#include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_rewriter.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_grammar_cons.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_utils.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/term_database_sygus.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/term_enumeration.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/term_util.h"
d_quant = q;
d_simp_quant = q;
Trace("sygus-si") << "CegSingleInv::initialize : " << q << std::endl;
+ // decompose the conjecture
+ SygusUtils::decomposeSygusConjecture(d_quant, d_funs, d_unsolvedf, d_solvedf);
+ Trace("sygus-si") << "functions: " << d_funs << std::endl;
+ Trace("sygus-si") << " unsolved: " << d_unsolvedf << std::endl;
+ Trace("sygus-si") << " solved: " << d_solvedf << std::endl;
// infer single invocation-ness
// get the variables
- std::vector<Node> progs(q[0].begin(), q[0].end());
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > progVars;
+ for (const Node& sf : q[0])
+ {
+ // get its argument list
+ SygusUtils::getSygusArgumentListForSynthFun(sf, progVars[sf]);
+ }
// compute single invocation partition
Node qq;
if (q[1].getKind() == NOT && q[1][0].getKind() == FORALL)
qq = TermUtil::simpleNegate(q[1]);
// process the single invocation-ness of the property
- if (!d_sip->init(progs, qq))
+ if (!d_sip->init(d_unsolvedf, qq))
Trace("sygus-si") << "...not single invocation (type mismatch)"
<< std::endl;
for (unsigned j = 0, size = funcs.size(); j < size; j++)
- Assert(std::find(progs.begin(), progs.end(), funcs[j]) != progs.end());
+ Assert(std::find(d_funs.begin(), d_funs.end(), funcs[j]) != d_funs.end());
d_prog_to_sol_index[funcs[j]] = j;
CegHandledStatus status = CEG_HANDLED;
if (d_single_inv.getKind() == FORALL)
- // if the conjecture is not trivially solvable
- if (!solveTrivial(d_single_inv))
+ // if the conjecture is trivially solvable, set the solution
+ if (solveTrivial(d_single_inv))
+ {
+ setSolution();
+ }
+ else
status = CegInstantiator::isCbqiQuant(d_single_inv);
<< std::endl;
- for (const Node& q : qs)
+ if (!qs.empty())
+ Node q = qs[0];
Assert(q.getKind() == FORALL);
siSmt->getInstantiationTermVectors(q, d_inst);
Trace("sygus-si") << "#instantiations of " << q << "=" << d_inst.size()
Trace("sygus-si") << " Instantiation Lemma: " << ilem << std::endl;
- d_isSolved = true;
+ // set the solution
+ setSolution();
return true;
-Node CegSingleInv::getSolution(unsigned sol_index,
+Node CegSingleInv::getSolution(size_t sol_index,
TypeNode stn,
int& reconstructed,
bool rconsSygus)
- Assert(d_sol != NULL);
+ Assert(sol_index < d_quant[0].getNumChildren());
+ Node f = d_quant[0][sol_index];
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "CegSingleInv::getSolution " << f << std::endl;
+ // maybe it is in the solved map already?
+ if (d_solvedf.contains(f))
+ {
+ // notice that we ignore d_solutions for solved functions
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "...return solution from annotation" << std::endl;
+ return d_solvedf.apply(f);
+ }
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "...get solution from vector" << std::endl;
+ Node s = d_solutions[sol_index];
+ Node sol = s.getKind() == LAMBDA ? s[1] : s;
+ // must substitute to be proper variables
const DType& dt = stn.getDType();
Node varList = dt.getSygusVarList();
- Node prog = d_quant[0][sol_index];
+ d_sol->d_varList.clear();
+ Assert(d_single_inv_arg_sk.size() == varList.getNumChildren());
std::vector< Node > vars;
+ for (size_t i = 0, nvars = d_single_inv_arg_sk.size(); i < nvars; i++)
+ {
+ Trace("csi-sol") << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << " ";
+ vars.push_back(d_single_inv_arg_sk[i]);
+ d_sol->d_varList.push_back(varList[i]);
+ }
+ Trace("csi-sol") << std::endl;
+ Assert(vars.size() == d_sol->d_varList.size());
+ sol = sol.substitute(vars.begin(),
+ vars.end(),
+ d_sol->d_varList.begin(),
+ d_sol->d_varList.end());
+ sol = reconstructToSyntax(sol, stn, reconstructed, rconsSygus);
+ return s.getKind() == LAMBDA
+ ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(LAMBDA, s[0], sol)
+ : sol;
+Node CegSingleInv::getSolutionFromInst(size_t index)
+ Assert(d_sol != NULL);
+ Node prog = d_quant[0][index];
Node s;
// If it is unconstrained: either the variable does not appear in the
// conjecture or the conjecture can be solved without a single instantiation.
