ctrl = cls()
# Only do this for DRAMs
- if issubclass(cls, m5.objects.SimpleDRAM):
+ if issubclass(cls, m5.objects.DRAMCtrl):
# Inform each controller how many channels to account
# for
ctrl.channels = nbr_mem_ctrls
# the following assumes that we are using the native DRAM
# controller, check to be sure
-if not isinstance(system.mem_ctrls[0], m5.objects.SimpleDRAM):
- fatal("This script assumes the memory is a SimpleDRAM subclass")
+if not isinstance(system.mem_ctrls[0], m5.objects.DRAMCtrl):
+ fatal("This script assumes the memory is a DRAMCtrl subclass")
# for now the generator assumes a single rank
system.mem_ctrls[0].ranks_per_channel = 1
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 ARM Limited
+# All rights reserved.
+# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Andreas Hansson
+# Ani Udipi
+from m5.params import *
+from AbstractMemory import *
+# Enum for memory scheduling algorithms, currently First-Come
+# First-Served and a First-Row Hit then First-Come First-Served
+class MemSched(Enum): vals = ['fcfs', 'frfcfs']
+# Enum for the address mapping. With Ch, Ra, Ba, Ro and Co denoting
+# channel, rank, bank, row and column, respectively, and going from
+# MSB to LSB. Available are RoRaBaChCo and RoRaBaCoCh, that are
+# suitable for an open-page policy, optimising for sequential accesses
+# hitting in the open row. For a closed-page policy, RoCoRaBaCh
+# maximises parallelism.
+class AddrMap(Enum): vals = ['RoRaBaChCo', 'RoRaBaCoCh', 'RoCoRaBaCh']
+# Enum for the page policy, either open, open_adaptive, close, or
+# close_adaptive.
+class PageManage(Enum): vals = ['open', 'open_adaptive', 'close',
+ 'close_adaptive']
+# DRAMCtrl is a single-channel single-ported DRAM controller model
+# that aims to model the most important system-level performance
+# effects of a DRAM without getting into too much detail of the DRAM
+# itself.
+class DRAMCtrl(AbstractMemory):
+ type = 'DRAMCtrl'
+ cxx_header = "mem/dram_ctrl.hh"
+ # single-ported on the system interface side, instantiate with a
+ # bus in front of the controller for multiple ports
+ port = SlavePort("Slave port")
+ # the basic configuration of the controller architecture
+ write_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(64, "Number of write queue entries")
+ read_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of read queue entries")
+ # threshold in percent for when to forcefully trigger writes and
+ # start emptying the write buffer
+ write_high_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(85, "Threshold to force writes")
+ # threshold in percentage for when to start writes if the read
+ # queue is empty
+ write_low_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(50, "Threshold to start writes")
+ # minimum write bursts to schedule before switching back to reads
+ min_writes_per_switch = Param.Unsigned(16, "Minimum write bursts before "
+ "switching to reads")
+ # scheduler, address map and page policy
+ mem_sched_policy = Param.MemSched('frfcfs', "Memory scheduling policy")
+ addr_mapping = Param.AddrMap('RoRaBaChCo', "Address mapping policy")
+ page_policy = Param.PageManage('open_adaptive', "Page management policy")
+ # enforce a limit on the number of accesses per row
+ max_accesses_per_row = Param.Unsigned(16, "Max accesses per row before "
+ "closing");
+ # pipeline latency of the controller and PHY, split into a
+ # frontend part and a backend part, with reads and writes serviced
+ # by the queues only seeing the frontend contribution, and reads
+ # serviced by the memory seeing the sum of the two
+ static_frontend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static frontend latency")
+ static_backend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static backend latency")
+ # the physical organisation of the DRAM
+ device_bus_width = Param.Unsigned("data bus width in bits for each DRAM "\
+ "device/chip")
+ burst_length = Param.Unsigned("Burst lenght (BL) in beats")
+ device_rowbuffer_size = Param.MemorySize("Page (row buffer) size per "\
+ "device/chip")
+ devices_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of devices/chips per rank")
+ ranks_per_channel = Param.Unsigned("Number of ranks per channel")
+ banks_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of banks per rank")
+ # only used for the address mapping as the controller by
+ # construction is a single channel and multiple controllers have
+ # to be instantiated for a multi-channel configuration
+ channels = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of channels")
+ # timing behaviour and constraints - all in nanoseconds
+ # the amount of time in nanoseconds from issuing an activate command
+ # to the data being available in the row buffer for a read/write
+ tRCD = Param.Latency("RAS to CAS delay")
+ # the time from issuing a read/write command to seeing the actual data
+ tCL = Param.Latency("CAS latency")
+ # minimum time between a precharge and subsequent activate
+ tRP = Param.Latency("Row precharge time")
+ # minimum time between an activate and a precharge to the same row
+ tRAS = Param.Latency("ACT to PRE delay")
+ # time to complete a burst transfer, typically the burst length
+ # divided by two due to the DDR bus, but by making it a parameter
+ # it is easier to also evaluate SDR memories like WideIO.
+ # This parameter has to account for burst length.
+ # Read/Write requests with data size larger than one full burst are broken
+ # down into multiple requests in the controller
+ tBURST = Param.Latency("Burst duration (for DDR burst length / 2 cycles)")
+ # time taken to complete one refresh cycle (N rows in all banks)
+ tRFC = Param.Latency("Refresh cycle time")
+ # refresh command interval, how often a "ref" command needs
+ # to be sent. It is 7.8 us for a 64ms refresh requirement
+ tREFI = Param.Latency("Refresh command interval")
+ # write-to-read turn around penalty, assumed same as read-to-write
+ tWTR = Param.Latency("Write to read switching time")
+ # minimum row activate to row activate delay time
+ tRRD = Param.Latency("ACT to ACT delay")
+ # time window in which a maximum number of activates are allowed
+ # to take place, set to 0 to disable
+ tXAW = Param.Latency("X activation window")
+ activation_limit = Param.Unsigned("Max number of activates in window")
+ # Currently rolled into other params
+ ######################################################################
+ # tRC - assumed to be tRAS + tRP
+# A single DDR3 x64 interface (one command and address bus), with
+# default timings based on DDR3-1600 4 Gbit parts in an 8x8
+# configuration, which would amount to 4 Gbyte of memory.
+class DDR3_1600_x64(DRAMCtrl):
+ # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface
+ device_bus_width = 8
+ # DDR3 is a BL8 device
+ burst_length = 8
+ # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
+ # (this depends on the memory density)
+ device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
+ # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices
+ devices_per_rank = 8
+ # Use two ranks
+ ranks_per_channel = 2
+ # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
+ banks_per_rank = 8
+ # DDR3-1600 11-11-11-28
+ tRCD = '13.75ns'
+ tCL = '13.75ns'
+ tRP = '13.75ns'
+ tRAS = '35ns'
+ # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz.
+ # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
+ tBURST = '5ns'
+ # DDR3, 4 Gbit has a tRFC of 240 CK and tCK = 1.25 ns
+ tRFC = '300ns'
+ # DDR3, <=85C, half for >85C
+ tREFI = '7.8us'
+ # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 800 MHz = 5 ns
+ tWTR = '7.5ns'
+ # Assume 5 CK for activate to activate for different banks
+ tRRD = '6.25ns'
+ # With a 2kbyte page size, DDR3-1600 lands around 40 ns
+ tXAW = '40ns'
+ activation_limit = 4
+# A single DDR3 x64 interface (one command and address bus), with
+# default timings based on DDR3-1333 4 Gbit parts in an 8x8
+# configuration, which would amount to 4 GByte of memory. This
+# configuration is primarily for comparing with DRAMSim2, and all the
+# parameters except ranks_per_channel are based on the DRAMSim2 config
+# file DDR3_micron_32M_8B_x8_sg15.ini. Note that ranks_per_channel has
+# to be manually set, depending on size of the memory to be
+# simulated. By default DRAMSim2 has 2048MB of memory with a single
+# rank. Therefore for 4 GByte memory, set ranks_per_channel = 2
+class DDR3_1333_x64_DRAMSim2(DRAMCtrl):
+ # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface
+ device_bus_width = 8
+ # DDR3 is a BL8 device
+ burst_length = 8
+ # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
+ # (this depends on the memory density)
+ device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
+ # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices
+ devices_per_rank = 8
+ # Use two ranks
+ ranks_per_channel = 2
+ # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
+ banks_per_rank = 8
+ tRCD = '15ns'
+ tCL = '15ns'
+ tRP = '15ns'
+ tRAS = '36ns'
+ # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 666.66 MHz.
+ # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
+ tBURST = '6ns'
+ tRFC = '160ns'
+ # DDR3, <=85C, half for >85C
+ tREFI = '7.8us'
+ # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 666.66 MHz = 6 ns
+ tWTR = '7.5ns'
+ tRRD = '6.0ns'
+ tXAW = '30ns'
+ activation_limit = 4
+# A single LPDDR2-S4 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with
+# default timings based on a LPDDR2-1066 4 Gbit part in a 1x32
+# configuration.
+class LPDDR2_S4_1066_x32(DRAMCtrl):
+ # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface
+ device_bus_width = 32
+ # LPDDR2_S4 is a BL4 and BL8 device
+ burst_length = 8
+ # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
+ # (this depends on the memory density)
+ device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
+ # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device
+ devices_per_rank = 1
+ # Use a single rank
+ ranks_per_channel = 1
+ # LPDDR2-S4 has 8 banks in all configurations
+ banks_per_rank = 8
+ # Fixed at 15 ns
+ tRCD = '15ns'
+ # 8 CK read latency, 4 CK write latency @ 533 MHz, 1.876 ns cycle time
+ tCL = '15ns'
+ # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns (all banks 18 ns)
+ tRP = '15ns'
+ tRAS = '42ns'
+ # 8 beats across an x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 533 MHz.
+ # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
+ # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests
+ # in the controller
+ tBURST = '7.5ns'
+ # LPDDR2-S4, 4 Gbit
+ tRFC = '130ns'
+ tREFI = '3.9us'
+ # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns
+ tWTR = '7.5ns'
+ # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
+ tRRD = '10.0ns'
+ # Irrespective of density, tFAW is 50 ns
+ tXAW = '50ns'
+ activation_limit = 4
+# A single WideIO x128 interface (one command and address bus), with
+# default timings based on an estimated WIO-200 8 Gbit part.
+class WideIO_200_x128(DRAMCtrl):
+ # 1x128 configuration, 1 device with a 128-bit interface
+ device_bus_width = 128
+ # This is a BL4 device
+ burst_length = 4
+ # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB
+ # (this depends on the memory density)
+ device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB'
+ # 1x128 configuration, so 1 device
+ devices_per_rank = 1
+ # Use one rank for a one-high die stack
+ ranks_per_channel = 1
+ # WideIO has 4 banks in all configurations
+ banks_per_rank = 4
+ # WIO-200
+ tRCD = '18ns'
+ tCL = '18ns'
+ tRP = '18ns'
+ tRAS = '42ns'
+ # 4 beats across an x128 SDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 200 MHz.
+ # Note this is a BL4 SDR device.
+ tBURST = '20ns'
+ # WIO 8 Gb
+ tRFC = '210ns'
+ # WIO 8 Gb, <=85C, half for >85C
+ tREFI = '3.9us'
+ # Greater of 2 CK or 15 ns, 2 CK @ 200 MHz = 10 ns
+ tWTR = '15ns'
+ # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
+ tRRD = '10.0ns'
+ # Two instead of four activation window
+ tXAW = '50ns'
+ activation_limit = 2
+# A single LPDDR3 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with
+# default timings based on a LPDDR3-1600 4 Gbit part in a 1x32
+# configuration
+class LPDDR3_1600_x32(DRAMCtrl):
+ # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface
+ device_bus_width = 32
+ # LPDDR3 is a BL8 device
+ burst_length = 8
+ # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB
+ device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB'
+ # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device
+ devices_per_rank = 1
+ # Use a single rank
+ ranks_per_channel = 1
+ # LPDDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
+ banks_per_rank = 8
+ # Fixed at 15 ns
+ tRCD = '15ns'
+ # 12 CK read latency, 6 CK write latency @ 800 MHz, 1.25 ns cycle time
+ tCL = '15ns'
+ tRAS = '42ns'
+ # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns (all banks 18 ns)
+ tRP = '15ns'
+ # 8 beats across a x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz.
+ # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
+ # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests
+ # in the controller
+ tBURST = '5ns'
+ # LPDDR3, 4 Gb
+ tRFC = '130ns'
+ tREFI = '3.9us'
+ # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns
+ tWTR = '7.5ns'
+ # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
+ tRRD = '10.0ns'
+ # Irrespective of size, tFAW is 50 ns
+ tXAW = '50ns'
+ activation_limit = 4
if env['TARGET_ISA'] != 'null':
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 ARM Limited
-# All rights reserved.
-# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
-# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
-# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
-# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
-# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
-# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
-# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
-# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
-# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
-# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# Authors: Andreas Hansson
-# Ani Udipi
-from m5.params import *
-from AbstractMemory import *
-# Enum for memory scheduling algorithms, currently First-Come
-# First-Served and a First-Row Hit then First-Come First-Served
-class MemSched(Enum): vals = ['fcfs', 'frfcfs']
-# Enum for the address mapping. With Ch, Ra, Ba, Ro and Co denoting
-# channel, rank, bank, row and column, respectively, and going from
-# MSB to LSB. Available are RoRaBaChCo and RoRaBaCoCh, that are
-# suitable for an open-page policy, optimising for sequential accesses
-# hitting in the open row. For a closed-page policy, RoCoRaBaCh
-# maximises parallelism.
-class AddrMap(Enum): vals = ['RoRaBaChCo', 'RoRaBaCoCh', 'RoCoRaBaCh']
-# Enum for the page policy, either open, open_adaptive, close, or
-# close_adaptive.
-class PageManage(Enum): vals = ['open', 'open_adaptive', 'close',
- 'close_adaptive']
-# SimpleDRAM is a single-channel single-ported DRAM controller model
-# that aims to model the most important system-level performance
-# effects of a DRAM without getting into too much detail of the DRAM
-# itself.
-class SimpleDRAM(AbstractMemory):
- type = 'SimpleDRAM'
- cxx_header = "mem/simple_dram.hh"
- # single-ported on the system interface side, instantiate with a
- # bus in front of the controller for multiple ports
- port = SlavePort("Slave port")
- # the basic configuration of the controller architecture
- write_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(64, "Number of write queue entries")
- read_buffer_size = Param.Unsigned(32, "Number of read queue entries")
- # threshold in percent for when to forcefully trigger writes and
- # start emptying the write buffer
- write_high_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(85, "Threshold to force writes")
- # threshold in percentage for when to start writes if the read
- # queue is empty
- write_low_thresh_perc = Param.Percent(50, "Threshold to start writes")
- # minimum write bursts to schedule before switching back to reads
- min_writes_per_switch = Param.Unsigned(16, "Minimum write bursts before "
- "switching to reads")
- # scheduler, address map and page policy
- mem_sched_policy = Param.MemSched('frfcfs', "Memory scheduling policy")
- addr_mapping = Param.AddrMap('RoRaBaChCo', "Address mapping policy")
- page_policy = Param.PageManage('open_adaptive', "Page management policy")
- # enforce a limit on the number of accesses per row
- max_accesses_per_row = Param.Unsigned(16, "Max accesses per row before "
- "closing");
- # pipeline latency of the controller and PHY, split into a
- # frontend part and a backend part, with reads and writes serviced
- # by the queues only seeing the frontend contribution, and reads
- # serviced by the memory seeing the sum of the two
- static_frontend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static frontend latency")
- static_backend_latency = Param.Latency("10ns", "Static backend latency")
- # the physical organisation of the DRAM
- device_bus_width = Param.Unsigned("data bus width in bits for each DRAM "\
- "device/chip")
- burst_length = Param.Unsigned("Burst lenght (BL) in beats")
- device_rowbuffer_size = Param.MemorySize("Page (row buffer) size per "\
- "device/chip")
- devices_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of devices/chips per rank")
- ranks_per_channel = Param.Unsigned("Number of ranks per channel")
- banks_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of banks per rank")
- # only used for the address mapping as the controller by
- # construction is a single channel and multiple controllers have
- # to be instantiated for a multi-channel configuration
- channels = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of channels")
- # timing behaviour and constraints - all in nanoseconds
- # the amount of time in nanoseconds from issuing an activate command
- # to the data being available in the row buffer for a read/write
- tRCD = Param.Latency("RAS to CAS delay")
- # the time from issuing a read/write command to seeing the actual data
- tCL = Param.Latency("CAS latency")
- # minimum time between a precharge and subsequent activate
- tRP = Param.Latency("Row precharge time")
- # minimum time between an activate and a precharge to the same row
- tRAS = Param.Latency("ACT to PRE delay")
- # time to complete a burst transfer, typically the burst length
- # divided by two due to the DDR bus, but by making it a parameter
- # it is easier to also evaluate SDR memories like WideIO.
- # This parameter has to account for burst length.
- # Read/Write requests with data size larger than one full burst are broken
- # down into multiple requests in the SimpleDRAM controller
- tBURST = Param.Latency("Burst duration (for DDR burst length / 2 cycles)")
- # time taken to complete one refresh cycle (N rows in all banks)
- tRFC = Param.Latency("Refresh cycle time")
- # refresh command interval, how often a "ref" command needs
- # to be sent. It is 7.8 us for a 64ms refresh requirement
- tREFI = Param.Latency("Refresh command interval")
- # write-to-read turn around penalty, assumed same as read-to-write
- tWTR = Param.Latency("Write to read switching time")
- # minimum row activate to row activate delay time
- tRRD = Param.Latency("ACT to ACT delay")
- # time window in which a maximum number of activates are allowed
- # to take place, set to 0 to disable
- tXAW = Param.Latency("X activation window")
- activation_limit = Param.Unsigned("Max number of activates in window")
- # Currently rolled into other params
- ######################################################################
- # tRC - assumed to be tRAS + tRP
-# A single DDR3 x64 interface (one command and address bus), with
-# default timings based on DDR3-1600 4 Gbit parts in an 8x8
-# configuration, which would amount to 4 Gbyte of memory.
-class DDR3_1600_x64(SimpleDRAM):
- # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface
- device_bus_width = 8
- # DDR3 is a BL8 device
- burst_length = 8
- # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
- # (this depends on the memory density)
- device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
- # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices
- devices_per_rank = 8
- # Use two ranks
- ranks_per_channel = 2
- # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
- banks_per_rank = 8
- # DDR3-1600 11-11-11-28
- tRCD = '13.75ns'
- tCL = '13.75ns'
- tRP = '13.75ns'
- tRAS = '35ns'
- # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz.
- # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
- tBURST = '5ns'
- # DDR3, 4 Gbit has a tRFC of 240 CK and tCK = 1.25 ns
- tRFC = '300ns'
- # DDR3, <=85C, half for >85C
- tREFI = '7.8us'
- # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 800 MHz = 5 ns
- tWTR = '7.5ns'
- # Assume 5 CK for activate to activate for different banks
- tRRD = '6.25ns'
- # With a 2kbyte page size, DDR3-1600 lands around 40 ns
- tXAW = '40ns'
- activation_limit = 4
-# A single DDR3 x64 interface (one command and address bus), with
-# default timings based on DDR3-1333 4 Gbit parts in an 8x8
-# configuration, which would amount to 4 GByte of memory. This
-# configuration is primarily for comparing with DRAMSim2, and all the
-# parameters except ranks_per_channel are based on the DRAMSim2 config
-# file DDR3_micron_32M_8B_x8_sg15.ini. Note that ranks_per_channel has
-# to be manually set, depending on size of the memory to be
-# simulated. By default DRAMSim2 has 2048MB of memory with a single
-# rank. Therefore for 4 GByte memory, set ranks_per_channel = 2
-class DDR3_1333_x64_DRAMSim2(SimpleDRAM):
- # 8x8 configuration, 8 devices each with an 8-bit interface
- device_bus_width = 8
- # DDR3 is a BL8 device
- burst_length = 8
- # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
- # (this depends on the memory density)
- device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
- # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices
- devices_per_rank = 8
- # Use two ranks
- ranks_per_channel = 2
- # DDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
- banks_per_rank = 8
- tRCD = '15ns'
- tCL = '15ns'
- tRP = '15ns'
- tRAS = '36ns'
- # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 666.66 MHz.
- # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
- tBURST = '6ns'
- tRFC = '160ns'
- # DDR3, <=85C, half for >85C
- tREFI = '7.8us'
- # Greater of 4 CK or 7.5 ns, 4 CK @ 666.66 MHz = 6 ns
- tWTR = '7.5ns'
- tRRD = '6.0ns'
- tXAW = '30ns'
- activation_limit = 4
-# A single LPDDR2-S4 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with
-# default timings based on a LPDDR2-1066 4 Gbit part in a 1x32
-# configuration.
-class LPDDR2_S4_1066_x32(SimpleDRAM):
- # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface
- device_bus_width = 32
- # LPDDR2_S4 is a BL4 and BL8 device
- burst_length = 8
- # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 1KB
- # (this depends on the memory density)
- device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
- # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device
- devices_per_rank = 1
- # Use a single rank
- ranks_per_channel = 1
- # LPDDR2-S4 has 8 banks in all configurations
- banks_per_rank = 8
- # Fixed at 15 ns
- tRCD = '15ns'
- # 8 CK read latency, 4 CK write latency @ 533 MHz, 1.876 ns cycle time
- tCL = '15ns'
- # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns (all banks 18 ns)
- tRP = '15ns'
- tRAS = '42ns'
- # 8 beats across an x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 533 MHz.
- # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
- # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests
- # in the SimpleDRAM controller
- tBURST = '7.5ns'
- # LPDDR2-S4, 4 Gbit
- tRFC = '130ns'
- tREFI = '3.9us'
- # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns
- tWTR = '7.5ns'
- # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
- tRRD = '10.0ns'
- # Irrespective of density, tFAW is 50 ns
- tXAW = '50ns'
- activation_limit = 4
-# A single WideIO x128 interface (one command and address bus), with
-# default timings based on an estimated WIO-200 8 Gbit part.
-class WideIO_200_x128(SimpleDRAM):
- # 1x128 configuration, 1 device with a 128-bit interface
- device_bus_width = 128
- # This is a BL4 device
- burst_length = 4
- # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB
- # (this depends on the memory density)
- device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB'
- # 1x128 configuration, so 1 device
- devices_per_rank = 1
- # Use one rank for a one-high die stack
- ranks_per_channel = 1
- # WideIO has 4 banks in all configurations
- banks_per_rank = 4
- # WIO-200
- tRCD = '18ns'
- tCL = '18ns'
- tRP = '18ns'
- tRAS = '42ns'
- # 4 beats across an x128 SDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 200 MHz.
- # Note this is a BL4 SDR device.
- tBURST = '20ns'
- # WIO 8 Gb
- tRFC = '210ns'
- # WIO 8 Gb, <=85C, half for >85C
- tREFI = '3.9us'
- # Greater of 2 CK or 15 ns, 2 CK @ 200 MHz = 10 ns
- tWTR = '15ns'
- # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
- tRRD = '10.0ns'
- # Two instead of four activation window
- tXAW = '50ns'
- activation_limit = 2
-# A single LPDDR3 x32 interface (one command/address bus), with
-# default timings based on a LPDDR3-1600 4 Gbit part in a 1x32
-# configuration
-class LPDDR3_1600_x32(SimpleDRAM):
- # 1x32 configuration, 1 device with a 32-bit interface
- device_bus_width = 32
- # LPDDR3 is a BL8 device
- burst_length = 8
- # Each device has a page (row buffer) size of 4KB
- device_rowbuffer_size = '4kB'
- # 1x32 configuration, so 1 device
- devices_per_rank = 1
- # Use a single rank
- ranks_per_channel = 1
- # LPDDR3 has 8 banks in all configurations
- banks_per_rank = 8
- # Fixed at 15 ns
- tRCD = '15ns'
- # 12 CK read latency, 6 CK write latency @ 800 MHz, 1.25 ns cycle time
- tCL = '15ns'
- tRAS = '42ns'
- # Pre-charge one bank 15 ns (all banks 18 ns)
- tRP = '15ns'
- # 8 beats across a x32 DDR interface translates to 4 clocks @ 800 MHz.
- # Note this is a BL8 DDR device.
