The trick here is that flex always chooses the rule that matches the most
text. So with a input text of "two:" which we want to be lexed as an
IDENTIFIER token "two" followed by an OTHER token ":" the previous OTHER
rule would match longer as a single token of "two:" which we don't want.
We prevent this by forcing the OTHER pattern to never match any
characters that appear in other constructs, (no letters, numbers, #,
_, whitespace, nor any punctuation that appear in CPP operators).
Fixes bug #44764:
GLSL preprocessor doesn't replace defines ending with ":"
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Graunke <>
NOTE: This is a candidate for stable release branches.
IDENTIFIER [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
PUNCTUATION [][(){}.&*~!/%<>^|;,=+-]
-OTHER [^][(){}.&*~!/%<>^|;,=#[:space:]+-]+
+/* The OTHER class is simply a catch-all for things that the CPP
+parser just doesn't care about. Since flex regular expressions that
+match longer strings take priority over those matching shorter
+strings, we have to be careful to avoid OTHER matching and hiding
+something that CPP does care about. So we simply exclude all
+characters that appear in any other expressions. */
+OTHER [^][_#[:space:]#a-zA-Z0-9(){}.&*~!/%<>^|;,=+-]
DIGITS [0-9][0-9]*
DECIMAL_INTEGER [1-9][0-9]*[uU]?