if (d_prog_to_sol_index.find(prog) == d_prog_to_sol_index.end()
|| d_inst.empty())
+ TypeNode ptn = prog.getType();
+ if (ptn.isFunction())
+ {
+ ptn = ptn.getRangeType();
+ }
Trace("csi-sol") << "Get solution for (unconstrained) " << prog << std::endl;
- s = d_qe->getTermEnumeration()->getEnumerateTerm(dt.getSygusType(), 0);
+ s = d_qe->getTermEnumeration()->getEnumerateTerm(ptn, 0);
Trace("csi-sol") << "Get solution for " << prog << ", with skolems : ";
- sol_index = d_prog_to_sol_index[prog];
- d_sol->d_varList.clear();
- Assert(d_single_inv_arg_sk.size() == varList.getNumChildren());
- for( unsigned i=0; i<d_single_inv_arg_sk.size(); i++ ){
- Trace("csi-sol") << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << " ";
- vars.push_back( d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] );
- d_sol->d_varList.push_back( varList[i] );
- }
- Trace("csi-sol") << std::endl;
+ size_t sol_index = d_prog_to_sol_index[prog];
//construct the solution
Trace("csi-sol") << "Sort solution return values " << sol_index << std::endl;
cond = TermUtil::simpleNegate(cond);
s = nm->mkNode(ITE, cond, d_inst[uindex][sol_index], s);
- Assert(vars.size() == d_sol->d_varList.size());
- s = s.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), d_sol->d_varList.begin(), d_sol->d_varList.end() );
- d_orig_solution = s;
//simplify the solution using the extended rewriter
- Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (pre-simplification): " << d_orig_solution << std::endl;
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (pre-simplification): " << s << std::endl;
s = d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(s);
Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (post-simplification): " << s << std::endl;
- return reconstructToSyntax( s, stn, reconstructed, rconsSygus );
+ // wrap into lambda, as needed
+ return SygusUtils::wrapSolutionForSynthFun(prog, s);
+void CegSingleInv::setSolution()
+ // construct the solutions based on the instantiations
+ d_solutions.clear();
+ d_rcSolutions.clear();
+ Subs finalSol;
+ for (size_t i = 0, nvars = d_quant[0].getNumChildren(); i < nvars; i++)
+ {
+ // Note this is a dummy solution for solved functions, which are given
+ // solutions in the annotation but do not appear in the conjecture.
+ Node sol = getSolutionFromInst(i);
+ d_solutions.push_back(sol);
+ // haven't reconstructed to syntax yet
+ d_rcSolutions.push_back(Node::null());
+ finalSol.add(d_quant[0][i], sol);
+ }
+ d_isSolved = true;
+ if (!d_solvedf.empty())
+ {
+ // replace the final solution into the solved functions
+ finalSol.applyToRange(d_solvedf, true);
+ }
Node CegSingleInv::reconstructToSyntax(Node s,
int& reconstructed,
bool rconsSygus)
- d_solution = s;
+ // extract the lambda body
+ Node sol = s;
const DType& dt = stn.getDType();
//reconstruct the solution into sygus if necessary
enumLimit = options::cegqiSingleInvReconstructLimit();
- d_sygus_solution =
- d_sol->reconstructSolution(s, stn, reconstructed, enumLimit);
+ sol = d_sol->reconstructSolution(s, stn, reconstructed, enumLimit);
if( reconstructed==1 ){
- Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (post-reconstruction into Sygus): " << d_sygus_solution << std::endl;
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (post-reconstruction into Sygus): " << sol
+ << std::endl;
Trace("csi-sol") << "Post-process solution..." << std::endl;
- Node prev = d_solution;
- d_solution =
- d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(
- d_solution);
- if( prev!=d_solution ){
- Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (after post process) : " << d_solution << std::endl;
+ Node prev = sol;
+ sol = d_qe->getTermDatabaseSygus()->getExtRewriter()->extendedRewrite(sol);
+ if (prev != sol)
+ {
+ Trace("csi-sol") << "Solution (after post process) : " << sol
+ << std::endl;
- // debug solution
- if (!d_sol->debugSolution(d_solution))
+ if (reconstructed == -1)
- // This can happen if we encountered free variables in either the
- // instantiation terms, or in the instantiation lemmas after postprocessing.
- // In this case, we fail, since the solution is not valid.