- # Requests larger than 32 bytes are broken down into multiple requests
- # in the SimpleDRAM controller
- tBURST = '5ns'
- # LPDDR3, 4 Gb
- tRFC = '130ns'
- tREFI = '3.9us'
- # Irrespective of speed grade, tWTR is 7.5 ns
- tWTR = '7.5ns'
- # Activate to activate irrespective of density and speed grade
- tRRD = '10.0ns'
- # Irrespective of size, tFAW is 50 ns
- tXAW = '50ns'
- activation_limit = 4
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 ARM Limited
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: Andreas Hansson
+ * Ani Udipi
+ * Neha Agarwal
+ */
+#include "base/bitfield.hh"
+#include "base/trace.hh"
+#include "debug/DRAM.hh"
+#include "debug/Drain.hh"
+#include "mem/dram_ctrl.hh"
+#include "sim/system.hh"
+using namespace std;
+DRAMCtrl::DRAMCtrl(const DRAMCtrlParams* p) :
+ AbstractMemory(p),
+ port(name() + ".port", *this),
+ retryRdReq(false), retryWrReq(false),
+ rowHitFlag(false), stopReads(false),
+ writeEvent(this), respondEvent(this),
+ refreshEvent(this), nextReqEvent(this), drainManager(NULL),
+ deviceBusWidth(p->device_bus_width), burstLength(p->burst_length),
+ deviceRowBufferSize(p->device_rowbuffer_size),
+ devicesPerRank(p->devices_per_rank),
+ burstSize((devicesPerRank * burstLength * deviceBusWidth) / 8),
+ rowBufferSize(devicesPerRank * deviceRowBufferSize),
+ columnsPerRowBuffer(rowBufferSize / burstSize),
+ ranksPerChannel(p->ranks_per_channel),
+ banksPerRank(p->banks_per_rank), channels(p->channels), rowsPerBank(0),
+ readBufferSize(p->read_buffer_size),
+ writeBufferSize(p->write_buffer_size),
+ writeHighThreshold(writeBufferSize * p->write_high_thresh_perc / 100.0),
+ writeLowThreshold(writeBufferSize * p->write_low_thresh_perc / 100.0),
+ minWritesPerSwitch(p->min_writes_per_switch), writesThisTime(0),
+ tWTR(p->tWTR), tBURST(p->tBURST),
+ tRCD(p->tRCD), tCL(p->tCL), tRP(p->tRP), tRAS(p->tRAS),
+ tRFC(p->tRFC), tREFI(p->tREFI), tRRD(p->tRRD),
+ tXAW(p->tXAW), activationLimit(p->activation_limit),
+ memSchedPolicy(p->mem_sched_policy), addrMapping(p->addr_mapping),
+ pageMgmt(p->page_policy),
+ maxAccessesPerRow(p->max_accesses_per_row),
+ frontendLatency(p->static_frontend_latency),
+ backendLatency(p->static_backend_latency),
+ busBusyUntil(0), prevArrival(0),
+ newTime(0), startTickPrechargeAll(0), numBanksActive(0)
+ // create the bank states based on the dimensions of the ranks and
+ // banks
+ banks.resize(ranksPerChannel);
+ actTicks.resize(ranksPerChannel);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < ranksPerChannel; ++c) {
+ banks[c].resize(banksPerRank);
+ actTicks[c].resize(activationLimit, 0);
+ }
+ // perform a basic check of the write thresholds
+ if (p->write_low_thresh_perc >= p->write_high_thresh_perc)
+ fatal("Write buffer low threshold %d must be smaller than the "
+ "high threshold %d\n", p->write_low_thresh_perc,
+ p->write_high_thresh_perc);
+ // determine the rows per bank by looking at the total capacity
+ uint64_t capacity = ULL(1) << ceilLog2(AbstractMemory::size());
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Memory capacity %lld (%lld) bytes\n", capacity,
+ AbstractMemory::size());
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Row buffer size %d bytes with %d columns per row buffer\n",
+ rowBufferSize, columnsPerRowBuffer);
+ rowsPerBank = capacity / (rowBufferSize * banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel);
+ if (range.interleaved()) {
+ if (channels != range.stripes())
+ fatal("%s has %d interleaved address stripes but %d channel(s)\n",
+ name(), range.stripes(), channels);
+ if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo) {
+ if (rowBufferSize != range.granularity()) {
+ fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoRaBaChCo "
+ "address map\n", name());
+ }
+ } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh) {
+ if (system()->cacheLineSize() != range.granularity()) {
+ fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoRaBaCoCh "
+ "address map\n", name());
+ }
+ } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoCoRaBaCh) {
+ if (system()->cacheLineSize() != range.granularity())
+ fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoCoRaBaCh "
+ "address map\n", name());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!port.isConnected()) {
+ fatal("DRAMCtrl %s is unconnected!\n", name());
+ } else {
+ port.sendRangeChange();
+ }
+ // update the start tick for the precharge accounting to the
+ // current tick
+ startTickPrechargeAll = curTick();
+ // print the configuration of the controller
+ printParams();
+ // kick off the refresh
+ schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
+DRAMCtrl::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "recvAtomic: %s 0x%x\n", pkt->cmdString(), pkt->getAddr());
+ // do the actual memory access and turn the packet into a response
+ access(pkt);
+ Tick latency = 0;
+ if (!pkt->memInhibitAsserted() && pkt->hasData()) {
+ // this value is not supposed to be accurate, just enough to
+ // keep things going, mimic a closed page
+ latency = tRP + tRCD + tCL;
+ }
+ return latency;
+DRAMCtrl::readQueueFull(unsigned int neededEntries) const
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read queue limit %d, current size %d, entries needed %d\n",
+ readBufferSize, readQueue.size() + respQueue.size(),
+ neededEntries);
+ return
+ (readQueue.size() + respQueue.size() + neededEntries) > readBufferSize;
+DRAMCtrl::writeQueueFull(unsigned int neededEntries) const
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write queue limit %d, current size %d, entries needed %d\n",
+ writeBufferSize, writeQueue.size(), neededEntries);
+ return (writeQueue.size() + neededEntries) > writeBufferSize;
+DRAMCtrl::decodeAddr(PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned size,
+ bool isRead)
+ // decode the address based on the address mapping scheme, with
+ // Ro, Ra, Co, Ba and Ch denoting row, rank, column, bank and
+ // channel, respectively
+ uint8_t rank;
+ uint8_t bank;
+ uint16_t row;
+ // truncate the address to the access granularity
+ Addr addr = dramPktAddr / burstSize;
+ // we have removed the lowest order address bits that denote the
+ // position within the column
+ if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo) {
+ // the lowest order bits denote the column to ensure that
+ // sequential cache lines occupy the same row
+ addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
+ // take out the channel part of the address
+ addr = addr / channels;
+ // after the channel bits, get the bank bits to interleave
+ // over the banks
+ bank = addr % banksPerRank;
+ addr = addr / banksPerRank;
+ // after the bank, we get the rank bits which thus interleaves
+ // over the ranks
+ rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
+ addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
+ // lastly, get the row bits
+ row = addr % rowsPerBank;
+ addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
+ } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh) {
+ // take out the channel part of the address
+ addr = addr / channels;
+ // next, the column
+ addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
+ // after the column bits, we get the bank bits to interleave
+ // over the banks
+ bank = addr % banksPerRank;
+ addr = addr / banksPerRank;
+ // after the bank, we get the rank bits which thus interleaves
+ // over the ranks
+ rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
+ addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
+ // lastly, get the row bits
+ row = addr % rowsPerBank;
+ addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
+ } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoCoRaBaCh) {
+ // optimise for closed page mode and utilise maximum
+ // parallelism of the DRAM (at the cost of power)
+ // take out the channel part of the address, not that this has
+ // to match with how accesses are interleaved between the
+ // controllers in the address mapping
+ addr = addr / channels;
+ // start with the bank bits, as this provides the maximum
+ // opportunity for parallelism between requests
+ bank = addr % banksPerRank;
+ addr = addr / banksPerRank;
+ // next get the rank bits
+ rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
+ addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
+ // next the column bits which we do not need to keep track of
+ // and simply skip past
+ addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
+ // lastly, get the row bits
+ row = addr % rowsPerBank;
+ addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
+ } else
+ panic("Unknown address mapping policy chosen!");
+ assert(rank < ranksPerChannel);
+ assert(bank < banksPerRank);
+ assert(row < rowsPerBank);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Address: %lld Rank %d Bank %d Row %d\n",
+ dramPktAddr, rank, bank, row);
+ // create the corresponding DRAM packet with the entry time and
+ // ready time set to the current tick, the latter will be updated
+ // later
+ uint16_t bank_id = banksPerRank * rank + bank;
+ return new DRAMPacket(pkt, isRead, rank, bank, row, bank_id, dramPktAddr,
+ size, banks[rank][bank]);
+DRAMCtrl::addToReadQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
+ // only add to the read queue here. whenever the request is
+ // eventually done, set the readyTime, and call schedule()
+ assert(!pkt->isWrite());
+ assert(pktCount != 0);
+ // if the request size is larger than burst size, the pkt is split into
+ // multiple DRAM packets
+ // Note if the pkt starting address is not aligened to burst size, the
+ // address of first DRAM packet is kept unaliged. Subsequent DRAM packets
+ // are aligned to burst size boundaries. This is to ensure we accurately
+ // check read packets against packets in write queue.
+ Addr addr = pkt->getAddr();
+ unsigned pktsServicedByWrQ = 0;
+ BurstHelper* burst_helper = NULL;
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pktCount; ++cnt) {
+ unsigned size = std::min((addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1,
+ pkt->getAddr() + pkt->getSize()) - addr;
+ readPktSize[ceilLog2(size)]++;
+ readBursts++;
+ // First check write buffer to see if the data is already at
+ // the controller
+ bool foundInWrQ = false;
+ for (auto i = writeQueue.begin(); i != writeQueue.end(); ++i) {
+ // check if the read is subsumed in the write entry we are
+ // looking at
+ if ((*i)->addr <= addr &&
+ (addr + size) <= ((*i)->addr + (*i)->size)) {
+ foundInWrQ = true;
+ servicedByWrQ++;
+ pktsServicedByWrQ++;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read to addr %lld with size %d serviced by "
+ "write queue\n", addr, size);
+ bytesReadWrQ += burstSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If not found in the write q, make a DRAM packet and
+ // push it onto the read queue
+ if (!foundInWrQ) {
+ // Make the burst helper for split packets
+ if (pktCount > 1 && burst_helper == NULL) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read to addr %lld translates to %d "
+ "dram requests\n", pkt->getAddr(), pktCount);
+ burst_helper = new BurstHelper(pktCount);
+ }
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = decodeAddr(pkt, addr, size, true);
+ dram_pkt->burstHelper = burst_helper;
+ assert(!readQueueFull(1));
+ rdQLenPdf[readQueue.size() + respQueue.size()]++;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Adding to read queue\n");
+ readQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
+ // Update stats
+ avgRdQLen = readQueue.size() + respQueue.size();
+ }
+ // Starting address of next dram pkt (aligend to burstSize boundary)
+ addr = (addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1;
+ }
+ // If all packets are serviced by write queue, we send the repsonse back
+ if (pktsServicedByWrQ == pktCount) {
+ accessAndRespond(pkt, frontendLatency);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update how many split packets are serviced by write queue
+ if (burst_helper != NULL)
+ burst_helper->burstsServiced = pktsServicedByWrQ;
+ // If we are not already scheduled to get the read request out of
+ // the queue, do so now
+ if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled() && !stopReads) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Request scheduled immediately\n");
+ schedule(nextReqEvent, curTick());
+ }
+ assert(!writeQueue.empty());
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Beginning DRAM Write\n");
+ Tick temp1 M5_VAR_USED = std::max(curTick(), busBusyUntil);
+ Tick temp2 M5_VAR_USED = std::max(curTick(), maxBankFreeAt());
+ chooseNextWrite();
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = writeQueue.front();
+ // sanity check
+ assert(dram_pkt->size <= burstSize);
+ doDRAMAccess(dram_pkt);
+ writeQueue.pop_front();
+ delete dram_pkt;
+ ++writesThisTime;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writing, bus busy for %lld ticks, banks busy "
+ "for %lld ticks\n", busBusyUntil - temp1, maxBankFreeAt() - temp2);
+ // If we emptied the write queue, or got below the threshold and
+ // are not draining, or we have reads waiting and have done enough
+ // writes, then switch to reads. The retry above could already
+ // have caused it to be scheduled, so first check
+ if (writeQueue.empty() ||
+ (writeQueue.size() < writeLowThreshold && !drainManager) ||
+ (!readQueue.empty() && writesThisTime >= minWritesPerSwitch)) {
+ // turn the bus back around for reads again
+ busBusyUntil += tWTR;
+ stopReads = false;
+ writesThisTime = 0;
+ if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled())
+ schedule(nextReqEvent, busBusyUntil);
+ } else {
+ assert(!writeEvent.scheduled());
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Next write scheduled at %lld\n", newTime);
+ schedule(writeEvent, newTime);
+ }
+ if (retryWrReq) {
+ retryWrReq = false;
+ port.sendRetry();
+ }
+ // if there is nothing left in any queue, signal a drain
+ if (writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
+ respQueue.empty () && drainManager) {
+ drainManager->signalDrainDone();
+ drainManager = NULL;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writes triggered at %lld\n", curTick());
+ // Flag variable to stop any more read scheduling
+ stopReads = true;
+ Tick write_start_time = std::max(busBusyUntil, curTick()) + tWTR;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writes scheduled at %lld\n", write_start_time);
+ assert(write_start_time >= curTick());
+ assert(!writeEvent.scheduled());
+ schedule(writeEvent, write_start_time);
+DRAMCtrl::addToWriteQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
+ // only add to the write queue here. whenever the request is
+ // eventually done, set the readyTime, and call schedule()
+ assert(pkt->isWrite());
+ // if the request size is larger than burst size, the pkt is split into
+ // multiple DRAM packets
+ Addr addr = pkt->getAddr();
+ for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pktCount; ++cnt) {
+ unsigned size = std::min((addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1,
+ pkt->getAddr() + pkt->getSize()) - addr;
+ writePktSize[ceilLog2(size)]++;
+ writeBursts++;
+ // see if we can merge with an existing item in the write
+ // queue and keep track of whether we have merged or not so we
+ // can stop at that point and also avoid enqueueing a new
+ // request
+ bool merged = false;
+ auto w = writeQueue.begin();
+ while(!merged && w != writeQueue.end()) {
+ // either of the two could be first, if they are the same
+ // it does not matter which way we go
+ if ((*w)->addr >= addr) {
+ // the existing one starts after the new one, figure
+ // out where the new one ends with respect to the
+ // existing one
+ if ((addr + size) >= ((*w)->addr + (*w)->size)) {
+ // check if the existing one is completely
+ // subsumed in the new one
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write covering existing burst\n");
+ merged = true;
+ // update both the address and the size
+ (*w)->addr = addr;
+ (*w)->size = size;
+ } else if ((addr + size) >= (*w)->addr &&
+ ((*w)->addr + (*w)->size - addr) <= burstSize) {
+ // the new one is just before or partially
+ // overlapping with the existing one, and together
+ // they fit within a burst
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write before existing burst\n");
+ merged = true;
+ // the existing queue item needs to be adjusted with
+ // respect to both address and size
+ (*w)->size = (*w)->addr + (*w)->size - addr;
+ (*w)->addr = addr;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // the new one starts after the current one, figure
+ // out where the existing one ends with respect to the
+ // new one
+ if (((*w)->addr + (*w)->size) >= (addr + size)) {
+ // check if the new one is completely subsumed in the
+ // existing one
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write into existing burst\n");
+ merged = true;
+ // no adjustments necessary
+ } else if (((*w)->addr + (*w)->size) >= addr &&
+ (addr + size - (*w)->addr) <= burstSize) {
+ // the existing one is just before or partially
+ // overlapping with the new one, and together
+ // they fit within a burst
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write after existing burst\n");
+ merged = true;
+ // the address is right, and only the size has
+ // to be adjusted
+ (*w)->size = addr + size - (*w)->addr;
+ }
+ }
+ ++w;
+ }
+ // if the item was not merged we need to create a new write
+ // and enqueue it
+ if (!merged) {
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = decodeAddr(pkt, addr, size, false);
+ assert(writeQueue.size() < writeBufferSize);
+ wrQLenPdf[writeQueue.size()]++;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Adding to write queue\n");
+ writeQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
+ // Update stats
+ avgWrQLen = writeQueue.size();
+ } else {
+ // keep track of the fact that this burst effectively
+ // disappeared as it was merged with an existing one
+ mergedWrBursts++;
+ }
+ // Starting address of next dram pkt (aligend to burstSize boundary)
+ addr = (addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1;
+ }
+ // we do not wait for the writes to be send to the actual memory,
+ // but instead take responsibility for the consistency here and
+ // snoop the write queue for any upcoming reads
+ // @todo, if a pkt size is larger than burst size, we might need a
+ // different front end latency
+ accessAndRespond(pkt, frontendLatency);
+ // If your write buffer is starting to fill up, drain it!
