+ # Set up evec in case we trap.
+ la t0, evec
+ csrw evec, t0
+ csrwi count, 0
csrwi sup0, 3
TEST_CASE( 2, a0, 3, csrr a0, sup0);
TEST_CASE( 3, a1, 3, csrrci a1, sup0, 1);
TEST_CASE( 8, a0, 0xbad0000, li a0, 0x000beef; csrrs a0, sup0, a0);
TEST_CASE( 9, a0, 0xbadbeef, csrr a0, sup0);
+ # Make sure writing the cycle counter causes an exception.
+ TEST_CASE(10, a0, 255, li a0, 255; csrrw a0, cycle, x0);
+ # Make sure reading status in user mode causes an exception.
+ csrci status, SR_S|SR_PS
+ TEST_CASE(11, a0, 255, li a0, 255; csrr a0, status);
+ # Make sure rdcycle is legal in user mode.
+ TEST_CASE(12, x0, 0, rdcycle a0)
+ # Exit by doing a syscall.
+ TEST_CASE(13, x0, 1, scall)
+ # We should only fall through to this if scall failed.
+ # Trapping on tests 10, 11, and 13 is usually good news.
+ # Note that since the test didn't finished, TESTNUM is smaller by 1.
+ li t0, 9
+ beq TESTNUM, t0, privileged
+ li t0, 10
+ beq TESTNUM, t0, privileged
+ li t0, 12
+ beq TESTNUM, t0, syscall
+ # Trapping on other tests is bad news.
+ j fail
+ # Make sure CAUSE indicates a lack of privilege.
+ csrr t0, cause
+ bne t0, t1, fail
+ # Return to user mode, but skip the trapping instruction.
+ csrr t0, epc
+ addi t0, t0, 4
+ csrw epc, t0
+ sret
+ # Make sure CAUSE indicates a syscall.
+ csrr t0, cause
+ bne t0, t1, fail
+ # We're done.
+ j pass