--- /dev/null
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import builtins
+from collections import defaultdict
+from enum import Enum, unique
+from typing import Iterable, Mapping, TYPE_CHECKING
+from nmutil.plain_data import plain_data
+ from typing_extensions import final
+ def final(v):
+ return v
+@plain_data(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
+class PhysLoc:
+ pass
+@plain_data(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
+class GPROrStackLoc(PhysLoc):
+ pass
+class GPR(GPROrStackLoc, Enum):
+ def __init__(self, reg_num):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ self.reg_num = reg_num
+ # fmt: off
+ R0 = 0; R1 = 1; R2 = 2; R3 = 3; R4 = 4; R5 = 5
+ R6 = 6; R7 = 7; R8 = 8; R9 = 9; R10 = 10; R11 = 11
+ R12 = 12; R13 = 13; R14 = 14; R15 = 15; R16 = 16; R17 = 17
+ R18 = 18; R19 = 19; R20 = 20; R21 = 21; R22 = 22; R23 = 23
+ R24 = 24; R25 = 25; R26 = 26; R27 = 27; R28 = 28; R29 = 29
+ R30 = 30; R31 = 31; R32 = 32; R33 = 33; R34 = 34; R35 = 35
+ R36 = 36; R37 = 37; R38 = 38; R39 = 39; R40 = 40; R41 = 41
+ R42 = 42; R43 = 43; R44 = 44; R45 = 45; R46 = 46; R47 = 47
+ R48 = 48; R49 = 49; R50 = 50; R51 = 51; R52 = 52; R53 = 53
+ R54 = 54; R55 = 55; R56 = 56; R57 = 57; R58 = 58; R59 = 59
+ R60 = 60; R61 = 61; R62 = 62; R63 = 63; R64 = 64; R65 = 65
+ R66 = 66; R67 = 67; R68 = 68; R69 = 69; R70 = 70; R71 = 71
+ R72 = 72; R73 = 73; R74 = 74; R75 = 75; R76 = 76; R77 = 77
+ R78 = 78; R79 = 79; R80 = 80; R81 = 81; R82 = 82; R83 = 83
+ R84 = 84; R85 = 85; R86 = 86; R87 = 87; R88 = 88; R89 = 89
+ R90 = 90; R91 = 91; R92 = 92; R93 = 93; R94 = 94; R95 = 95
+ R96 = 96; R97 = 97; R98 = 98; R99 = 99; R100 = 100; R101 = 101
+ R102 = 102; R103 = 103; R104 = 104; R105 = 105; R106 = 106; R107 = 107
+ R108 = 108; R109 = 109; R110 = 110; R111 = 111; R112 = 112; R113 = 113
+ R114 = 114; R115 = 115; R116 = 116; R117 = 117; R118 = 118; R119 = 119
+ R120 = 120; R121 = 121; R122 = 122; R123 = 123; R124 = 124; R125 = 125
+ R126 = 126; R127 = 127
+ # fmt: on
+ SP = 1
+ TOC = 2
+class XERBit(Enum, PhysLoc):
+ CY = "CY"
+class GlobalMem(Enum, PhysLoc):
+ """singleton representing all non-StackSlot memory"""
+ GlobalMem = "GlobalMem"
+class StackSlot(GPROrStackLoc):
+ """a stack slot. Use OpCopy to load from/store into this stack slot."""