+ if (writeQueue.size() >= writeHighThreshold && !stopReads){
+ triggerWrites();
+ }
+DRAMCtrl::printParams() const
+ // Sanity check print of important parameters
+ "Memory controller %s physical organization\n" \
+ "Number of devices per rank %d\n" \
+ "Device bus width (in bits) %d\n" \
+ "DRAM data bus burst (bytes) %d\n" \
+ "Row buffer size (bytes) %d\n" \
+ "Columns per row buffer %d\n" \
+ "Rows per bank %d\n" \
+ "Banks per rank %d\n" \
+ "Ranks per channel %d\n" \
+ "Total mem capacity (bytes) %u\n",
+ name(), devicesPerRank, deviceBusWidth, burstSize, rowBufferSize,
+ columnsPerRowBuffer, rowsPerBank, banksPerRank, ranksPerChannel,
+ rowBufferSize * rowsPerBank * banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel);
+ string scheduler = memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs ? "FCFS" : "FR-FCFS";
+ string address_mapping = addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo ? "RoRaBaChCo" :
+ (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh ? "RoRaBaCoCh" : "RoCoRaBaCh");
+ string page_policy = pageMgmt == Enums::open ? "OPEN" :
+ (pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ? "OPEN (adaptive)" :
+ (pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive ? "CLOSE (adaptive)" : "CLOSE"));
+ "Memory controller %s characteristics\n" \
+ "Read buffer size %d\n" \
+ "Write buffer size %d\n" \
+ "Write high thresh %d\n" \
+ "Write low thresh %d\n" \
+ "Scheduler %s\n" \
+ "Address mapping %s\n" \
+ "Page policy %s\n",
+ name(), readBufferSize, writeBufferSize, writeHighThreshold,
+ writeLowThreshold, scheduler, address_mapping, page_policy);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Memory controller %s timing specs\n" \
+ "tRCD %d ticks\n" \
+ "tCL %d ticks\n" \
+ "tRP %d ticks\n" \
+ "tBURST %d ticks\n" \
+ "tRFC %d ticks\n" \
+ "tREFI %d ticks\n" \
+ "tWTR %d ticks\n" \
+ "tXAW (%d) %d ticks\n",
+ name(), tRCD, tCL, tRP, tBURST, tRFC, tREFI, tWTR,
+ activationLimit, tXAW);
+DRAMCtrl::printQs() const {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "===READ QUEUE===\n\n");
+ for (auto i = readQueue.begin() ; i != readQueue.end() ; ++i) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "\n===RESP QUEUE===\n\n");
+ for (auto i = respQueue.begin() ; i != respQueue.end() ; ++i) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Response %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "\n===WRITE QUEUE===\n\n");
+ for (auto i = writeQueue.begin() ; i != writeQueue.end() ; ++i) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
+ }
+DRAMCtrl::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
+ /// @todo temporary hack to deal with memory corruption issues until
+ /// 4-phase transactions are complete
+ for (int x = 0; x < pendingDelete.size(); x++)
+ delete pendingDelete[x];
+ pendingDelete.clear();
+ // This is where we enter from the outside world
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "recvTimingReq: request %s addr %lld size %d\n",
+ pkt->cmdString(), pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
+ // simply drop inhibited packets for now
+ if (pkt->memInhibitAsserted()) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Inhibited packet -- Dropping it now\n");
+ pendingDelete.push_back(pkt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Calc avg gap between requests
+ if (prevArrival != 0) {
+ totGap += curTick() - prevArrival;
+ }
+ prevArrival = curTick();
+ // Find out how many dram packets a pkt translates to
+ // If the burst size is equal or larger than the pkt size, then a pkt
+ // translates to only one dram packet. Otherwise, a pkt translates to
+ // multiple dram packets
+ unsigned size = pkt->getSize();
+ unsigned offset = pkt->getAddr() & (burstSize - 1);
+ unsigned int dram_pkt_count = divCeil(offset + size, burstSize);
+ // check local buffers and do not accept if full
+ if (pkt->isRead()) {
+ assert(size != 0);
+ if (readQueueFull(dram_pkt_count)) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read queue full, not accepting\n");
+ // remember that we have to retry this port
+ retryRdReq = true;
+ numRdRetry++;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ addToReadQueue(pkt, dram_pkt_count);
+ readReqs++;
+ bytesReadSys += size;
+ }
+ } else if (pkt->isWrite()) {
+ assert(size != 0);
+ if (writeQueueFull(dram_pkt_count)) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write queue full, not accepting\n");
+ // remember that we have to retry this port
+ retryWrReq = true;
+ numWrRetry++;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ addToWriteQueue(pkt, dram_pkt_count);
+ writeReqs++;
+ bytesWrittenSys += size;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM,"Neither read nor write, ignore timing\n");
+ neitherReadNorWrite++;
+ accessAndRespond(pkt, 1);
+ }
+ return true;
+ "processRespondEvent(): Some req has reached its readyTime\n");
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = respQueue.front();
+ if (dram_pkt->burstHelper) {
+ // it is a split packet
+ dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstsServiced++;
+ if (dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstsServiced ==
+ dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstCount) {
+ // we have now serviced all children packets of a system packet
+ // so we can now respond to the requester
+ // @todo we probably want to have a different front end and back
+ // end latency for split packets
+ accessAndRespond(dram_pkt->pkt, frontendLatency + backendLatency);
+ delete dram_pkt->burstHelper;
+ dram_pkt->burstHelper = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // it is not a split packet
+ accessAndRespond(dram_pkt->pkt, frontendLatency + backendLatency);
+ }
+ delete respQueue.front();
+ respQueue.pop_front();
+ if (!respQueue.empty()) {
+ assert(respQueue.front()->readyTime >= curTick());
+ assert(!respondEvent.scheduled());
+ schedule(respondEvent, respQueue.front()->readyTime);
+ } else {
+ // if there is nothing left in any queue, signal a drain
+ if (writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
+ drainManager) {
+ drainManager->signalDrainDone();
+ drainManager = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // We have made a location in the queue available at this point,
+ // so if there is a read that was forced to wait, retry now
+ if (retryRdReq) {
+ retryRdReq = false;
+ port.sendRetry();
+ }
+ // This method does the arbitration between write requests. The
+ // chosen packet is simply moved to the head of the write
+ // queue. The other methods know that this is the place to
+ // look. For example, with FCFS, this method does nothing
+ assert(!writeQueue.empty());
+ if (writeQueue.size() == 1) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Single write request, nothing to do\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs) {
+ // Do nothing, since the correct request is already head
+ } else if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::frfcfs) {
+ reorderQueue(writeQueue);
+ } else
+ panic("No scheduling policy chosen\n");
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Selected next write request\n");
+ // This method does the arbitration between read requests. The
+ // chosen packet is simply moved to the head of the queue. The
+ // other methods know that this is the place to look. For example,
+ // with FCFS, this method does nothing
+ if (readQueue.empty()) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "No read request to select\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If there is only one request then there is nothing left to do
+ if (readQueue.size() == 1)
+ return true;
+ if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs) {
+ // Do nothing, since the request to serve is already the first
+ // one in the read queue
+ } else if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::frfcfs) {
+ reorderQueue(readQueue);
+ } else
+ panic("No scheduling policy chosen!\n");
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Selected next read request\n");
+ return true;
+DRAMCtrl::reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue)
+ // Only determine this when needed
+ uint64_t earliest_banks = 0;
+ // Search for row hits first, if no row hit is found then schedule the
+ // packet to one of the earliest banks available
+ bool found_earliest_pkt = false;
+ auto selected_pkt_it = queue.begin();
+ for (auto i = queue.begin(); i != queue.end() ; ++i) {
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = *i;
+ const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
+ // Check if it is a row hit
+ if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Row buffer hit\n");
+ selected_pkt_it = i;
+ break;
+ } else if (!found_earliest_pkt) {
+ // No row hit, go for first ready
+ if (earliest_banks == 0)
+ earliest_banks = minBankFreeAt(queue);
+ // Bank is ready or is the first available bank
+ if (bank.freeAt <= curTick() ||
+ bits(earliest_banks, dram_pkt->bankId, dram_pkt->bankId)) {
+ // Remember the packet to be scheduled to one of the earliest
+ // banks available
+ selected_pkt_it = i;
+ found_earliest_pkt = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DRAMPacket* selected_pkt = *selected_pkt_it;
+ queue.erase(selected_pkt_it);
+ queue.push_front(selected_pkt);
+DRAMCtrl::accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency)
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Responding to Address %lld.. ",pkt->getAddr());
+ bool needsResponse = pkt->needsResponse();
+ // do the actual memory access which also turns the packet into a
+ // response
+ access(pkt);
+ // turn packet around to go back to requester if response expected
+ if (needsResponse) {
+ // access already turned the packet into a response
+ assert(pkt->isResponse());
+ // @todo someone should pay for this
+ pkt->busFirstWordDelay = pkt->busLastWordDelay = 0;
+ // queue the packet in the response queue to be sent out after
+ // the static latency has passed
+ port.schedTimingResp(pkt, curTick() + static_latency);
+ } else {
+ // @todo the packet is going to be deleted, and the DRAMPacket
+ // is still having a pointer to it
+ pendingDelete.push_back(pkt);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Done\n");
+ return;
+pair<Tick, Tick>
+DRAMCtrl::estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime)
+ // If a request reaches a bank at tick 'inTime', how much time
+ // *after* that does it take to finish the request, depending
+ // on bank status and page open policy. Note that this method
+ // considers only the time taken for the actual read or write
+ // to complete, NOT any additional time thereafter for tRAS or
+ // tRP.
+ Tick accLat = 0;
+ Tick bankLat = 0;
+ rowHitFlag = false;
+ Tick potentialActTick;
+ const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
+ // open-page policy or close_adaptive policy
+ if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
+ pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive) {
+ if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
+ // When we have a row-buffer hit,
+ // we don't care about tRAS having expired or not,
+ // but do care about bank being free for access
+ rowHitFlag = true;
+ // When a series of requests arrive to the same row,
+ // DDR systems are capable of streaming data continuously
+ // at maximum bandwidth (subject to tCCD). Here, we approximate
+ // this condition, and assume that if whenever a bank is already
+ // busy and a new request comes in, it can be completed with no
+ // penalty beyond waiting for the existing read to complete.
+ if (bank.freeAt > inTime) {
+ accLat += bank.freeAt - inTime;
+ bankLat += 0;
+ } else {
+ // CAS latency only
+ accLat += tCL;
+ bankLat += tCL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Row-buffer miss, need to close existing row
+ // once tRAS has expired, then open the new one,
+ // then add cas latency.
