from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal, Const
from openpower.decoder.power_enums import (SVP64RMMode, Function, SVPtype,
- SVP64PredMode, SVP64sat, SVP64LDSTmode)
+ SVP64PredMode, SVP64sat, SVP64LDSTmode,
+ SVP64BCPredMode, SVP64BCVLSETMode,
+ SVP64BCGate, SVP64BCStep,
+ )
from openpower.consts import EXTRA3, SVP64MODE
from import SVP64Rec
from nmutil.util import sel
11 inv dz RC1 Rc=0: pred-result z/nonz
Branch Conditional:
-00 SNZ ALL sz normal mode
-01 VLI ALL sz VLSET mode
-10 SNZ ALL sz svstep mode
-11 VLI ALL sz svstep VLSET mode, in Horizontal-First
-11 VLI SNZ sz svstep VLSET mode, in Vertical-First
+note that additional BC modes are in *other bits*, specifically
+the element-width fields: SVP64Rec.ewsrc and SVP64Rec.elwidth
+elwidth ewsrc mode
+4 5 6 7 19 20 21 22 23
+ALL LRu / / 0 0 / SNZ sz normal mode
+ALL LRu / VSb 0 1 VLI SNZ sz VLSET mode
+ALL LRu BRc / 1 0 / SNZ sz svstep mode
+ALL LRu BRc VSb 1 1 VLI SNZ sz svstep VLSET mode
class SVP64RMModeDecode(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, name=None):
##### inputs #####
self.rc_in = Signal()
self.ldst_ra_vec = Signal() # set when RA is vec, indicate Index mode
self.ldst_imz_in = Signal() # set when LD/ST immediate is zero
- self.bc_vlset = Signal() # Branch-Conditional VLSET
- self.bc_svstep = Signal() # Branch-Conditional svstep
- self.bc_snz = Signal() # Branch-Conditional zeroing-actually-"oneing"
- self.bc_all = Signal() # Branch-Conditional "All tests must pass"
##### outputs #####
- # main mode (normal, reduce, saturate, ffirst, pred-result)
+ # main mode (normal, reduce, saturate, ffirst, pred-result, branch)
self.mode = Signal(SVP64RMMode)
+ # Branch Conditional Modes
+ self.bc_vlset = Signal(SVP64BCVLSETMode) # Branch-Conditional VLSET
+ self.bc_step = Signal(SVP64BCStep) # Branch-Conditional svstep mode
+ self.bc_pred = Signal(SVP64BCPredMode) # BC predicate mode
+ self.bc_gate = Signal(SVP64BCGate) # BC ALL or ANY gate
+ self.bc_lru = Signal() # BC Link Register Update
# predication
self.predmode = Signal(SVP64PredMode)
self.srcpred = Signal(3) # source predicate
comb += is_ldst.eq(self.fn_in == Function.LDST)
comb += is_bc.eq(self.fn_in == Function.BRANCH)
mode2 = sel(m, mode, SVP64MODE.MOD2)
- with m.Switch(mode2):
- with m.Case(0): # needs further decoding (LDST no mapreduce)
- with m.If(is_ldst):
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
- with m.Elif(mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE]):
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.MAPREDUCE)
- with m.Else():
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
- with m.Case(1):
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.FFIRST) # fail-first
- with m.Case(2):
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.SATURATE) # saturate
- with m.Case(3):
- comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.PREDRES) # predicate result
- # extract "reverse gear" for mapreduce mode
- with m.If((~is_ldst) & # not for LD/ST
- (mode2 == 0) & # first 2 bits == 0
- mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE] & # bit 2 == 1
- (~mode[SVP64MODE.PARALLEL])): # not parallel mapreduce
- comb += self.reverse_gear.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.RG]) # finally, whew
- # extract zeroing
- with m.Switch(mode2):
- with m.Case(0): # needs further decoding (LDST no mapreduce)
- with m.If(is_ldst):
- # XXX TODO, work out which of these is most appropriate
- # set both? or just the one? or one if LD, the other if ST?
- comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- with m.Elif(mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE]):
- with m.If(self.rm_in.subvl == Const(0, 2)): # no SUBVL
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- with m.Else():
- comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.SZ])
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- with m.Case(1, 3):
- with m.If(is_ldst):
- with m.If(~self.ldst_ra_vec):
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- with m.Elif(self.rc_in):
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- with m.Case(2):
- with m.If(is_ldst & ~self.ldst_ra_vec):
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.If(is_bc):
+ # Branch-Conditional is completely different
+ # svstep mode
+ with m.If(mode2[0]):
+ with m.If(self.rm_in.ewsrc[0]):
+ comb += self.bc_step.eq(SVP64BCStep.STEP_RC)
with m.Else():
- comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.SZ])
- comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
- # extract saturate
- with m.Switch(mode2):
- with m.Case(2):
- with m.If(mode[SVP64MODE.N]):
- comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.UNSIGNED)
+ comb += self.bc_step.eq(SVP64BCStep.STEP)
+ # VLSET mode
+ with m.If(mode2[1]):
+ with m.If(self.rm_in.ewsrc[1]):
+ comb += self.bc_step.eq(SVP64BCVLSETMode.VL_INCL)
with m.Else():
- comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.SIGNED)
- with m.Default():
- comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.NONE)
- # extract els (element strided mode bit)
- # see
- els = Signal()
- with m.If(is_ldst):
+ comb += self.bc_step.eq(SVP64BCVLSETMode.VL_EXCL)
+ # BC Mode ALL or ANY (Great-Big-AND-gate or Great-Big-OR-gate)
+ comb += self.bc_gate.eq(self.rm_in.elwidth[0])
+ # Link-Register Update
+ comb += self.bc_lru.eq(self.rm_in.elwidth[1])
+ with m.Else():
+ # combined arith / ldst decoding due to similarity
with m.Switch(mode2):
- with m.Case(0):
- comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_NORMAL])
+ with m.Case(0): # needs further decoding (LDST no mapreduce)
+ with m.If(is_ldst):
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
+ with m.Elif(mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE]):
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.MAPREDUCE)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
+ with m.Case(1):
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.FFIRST) # fail-first
with m.Case(2):
- comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_SAT])
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.SATURATE) # saturate
+ with m.Case(3):
+ comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.PREDRES) # pred result
+ # extract "reverse gear" for mapreduce mode
+ with m.If((~is_ldst) & # not for LD/ST
+ (mode2 == 0) & # first 2 bits == 0
+ mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE] & # bit 2 == 1
+ (~mode[SVP64MODE.PARALLEL])): # not parallel mapreduce
+ comb += self.reverse_gear.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.RG]) # finally whew
+ # extract zeroing
+ with m.Switch(mode2):
+ with m.Case(0): # needs further decoding (LDST no mapreduce)
+ with m.If(is_ldst):
+ # XXX TODO, work out which of these is most
+ # appropriate set both? or just the one?
+ # or one if LD, the other if ST?
+ comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.Elif(mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE]):
+ with m.If(self.rm_in.subvl == Const(0, 2)): # no SUBVL
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.SZ])
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
with m.Case(1, 3):
- with m.If(self.rc_in):
- comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_FFIRST_PRED])
- # Shifted Mode
- with m.If(mode[SVP64MODE.LDST_SHIFT]):
- comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.SHIFT)
- # RA is vectorised
- with m.Elif(self.ldst_ra_vec):
- comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.INDEXED)
- # not element-strided, therefore unit...
- with m.Elif(~els):
- comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.UNITSTRIDE)
- # but if the LD/ST immediate is zero, allow cache-inhibited
- # loads from same location, therefore don't do element-striding
- with m.Elif(~self.ldst_imz_in):
- comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.ELSTRIDE)
+ with m.If(is_ldst):
+ with m.If(~self.ldst_ra_vec):
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.Elif(self.rc_in):
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.Case(2):
+ with m.If(is_ldst & ~self.ldst_ra_vec):
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += self.pred_sz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.SZ])
+ comb += self.pred_dz.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.DZ])
+ # extract saturate
+ with m.Switch(mode2):
+ with m.Case(2):
+ with m.If(mode[SVP64MODE.N]):
+ comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.UNSIGNED)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.SIGNED)
+ with m.Default():
+ comb += self.saturate.eq(SVP64sat.NONE)
+ # extract els (element strided mode bit)
+ # see
+ els = Signal()
+ with m.If(is_ldst):
+ with m.Switch(mode2):
+ with m.Case(0):
+ comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_NORMAL])
+ with m.Case(2):
+ comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_SAT])
+ with m.Case(1, 3):
+ with m.If(self.rc_in):
+ comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_FFIRST_PRED])
+ # Shifted Mode
+ with m.If(mode[SVP64MODE.LDST_SHIFT]):
+ comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.SHIFT)
+ # RA is vectorised
+ with m.Elif(self.ldst_ra_vec):
+ comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.INDEXED)
+ # not element-strided, therefore unit...
+ with m.Elif(~els):
+ comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.UNITSTRIDE)
+ # but if the LD/ST immediate is zero, allow cache-inhibited
+ # loads from same location, therefore don't do element-striding
+ with m.Elif(~self.ldst_imz_in):
+ comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.ELSTRIDE)
# extract src/dest predicate. use EXTRA3.MASK because EXTRA2.MASK
# is in exactly the same bits