uint32_t shifted_size = device->thread_trace_buffer_size >> SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT;
unsigned max_se = device->physical_device->rad_info.max_se;
- assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9);
+ assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX9);
for (unsigned se = 0; se < max_se; se++) {
uint64_t data_va = radv_thread_trace_get_data_va(device, se);
S_030800_SH_INDEX(0) |
- /* Order seems important for the following 4 registers. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CDC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE2,
- S_030CDC_ADDR_HI(shifted_va >> 32));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE,
- S_030CC0_ADDR(shifted_va));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_SIZE,
- S_030CC4_SIZE(shifted_size));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL,
- S_030CD4_RESET_BUFFER(1));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MASK,
- S_030CC8_CU_SEL(2) |
- S_030CC8_SH_SEL(0) |
- S_030CC8_SIMD_EN(0xf) |
- S_030CC8_VM_ID_MASK(0) |
- S_030CC8_REG_STALL_EN(1) |
- S_030CC8_SPI_STALL_EN(1) |
- S_030CC8_SQ_STALL_EN(1));
- /* Trace all tokens and registers. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CCC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK,
- S_030CCC_TOKEN_MASK(0xbfff) |
- S_030CCC_REG_MASK(0xff) |
- /* Enable SQTT perf counters for all CUs. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_PERF_MASK,
- S_030CD0_SH0_MASK(0xffff) |
- S_030CD0_SH1_MASK(0xffff));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK2,
- S_030CE0_INST_MASK(0xffffffff));
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CEC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_HIWATER,
- S_030CEC_HIWATER(4));
- /* Reset thread trace status errors. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS,
- S_030CE8_UTC_ERROR(0));
- /* Enable the thread trace mode. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE,
- S_030CD8_MASK_PS(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_VS(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_GS(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_ES(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_HS(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_LS(1) |
- S_030CD8_MASK_CS(1) |
- S_030CD8_AUTOFLUSH_EN(1) | /* periodically flush SQTT data to memory */
- S_030CD8_TC_PERF_EN(1) | /* count SQTT traffic in TCC perf counters */
- S_030CD8_MODE(1));
+ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9) {
+ /* Order seems important for the following 4 registers. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CDC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE2,
+ S_030CDC_ADDR_HI(shifted_va >> 32));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE,
+ S_030CC0_ADDR(shifted_va));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_SIZE,
+ S_030CC4_SIZE(shifted_size));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL,
+ S_030CD4_RESET_BUFFER(1));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MASK,
+ S_030CC8_CU_SEL(2) |
+ S_030CC8_SH_SEL(0) |
+ S_030CC8_SIMD_EN(0xf) |
+ S_030CC8_VM_ID_MASK(0) |
+ S_030CC8_REG_STALL_EN(1) |
+ S_030CC8_SPI_STALL_EN(1) |
+ S_030CC8_SQ_STALL_EN(1));
+ /* Trace all tokens and registers. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CCC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK,
+ S_030CCC_TOKEN_MASK(0xbfff) |
+ S_030CCC_REG_MASK(0xff) |
+ /* Enable SQTT perf counters for all CUs. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_PERF_MASK,
+ S_030CD0_SH0_MASK(0xffff) |
+ S_030CD0_SH1_MASK(0xffff));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK2,
+ S_030CE0_INST_MASK(0xffffffff));
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CEC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_HIWATER,
+ S_030CEC_HIWATER(4));
+ /* Reset thread trace status errors. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS,
+ S_030CE8_UTC_ERROR(0));
+ /* Enable the thread trace mode. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE,
+ S_030CD8_MASK_PS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_VS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_GS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_ES(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_HS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_LS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_MASK_CS(1) |
+ S_030CD8_AUTOFLUSH_EN(1) | /* periodically flush SQTT data to memory */
+ S_030CD8_TC_PERF_EN(1) | /* count SQTT traffic in TCC perf counters */
+ S_030CD8_MODE(1));
+ } else {
+ /* Order seems important for the following 2 registers. */
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D04_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BUF0_SIZE,
+ S_008D04_SIZE(shifted_size) |
+ S_008D04_BASE_HI(shifted_va >> 32));
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D00_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BUF0_BASE,
+ S_008D00_BASE_LO(shifted_va));
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D14_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MASK,
+ S_008D14_WTYPE_INCLUDE(0x7f) | /* all shader stages */
+ S_008D14_SA_SEL(0) |
+ S_008D14_WGP_SEL(0) |
+ S_008D14_SIMD_SEL(0));
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D18_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK,
+ /* Should be emitted last (it enables thread traces). */
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D1C_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL,
+ S_008D1C_MODE(1) |
+ S_008D1C_HIWATER(5) |
+ S_008D1C_UTIL_TIMER(1) |
+ S_008D1C_RT_FREQ(2) | /* 4096 clk */
+ S_008D1C_DRAW_EVENT_EN(1) |
+ S_008D1C_REG_STALL_EN(1) |
+ S_008D1C_SPI_STALL_EN(1) |
+ S_008D1C_SQ_STALL_EN(1) |
+ }
/* Restore global broadcasting. */
-static const uint32_t thread_trace_info_regs[] =
+static const uint32_t gfx9_thread_trace_info_regs[] =
+static const uint32_t gfx10_thread_trace_info_regs[] =
static void
radv_emit_thread_trace_stop(struct radv_device *device,
struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs,
unsigned max_se = device->physical_device->rad_info.max_se;
- assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9);
+ assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX9);
/* Stop the thread trace with a different event based on the queue. */
if (queue_family_index == RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE &&
S_030800_SH_INDEX(0) |
- /* Disable the thread trace mode. */