- Trace("csi-sol") << "FAIL : solution " << d_solution
- << " contains free constants." << std::endl;
- Warning() <<
- "Cannot get synth function: free constants encountered in synthesis "
- "solution.";
- reconstructed = -1;
- }
- if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-stats") ){
- int tsize, itesize;
- tsize = 0;itesize = 0;
- d_sol->debugTermSize( d_orig_solution, tsize, itesize );
- Trace("cegqi-stats") << tsize << " " << itesize << " ";
- tsize = 0;itesize = 0;
- d_sol->debugTermSize( d_solution, tsize, itesize );
- Trace("cegqi-stats") << tsize << " " << itesize << " ";
- if( !d_sygus_solution.isNull() ){
- tsize = 0;itesize = 0;
- d_sol->debugTermSize( d_sygus_solution, tsize, itesize );
- Trace("cegqi-stats") << tsize << " - ";
- }else{
- Trace("cegqi-stats") << "null ";
- }
- Trace("cegqi-stats") << std::endl;
- }
- Node sol;
- if( reconstructed==1 ){
- sol = d_sygus_solution;
- }else if( reconstructed==-1 ){
return Node::null();
- }else{
- sol = d_solution;
- }
- //make into lambda
- if( !dt.getSygusVarList().isNull() ){
- Node varList = dt.getSygusVarList();
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( LAMBDA, varList, sol );
- }else{
- return sol;
+ return sol;
void CegSingleInv::preregisterConjecture(Node q) { d_orig_conjecture = q; }
- d_isSolved = true;
return true;
<< q << " is not trivially solvable." << std::endl;
return false;
#include "context/cdlist.h"
+#include "expr/subs.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/cegqi/inst_strategy_cegqi.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/inst_match_trie.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/single_inv_partition.h"
class CegSingleInv
- friend class CegqiOutputSingleInv;
void collectPresolveEqTerms( Node n,
std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& teq );
// list of skolems for each argument of programs
std::vector<Node> d_single_inv_arg_sk;
- // list of variables/skolems for each program
- std::vector<Node> d_single_inv_var;
- std::vector<Node> d_single_inv_sk;
- std::map<Node, int> d_single_inv_sk_index;
// program to solution index
std::map<Node, unsigned> d_prog_to_sol_index;
// original conjecture
Node d_orig_conjecture;
- // solution
- Node d_orig_solution;
- Node d_solution;
- Node d_sygus_solution;
//---------------------------------representation of the solution
* first order conjecture for the term vectors above.
std::vector<Node> d_instConds;
+ /** The solutions, without reconstruction to syntax */
+ std::vector<Node> d_solutions;
+ /** The solutions, after reconstruction to syntax */
+ std::vector<Node> d_rcSolutions;
/** is solved */
bool d_isSolved;
//---------------------------------end representation of the solution
- // conjecture
- Node d_quant;
Node d_simp_quant;
// are we single invocation?
bool d_single_invocation;
// get simplified conjecture
Node getSimplifiedConjecture() { return d_simp_quant; }
- public:
- // initialize this class for synthesis conjecture q
+ /** initialize this class for synthesis conjecture q */
void initialize( Node q );
/** finish initialize
* found a solution to the synthesis conjecture using this method.
bool solve();
- //get solution
- Node getSolution( unsigned sol_index, TypeNode stn, int& reconstructed, bool rconsSygus = true );
+ /**
+ * Get solution for the sol_index^th function to synthesize of the conjecture
+ * this class was assigned.
+ *
+ * @param sol_index The index of the function to synthesize
+ * @param stn The sygus type of the solution, which corresponds to syntactic
+ * restrictions
+ * @param reconstructed Set to the status of reconstructing the solution,
+ * where 1 = success, 0 = no reconstruction specified, -1 = failed
+ * @param rconsSygus Whether to apply sygus reconstruction techniques based
+ * on the underlying reconstruction module. If this is false, then the
+ * solution does not necessarily fit the grammar.
+ * @return the solution for the sol_index^th function to synthesize of the
+ * conjecture assigned to this class.
+ */
+ Node getSolution(size_t sol_index,
+ TypeNode stn,
+ int& reconstructed,
+ bool rconsSygus = true);
//reconstruct to syntax
Node reconstructToSyntax( Node s, TypeNode stn, int& reconstructed,
bool rconsSygus = true );
* unsatisfiable for instantiation {x1 -> t1 ... xn -> tn}.
bool solveTrivial(Node q);
+ /**
+ * Get solution from the instantiations stored in this class (d_inst) for
+ * the index^th function to synthesize. The vector d_inst should be
+ * initialized before calling this method.
+ */
+ Node getSolutionFromInst(size_t index);
+ /**
+ * Set solution, which sets the d_solutions / d_rcSolutions fields based on
+ * calls to the above method getSolutionFromInst.
+ */
+ void setSolution();
+ /** The conjecture */
+ Node d_quant;
+ //-------------- decomposed conjecture
+ /** All functions */
+ std::vector<Node> d_funs;
+ /** Unsolved functions */
+ std::vector<Node> d_unsolvedf;
+ /** Mapping of solved functions */
+ Subs d_solvedf;
+ //-------------- end decomposed conjecture
}/* namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers */