- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp>
- class __alloctr_rebind_helper
- {
- template<typename _Alloc2, typename _Tp2>
- static constexpr true_type
- _S_chk(typename _Alloc2::template rebind<_Tp2>::other*);
- template<typename, typename>
- static constexpr false_type
- _S_chk(...);
- public:
- using __type = decltype(_S_chk<_Alloc, _Tp>(nullptr));
- };
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp,
- bool = __alloctr_rebind_helper<_Alloc, _Tp>::__type::value>
- struct __alloctr_rebind;
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp>
- struct __alloctr_rebind<_Alloc, _Tp, true>
- {
- typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Tp>::other __type;
- };
- template<template<typename, typename...> class _Alloc, typename _Tp,
- typename _Up, typename... _Args>
- struct __alloctr_rebind<_Alloc<_Up, _Args...>, _Tp, false>
- {
- typedef _Alloc<_Tp, _Args...> __type;
- };
- template<typename _Alloc, typename _Tp>
- using __alloc_rebind = typename __alloctr_rebind<_Alloc, _Tp>::__type;
+ struct __allocator_traits_base
+ {
+ template<typename _Alloc, typename _Up>
+ using __rebind = typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Up>::other;
+ protected:
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __pointer = typename _Tp::pointer;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __c_pointer = typename _Tp::const_pointer;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __v_pointer = typename _Tp::void_pointer;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __cv_pointer = typename _Tp::const_void_pointer;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __diff_type = typename _Tp::difference_type;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __size_type = typename _Tp::size_type;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __pocca = typename _Tp::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __pocma = typename _Tp::propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __pocs = typename _Tp::propagate_on_container_swap;
+ template<typename _Tp>
+ using __equal = typename _Tp::is_always_equal;
+ };
+ template<typename _Alloc, typename _Up>
+ using __alloc_rebind = __detected_or_t_<__replace_first_arg_t,
+ __allocator_traits_base::__rebind,
+ _Alloc, _Up>;
* @brief Uniform interface to all allocator types.
* @ingroup allocators
template<typename _Alloc>
- struct allocator_traits
+ struct allocator_traits : __allocator_traits_base
/// The allocator type
typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
/// The allocated type
typedef typename _Alloc::value_type value_type;
- private: \
- template<typename _Tp> \
- static typename _Tp::_NTYPE _S_##_NTYPE##_helper(_Tp*); \
- static _ALT _S_##_NTYPE##_helper(...); \
- typedef decltype(_S_##_NTYPE##_helper((_Alloc*)0)) __##_NTYPE; \
- public:
-_GLIBCXX_ALLOC_TR_NESTED_TYPE(pointer, value_type*)
* @brief The allocator's pointer type.
* @c Alloc::pointer if that type exists, otherwise @c value_type*
- typedef __pointer pointer;
- typename pointer_traits<pointer>::template rebind<const value_type>)
+ using pointer = __detected_or_t<value_type*, __pointer, _Alloc>;
* @brief The allocator's const pointer type.
* @c Alloc::const_pointer if that type exists, otherwise
* <tt> pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const value_type> </tt>
- typedef __const_pointer const_pointer;
- typename pointer_traits<pointer>::template rebind<void>)
+ using const_pointer
+ = __detected_or_t<__ptr_rebind<pointer, const value_type>,
+ __c_pointer, _Alloc>;
* @brief The allocator's void pointer type.
* @c Alloc::void_pointer if that type exists, otherwise
* <tt> pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<void> </tt>
- typedef __void_pointer void_pointer;
- typename pointer_traits<pointer>::template rebind<const void>)
+ using void_pointer
+ = __detected_or_t<__ptr_rebind<pointer, void>, __v_pointer, _Alloc>;
* @brief The allocator's const void pointer type.
* @c Alloc::const_void_pointer if that type exists, otherwise
* <tt> pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const void> </tt>
- typedef __const_void_pointer const_void_pointer;
- typename pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type)
+ using const_void_pointer
+ = __detected_or_t<__ptr_rebind<pointer, const void>, __cv_pointer,
+ _Alloc>;
* @brief The allocator's difference type
* @c Alloc::difference_type if that type exists, otherwise
* <tt> pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type </tt>
- typedef __difference_type difference_type;
- typename make_unsigned<difference_type>::type)
+ using difference_type
+ = __detected_or_t<typename pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type,
+ __diff_type, _Alloc>;
* @brief The allocator's size type
* @c Alloc::size_type if that type exists, otherwise
* <tt> make_unsigned<difference_type>::type </tt>
- typedef __size_type size_type;
- false_type)
+ using size_type
+ = __detected_or_t<typename make_unsigned<difference_type>::type,
+ __size_type, _Alloc>;
* @brief How the allocator is propagated on copy assignment
* @c Alloc::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment if that type exists,
* otherwise @c false_type
- typedef __propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
- propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
- false_type)
+ using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
+ = __detected_or_t<false_type, __pocca, _Alloc>;
* @brief How the allocator is propagated on move assignment
* @c Alloc::propagate_on_container_move_assignment if that type exists,
* otherwise @c false_type
- typedef __propagate_on_container_move_assignment
- propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
- false_type)
+ using propagate_on_container_move_assignment
+ = __detected_or_t<false_type, __pocma, _Alloc>;
* @brief How the allocator is propagated on swap
* @c Alloc::propagate_on_container_swap if that type exists,
* otherwise @c false_type
- typedef __propagate_on_container_swap propagate_on_container_swap;
- typename is_empty<_Alloc>::type)
+ using propagate_on_container_swap
+ = __detected_or_t<false_type, __pocs, _Alloc>;
* @brief Whether all instances of the allocator type compare equal.
* @c Alloc::is_always_equal if that type exists,
* otherwise @c is_empty<Alloc>::type
- typedef __is_always_equal is_always_equal;
+ using is_always_equal
+ = __detected_or_t<typename is_empty<_Alloc>::type, __equal, _Alloc>;
template<typename _Tp>
- using rebind_alloc = typename __alloctr_rebind<_Alloc, _Tp>::__type;
+ using rebind_alloc = __alloc_rebind<_Alloc, _Tp>;
template<typename _Tp>
using rebind_traits = allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<_Tp>>;
- private:
- template<typename _Alloc2>
- struct __allocate_helper
- {
- template<typename _Alloc3,
- typename = decltype(std::declval<_Alloc3*>()->allocate(
- std::declval<size_type>(),
- std::declval<const_void_pointer>()))>
- static true_type __test(int);
- template<typename>
- static false_type __test(...);
- using type = decltype(__test<_Alloc>(0));
- };
+ static_assert(!is_same<rebind_alloc<value_type>, __undefined>::value,
+ "allocator defines rebind or is like Alloc<T, Args>");
+ private:
template<typename _Alloc2>
- using __has_allocate = typename __allocate_helper<_Alloc2>::type;
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = _Require<__has_allocate<_Alloc2>>>
- static pointer
- _S_allocate(_Alloc2& __a, size_type __n, const_void_pointer __hint)
+ static auto
+ _S_allocate(_Alloc2& __a, size_type __n, const_void_pointer __hint, int)
+ -> decltype(__a.allocate(__n, __hint))
{ return __a.allocate(__n, __hint); }
- template<typename _Alloc2, typename _UnusedHint,
- typename = _Require<__not_<__has_allocate<_Alloc2>>>>
+ template<typename _Alloc2>
static pointer
- _S_allocate(_Alloc2& __a, size_type __n, _UnusedHint)
+ _S_allocate(_Alloc2& __a, size_type __n, const_void_pointer, ...)
{ return __a.allocate(__n); }
template<typename _Tp, typename... _Args>
_S_construct(_Alloc&, _Tp* __p, _Args&&... __args)
{ ::new((void*)__p) _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
- template<typename _Tp>
- struct __destroy_helper
- {
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = decltype(std::declval<_Alloc2*>()->destroy(
- std::declval<_Tp*>()))>
- static true_type __test(int);
- template<typename>
- static false_type __test(...);
- using type = decltype(__test<_Alloc>(0));
- };
- template<typename _Tp>
- using __has_destroy = typename __destroy_helper<_Tp>::type;
- template<typename _Tp>
- static _Require<__has_destroy<_Tp>>
- _S_destroy(_Alloc& __a, _Tp* __p)
+ template<typename _Alloc2, typename _Tp>
+ static auto
+ _S_destroy(_Alloc2& __a, _Tp* __p, int)
+ -> decltype(__a.destroy(__p))
{ __a.destroy(__p); }
- template<typename _Tp>
- static _Require<__not_<__has_destroy<_Tp>>>
- _S_destroy(_Alloc&, _Tp* __p)
+ template<typename _Alloc2, typename _Tp>
+ static void
+ _S_destroy(_Alloc2&, _Tp* __p, ...)
{ __p->~_Tp(); }
template<typename _Alloc2>
- struct __maxsize_helper
- {
- template<typename _Alloc3,
- typename = decltype(std::declval<_Alloc3*>()->max_size())>
- static true_type __test(int);
- template<typename>
- static false_type __test(...);
- using type = decltype(__test<_Alloc2>(0));
- };
- template<typename _Alloc2>
- using __has_max_size = typename __maxsize_helper<_Alloc2>::type;
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = _Require<__has_max_size<_Alloc2>>>
- static size_type
+ static auto
_S_max_size(_Alloc2& __a, int)
+ -> decltype(__a.max_size())
{ return __a.max_size(); }
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = _Require<__not_<__has_max_size<_Alloc2>>>>
+ template<typename _Alloc2>
static size_type
_S_max_size(_Alloc2&, ...)
template<typename _Alloc2>
- struct __select_helper
- {
- template<typename _Alloc3, typename
- = decltype(std::declval<_Alloc3*>()
- ->select_on_container_copy_construction())>
- static true_type __test(int);
- template<typename>
- static false_type __test(...);
- using type = decltype(__test<_Alloc2>(0));
- };
- template<typename _Alloc2>
- using __has_soccc = typename __select_helper<_Alloc2>::type;
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = _Require<__has_soccc<_Alloc2>>>
- static _Alloc2
+ static auto
_S_select(_Alloc2& __a, int)
+ -> decltype(__a.select_on_container_copy_construction())
{ return __a.select_on_container_copy_construction(); }
- template<typename _Alloc2,
- typename = _Require<__not_<__has_soccc<_Alloc2>>>>
+ template<typename _Alloc2>
static _Alloc2
_S_select(_Alloc2& __a, ...)
{ return __a; }
static pointer
allocate(_Alloc& __a, size_type __n, const_void_pointer __hint)
- { return _S_allocate(__a, __n, __hint); }
+ { return _S_allocate(__a, __n, __hint, 0); }
* @brief Deallocate memory.
* Calls <tt> a.deallocate(p, n) </tt>
- static void deallocate(_Alloc& __a, pointer __p, size_type __n)
+ static void
+ deallocate(_Alloc& __a, pointer __p, size_type __n)
{ __a.deallocate(__p, __n); }
template <class _Tp>
static void destroy(_Alloc& __a, _Tp* __p)
- { _S_destroy(__a, __p); }
+ { _S_destroy(__a, __p, 0); }
* @brief The maximum supported allocation size