remote_file build delete $obj
+ if { $status == 0 } {
+ verbose "$me: returning $status" 2
+ return $status
+ }
+ # Compile program with -mmpx -fcheck-pointer-bounds, try to trigger
+ # 'No MPX support', in other words, see if kernel supports mpx.
+ set src { int main (void) { return 0; } }
+ set comp_flags {}
+ append comp_flags " additional_flags=-mmpx"
+ append comp_flags " additional_flags=-fcheck-pointer-bounds"
+ if {![gdb_simple_compile $me-2 $src executable $comp_flags]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set result [remote_exec target $obj]
+ set status [lindex $result 0]
+ set output [lindex $result 1]
+ set status [expr ($status == 0) \
+ && ![string equal $output "No MPX support\r\n"]]
+ remote_file build delete $obj
verbose "$me: returning $status" 2
return $status