+ Tick freeTime = std::max(bank.tRASDoneAt, bank.freeAt);
+ if (freeTime > inTime)
+ accLat += freeTime - inTime;
+ // If the there is no open row (open adaptive), then there
+ // is no precharge delay, otherwise go with tRP
+ Tick precharge_delay = bank.openRow == -1 ? 0 : tRP;
+ //The bank is free, and you may be able to activate
+ potentialActTick = inTime + accLat + precharge_delay;
+ if (potentialActTick < bank.actAllowedAt)
+ accLat += bank.actAllowedAt - potentialActTick;
+ accLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
+ bankLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
+ }
+ } else if (pageMgmt == Enums::close) {
+ // With a close page policy, no notion of
+ // bank.tRASDoneAt
+ if (bank.freeAt > inTime)
+ accLat += bank.freeAt - inTime;
+ //The bank is free, and you may be able to activate
+ potentialActTick = inTime + accLat;
+ if (potentialActTick < bank.actAllowedAt)
+ accLat += bank.actAllowedAt - potentialActTick;
+ // page already closed, simply open the row, and
+ // add cas latency
+ accLat += tRCD + tCL;
+ bankLat += tRCD + tCL;
+ } else
+ panic("No page management policy chosen\n");
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Returning < %lld, %lld > from estimateLatency()\n",
+ bankLat, accLat);
+ return make_pair(bankLat, accLat);
+ scheduleNextReq();
+DRAMCtrl::recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank)
+ assert(0 <= rank && rank < ranksPerChannel);
+ assert(actTicks[rank].size() == activationLimit);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Activate at tick %d\n", act_tick);
+ // Tracking accesses after all banks are precharged.
+ // startTickPrechargeAll: is the tick when all the banks were again
+ // precharged. The difference between act_tick and startTickPrechargeAll
+ // gives the time for which DRAM doesn't get any accesses after refreshing
+ // or after a page is closed in closed-page or open-adaptive-page policy.
+ if ((numBanksActive == 0) && (act_tick > startTickPrechargeAll)) {
+ prechargeAllTime += act_tick - startTickPrechargeAll;
+ }
+ // No need to update number of active banks for closed-page policy as only 1
+ // bank will be activated at any given point, which will be instatntly
+ // precharged
+ if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
+ pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)
+ ++numBanksActive;
+ // start by enforcing tRRD
+ for(int i = 0; i < banksPerRank; i++) {
+ // next activate must not happen before tRRD
+ banks[rank][i].actAllowedAt = act_tick + tRRD;
+ }
+ // tRC should be added to activation tick of the bank currently accessed,
+ // where tRC = tRAS + tRP, this is just for a check as actAllowedAt for same
+ // bank is already captured by bank.freeAt and bank.tRASDoneAt
+ banks[rank][bank].actAllowedAt = act_tick + tRAS + tRP;
+ // next, we deal with tXAW, if the activation limit is disabled
+ // then we are done
+ if (actTicks[rank].empty())
+ return;
+ // sanity check
+ if (actTicks[rank].back() && (act_tick - actTicks[rank].back()) < tXAW) {
+ // @todo For now, stick with a warning
+ warn("Got %d activates in window %d (%d - %d) which is smaller "
+ "than %d\n", activationLimit, act_tick - actTicks[rank].back(),
+ act_tick, actTicks[rank].back(), tXAW);
+ }
+ // shift the times used for the book keeping, the last element
+ // (highest index) is the oldest one and hence the lowest value
+ actTicks[rank].pop_back();
+ // record an new activation (in the future)
+ actTicks[rank].push_front(act_tick);
+ // cannot activate more than X times in time window tXAW, push the
+ // next one (the X + 1'st activate) to be tXAW away from the
+ // oldest in our window of X
+ if (actTicks[rank].back() && (act_tick - actTicks[rank].back()) < tXAW) {
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Enforcing tXAW with X = %d, next activate no earlier "
+ "than %d\n", activationLimit, actTicks[rank].back() + tXAW);
+ for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++)
+ // next activate must not happen before end of window
+ banks[rank][j].actAllowedAt = actTicks[rank].back() + tXAW;
+ }
+DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Timing access to addr %lld, rank/bank/row %d %d %d\n",
+ dram_pkt->addr, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank, dram_pkt->row);
+ // estimate the bank and access latency
+ pair<Tick, Tick> lat = estimateLatency(dram_pkt, curTick());
+ Tick bankLat = lat.first;
+ Tick accessLat = lat.second;
+ Tick actTick;
+ // This request was woken up at this time based on a prior call
+ // to estimateLatency(). However, between then and now, both the
+ // accessLatency and/or busBusyUntil may have changed. We need
+ // to correct for that.
+ Tick addDelay = (curTick() + accessLat < busBusyUntil) ?
+ busBusyUntil - (curTick() + accessLat) : 0;
+ Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
+ // Update bank state
+ if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
+ pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive) {
+ bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
+ // If you activated a new row do to this access, the next access
+ // will have to respect tRAS for this bank.
+ if (!rowHitFlag) {
+ // any waiting for banks account for in freeAt
+ actTick = bank.freeAt - tCL - tRCD;
+ bank.tRASDoneAt = actTick + tRAS;
+ recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
+ // if we closed an open row as a result of this access,
+ // then sample the number of bytes accessed before
+ // resetting it
+ if (bank.openRow != -1)
+ bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
+ // update the open row
+ bank.openRow = dram_pkt->row;
+ // start counting anew, this covers both the case when we
+ // auto-precharged, and when this access is forced to
+ // precharge
+ bank.bytesAccessed = 0;
+ bank.rowAccesses = 0;
+ }
+ // increment the bytes accessed and the accesses per row
+ bank.bytesAccessed += burstSize;
+ ++bank.rowAccesses;
+ // if we reached the max, then issue with an auto-precharge
+ bool auto_precharge = bank.rowAccesses == maxAccessesPerRow;
+ // if we did not hit the limit, we might still want to
+ // auto-precharge
+ if (!auto_precharge &&
+ (pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
+ pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)) {
+ // a twist on the open and close page policies:
+ // 1) open_adaptive page policy does not blindly keep the
+ // page open, but close it if there are no row hits, and there
+ // are bank conflicts in the queue
+ // 2) close_adaptive page policy does not blindly close the
+ // page, but closes it only if there are no row hits in the queue.
+ // In this case, only force an auto precharge when there
+ // are no same page hits in the queue
+ bool got_more_hits = false;
+ bool got_bank_conflict = false;
+ // either look at the read queue or write queue
+ const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue = dram_pkt->isRead ? readQueue :
+ writeQueue;
+ auto p = queue.begin();
+ // make sure we are not considering the packet that we are
+ // currently dealing with (which is the head of the queue)
+ ++p;
+ // keep on looking until we have found required condition or
+ // reached the end
+ while (!(got_more_hits &&
+ (got_bank_conflict || pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)) &&
+ p != queue.end()) {
+ bool same_rank_bank = (dram_pkt->rank == (*p)->rank) &&
+ (dram_pkt->bank == (*p)->bank);
+ bool same_row = dram_pkt->row == (*p)->row;
+ got_more_hits |= same_rank_bank && same_row;
+ got_bank_conflict |= same_rank_bank && !same_row;
+ ++p;
+ }
+ // auto pre-charge when either
+ // 1) open_adaptive policy, we have not got any more hits, and
+ // have a bank conflict
+ // 2) close_adaptive policy and we have not got any more hits
+ auto_precharge = !got_more_hits &&
+ (got_bank_conflict || pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive);
+ }
+ // if this access should use auto-precharge, then we are
+ // closing the row
+ if (auto_precharge) {
+ bank.openRow = -1;
+ bank.freeAt = std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.tRASDoneAt) + tRP;
+ --numBanksActive;
+ if (numBanksActive == 0) {
+ startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll,
+ bank.freeAt);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
+ startTickPrechargeAll);
+ }
+ // sample the bytes per activate here since we are closing
+ // the page
+ bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Auto-precharged bank: %d\n", dram_pkt->bankId);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "doDRAMAccess::bank.freeAt is %lld\n", bank.freeAt);
+ } else if (pageMgmt == Enums::close) {
+ actTick = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat - tRCD - tCL;
+ recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
+ // If the DRAM has a very quick tRAS, bank can be made free
+ // after consecutive tCL,tRCD,tRP times. In general, however,
+ // an additional wait is required to respect tRAS.
+ bank.freeAt = std::max(actTick + tRAS + tRP,
+ actTick + tRCD + tCL + tRP);
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "doDRAMAccess::bank.freeAt is %lld\n", bank.freeAt);
+ bytesPerActivate.sample(burstSize);
+ startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll, bank.freeAt);
+ } else
+ panic("No page management policy chosen\n");
+ // Update request parameters
+ dram_pkt->readyTime = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat + tBURST;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Req %lld: curtick is %lld accessLat is %d " \
+ "readytime is %lld busbusyuntil is %lld. " \
+ "Scheduling at readyTime\n", dram_pkt->addr,
+ curTick(), accessLat, dram_pkt->readyTime, busBusyUntil);
+ // Make sure requests are not overlapping on the databus
+ assert (dram_pkt->readyTime - busBusyUntil >= tBURST);
+ // Update bus state
+ busBusyUntil = dram_pkt->readyTime;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM,"Access time is %lld\n",
+ dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime);
+ // Update the minimum timing between the requests
+ newTime = (busBusyUntil > tRP + tRCD + tCL) ?
+ std::max(busBusyUntil - (tRP + tRCD + tCL), curTick()) : curTick();
+ // Update the access related stats
+ if (dram_pkt->isRead) {
+ if (rowHitFlag)
+ readRowHits++;
+ bytesReadDRAM += burstSize;
+ perBankRdBursts[dram_pkt->bankId]++;
+ } else {
+ if (rowHitFlag)
+ writeRowHits++;
+ bytesWritten += burstSize;
+ perBankWrBursts[dram_pkt->bankId]++;
+ // At this point, commonality between reads and writes ends.
