with Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils;
-with System.Img_Real; use System.Img_Real;
+with System.Unsigned_Types; use System.Unsigned_Types;
package body Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals is
-- To_Big_Real --
+ -- We get the fractional representation of the floating-point number by
+ -- multiplying Num'Fraction by 2.0**M, with M the size of the mantissa,
+ -- which gives zero or a number in the range [2.0**(M-1)..2.0**M), which
+ -- means that it is an integer N of M bits. The floating-point number is
+ -- thus equal to N / 2**(M-E) where E is its Num'Exponent.
function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real is
- S : String (1 .. Max_Real_Image_Length);
- P : Natural := 0;
+ package Conv is new
+ Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (Long_Long_Unsigned);
+ A : constant Num'Base := abs (Arg);
+ E : constant Integer := Num'Exponent (A);
+ F : constant Num'Base := Num'Fraction (A);
+ M : constant Natural := Num'Machine_Mantissa;
+ N, D : Big_Integer;
- -- Use Long_Long_Unsigned'Width - 1 digits = 20 which is sufficient
- -- for the largest floating point format.
+ pragma Assert (Num'Machine_Radix = 2);
+ -- This implementation does not handle radix 16
+ pragma Assert (M <= 64);
+ -- This implementation handles only 80-bit IEEE Extended or smaller
+ N := Conv.To_Big_Integer (Long_Long_Unsigned (F * 2.0**M));
+ -- If E is smaller than M, the denominator is 2**(M-E)
+ if E < M then
+ D := To_Big_Integer (2) ** (M - E);
+ -- Or else, if E is larger than M, multiply the numerator by 2**(E-M)
+ elsif E > M then
+ N := N * To_Big_Integer (2) ** (E - M);
+ D := To_Big_Integer (1);
+ -- Otherwise E is equal to M and the result is just N
+ else
+ D := To_Big_Integer (1);
+ end if;
- Set_Image_Real
- (Long_Long_Float (Arg), S, P, Fore => 1, Aft => 20, Exp => 5);
- return From_String (S (1 .. P));
+ return (if Arg >= 0.0 then N / D else -N / D);
end To_Big_Real;
-- From_Big_Real --
+ -- We get the (Frac, Exp) representation of the real number by finding
+ -- the exponent E such that it lies in the range [2.0**(E-1)..2.0**E),
+ -- multiplying the number by 2.0**(M-E) with M the size of the mantissa,
+ -- and converting the result to integer N in the range [2**(M-1)..2**M)
+ -- with rounding to nearest, ties to even, and finally call Num'Compose.
+ -- This does not apply to the zero, for which we return 0.0 early.
function From_Big_Real (Arg : Big_Real) return Num is
+ package Conv is new
+ Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (Long_Long_Unsigned);
+ M : constant Natural := Num'Machine_Mantissa;
+ One : constant Big_Real := To_Real (1);
+ Two : constant Big_Real := To_Real (2);
+ Half : constant Big_Real := One / Two;
+ TwoI : constant Big_Integer := To_Big_Integer (2);
+ function Log2_Estimate (V : Big_Real) return Natural;
+ -- Return an integer not larger than Log2 (V) for V >= 1.0
+ function Minus_Log2_Estimate (V : Big_Real) return Natural;
+ -- Return an integer not larger than -Log2 (V) for V < 1.0
+ -------------------
+ -- Log2_Estimate --
+ -------------------
+ function Log2_Estimate (V : Big_Real) return Natural is
+ Log : Natural := 1;
+ Pow : Big_Real := Two;
+ begin
+ while V >= Pow loop
+ Pow := Pow * Pow;
+ Log := Log + Log;
+ end loop;
+ return Log / 2;
+ end Log2_Estimate;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Minus_Log2_Estimate --
+ -------------------------
+ function Minus_Log2_Estimate (V : Big_Real) return Natural is
+ Log : Natural := 1;
+ Pow : Big_Real := Half;
+ begin
+ while V <= Pow loop
+ Pow := Pow * Pow;
+ Log := Log + Log;
+ end loop;
+ return Log / 2;
+ end Minus_Log2_Estimate;
+ -- Local variables
+ V : Big_Real := abs (Arg);
+ E : Integer := 0;
+ L : Integer;
+ A, B, Q, X : Big_Integer;
+ N : Long_Long_Unsigned;
+ R : Num'Base;
- return Num'Value (To_String (Arg));
+ pragma Assert (Num'Machine_Radix = 2);
+ -- This implementation does not handle radix 16
+ pragma Assert (M <= 64);
+ -- This implementation handles only 80-bit IEEE Extended or smaller
+ -- Protect from degenerate case
+ if Numerator (V) = To_Big_Integer (0) then
+ return 0.0;
+ end if;
+ -- Use a binary search to compute exponent E
+ while V < Half loop
+ L := Minus_Log2_Estimate (V);
+ V := V * (Two ** L);
+ E := E - L;
+ end loop;
+ -- The dissymetry with above is expected since we go below 2
+ while V >= One loop
+ L := Log2_Estimate (V) + 1;
+ V := V / (Two ** L);
+ E := E + L;
+ end loop;
+ -- The multiplication by 2.0**(-E) has already been done in the loops
+ V := V * To_Big_Real (TwoI ** M);
+ -- Now go into the integer domain and divide
+ A := Numerator (V);
+ B := Denominator (V);
+ Q := A / B;
+ N := Conv.From_Big_Integer (Q);
+ -- Round to nearest, ties to even, by comparing twice the remainder
+ X := (A - Q * B) * TwoI;
+ if X > B or else (X = B and then (N mod 2) = 1) then
+ N := N + 1;
+ -- If the adjusted quotient overflows the mantissa, scale up
+ if N = 2**M then
+ N := 1;
+ E := E + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ R := Num'Compose (Num'Base (N), E);
+ return (if Numerator (Arg) >= To_Big_Integer (0) then R else -R);
end From_Big_Real;
end Float_Conversions;