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE,
- S_030CD8_MODE(0));
- /* Wait for thread trace completion. */
- radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0));
- radeon_emit(cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */
- radeon_emit(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */
- radeon_emit(cs, 0);
- radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */
- radeon_emit(cs, S_030CE8_BUSY(1)); /* mask */
- radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */
- /* Get the VA where the info struct is stored for this SE. */
- uint64_t info_va = radv_thread_trace_get_info_va(device, se);
- /* Copy back the info struct one DWORD at a time. */
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(thread_trace_info_regs); i++) {
- radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0));
- radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_PERF) |
- radeon_emit(cs, thread_trace_info_regs[i] >> 2);
- radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* unused */
- radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4));
- radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4) >> 32);
+ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9) {
+ /* Disable the thread trace mode. */
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE,
+ S_030CD8_MODE(0));
+ /* Wait for thread trace completion. */
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, S_030CE8_BUSY(1)); /* mask */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */
+ /* Get the VA where the info struct is stored for this SE. */
+ uint64_t info_va = radv_thread_trace_get_info_va(device, se);
+ /* Copy back the info struct one DWORD at a time. */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gfx9_thread_trace_info_regs); i++) {
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_PERF) |
+ radeon_emit(cs, gfx9_thread_trace_info_regs[i] >> 2);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* unused */
+ radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4));
+ radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4) >> 32);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX10);
+ /* Make sure to wait for the trace buffer. */
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_NOT_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, R_008D20_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, S_008D20_FINISH_DONE(1)); /* mask */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */
+ /* Disable the thread trace mode. */
+ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D1C_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL,
+ S_008D1C_MODE(0));
+ /* Wait for thread trace completion. */
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, R_008D20_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */
+ radeon_emit(cs, S_008D20_BUSY(1)); /* mask */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */
+ /* Get the VA where the info struct is stored for this SE. */
+ uint64_t info_va = radv_thread_trace_get_info_va(device, se);
+ /* Copy back the info struct one DWORD at a time. */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gfx10_thread_trace_info_regs); i++) {
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_PERF) |
+ radeon_emit(cs, gfx10_thread_trace_info_regs[i] >> 2);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* unused */
+ radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4));
+ radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4) >> 32);
+ }
static void
-radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, bool enable)
+radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(struct radv_device *device,
+ struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, bool enable)
- radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_031100_SPI_CONFIG_CNTL,
- S_031100_GPR_WRITE_PRIORITY(0x2c688) |
- S_031100_EXP_PRIORITY_ORDER(3) |
- S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_TOP_EVENTS(enable) |
- S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_BOP_EVENTS(enable));
+ uint32_t spi_config_cntl = S_031100_GPR_WRITE_PRIORITY(0x2c688) |
+ S_031100_EXP_PRIORITY_ORDER(3) |
+ S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_TOP_EVENTS(enable) |
+ S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_BOP_EVENTS(enable);
+ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX10)
+ spi_config_cntl |= S_031100_PS_PKR_PRIORITY_CNTL(3);
+ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_031100_SPI_CONFIG_CNTL, spi_config_cntl);
static void
/* Enable SQG events that collects thread trace data. */
- radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device->thread_trace_start_cs[family], true);
+ radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device,
+ device->thread_trace_start_cs[family],
+ true);
/* Restore previous state by disabling SQG events. */
- radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device->thread_trace_stop_cs[family], false);
+ radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device,
+ device->thread_trace_stop_cs[family],
+ false);
return radv_queue_internal_submit(queue, cs);
+static bool
+radv_is_thread_trace_complete(struct radv_device *device,
+ const struct radv_thread_trace_info *info)
+ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX10) {
+ /* GFX10 doesn't have THREAD_TRACE_CNTR but it reports the
+ * number of dropped bytes for all SEs via
+ */
+ return info->gfx10_dropped_cntr == 0;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, compare the current thread trace offset with the number
+ * of written bytes.
+ */
+ return info->cur_offset < info->gfx9_write_counter;
+static uint32_t
+radv_get_expected_buffer_size(struct radv_device *device,
+ const struct radv_thread_trace_info *info)
+ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX10) {
+ uint32_t dropped_cntr_per_se = info->gfx10_dropped_cntr / device->physical_device->rad_info.max_se;
+ return ((info->cur_offset * 32) + dropped_cntr_per_se) / 1024;
+ }
+ return (info->gfx9_write_counter * 32) / 1024;
radv_get_thread_trace(struct radv_queue *queue,
struct radv_thread_trace *thread_trace)
(struct radv_thread_trace_info *)info_ptr;
struct radv_thread_trace_se thread_trace_se = {};
- if (info->cur_offset < info->write_counter) {
+ if (!radv_is_thread_trace_complete(device, info)) {
uint32_t expected_size =
- (info->write_counter * 32) / 1024;
+ radv_get_expected_buffer_size(device, info);
uint32_t available_size =
(info->cur_offset * 32) / 1024;