default clocking @(posedge clock); endclocking
default disable iff (reset);
- // make sure the counter doesnt jump over all "magic values"
+ // make sure the counter doesn't jump over any of the "magic values"
`demo_counter_abstr_mode property ((counter < 123456) |=> (counter <= 123456));
`demo_counter_abstr_mode property ((counter < 234567) |=> (counter <= 234567));
`demo_counter_abstr_mode property ((counter < 345678) |=> (counter <= 345678));
`demo_counter_abstr_mode property ((counter < 456789) |=> (counter <= 456789));
- // only allow overflow by visiting the max value
+ // strictly increasing, only allow overflow by visiting the max value
`demo_counter_abstr_mode property (counter != 20'hfffff |=> $past(counter) < counter);
- `demo_counter_abstr_mode property (counter == 20'hfffff |=> !counter);
+ `demo_counter_abstr_mode property (counter == 20'hfffff |=> counter == 20'h00000);
bind demo demo_counter_abstr demo_counter_abstr_i (.*);