+ // For writes, we are done since we long ago responded to the
+ // requestor.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update latency stats
+ totMemAccLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime;
+ totBankLat += bankLat;
+ totBusLat += tBURST;
+ totQLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime - bankLat - tBURST;
+ // At this point we're done dealing with the request
+ // It will be moved to a separate response queue with a
+ // correct readyTime, and eventually be sent back at that
+ //time
+ moveToRespQ();
+ // Schedule the next read event
+ if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled() && !stopReads) {
+ schedule(nextReqEvent, newTime);
+ } else {
+ if (newTime < nextReqEvent.when())
+ reschedule(nextReqEvent, newTime);
+ }
+ // Remove from read queue
+ DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = readQueue.front();
+ readQueue.pop_front();
+ // sanity check
+ assert(dram_pkt->size <= burstSize);
+ // Insert into response queue sorted by readyTime
+ // It will be sent back to the requestor at its
+ // readyTime
+ if (respQueue.empty()) {
+ respQueue.push_front(dram_pkt);
+ assert(!respondEvent.scheduled());
+ assert(dram_pkt->readyTime >= curTick());
+ schedule(respondEvent, dram_pkt->readyTime);
+ } else {
+ bool done = false;
+ auto i = respQueue.begin();
+ while (!done && i != respQueue.end()) {
+ if ((*i)->readyTime > dram_pkt->readyTime) {
+ respQueue.insert(i, dram_pkt);
+ done = true;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (!done)
+ respQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
+ assert(respondEvent.scheduled());
+ if (respQueue.front()->readyTime < respondEvent.when()) {
+ assert(respQueue.front()->readyTime >= curTick());
+ reschedule(respondEvent, respQueue.front()->readyTime);
+ }
+ }
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Reached scheduleNextReq()\n");
+ // Figure out which read request goes next, and move it to the
+ // front of the read queue
+ if (!chooseNextRead()) {
+ // In the case there is no read request to go next, trigger
+ // writes if we have passed the low threshold (or if we are
+ // draining)
+ if (!writeQueue.empty() && !writeEvent.scheduled() &&
+ (writeQueue.size() > writeLowThreshold || drainManager))
+ triggerWrites();
+ } else {
+ doDRAMAccess(readQueue.front());
+ }
+DRAMCtrl::maxBankFreeAt() const
+ Tick banksFree = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++)
+ banksFree = std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt, banksFree);
+ return banksFree;
+DRAMCtrl::minBankFreeAt(const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const
+ uint64_t bank_mask = 0;
+ Tick freeAt = MaxTick;
+ // detemrine if we have queued transactions targetting the
+ // bank in question
+ vector<bool> got_waiting(ranksPerChannel * banksPerRank, false);
+ for (auto p = queue.begin(); p != queue.end(); ++p) {
+ got_waiting[(*p)->bankId] = true;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
+ // if we have waiting requests for the bank, and it is
+ // amongst the first available, update the mask
+ if (got_waiting[i * banksPerRank + j] &&
+ banks[i][j].freeAt <= freeAt) {
+ // reset bank mask if new minimum is found
+ if (banks[i][j].freeAt < freeAt)
+ bank_mask = 0;
+ // set the bit corresponding to the available bank
+ uint8_t bit_index = i * ranksPerChannel + j;
+ replaceBits(bank_mask, bit_index, bit_index, 1);
+ freeAt = banks[i][j].freeAt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bank_mask;
+ DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refreshing at tick %ld\n", curTick());
+ Tick banksFree = std::max(curTick(), maxBankFreeAt()) + tRFC;
+ for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
+ for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
+ banks[i][j].freeAt = banksFree;
+ banks[i][j].openRow = -1;
+ }
+ // updating startTickPrechargeAll, isprechargeAll
+ numBanksActive = 0;
+ startTickPrechargeAll = banksFree;
+ schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
+ using namespace Stats;
+ AbstractMemory::regStats();
+ readReqs
+ .name(name() + ".readReqs")
+ .desc("Number of read requests accepted");
+ writeReqs
+ .name(name() + ".writeReqs")
+ .desc("Number of write requests accepted");
+ readBursts
+ .name(name() + ".readBursts")
+ .desc("Number of DRAM read bursts, "
+ "including those serviced by the write queue");
+ writeBursts
+ .name(name() + ".writeBursts")
+ .desc("Number of DRAM write bursts, "
+ "including those merged in the write queue");
+ servicedByWrQ
+ .name(name() + ".servicedByWrQ")
+ .desc("Number of DRAM read bursts serviced by the write queue");
+ mergedWrBursts
+ .name(name() + ".mergedWrBursts")
+ .desc("Number of DRAM write bursts merged with an existing one");
+ neitherReadNorWrite
+ .name(name() + ".neitherReadNorWriteReqs")
+ .desc("Number of requests that are neither read nor write");
+ perBankRdBursts
+ .init(banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel)
+ .name(name() + ".perBankRdBursts")
+ .desc("Per bank write bursts");
+ perBankWrBursts
+ .init(banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel)
+ .name(name() + ".perBankWrBursts")
+ .desc("Per bank write bursts");
+ avgRdQLen
+ .name(name() + ".avgRdQLen")
+ .desc("Average read queue length when enqueuing")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgWrQLen
+ .name(name() + ".avgWrQLen")
+ .desc("Average write queue length when enqueuing")
+ .precision(2);
+ totQLat
+ .name(name() + ".totQLat")
+ .desc("Total ticks spent queuing");
+ totBankLat
+ .name(name() + ".totBankLat")
+ .desc("Total ticks spent accessing banks");
+ totBusLat
+ .name(name() + ".totBusLat")
+ .desc("Total ticks spent in databus transfers");
+ totMemAccLat
+ .name(name() + ".totMemAccLat")
+ .desc("Total ticks spent from burst creation until serviced "
+ "by the DRAM");
+ avgQLat
+ .name(name() + ".avgQLat")
+ .desc("Average queueing delay per DRAM burst")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgQLat = totQLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
+ avgBankLat
+ .name(name() + ".avgBankLat")
+ .desc("Average bank access latency per DRAM burst")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgBankLat = totBankLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
+ avgBusLat
+ .name(name() + ".avgBusLat")
+ .desc("Average bus latency per DRAM burst")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgBusLat = totBusLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
+ avgMemAccLat
+ .name(name() + ".avgMemAccLat")
+ .desc("Average memory access latency per DRAM burst")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgMemAccLat = totMemAccLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
+ numRdRetry
+ .name(name() + ".numRdRetry")
+ .desc("Number of times read queue was full causing retry");
+ numWrRetry
+ .name(name() + ".numWrRetry")
+ .desc("Number of times write queue was full causing retry");
+ readRowHits
+ .name(name() + ".readRowHits")
+ .desc("Number of row buffer hits during reads");
+ writeRowHits
+ .name(name() + ".writeRowHits")
+ .desc("Number of row buffer hits during writes");
+ readRowHitRate
+ .name(name() + ".readRowHitRate")
+ .desc("Row buffer hit rate for reads")
+ .precision(2);
+ readRowHitRate = (readRowHits / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ)) * 100;
+ writeRowHitRate
+ .name(name() + ".writeRowHitRate")
+ .desc("Row buffer hit rate for writes")
+ .precision(2);
+ writeRowHitRate = (writeRowHits / (writeBursts - mergedWrBursts)) * 100;
+ readPktSize
+ .init(ceilLog2(burstSize) + 1)
+ .name(name() + ".readPktSize")
+ .desc("Read request sizes (log2)");
+ writePktSize
+ .init(ceilLog2(burstSize) + 1)
+ .name(name() + ".writePktSize")
+ .desc("Write request sizes (log2)");
+ rdQLenPdf
+ .init(readBufferSize)
+ .name(name() + ".rdQLenPdf")
+ .desc("What read queue length does an incoming req see");
+ wrQLenPdf
+ .init(writeBufferSize)
+ .name(name() + ".wrQLenPdf")
+ .desc("What write queue length does an incoming req see");
+ bytesPerActivate
+ .init(maxAccessesPerRow)
+ .name(name() + ".bytesPerActivate")
+ .desc("Bytes accessed per row activation")
+ .flags(nozero);
+ bytesReadDRAM
+ .name(name() + ".bytesReadDRAM")
+ .desc("Total number of bytes read from DRAM");
+ bytesReadWrQ
+ .name(name() + ".bytesReadWrQ")
+ .desc("Total number of bytes read from write queue");
+ bytesWritten
+ .name(name() + ".bytesWritten")
+ .desc("Total number of bytes written to DRAM");
+ bytesReadSys
+ .name(name() + ".bytesReadSys")
+ .desc("Total read bytes from the system interface side");
+ bytesWrittenSys
+ .name(name() + ".bytesWrittenSys")
+ .desc("Total written bytes from the system interface side");
+ avgRdBW
+ .name(name() + ".avgRdBW")
+ .desc("Average DRAM read bandwidth in MiByte/s")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgRdBW = (bytesReadDRAM / 1000000) / simSeconds;
+ avgWrBW
+ .name(name() + ".avgWrBW")
+ .desc("Average achieved write bandwidth in MiByte/s")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgWrBW = (bytesWritten / 1000000) / simSeconds;
+ avgRdBWSys
+ .name(name() + ".avgRdBWSys")
+ .desc("Average system read bandwidth in MiByte/s")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgRdBWSys = (bytesReadSys / 1000000) / simSeconds;
+ avgWrBWSys
+ .name(name() + ".avgWrBWSys")
+ .desc("Average system write bandwidth in MiByte/s")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgWrBWSys = (bytesWrittenSys / 1000000) / simSeconds;
+ peakBW
+ .name(name() + ".peakBW")
+ .desc("Theoretical peak bandwidth in MiByte/s")
+ .precision(2);
+ peakBW = (SimClock::Frequency / tBURST) * burstSize / 1000000;
+ busUtil
+ .name(name() + ".busUtil")
+ .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage")
+ .precision(2);
+ busUtil = (avgRdBW + avgWrBW) / peakBW * 100;
+ totGap
+ .name(name() + ".totGap")
+ .desc("Total gap between requests");
+ avgGap
+ .name(name() + ".avgGap")
+ .desc("Average gap between requests")
+ .precision(2);
+ avgGap = totGap / (readReqs + writeReqs);
+ // Stats for DRAM Power calculation based on Micron datasheet
+ busUtilRead
+ .name(name() + ".busUtilRead")
+ .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage for reads")
+ .precision(2);
+ busUtilRead = avgRdBW / peakBW * 100;
+ busUtilWrite
+ .name(name() + ".busUtilWrite")
+ .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage for writes")
+ .precision(2);
+ busUtilWrite = avgWrBW / peakBW * 100;
+ pageHitRate
+ .name(name() + ".pageHitRate")
+ .desc("Row buffer hit rate, read and write combined")
+ .precision(2);
+ pageHitRate = (writeRowHits + readRowHits) /
+ (writeBursts - mergedWrBursts + readBursts - servicedByWrQ) * 100;
+ prechargeAllPercent
+ .name(name() + ".prechargeAllPercent")
+ .desc("Percentage of time for which DRAM has all the banks in "
+ "precharge state")
+ .precision(2);
+ prechargeAllPercent = prechargeAllTime / simTicks * 100;
+DRAMCtrl::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // rely on the abstract memory
+ functionalAccess(pkt);
+DRAMCtrl::getSlavePort(const string &if_name, PortID idx)
+ if (if_name != "port") {
+ return MemObject::getSlavePort(if_name, idx);
+ } else {
+ return port;
+ }
+unsigned int
+DRAMCtrl::drain(DrainManager *dm)
+ unsigned int count = port.drain(dm);
+ // if there is anything in any of our internal queues, keep track
+ // of that as well
+ if (!(writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
+ respQueue.empty())) {
+ DPRINTF(Drain, "DRAM controller not drained, write: %d, read: %d,"
+ " resp: %d\n", writeQueue.size(), readQueue.size(),
+ respQueue.size());
+ ++count;
+ drainManager = dm;
+ // the only part that is not drained automatically over time
+ // is the write queue, thus trigger writes if there are any
+ // waiting and no reads waiting, otherwise wait until the
+ // reads are done
+ if (readQueue.empty() && !writeQueue.empty() &&
+ !writeEvent.scheduled())
+ triggerWrites();
+ }
+ if (count)
+ setDrainState(Drainable::Draining);
+ else
+ setDrainState(Drainable::Drained);
+ return count;
+DRAMCtrl::MemoryPort::MemoryPort(const std::string& name, DRAMCtrl& _memory)
+ : QueuedSlavePort(name, &_memory, queue), queue(_memory, *this),
+ memory(_memory)
+{ }
+DRAMCtrl::MemoryPort::getAddrRanges() const
+ AddrRangeList ranges;
+ ranges.push_back(memory.getAddrRange());
+ return ranges;
+DRAMCtrl::MemoryPort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
+ pkt->pushLabel(memory.name());
+ if (!queue.checkFunctional(pkt)) {
+ // Default implementation of SimpleTimingPort::recvFunctional()
+ // calls recvAtomic() and throws away the latency; we can save a
+ // little here by just not calculating the latency.
+ memory.recvFunctional(pkt);
+ }
+ pkt->popLabel();
+DRAMCtrl::MemoryPort::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
+ return memory.recvAtomic(pkt);
+DRAMCtrl::MemoryPort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // pass it to the memory controller
+ return memory.recvTimingReq(pkt);
+ return new DRAMCtrl(this);
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: Andreas Hansson
+ * Ani Udipi
+ * Neha Agarwal
+ */
+ * @file
+ * DRAMCtrl declaration
+ */
+#ifndef __MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__
+#define __MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__
+#include <deque>
+#include "base/statistics.hh"
+#include "enums/AddrMap.hh"
+#include "enums/MemSched.hh"
+#include "enums/PageManage.hh"
+#include "mem/abstract_mem.hh"
+#include "mem/qport.hh"
+#include "params/DRAMCtrl.hh"
+#include "sim/eventq.hh"
+ * The DRAM controller is a basic single-channel memory controller
+ * aiming to mimic a high-level DRAM controller and the most important
+ * timing constraints associated with the DRAM. The focus is really on
+ * modelling the impact on the system rather than the DRAM itself,
+ * hence the focus is on the controller model and not on the
+ * memory. By adhering to the correct timing constraints, ultimately
+ * there is no need for a memory model in addition to the controller
+ * model.
+ *
+ * As a basic design principle, this controller is not cycle callable,
+ * but instead uses events to decide when new decisions can be made,
+ * when resources become available, when things are to be considered
+ * done, and when to send things back. Through these simple
+ * principles, we achieve a performant model that is not
+ * cycle-accurate, but enables us to evaluate the system impact of a
+ * wide range of memory technologies, and also collect statistics
+ * about the use of the memory.
+ */
+class DRAMCtrl : public AbstractMemory
+ private:
+ // For now, make use of a queued slave port to avoid dealing with
+ // flow control for the responses being sent back
+ class MemoryPort : public QueuedSlavePort
+ {
+ SlavePacketQueue queue;
+ DRAMCtrl& memory;
+ public:
+ MemoryPort(const std::string& name, DRAMCtrl& _memory);
+ protected:
+ Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
+ void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
+ bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr);
+ virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar
+ * in front of it
+ */
+ MemoryPort port;
+ /**
+ * Remember if we have to retry a request when available.
+ */
+ bool retryRdReq;
+ bool retryWrReq;
+ /**
+ * Remember that a row buffer hit occured
+ */
+ bool rowHitFlag;
+ /**
+ * Use this flag to shutoff reads, i.e. do not schedule any reads
+ * beyond those already done so that we can turn the bus around
+ * and do a few writes, or refresh, or whatever
+ */
+ bool stopReads;
+ /** List to keep track of activate ticks */
+ std::vector<std::deque<Tick>> actTicks;
+ /**
+ * A basic class to track the bank state indirectly via times
+ * "freeAt" and "tRASDoneAt" and what page is currently open. The
+ * bank also keeps track of how many bytes have been accessed in
+ * the open row since it was opened.
+ */
+ class Bank
+ {
+ public:
+ static const uint32_t INVALID_ROW = -1;
+ uint32_t openRow;
+ Tick freeAt;
+ Tick tRASDoneAt;
+ Tick actAllowedAt;
+ uint32_t rowAccesses;
+ uint32_t bytesAccessed;
+ Bank() :
+ openRow(INVALID_ROW), freeAt(0), tRASDoneAt(0), actAllowedAt(0),
+ rowAccesses(0), bytesAccessed(0)
+ { }
+ };
+ /**
+ * A burst helper helps organize and manage a packet that is larger than
+ * the DRAM burst size. A system packet that is larger than the burst size
+ * is split into multiple DRAM packets and all those DRAM packets point to
+ * a single burst helper such that we know when the whole packet is served.
