TERM_BOLD := $(shell tput smso)
TERM_RESET := $(shell tput rmso)
+# Utility functions for 'find'
+# findfileclauses(filelist) => -name 'X' -o -name 'Y'
+findfileclauses = $(call notfirstword,$(patsubst %,-o -name '%',$(1)))
+# finddirclauses(base, dirlist) => -path 'base/dirX' -o -path 'base/dirY'
+finddirclauses = $(call notfirstword,$(patsubst %,-o -path '$(1)/%',$(2)))
+# Miscellaneous utility functions
+# notfirstword(wordlist): returns all but the first word in wordlist
+notfirstword = $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))
# Needed for the foreach loops to loop over the list of hooks, so that
# each hook call is properly separated by a newline.