+ __slots__ = "offset",
+ def __init__(self, offset=None):
+ # type: (int | None) -> None
+ self.offset = offset
+class SSAVal:
+ __slots__ = "id",
+ def __init__(self, id=None):
+ # type: (int | None) -> None
+ if id is None:
+ id = builtins.id(self)
+ self.id = id
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ if isinstance(rhs, SSAVal):
+ return self.id == rhs.id
+ return False
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.id)
+class SSAGPRVal(SSAVal):
+ __slots__ = "phys_loc",
+ def __init__(self, phys_loc=None):
+ # type: (GPROrStackLoc | None) -> None
+ self.phys_loc = phys_loc
+ super().__init__()
+ def __len__(self):
+ return 1
+ def get_reg_num(self, value_assignments=None):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc] | None) -> int | None
+ phys_loc = None
+ if value_assignments is not None:
+ phys_loc = value_assignments.get(self)
+ if self.phys_loc is not None:
+ phys_loc = self.phys_loc
+ if isinstance(phys_loc, GPR):
+ return phys_loc.reg_num
+ return None
+class SSAXERBitVal(SSAVal):
+ __slots__ = "phys_loc",
+ def __init__(self, phys_loc=None):
+ # type: (XERBit | None) -> None
+ self.phys_loc = phys_loc
+class SSAMemory(SSAVal):
+ __slots__ = "phys_loc",
+ def __init__(self, phys_loc=GlobalMem.GlobalMem):
+ # type: (GlobalMem) -> None
+ self.phys_loc = phys_loc
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class VecArg:
+ __slots__ = "regs",
+ def __init__(self, regs):
+ # type: (Iterable[SSAGPRVal]) -> None
+ self.regs = tuple(regs)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.regs)
+ def try_get_range(self, value_assignments=None, prefer_descending=False):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc] | None, int) -> range | None
+ if len(self.regs) == 0:
+ return range(0)
+ start = self.regs[0].get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ if start is None:
+ return None
+ if len(self.regs) == 1:
+ if prefer_descending:
+ return range(start, start - 1, -1)
+ return range(start, start + 1, 1)
+ reg = self.regs[1].get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ if reg is None:
+ return None
+ step = reg - start
+ if abs(step) != 1:
+ return None
+ for i, reg in enumerate(self.regs):
+ reg = self.regs[1].get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ if reg is None:
+ return None
+ if start + i * step != reg:
+ return None
+ return range(start, start + len(self.regs) * step, step)
+ def try_get_ascending_range(self, value_assignments=None):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc] | None) -> range | None
+ r = self.try_get_range(value_assignments=value_assignments)
+ if r is not None and r.step == 1:
+ return r
+ return None
+ def try_get_descending_range(self, value_assignments=None):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc] | None) -> range | None
+ r = self.try_get_range(value_assignments=value_assignments,
+ prefer_descending=True)
+ if r is not None and r.step == -1:
+ return r
+ return None
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class Op(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def input_ssa_vals(self):
+ # type: () -> Iterable[SSAVal]
+ for arg in self.inputs().values():
+ if isinstance(arg, VecArg):
+ yield from arg.regs
+ else:
+ yield arg
+ def output_ssa_vals(self):
+ # type: () -> Iterable[SSAVal]
+ for arg in self.outputs().values():
+ if isinstance(arg, VecArg):
+ yield from arg.regs
+ else:
+ yield arg
+ @abstractmethod
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ ...
+ @abstractmethod
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ ...
+ @abstractmethod
+ def meets_constraints(self, value_assignments):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc]) -> bool
+ return True
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpCopy(Op):
+ __slots__ = "dest", "src"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"src": self.src}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"dest": self.dest}
+ def __init__(self, dest, src):
+ # type: (VecArg | SSAVal, VecArg | SSAVal) -> None
+ if isinstance(dest, VecArg) and isinstance(src, VecArg):
+ if len(src.regs) != len(dest.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {src} doesn't match {dest}")
+ elif type(dest) != type(src):
+ raise TypeError(f"source argument type must match dest "
+ f"argument type: {src} doesn't match {dest}")
+ self.dest = dest
+ self.src = src
+ def meets_constraints(self, value_assignments):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc]) -> bool
+ return True
+def range_overlaps(range1, range2):
+ # type: (range, range) -> bool
+ if len(range1) == 0 or len(range2) == 0:
+ return False
+ range1_last = next(reversed(range1))
+ range2_last = next(reversed(range2))
+ return (range1.start in range2 or range1_last in range2 or
+ range2.start in range1 or range2_last in range1)
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpAddE(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "RA", "RB", "CY_in", "CY_out"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RA": self.RA, "RB": self.RB, "CY_in": self.CY_in}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT, "CY_out": self.CY_out}
+ def __init__(self, RT, RA, RB, CY_in, CY_out):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, VecArg, SSAXERBitVal, SSAXERBitVal) -> None
+ if len(RA.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {RA} doesn't match {RT}")
