* \sa __glXWindowExists, glXGetProcAddress
-typedef Bool (* PFNGLXWINDOWEXISTSPROC) (__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, __DRIid draw);
+typedef GLboolean (* PFNGLXWINDOWEXISTSPROC) (__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, __DRIid draw);
* Type of a pointer to \c __glXGetUST, as returned by \c glXGetProcAddress.
* \sa __glXGetDrawableInfo, glXGetProcAddress
-typedef Bool (* PFNGLXGETDRAWABLEINFOPROC) ( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn,
+typedef GLboolean (* PFNGLXGETDRAWABLEINFOPROC) ( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn,
__DRIid draw, unsigned int * index, unsigned int * stamp,
int * x, int * y, int * width, int * height,
int * numClipRects, drm_clip_rect_t ** pClipRects,
int * backX, int * backY,
int * numBackClipRects, drm_clip_rect_t ** pBackClipRects );
-extern Bool XF86DRIDestroyContext( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
+extern GLboolean XF86DRIDestroyContext( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
__DRIid context_id );
-extern Bool XF86DRICreateDrawable( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
+extern GLboolean XF86DRICreateDrawable( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
__DRIid drawable, drm_drawable_t *hHWDrawable );
-extern Bool XF86DRIDestroyDrawable( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
+extern GLboolean XF86DRIDestroyDrawable( __DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int screen,
__DRIid drawable);
* \since Internal API version 20040415.
- Bool (*bindContext3)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn, __DRIid draw,
+ GLboolean (*bindContext3)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn, __DRIid draw,
__DRIid read, __DRIcontext *ctx);
* \since Internal API version 20040415.
- Bool (*unbindContext3)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn, __DRIid draw,
+ GLboolean (*unbindContext3)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, int scrn, __DRIid draw,
__DRIid read, __DRIcontext *ctx);
* \since Internal API version 20030317.
- int (*frameTracking)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, void *drawablePrivate, Bool enable);
+ int (*frameTracking)(__DRInativeDisplay *dpy, void *drawablePrivate, GLboolean enable);
* Retrieve frame usage information.