with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with System; use System;
with System.Address_Image;
procedure Detach (N : Node_Ptr);
-- Unhook a node from an arbitrary list
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Node, Node_Ptr);
-- Add_Offset_To_Address --
-- top of the allocated bits into a list header.
N_Ptr := Address_To_Node_Ptr (N_Addr);
- Attach (N_Ptr, Collection.Objects);
+ Attach (N_Ptr, Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access);
-- Move the address from Prev to the start of the object. This
-- operation effectively hides the list header.
overriding procedure Finalize
(Collection : in out Finalization_Collection)
- function Head (L : Node_Ptr) return Node_Ptr;
- -- Return the node that comes after the dummy head
- function Is_Dummy_Head (N : Node_Ptr) return Boolean;
- -- Determine whether a node acts as a dummy head. Such nodes do not
- -- have an actual "object" attached to them and point to themselves.
- function Is_Empty_List (L : Node_Ptr) return Boolean;
- -- Determine whether a list is empty
function Node_Ptr_To_Address (N : Node_Ptr) return Address;
-- Not the reverse of Address_To_Node_Ptr. Return the address of the
-- object following the list header.
- ----------
- -- Head --
- ----------
- function Head (L : Node_Ptr) return Node_Ptr is
- begin
- return L.Next;
- end Head;
- -------------------
- -- Is_Dummy_Head --
- -------------------
- function Is_Dummy_Head (N : Node_Ptr) return Boolean is
- begin
- -- To be a dummy head, the node must point to itself in both
- -- directions.
- return
- N.Next /= null
- and then N.Next = N
- and then N.Prev /= null
- and then N.Prev = N;
- end Is_Dummy_Head;
- -------------------
- -- Is_Empty_List --
- -------------------
- function Is_Empty_List (L : Node_Ptr) return Boolean is
- begin
- return L = null or else Is_Dummy_Head (L);
- end Is_Empty_List;
-- Node_Ptr_To_Address --
return N.all'Address + Header_Offset;
end Node_Ptr_To_Address;
- Curr_Ptr : Node_Ptr;
+ Curr_Ptr : Node_Ptr := Collection.Objects.Next; -- skip dummy head
Ex_Occur : Exception_Occurrence;
- Next_Ptr : Node_Ptr;
Raised : Boolean := False;
-- Start of processing for Finalize
Collection.Finalization_Started := True;
- while not Is_Empty_List (Collection.Objects) loop
- -- Find the real head of the collection, skipping the dummy head
- Curr_Ptr := Head (Collection.Objects);
- -- If the dummy head is the only remaining node, all real objects
- -- have already been detached and finalized.
- if Is_Dummy_Head (Curr_Ptr) then
- exit;
- end if;
- -- Store the next node now since the detachment will destroy the
- -- reference to it.
- Next_Ptr := Curr_Ptr.Next;
- -- Remove the current node from the list
- Detach (Curr_Ptr);
+ -- Go through the Objects list, and finalize each one. There is no need
+ -- to detach items from the list, because the whole collection is about
+ -- to go away.
+ while Curr_Ptr /= Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access loop
-- ??? Kludge: Don't do anything until the proper place to set
-- primitive Finalize_Address has been determined.
end if;
- Curr_Ptr := Next_Ptr;
+ Curr_Ptr := Curr_Ptr.Next;
end loop;
- -- Deallocate the dummy head
- Free (Collection.Objects);
-- If the finalization of a particular node raised an exception, reraise
-- it after the remainder of the list has been finalized.
(Collection : in out Finalization_Collection)
- Collection.Objects := new Node;
-- The dummy head must point to itself in both directions
- Collection.Objects.Next := Collection.Objects;
- Collection.Objects.Prev := Collection.Objects;
+ Collection.Objects.Next := Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access;
+ Collection.Objects.Prev := Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access;
end Initialize;
procedure pcol (Collection : Finalization_Collection) is
+ Head : constant Node_Ptr := Collection.Objects'Unrestricted_Access;
+ -- "Unrestricted", because we're evilly getting access-to-variable of a
+ -- constant! OK for debugging code.
Head_Seen : Boolean := False;
N_Ptr : Node_Ptr;
-- - points to
-- (dummy head) - present if dummy head
- N_Ptr := Collection.Objects;
+ N_Ptr := Head;
- while N_Ptr /= null loop
+ while N_Ptr /= null loop -- Should never be null; we being defensive
Put_Line ("V");
- -- The current node is the head. If we have already traversed the
- -- chain, the head will be encountered again since the chain is
- -- circular.
+ -- We see the head initially; we want to exit when we see the head a
+ -- SECOND time.
+ if N_Ptr = Head then
+ exit when Head_Seen;
- if N_Ptr = Collection.Objects then
- if Head_Seen then
- exit;
- else
- Head_Seen := True;
- end if;
+ Head_Seen := True;
end if;
-- The current element is null. This should never happen since the
-- Detect the dummy head
- if N_Ptr = Collection.Objects then
+ if N_Ptr = Head then
Put_Line (" (dummy head)");
Put_Line ("");
overriding procedure Finalize
(Collection : in out Finalization_Collection);
-- Traverse the objects of Collection, invoking Finalize_Address on each of
- -- them. In the end, the routine destroys its dummy head and tail.
+ -- them.
overriding procedure Initialize
(Collection : in out Finalization_Collection);
- -- Create a new Collection by allocating a dummy head and tail
+ -- Initialize the finalization list to empty
procedure Set_Finalize_Address_Ptr
(Collection : in out Finalization_Collection;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Node_Ptr);
type Node is record
+ -- This should really be limited, but we can see the full view of
+ -- Limited_Controlled, which NOT limited. If it were limited, we could
+ -- default initialize here, and get rid of Initialize for
+ -- Finalization_Collection.
Prev : Node_Ptr;
Next : Node_Ptr;
end record;
-- All objects and node headers are allocated on this underlying pool;
-- the collection is simply a wrapper around it.
- Objects : Node_Ptr;
- -- The head of a doubly linked list
+ Objects : aliased Node;
+ -- The head of a doubly linked list containing all allocated objects
+ -- with controlled parts that still exist (Unchecked_Deallocation has
+ -- not been done on them).
Finalize_Address : Finalize_Address_Ptr;
-- A reference to a routine that finalizes an object denoted by its