+ */
+ class BurstHelper {
+ public:
+ /** Number of DRAM bursts requred for a system packet **/
+ const unsigned int burstCount;
+ /** Number of DRAM bursts serviced so far for a system packet **/
+ unsigned int burstsServiced;
+ BurstHelper(unsigned int _burstCount)
+ : burstCount(_burstCount), burstsServiced(0)
+ { }
+ };
+ /**
+ * A DRAM packet stores packets along with the timestamp of when
+ * the packet entered the queue, and also the decoded address.
+ */
+ class DRAMPacket {
+ public:
+ /** When did request enter the controller */
+ const Tick entryTime;
+ /** When will request leave the controller */
+ Tick readyTime;
+ /** This comes from the outside world */
+ const PacketPtr pkt;
+ const bool isRead;
+ /** Will be populated by address decoder */
+ const uint8_t rank;
+ const uint8_t bank;
+ const uint16_t row;
+ /**
+ * Bank id is calculated considering banks in all the ranks
+ * eg: 2 ranks each with 8 banks, then bankId = 0 --> rank0, bank0 and
+ * bankId = 8 --> rank1, bank0
+ */
+ const uint16_t bankId;
+ /**
+ * The starting address of the DRAM packet.
+ * This address could be unaligned to burst size boundaries. The
+ * reason is to keep the address offset so we can accurately check
+ * incoming read packets with packets in the write queue.
+ */
+ Addr addr;
+ /**
+ * The size of this dram packet in bytes
+ * It is always equal or smaller than DRAM burst size
+ */
+ unsigned int size;
+ /**
+ * A pointer to the BurstHelper if this DRAMPacket is a split packet
+ * If not a split packet (common case), this is set to NULL
+ */
+ BurstHelper* burstHelper;
+ Bank& bankRef;
+ DRAMPacket(PacketPtr _pkt, bool is_read, uint8_t _rank, uint8_t _bank,
+ uint16_t _row, uint16_t bank_id, Addr _addr,
+ unsigned int _size, Bank& bank_ref)
+ : entryTime(curTick()), readyTime(curTick()),
+ pkt(_pkt), isRead(is_read), rank(_rank), bank(_bank), row(_row),
+ bankId(bank_id), addr(_addr), size(_size), burstHelper(NULL),
+ bankRef(bank_ref)
+ { }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Bunch of things requires to setup "events" in gem5
+ * When event "writeEvent" occurs for example, the method
+ * processWriteEvent is called; no parameters are allowed
+ * in these methods
+ */
+ void processWriteEvent();
+ EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl, &DRAMCtrl::processWriteEvent> writeEvent;
+ void processRespondEvent();
+ EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl, &DRAMCtrl::processRespondEvent> respondEvent;
+ void processRefreshEvent();
+ EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl, &DRAMCtrl::processRefreshEvent> refreshEvent;
+ void processNextReqEvent();
+ EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl,&DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEvent> nextReqEvent;
+ /**
+ * Check if the read queue has room for more entries
+ *
+ * @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the read queue
+ * @return true if read queue is full, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool readQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if the write queue has room for more entries
+ *
+ * @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the write queue
+ * @return true if write queue is full, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool writeQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
+ /**
+ * When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a
+ * pending request to the same address.\ If not, decode the
+ * address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple
+ * "dram_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue.\
+ * If this is the only
+ * read request in the system, schedule an event to start
+ * servicing it.
+ *
+ * @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
+ * @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
+ * translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
+ * then pktCount is greater than one.
+ */
+ void addToReadQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
+ /**
+ * Decode the incoming pkt, create a dram_pkt and push to the
+ * back of the write queue. \If the write q length is more than
+ * the threshold specified by the user, ie the queue is beginning
+ * to get full, stop reads, and start draining writes.
+ *
+ * @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
+ * @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
+ * translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
+ * then pktCount is greater than one.
+ */
+ void addToWriteQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
+ /**
+ * Actually do the DRAM access - figure out the latency it
+ * will take to service the req based on bank state, channel state etc
+ * and then update those states to account for this request.\ Based
+ * on this, update the packet's "readyTime" and move it to the
+ * response q from where it will eventually go back to the outside
+ * world.
+ *
+ * @param pkt The DRAM packet created from the outside world pkt
+ */
+ void doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt);
+ /**
+ * Check when the channel is free to turnaround, add turnaround
+ * delay and schedule a whole bunch of writes.
+ */
+ void triggerWrites();
+ /**
+ * When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q,
+ * use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually
+ * create the response packet, and send it back to the outside
+ * world requestor.
+ *
+ * @param pkt The packet from the outside world
+ * @param static_latency Static latency to add before sending the packet
+ */
+ void accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency);
+ /**
+ * Address decoder to figure out physical mapping onto ranks,
+ * banks, and rows. This function is called multiple times on the same
+ * system packet if the pakcet is larger than burst of the memory. The
+ * dramPktAddr is used for the offset within the packet.
+ *
+ * @param pkt The packet from the outside world
+ * @param dramPktAddr The starting address of the DRAM packet
+ * @param size The size of the DRAM packet in bytes
+ * @param isRead Is the request for a read or a write to DRAM
+ * @return A DRAMPacket pointer with the decoded information
+ */
+ DRAMPacket* decodeAddr(PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned int size,
+ bool isRead);
+ /**
+ * The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which read request needs to
+ * go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS
+ * and moves it to the head of the read queue.
+ *
+ * @return True if a request was chosen and false if queue is empty
+ */
+ bool chooseNextRead();
+ /**
+ * Calls chooseNextReq() to pick the right request, then calls
+ * doDRAMAccess on that request in order to actually service
+ * that request
+ */
+ void scheduleNextReq();
+ /**
+ *Looks at the state of the banks, channels, row buffer hits etc
+ * to estimate how long a request will take to complete.
+ *
+ * @param dram_pkt The request for which we want to estimate latency
+ * @param inTime The tick at which you want to probe the memory
+ *
+ * @return A pair of ticks, one indicating how many ticks *after*
+ * inTime the request require, and the other indicating how
+ * much of that was just the bank access time, ignoring the
+ * ticks spent simply waiting for resources to become free
+ */
+ std::pair<Tick, Tick> estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime);
+ /**
+ * Move the request at the head of the read queue to the response
+ * queue, sorting by readyTime.\ If it is the only packet in the
+ * response queue, schedule a respond event to send it back to the
+ * outside world
+ */
+ void moveToRespQ();
+ /**
+ * Scheduling policy within the write queue
+ */
+ void chooseNextWrite();
+ /**
+ * For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer
+ * hits and earliest banks available in DRAM
+ */
+ void reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue);
+ /**
+ * Looking at all banks, determine the moment in time when they
+ * are all free.
+ *
+ * @return The tick when all banks are free
+ */
+ Tick maxBankFreeAt() const;
+ /**
+ * Find which are the earliest available banks for the enqueued
+ * requests. Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM
+ *
+ * @param Queued requests to consider
+ * @return One-hot encoded mask of bank indices
+ */
+ uint64_t minBankFreeAt(const std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const;
+ /**
+ * Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce
+ * the maximum number of activations in the activation window. The
+ * method updates the time that the banks become available based
+ * on the current limits.
+ */
+ void recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank);
+ void printParams() const;
+ /**
+ * Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues.
+ */
+ void printQs() const;
+ /**
+ * The controller's main read and write queues
+ */
+ std::deque<DRAMPacket*> readQueue;
+ std::deque<DRAMPacket*> writeQueue;
+ /**
+ * Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working
+ * with them, but it's not time to send the response yet. The
+ * responses are stored seperately mostly to keep the code clean
+ * and help with events scheduling. For all logical purposes such
+ * as sizing the read queue, this and the main read queue need to
+ * be added together.
+ */
+ std::deque<DRAMPacket*> respQueue;
+ /**
+ * If we need to drain, keep the drain manager around until we're
+ * done here.
+ */
+ DrainManager *drainManager;
+ /**
+ * Multi-dimensional vector of banks, first dimension is ranks,
+ * second is bank
+ */
+ std::vector<std::vector<Bank> > banks;
+ /**
+ * The following are basic design parameters of the memory
+ * controller, and are initialized based on parameter values.
+ * The rowsPerBank is determined based on the capacity, number of
+ * ranks and banks, the burst size, and the row buffer size.
+ */
+ const uint32_t deviceBusWidth;
+ const uint32_t burstLength;
+ const uint32_t deviceRowBufferSize;
+ const uint32_t devicesPerRank;
+ const uint32_t burstSize;
+ const uint32_t rowBufferSize;
+ const uint32_t columnsPerRowBuffer;
+ const uint32_t ranksPerChannel;
+ const uint32_t banksPerRank;
+ const uint32_t channels;
+ uint32_t rowsPerBank;
+ const uint32_t readBufferSize;
+ const uint32_t writeBufferSize;
+ const uint32_t writeHighThreshold;
+ const uint32_t writeLowThreshold;
+ const uint32_t minWritesPerSwitch;
+ uint32_t writesThisTime;
+ /**
+ * Basic memory timing parameters initialized based on parameter
+ * values.
+ */
+ const Tick tWTR;
+ const Tick tBURST;
+ const Tick tRCD;
+ const Tick tCL;
+ const Tick tRP;
+ const Tick tRAS;
+ const Tick tRFC;
+ const Tick tREFI;
+ const Tick tRRD;
+ const Tick tXAW;
+ const uint32_t activationLimit;
+ /**
+ * Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter
+ * values.
+ */
+ Enums::MemSched memSchedPolicy;
+ Enums::AddrMap addrMapping;
+ Enums::PageManage pageMgmt;
+ /**
+ * Max column accesses (read and write) per row, before forefully
+ * closing it.
+ */
+ const uint32_t maxAccessesPerRow;
+ /**
+ * Pipeline latency of the controller frontend. The frontend
+ * contribution is added to writes (that complete when they are in
+ * the write buffer) and reads that are serviced the write buffer.
+ */
+ const Tick frontendLatency;
+ /**
+ * Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY. Along with the
+ * frontend contribution, this latency is added to reads serviced
+ * by the DRAM.
+ */
+ const Tick backendLatency;
+ /**
+ * Till when has the main data bus been spoken for already?
