ensure that when the interface to the ALU pipeline stage changes for
any reason, *all* consumers of that interface are updated consistently.
-Because this is a record, its fields may be introspected.
-This happens frequently; it is usually the case that an Op-type record is passed unchanged from stage to stage.
-However, `nmigen` does not seem to support testing records for equality in formal assertions.
-(lkcl: it does)
-To express this constraint without needing to update a pile of use-sites every time the interface changes,
-you'll find logic
+Because this is a record, its fields may be introspected. This happens
+frequently; it is usually the case that an Op-type record is passed
+unchanged from stage to stage. However, `nmigen` does not seem to support
+testing records for equality in formal assertions. (lkcl: it does) To
+express this constraint without needing to update a pile of use-sites
+every time the interface changes, you'll find logic
[like this](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/formal/proof_main_stage.py;h=5e70d1e885b41ca50d69f57e9ee94b568d001c2e;hb=HEAD#l64).
(lkcl: which has been established why:
**NOTE:** Instantiating one of these records
(lkcl: FPPipeContext is not a Record, see above)) *does not* provide
-these inputs to the module under test.
-It merely makes the fields of this record available to the formal verification solver so it can fiddle the bits as it explores the design space.
-The record must be connected directly to the module via a signal assignment;
+these inputs to the module under test. It merely makes the fields of
+this record available to the formal verification solver so it can fiddle
+the bits as it explores the design space. The record must be connected
+directly to the module via a signal assignment:
[see line 62 of the source listing.](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/formal/proof_main_stage.py;h=5e70d1e885b41ca50d69f57e9ee94b568d001c2e;hb=HEAD#l62)
+ comb += dut.i.ctx.op.eq(rec)
#### `ALUPipeSpec`
`ALUPipeSpec` is a similar construct, but it serves a different role than the above class.
, it appears to define bits in one or more *register files*,
for both input input the stage and output from the stage.
+ class ALUPipeSpec(CommonPipeSpec):
+ regspec = (ALUInputData.regspec, ALUOutputData.regspec)
+ opsubsetkls = CompALUOpSubset
This structure is passed to the constructor of the module-under-test.
-That constructor, ultimately, has the effect of creating a set of inputs (`dut.i`) and outputs (`dut.o`) that matches the register field names.
-**NOTE:** this process coalesces disparate field bits together!
-For example, the POWER XER register defines two carry bits at positions 34 and 45 in a 64-bit word.
-However, when referencing these bits via `dut.i.xer_ca`, they occupy bits 0 and 1.
-The process reverses for outputs; bits 0 and 1 of the `dut.o.xer_ca` field will be re-distributed to XER register bits 34 and 45 again.
+That constructor, ultimately, has the effect of creating a set of
+inputs (`dut.i`) and outputs (`dut.o`) that matches the register field
See [lines 9 (input) and 19 (output) of the source listing](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/pipe_data.py;h=71363049ba5a437a708e53dfbc3370f17aa394d1;hb=HEAD).
+ class ALUInputData(IntegerData):
+ regspec = [('INT', 'ra', '0:63'), # RA
+ ('INT', 'rb', '0:63'), # RB/immediate
+ ('XER', 'xer_so', '32'), # XER bit 32: SO
+ ('XER', 'xer_ca', '34,45')] # XER bit 34/45: CA/CA32
+ def __init__(self, pspec):
+ super().__init__(pspec, False)
+ # convenience
+ self.a, self.b = self.ra, self.rb
+ class ALUOutputData(IntegerData):
+ regspec = [('INT', 'o', '0:63'),
+ ('CR', 'cr_a', '0:3'),
+ ('XER', 'xer_ca', '34,45'), # bit0: ca, bit1: ca32
+ ('XER', 'xer_ov', '33,44'), # bit0: ov, bit1: ov32
+ ('XER', 'xer_so', '32')]
+ def __init__(self, pspec):
+ super().__init__(pspec, True)
+ # convenience
+ self.cr0 = self.cr_a
+**NOTE:** these are actually separate and distinct registers!
+For example, the POWER XER register defines two carry bits at positions
+34 and 45 in a 64-bit word. However, when referencing these bits via
+`dut.i.xer_ca`, they occupy bits 0 and 1. The process reverses for
+outputs; bits 0 and 1 of the `dut.o.xer_ca` field have to be re-distributed
+to XER register bits 34 and 45 again.
+It is the responsibility of any pipelines to **understand and respect
+this subdivision**. For example, in the
+[SPR main_statge.py at lines 78 to 86](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/spr/main_stage.py;h=f4261b62a2b2d104c9edfa88262f27a97d9498a3;hb=HEAD#l76)
+the implementation of PowerISA `mfspr` *manually* copies the XER `so`,
+`ov/32` and `ca/32` bits into the output, based on hard-coded explicit
+knowledge inside this code, of their positions.
+ # XER is constructed
+ with m.Case(SPR.XER):
+ # sticky
+ comb += o[63-XER_bits['SO']].eq(so_i)
+ # overflow
+ comb += o[63-XER_bits['OV']].eq(ov_i[0])
+ comb += o[63-XER_bits['OV32']].eq(ov_i[1])
+ # carry
+ comb += o[63-XER_bits['CA']].eq(ca_i[0])
+ comb += o[63-XER_bits['CA32']].eq(ca_i[1])
+Note that
+does exactly the same thing:
+ if decode_spr_num(e_in.insn) = SPR_XER then
+ -- bits 0:31 and 35:43 are treated as reserved
+ -- and return 0s when read using mfxer
+ result(63 downto 32) := (others => '0');
+ result(63-32) := v.e.xerc.so;
+ result(63-33) := v.e.xerc.ov;
+ result(63-34) := v.e.xerc.ca;
+ result(63-35 downto 63-43) := "000000000";
+ result(63-44) := v.e.xerc.ov32;
+ result(63-45) := v.e.xerc.ca32;
+ end if;
#### Instantiating the Module Under Test
Looking at [line 41 through 54](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/formal/proof_main_stage.py;h=5e70d1e885b41ca50d69f57e9ee94b568d001c2e;hb=HEAD#l41),
we see the module we want to test actually instantiated.
-Since register inputs and outputs are frequently accessed, it's worthwhile defining a set of aliases for those signals.
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = ALUMainStage(pspec)
+Since register inputs and outputs are frequently accessed, it's worthwhile
+defining a set of aliases for those signals.
+ # convenience variables
+ a = dut.i.a
+ b = dut.i.b
+ ca_in = dut.i.xer_ca[0] # CA carry in
+ ca32_in = dut.i.xer_ca[1] # CA32 carry in 32
+ so_in = dut.i.xer_so # SO sticky overflow
+ ca_o = dut.o.xer_ca.data[0] # CA carry out
+ ca32_o = dut.o.xer_ca.data[1] # CA32 carry out32
+ ov_o = dut.o.xer_ov.data[0] # OV overflow
+ ov32_o = dut.o.xer_ov.data[1] # OV32 overflow32
+ o = dut.o.o.data
Although this somewhat obscures the intent of the code,
it will save typing which reduces opportunity for error.
-Lines 56 through 62 connect all the input signals of the submodule to the formal verifier.
+Lines 56 through 62 connect all the input signals of the submodule to
+the formal verifier.
-(lkcl: note, it's been established that these lines can be replaced
-with an Assert on the op and the muxid, see bug #429 comment 3 above).
+ # setup random inputs
+ comb += [a.eq(AnyConst(64)),
+ b.eq(AnyConst(64)),
+ ca_in.eq(AnyConst(0b11)),
+ so_in.eq(AnyConst(1))]
#### Properties