compiler_context *ctx,
midgard_instruction **instructions,
+ struct midgard_predicate *predicate,
unsigned count,
unsigned cond)
if (GET_CHANNEL_COUNT(alu_opcode_props[instructions[i]->alu.op].props))
return ~0;
- /* TODO: moving conditionals with constants */
+ /* Ensure it will fit with constants */
- if (instructions[i]->has_constants)
+ if (!mir_adjust_constants(instructions[i], predicate, false))
return ~0;
/* Ensure it is written only once */
ret = i;
+ /* Inject constants now that we are sure we want to */
+ if (ret != ~0)
+ mir_adjust_constants(instructions[ret], predicate, true);
return ret;
compiler_context *ctx,
midgard_instruction **instructions,
+ struct midgard_predicate *predicate,
BITSET_WORD *worklist, unsigned count,
unsigned cond, bool vector, unsigned swizzle,
midgard_instruction *user)
/* TODO: swizzle when scheduling */
unsigned comp_i =
(!vector && (swizzle == 0)) ?
- mir_comparison_mobile(ctx, instructions, count, cond) : ~0;
+ mir_comparison_mobile(ctx, instructions, predicate, count, cond) : ~0;
/* If we can, schedule the condition immediately */
if ((comp_i != ~0) && BITSET_TEST(worklist, comp_i)) {
/* Grab the conditional instruction */
midgard_instruction *cond = mir_schedule_comparison(
- ctx, instructions, worklist, count, last->src[condition_index],
+ ctx, instructions, predicate, worklist, count, last->src[condition_index],
vector, last->cond_swizzle, last);
/* We have exclusive reign over this (possibly move) conditional