+ if len(RB.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {RB} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.RA = RA
+ self.RB = RB
+ self.CY_in = CY_in
+ self.CY_out = CY_out
+ def meets_constraints(self, value_assignments):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc]) -> bool
+ RT_range = self.RT.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ RA_range = self.RA.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ RB_range = self.RB.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ if RA_range is None or RB_range is None or RT_range is None:
+ return False
+ if RA_range != RT_range and range_overlaps(RA_range, RT_range):
+ return False
+ if RB_range != RT_range and range_overlaps(RB_range, RT_range):
+ return False
+ return True
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpSubE(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "lhs", "rhs", "CY_in", "CY_out"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"lhs": self.lhs, "rhs": self.rhs, "CY_in": self.CY_in}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT, "CY_out": self.CY_out}
+ def __init__(self, RT, lhs, rhs, CY_in, CY_out):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, VecArg, SSAXERBitVal, SSAXERBitVal) -> None
+ if len(lhs.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {lhs} doesn't match {RT}")
+ if len(rhs.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {rhs} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.lhs = lhs
+ self.rhs = rhs
+ self.CY_in = CY_in
+ self.CY_out = CY_out
+ def meets_constraints(self, value_assignments):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc]) -> bool
+ RT_range = self.RT.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ lhs_range = self.lhs.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ rhs_range = self.rhs.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ if lhs_range is None or rhs_range is None or RT_range is None:
+ return False
+ if lhs_range != RT_range and range_overlaps(lhs_range, RT_range):
+ return False
+ if rhs_range != RT_range and range_overlaps(rhs_range, RT_range):
+ return False
+ return True
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpMAddEU(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "RA", "RB", "RC", "RS"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RA": self.RA, "RB": self.RB, "RC": self.RC}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT, "RS": self.RS}
+ def __init__(self, RT, RA, RB, RC, RS):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal) -> None
+ if len(RA.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {RA} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.RA = RA
+ self.RB = RB
+ self.RC = RC
+ self.RS = RS
+ def meets_constraints(self, value_assignments):
+ # type: (dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc]) -> bool
+ RT_range = self.RT.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ RA_range = self.RA.try_get_ascending_range(value_assignments)
+ RB_reg = self.RB.get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ RC_reg = self.RC.get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ RS_reg = self.RS.get_reg_num(value_assignments)
+ if RT_range is None or RA_range is None or RB_reg is None \
+ or RC_reg is None or RS_reg is None:
+ return False
+ if RA_range != RT_range and range_overlaps(RA_range, RT_range):
+ return False
+ if RB_reg in RT_range or RC_reg in RT_range or RS_reg in RT_range \
+ or RS_reg in RA_range:
+ return False
+ if RS_reg != RC_reg:
+ return False
+ return True
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpDivMod2DU(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "RA", "RB", "RC", "RS"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RA": self.RA, "RB": self.RB, "RC": self.RC}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT, "RS": self.RS}
+ def __init__(self, RT, RA, RB, RC, RS):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal) -> None
+ if len(RA.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {RA} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.RA = RA
+ self.RB = RB
+ self.RC = RC
+ self.RS = RS
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpBigIntShl(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "inp", "sh"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"inp": self.inp, "sh": self.sh}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT}
+ def __init__(self, RT, inp, sh):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, SSAGPRVal) -> None
+ if len(inp.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {inp} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.inp = inp
+ self.sh = sh
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpBigIntShr(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "inp", "sh"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"inp": self.inp, "sh": self.sh}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT}
+ def __init__(self, RT, inp, sh):
+ # type: (VecArg, VecArg, SSAGPRVal) -> None
+ if len(inp.regs) != len(RT.regs):
+ raise TypeError(f"source length must match dest "
+ f"length: {inp} doesn't match {RT}")
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.inp = inp
+ self.sh = sh
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpLI(Op):
+ __slots__ = "out", "value"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"out": self.out}
+ def __init__(self, out, value):
+ # type: (VecArg | SSAGPRVal, int) -> None
+ self.out = out
+ self.value = value
