_back(utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, slicePoints[i] - 1, slicePoints[i-1]));
- Debug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, high-1, slicePoints.back()) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("slicing") << "SliceManager::slice(" << node << "): adding" << utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, high-1, slicePoints.back()) << std::endl;
sliced.push_back(utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, high-1, slicePoints.back()));
} else {
sliced.push_back(utils::mkExtract(nodeBase, high - 1, low));
void TheoryBV::preRegisterTerm(TNode node) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::preRegister(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::preRegister(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
if (node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
void TheoryBV::check(Effort e) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << ")" << std::endl;
while(!done()) {
TNode assertion = get();
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): asserting: " << assertion << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): asserting: " << assertion << std::endl;
// Do the right stuff
switch (assertion.getKind()) {
Node lhsNormalized = d_eqEngine.normalize(equality[0], assumptions);
Node rhsNormalized = d_eqEngine.normalize(equality[1], assumptions);
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): normalizes to " << lhsNormalized << " = " << rhsNormalized << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): normalizes to " << lhsNormalized << " = " << rhsNormalized << std::endl;
// No need to slice the equality, the whole thing *should* be deduced
if (lhsNormalized == rhsNormalized) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): conflict with " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): conflict with " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
if (fullEffort(e)) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): checking dis-equalities" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): checking dis-equalities" << std::endl;
for (unsigned i = 0, i_end = d_disequalities.size(); i < i_end; ++ i) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): checking " << d_disequalities[i] << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): checking " << d_disequalities[i] << std::endl;
TNode equality = d_disequalities[i][0];
// Assumptions
Node lhsNormalized = d_eqEngine.normalize(equality[0], assumptions);
Node rhsNormalized = d_eqEngine.normalize(equality[1], assumptions);
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): normalizes to " << lhsNormalized << " = " << rhsNormalized << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): normalizes to " << lhsNormalized << " = " << rhsNormalized << std::endl;
// No need to slice the equality, the whole thing *should* be deduced
if (lhsNormalized == rhsNormalized) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): conflict with " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::check(" << e << "): conflict with " << utils::setToString(assumptions) << std::endl;
bool TheoryBV::triggerEquality(size_t triggerId) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::triggerEquality(" << triggerId << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::triggerEquality(" << triggerId << ")" << std::endl;
Assert(triggerId < d_triggers.size());
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::triggerEquality(" << triggerId << "): " << d_triggers[triggerId] << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::triggerEquality(" << triggerId << "): " << d_triggers[triggerId] << std::endl;
TNode equality = d_triggers[triggerId];
void TheoryBV::explain(TNode node) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::explain(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::explain(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
if(node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
std::vector<TNode> reasons;
d_eqEngine.getExplanation(node[0], node[1], reasons);
#include "theory/theory.h"
#include "context/context.h"
#include "util/stats.h"
+#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace CVC4 {
template<bool checkApplies>
static inline Node run(Node node) {
if (!checkApplies || applies(node)) {
- Debug("theory::bv::rewrite") << "RewriteRule<" << rule << ">(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("theory::bv::rewrite") << "RewriteRule<" << rule << ">(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
Assert(checkApplies || applies(node));
++ s_statictics->d_ruleApplications;
Node result = apply(node);
- Debug("theory::bv::rewrite") << "RewriteRule<" << rule << ">(" << node << ") => " << result << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("theory::bv::rewrite") << "RewriteRule<" << rule << ">(" << node << ") => " << result << std::endl;
return result;
} else {
return node;
Node RewriteRule<ConcatFlatten>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatFlatten>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatFlatten>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
NodeBuilder<> result(kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT);
std::vector<Node> processing_stack;
Node RewriteRule<ConcatExtractMerge>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatExtractMerge>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatExtractMerge>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
std::vector<Node> mergedExtracts;
Node RewriteRule<ConcatConstantMerge>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatConstantMerge>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatConstantMerge>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
std::vector<Node> mergedConstants;
for (unsigned i = 0, end = node.getNumChildren(); i < end;) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatConstantMerge>(" << node << ") => " << utils::mkConcat(mergedConstants) << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ConcatConstantMerge>(" << node << ") => " << utils::mkConcat(mergedConstants) << std::endl;
return utils::mkConcat(mergedConstants);
Node RewriteRule<ExtractWhole>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractWhole>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractWhole>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
return node[0];
Node RewriteRule<ExtractConstant>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConstant>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConstant>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
Node child = node[0];
BitVector childValue = child.getConst<BitVector>();
return utils::mkConst(childValue.extract(utils::getExtractHigh(node), utils::getExtractLow(node)));
bool RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>::applies(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
if (node.getKind() != kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT) return false;
if (node[0].getKind() != kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT) return false;
return true;
Node RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractConcat>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
int extract_high = utils::getExtractHigh(node);
int extract_low = utils::getExtractLow(node);
Node RewriteRule<ExtractExtract>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractExtract>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ExtractExtract>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
// x[i:j][k:l] ~> x[k+j:l+j]
Node child = node[0];
bool RewriteRule<FailEq>::applies(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<FailEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<FailEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
if (node.getKind() != kind::EQUAL) return false;
if (node[0].getKind() != kind::CONST_BITVECTOR) return false;
if (node[1].getKind() != kind::CONST_BITVECTOR) return false;
Node RewriteRule<SimplifyEq>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<SimplifyEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<SimplifyEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
return utils::mkTrue();
Node RewriteRule<ReflexivityEq>::apply(Node node) {
- Debug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ReflexivityEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bv-rewrite") << "RewriteRule<ReflexivityEq>(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
return node[1].eqNode(node[0]);;
RewriteResponse TheoryBVRewriter::postRewrite(TNode node) {
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::postRewrite(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::postRewrite(" << node << ")" << std::endl;
Node result;
- Debug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::postRewrite(" << node << ") => " << result << std::endl;
+ BVDebug("bitvector") << "TheoryBV::postRewrite(" << node << ") => " << result << std::endl;
return RewriteResponse(REWRITE_DONE, result);
#include <sstream>
#include "expr/node_manager.h"
+#ifdef CVC4_DEBUG
+#define BVDebug(x) Debug(x)
+#define BVDebug(x) if (false) Debug(x)
namespace CVC4 {
namespace theory {
namespace bv {