It's not used anywhere and now that we're about to exchange back- and
fake fronts it doesn't serve a purpose.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Hellstrom <>
Reviewed-by: Michel Dänzer <>
buffer->own_pixmap = false;
buffer->width = bp_reply->width;
buffer->height = bp_reply->height;
- buffer->buffer_type = buffer_type;
buffer->shm_fence = shm_fence;
buffer->sync_fence = sync_fence;
buffer = new_buffer;
- buffer->buffer_type = buffer_type;
draw->buffers[buf_id] = buffer;
dri3_fence_await(draw->conn, buffer);
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t width, height;
uint64_t last_swap;
- enum loader_dri3_buffer_type buffer_type;