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpClearCY(Op):
+ __slots__ = "out",
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"out": self.out}
+ def __init__(self, out):
+ # type: (SSAXERBitVal) -> None
+ self.out = out
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpLoad(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RT", "RA", "offset", "mem"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RA": self.RA, "mem": self.mem}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RT": self.RT}
+ def __init__(self, RT, RA, offset, mem):
+ # type: (VecArg | SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal, int, SSAMemory) -> None
+ self.RT = RT
+ self.RA = RA
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.mem = mem
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpStore(Op):
+ __slots__ = "RS", "RA", "offset", "mem_in", "mem_out"
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"RS": self.RS, "RA": self.RA, "mem_in": self.mem_in}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"mem_out": self.mem_out}
+ def __init__(self, RS, RA, offset, mem_in, mem_out):
+ # type: (VecArg | SSAGPRVal, SSAGPRVal, int, SSAMemory, SSAMemory) -> None
+ self.RS = RS
+ self.RA = RA
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.mem_in = mem_in
+ self.mem_out = mem_out
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpFuncArg(Op):
+ __slots__ = "out",
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"out": self.out}
+ def __init__(self, out):
+ # type: (VecArg | SSAGPRVal) -> None
+ self.out = out
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
+class OpInputMem(Op):
+ __slots__ = "out",
+ def inputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {}
+ def outputs(self):
+ # type: () -> dict[str, VecArg | SSAVal]
+ return {"out": self.out}
+ def __init__(self, out):
+ # type: (SSAMemory) -> None
+ self.out = out
+def op_set_to_list(ops):
+ # type: (Iterable[Op]) -> list[Op]
+ worklists = [set()] # type: list[set[Op]]
+ input_vals_to_ops_map = defaultdict(set) # type: dict[SSAVal, set[Op]]
+ ops_to_pending_input_count_map = {} # type: dict[Op, int]
+ for op in ops:
+ input_count = 0
+ for val in op.input_ssa_vals():
+ input_count += 1
+ input_vals_to_ops_map[val].add(op)
+ while len(worklists) <= input_count:
+ worklists.append(set())
+ ops_to_pending_input_count_map[op] = input_count
+ worklists[input_count].add(op)
+ retval = [] # type: list[Op]
+ ready_vals = set() # type: set[SSAVal]
+ while len(worklists[0]) != 0:
+ writing_op = worklists[0].pop()
+ retval.append(writing_op)
+ for val in writing_op.output_ssa_vals():
+ if val in ready_vals:
+ raise ValueError(f"multiple instructions must not write "
+ f"to the same SSA value: {val}")
+ ready_vals.add(val)
+ for reading_op in input_vals_to_ops_map[val]:
+ pending = ops_to_pending_input_count_map[reading_op]
+ worklists[pending].remove(reading_op)
+ pending -= 1
+ worklists[pending].add(reading_op)
+ ops_to_pending_input_count_map[reading_op] = pending
+ for worklist in worklists:
+ for op in worklist:
+ raise ValueError(f"instruction is part of a dependency loop or "
+ f"its inputs are never written: {op}")
+ return retval
+@plain_data(unsafe_hash=True, order=True, frozen=True)
+class LiveInterval:
+ __slots__ = "assignment", "last_use"
+ def __init__(self, assignment, last_use=None):
+ # type: (int, int | None) -> None
+ if last_use is None:
+ last_use = assignment
+ if last_use < assignment:
+ raise ValueError("uses must be after assignment")
+ if assignment < 0 or last_use < 0:
+ raise ValueError("indexes must be nonnegative")
+ self.assignment = assignment
+ self.last_use = last_use
+ def overlaps(self, other):
+ # type: (LiveInterval) -> bool
+ if self.assignment == other.assignment:
+ return True
+ return self.last_use > other.assignment \
+ and other.last_use > self.assignment
+ def __add__(self, use):
+ # type: (int) -> LiveInterval
+ last_use = max(self.last_use, use)
+ return LiveInterval(assignment=self.assignment, last_use=last_use)
+class LiveIntervals(Mapping[SSAVal, LiveInterval]):
+ def __init__(self, ops):
+ # type: (list[Op]) -> None
+ live_intervals = {} # type: dict[SSAVal, LiveInterval]
+ for op_idx, op in enumerate(ops):
+ for val in op.input_ssa_vals():
+ live_intervals[val] += op_idx
+ for val in op.output_ssa_vals():
+ if val in live_intervals:
+ raise ValueError(f"multiple instructions must not write "
+ f"to the same SSA value: {val}")
+ live_intervals[val] = LiveInterval(op_idx)
+ self.__live_intervals = live_intervals
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ # type: (SSAVal) -> LiveInterval
+ return self.__live_intervals[key]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.__live_intervals)
+class AllocationFailed:
+ __slots__ = "op_idx", "arg", "live_intervals", "free_regs"
+ def __init__(self, op_idx, arg, live_intervals, free_regs):
+ # type: (int, SSAVal | VecArg, LiveIntervals, set[GPR | XERBit]) -> None
+ self.op_idx = op_idx
+ self.arg = arg
+ self.live_intervals = live_intervals
+ self.free_regs = free_regs
+def try_allocate_registers_without_spilling(ops):
+ # type: (list[Op]) -> dict[SSAVal, PhysLoc] | AllocationFailed
+ live_intervals = LiveIntervals(ops)
+ free_regs = set() # type: set[GPR | XERBit]
+ free_regs.update(GPR)
+ free_regs.difference_update(SPECIAL_GPRS)
+ free_regs.update(XERBit)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+def allocate_registers(ops):
+ # type: (list[Op]) -> None
+ raise NotImplementedError