+ */
+ Tick busBusyUntil;
+ Tick prevArrival;
+ // The absolute soonest you have to start thinking about the
+ // next request is the longest access time that can occur before
+ // busBusyUntil. Assuming you need to precharge,
+ // open a new row, and access, it is tRP + tRCD + tCL
+ Tick newTime;
+ // All statistics that the model needs to capture
+ Stats::Scalar readReqs;
+ Stats::Scalar writeReqs;
+ Stats::Scalar readBursts;
+ Stats::Scalar writeBursts;
+ Stats::Scalar bytesReadDRAM;
+ Stats::Scalar bytesReadWrQ;
+ Stats::Scalar bytesWritten;
+ Stats::Scalar bytesReadSys;
+ Stats::Scalar bytesWrittenSys;
+ Stats::Scalar servicedByWrQ;
+ Stats::Scalar mergedWrBursts;
+ Stats::Scalar neitherReadNorWrite;
+ Stats::Vector perBankRdBursts;
+ Stats::Vector perBankWrBursts;
+ Stats::Scalar numRdRetry;
+ Stats::Scalar numWrRetry;
+ Stats::Scalar totGap;
+ Stats::Vector readPktSize;
+ Stats::Vector writePktSize;
+ Stats::Vector rdQLenPdf;
+ Stats::Vector wrQLenPdf;
+ Stats::Histogram bytesPerActivate;
+ // Latencies summed over all requests
+ Stats::Scalar totQLat;
+ Stats::Scalar totMemAccLat;
+ Stats::Scalar totBusLat;
+ Stats::Scalar totBankLat;
+ // Average latencies per request
+ Stats::Formula avgQLat;
+ Stats::Formula avgBankLat;
+ Stats::Formula avgBusLat;
+ Stats::Formula avgMemAccLat;
+ // Average bandwidth
+ Stats::Formula avgRdBW;
+ Stats::Formula avgWrBW;
+ Stats::Formula avgRdBWSys;
+ Stats::Formula avgWrBWSys;
+ Stats::Formula peakBW;
+ Stats::Formula busUtil;
+ Stats::Formula busUtilRead;
+ Stats::Formula busUtilWrite;
+ // Average queue lengths
+ Stats::Average avgRdQLen;
+ Stats::Average avgWrQLen;
+ // Row hit count and rate
+ Stats::Scalar readRowHits;
+ Stats::Scalar writeRowHits;
+ Stats::Formula readRowHitRate;
+ Stats::Formula writeRowHitRate;
+ Stats::Formula avgGap;
+ // DRAM Power Calculation
+ Stats::Formula pageHitRate;
+ Stats::Formula prechargeAllPercent;
+ Stats::Scalar prechargeAllTime;
+ // To track number of cycles all the banks are precharged
+ Tick startTickPrechargeAll;
+ // To track number of banks which are currently active
+ unsigned int numBanksActive;
+ /** @todo this is a temporary workaround until the 4-phase code is
+ * committed. upstream caches needs this packet until true is returned, so
+ * hold onto it for deletion until a subsequent call
+ */
+ std::vector<PacketPtr> pendingDelete;
+ public:
+ void regStats();
+ DRAMCtrl(const DRAMCtrlParams* p);
+ unsigned int drain(DrainManager* dm);
+ virtual BaseSlavePort& getSlavePort(const std::string& if_name,
+ PortID idx = InvalidPortID);
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual void startup();
+ protected:
+ Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
+ void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
+ bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt);
+#endif //__MEM_DRAM_CTRL_HH__
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Andreas Hansson
- * Ani Udipi
- * Neha Agarwal
- */
-#include "base/trace.hh"
-#include "base/bitfield.hh"
-#include "debug/Drain.hh"
-#include "debug/DRAM.hh"
-#include "mem/simple_dram.hh"
-#include "sim/system.hh"
-using namespace std;
-SimpleDRAM::SimpleDRAM(const SimpleDRAMParams* p) :
- AbstractMemory(p),
- port(name() + ".port", *this),
- retryRdReq(false), retryWrReq(false),
- rowHitFlag(false), stopReads(false),
- writeEvent(this), respondEvent(this),
- refreshEvent(this), nextReqEvent(this), drainManager(NULL),
- deviceBusWidth(p->device_bus_width), burstLength(p->burst_length),
- deviceRowBufferSize(p->device_rowbuffer_size),
- devicesPerRank(p->devices_per_rank),
- burstSize((devicesPerRank * burstLength * deviceBusWidth) / 8),
- rowBufferSize(devicesPerRank * deviceRowBufferSize),
- columnsPerRowBuffer(rowBufferSize / burstSize),
- ranksPerChannel(p->ranks_per_channel),
- banksPerRank(p->banks_per_rank), channels(p->channels), rowsPerBank(0),
- readBufferSize(p->read_buffer_size),
- writeBufferSize(p->write_buffer_size),
- writeHighThreshold(writeBufferSize * p->write_high_thresh_perc / 100.0),
- writeLowThreshold(writeBufferSize * p->write_low_thresh_perc / 100.0),
- minWritesPerSwitch(p->min_writes_per_switch), writesThisTime(0),
- tWTR(p->tWTR), tBURST(p->tBURST),
- tRCD(p->tRCD), tCL(p->tCL), tRP(p->tRP), tRAS(p->tRAS),
- tRFC(p->tRFC), tREFI(p->tREFI), tRRD(p->tRRD),
- tXAW(p->tXAW), activationLimit(p->activation_limit),
- memSchedPolicy(p->mem_sched_policy), addrMapping(p->addr_mapping),
- pageMgmt(p->page_policy),
- maxAccessesPerRow(p->max_accesses_per_row),
- frontendLatency(p->static_frontend_latency),
- backendLatency(p->static_backend_latency),
- busBusyUntil(0), prevArrival(0),
- newTime(0), startTickPrechargeAll(0), numBanksActive(0)
- // create the bank states based on the dimensions of the ranks and
- // banks
- banks.resize(ranksPerChannel);
- actTicks.resize(ranksPerChannel);
- for (size_t c = 0; c < ranksPerChannel; ++c) {
- banks[c].resize(banksPerRank);
- actTicks[c].resize(activationLimit, 0);
- }
- // perform a basic check of the write thresholds
- if (p->write_low_thresh_perc >= p->write_high_thresh_perc)
- fatal("Write buffer low threshold %d must be smaller than the "
- "high threshold %d\n", p->write_low_thresh_perc,
- p->write_high_thresh_perc);
- // determine the rows per bank by looking at the total capacity
- uint64_t capacity = ULL(1) << ceilLog2(AbstractMemory::size());
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Memory capacity %lld (%lld) bytes\n", capacity,
- AbstractMemory::size());
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Row buffer size %d bytes with %d columns per row buffer\n",
- rowBufferSize, columnsPerRowBuffer);
- rowsPerBank = capacity / (rowBufferSize * banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel);
- if (range.interleaved()) {
- if (channels != range.stripes())
- fatal("%s has %d interleaved address stripes but %d channel(s)\n",
- name(), range.stripes(), channels);
- if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo) {
- if (rowBufferSize != range.granularity()) {
- fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoRaBaChCo "
- "address map\n", name());
- }
- } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh) {
- if (system()->cacheLineSize() != range.granularity()) {
- fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoRaBaCoCh "
- "address map\n", name());
- }
- } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoCoRaBaCh) {
- if (system()->cacheLineSize() != range.granularity())
- fatal("Interleaving of %s doesn't match RoCoRaBaCh "
- "address map\n", name());
- }
- }
- if (!port.isConnected()) {
- fatal("SimpleDRAM %s is unconnected!\n", name());
- } else {
- port.sendRangeChange();
- }
- // update the start tick for the precharge accounting to the
- // current tick
- startTickPrechargeAll = curTick();
- // print the configuration of the controller
- printParams();
- // kick off the refresh
- schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
-SimpleDRAM::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "recvAtomic: %s 0x%x\n", pkt->cmdString(), pkt->getAddr());
- // do the actual memory access and turn the packet into a response
- access(pkt);
- Tick latency = 0;
- if (!pkt->memInhibitAsserted() && pkt->hasData()) {
- // this value is not supposed to be accurate, just enough to
- // keep things going, mimic a closed page
- latency = tRP + tRCD + tCL;
- }
- return latency;
-SimpleDRAM::readQueueFull(unsigned int neededEntries) const
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read queue limit %d, current size %d, entries needed %d\n",
- readBufferSize, readQueue.size() + respQueue.size(),
- neededEntries);
- return
- (readQueue.size() + respQueue.size() + neededEntries) > readBufferSize;
-SimpleDRAM::writeQueueFull(unsigned int neededEntries) const
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write queue limit %d, current size %d, entries needed %d\n",
- writeBufferSize, writeQueue.size(), neededEntries);
- return (writeQueue.size() + neededEntries) > writeBufferSize;
-SimpleDRAM::decodeAddr(PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned size,
- bool isRead)
- // decode the address based on the address mapping scheme, with
- // Ro, Ra, Co, Ba and Ch denoting row, rank, column, bank and
- // channel, respectively
- uint8_t rank;
- uint8_t bank;
- uint16_t row;
- // truncate the address to the access granularity
- Addr addr = dramPktAddr / burstSize;
- // we have removed the lowest order address bits that denote the
- // position within the column
- if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo) {
- // the lowest order bits denote the column to ensure that
- // sequential cache lines occupy the same row
- addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
- // take out the channel part of the address
- addr = addr / channels;
- // after the channel bits, get the bank bits to interleave
- // over the banks
- bank = addr % banksPerRank;
- addr = addr / banksPerRank;
- // after the bank, we get the rank bits which thus interleaves
- // over the ranks
- rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
- addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
- // lastly, get the row bits
- row = addr % rowsPerBank;
- addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
- } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh) {
- // take out the channel part of the address
- addr = addr / channels;
- // next, the column
- addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
- // after the column bits, we get the bank bits to interleave
- // over the banks
- bank = addr % banksPerRank;
- addr = addr / banksPerRank;
- // after the bank, we get the rank bits which thus interleaves
- // over the ranks
- rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
- addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
- // lastly, get the row bits
- row = addr % rowsPerBank;
- addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
- } else if (addrMapping == Enums::RoCoRaBaCh) {
- // optimise for closed page mode and utilise maximum
- // parallelism of the DRAM (at the cost of power)
- // take out the channel part of the address, not that this has
- // to match with how accesses are interleaved between the
- // controllers in the address mapping
- addr = addr / channels;
- // start with the bank bits, as this provides the maximum
- // opportunity for parallelism between requests
- bank = addr % banksPerRank;
- addr = addr / banksPerRank;
- // next get the rank bits
- rank = addr % ranksPerChannel;
- addr = addr / ranksPerChannel;
- // next the column bits which we do not need to keep track of
- // and simply skip past
- addr = addr / columnsPerRowBuffer;
- // lastly, get the row bits
- row = addr % rowsPerBank;
- addr = addr / rowsPerBank;
- } else
- panic("Unknown address mapping policy chosen!");
- assert(rank < ranksPerChannel);
- assert(bank < banksPerRank);
- assert(row < rowsPerBank);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Address: %lld Rank %d Bank %d Row %d\n",
- dramPktAddr, rank, bank, row);
- // create the corresponding DRAM packet with the entry time and
- // ready time set to the current tick, the latter will be updated
- // later
- uint16_t bank_id = banksPerRank * rank + bank;
- return new DRAMPacket(pkt, isRead, rank, bank, row, bank_id, dramPktAddr,
- size, banks[rank][bank]);
-SimpleDRAM::addToReadQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
- // only add to the read queue here. whenever the request is
- // eventually done, set the readyTime, and call schedule()
- assert(!pkt->isWrite());
- assert(pktCount != 0);
- // if the request size is larger than burst size, the pkt is split into
- // multiple DRAM packets
- // Note if the pkt starting address is not aligened to burst size, the
- // address of first DRAM packet is kept unaliged. Subsequent DRAM packets
- // are aligned to burst size boundaries. This is to ensure we accurately
- // check read packets against packets in write queue.
- Addr addr = pkt->getAddr();
- unsigned pktsServicedByWrQ = 0;
- BurstHelper* burst_helper = NULL;
- for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pktCount; ++cnt) {
- unsigned size = std::min((addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1,
- pkt->getAddr() + pkt->getSize()) - addr;
- readPktSize[ceilLog2(size)]++;
- readBursts++;
- // First check write buffer to see if the data is already at
- // the controller
- bool foundInWrQ = false;
- for (auto i = writeQueue.begin(); i != writeQueue.end(); ++i) {
- // check if the read is subsumed in the write entry we are
- // looking at
- if ((*i)->addr <= addr &&
- (addr + size) <= ((*i)->addr + (*i)->size)) {
- foundInWrQ = true;
- servicedByWrQ++;
- pktsServicedByWrQ++;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read to addr %lld with size %d serviced by "
- "write queue\n", addr, size);
- bytesReadWrQ += burstSize;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If not found in the write q, make a DRAM packet and
- // push it onto the read queue
- if (!foundInWrQ) {
- // Make the burst helper for split packets
- if (pktCount > 1 && burst_helper == NULL) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read to addr %lld translates to %d "
- "dram requests\n", pkt->getAddr(), pktCount);
- burst_helper = new BurstHelper(pktCount);
- }
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = decodeAddr(pkt, addr, size, true);
- dram_pkt->burstHelper = burst_helper;
- assert(!readQueueFull(1));
- rdQLenPdf[readQueue.size() + respQueue.size()]++;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Adding to read queue\n");
- readQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
- // Update stats
- avgRdQLen = readQueue.size() + respQueue.size();
- }
- // Starting address of next dram pkt (aligend to burstSize boundary)
- addr = (addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1;
- }
- // If all packets are serviced by write queue, we send the repsonse back
- if (pktsServicedByWrQ == pktCount) {
- accessAndRespond(pkt, frontendLatency);
- return;
- }
- // Update how many split packets are serviced by write queue
- if (burst_helper != NULL)
- burst_helper->burstsServiced = pktsServicedByWrQ;
- // If we are not already scheduled to get the read request out of
- // the queue, do so now
- if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled() && !stopReads) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Request scheduled immediately\n");
- schedule(nextReqEvent, curTick());
- }
- assert(!writeQueue.empty());
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Beginning DRAM Write\n");
- Tick temp1 M5_VAR_USED = std::max(curTick(), busBusyUntil);
- Tick temp2 M5_VAR_USED = std::max(curTick(), maxBankFreeAt());
- chooseNextWrite();
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = writeQueue.front();
- // sanity check
- assert(dram_pkt->size <= burstSize);
- doDRAMAccess(dram_pkt);
- writeQueue.pop_front();
- delete dram_pkt;
- ++writesThisTime;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writing, bus busy for %lld ticks, banks busy "
- "for %lld ticks\n", busBusyUntil - temp1, maxBankFreeAt() - temp2);
- // If we emptied the write queue, or got below the threshold and
- // are not draining, or we have reads waiting and have done enough
- // writes, then switch to reads. The retry above could already
- // have caused it to be scheduled, so first check
- if (writeQueue.empty() ||
- (writeQueue.size() < writeLowThreshold && !drainManager) ||
- (!readQueue.empty() && writesThisTime >= minWritesPerSwitch)) {
- // turn the bus back around for reads again
- busBusyUntil += tWTR;
- stopReads = false;
- writesThisTime = 0;
- if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled())
- schedule(nextReqEvent, busBusyUntil);
- } else {
- assert(!writeEvent.scheduled());
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Next write scheduled at %lld\n", newTime);
- schedule(writeEvent, newTime);
- }
- if (retryWrReq) {
- retryWrReq = false;
- port.sendRetry();
- }
- // if there is nothing left in any queue, signal a drain
- if (writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
- respQueue.empty () && drainManager) {
- drainManager->signalDrainDone();
- drainManager = NULL;
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writes triggered at %lld\n", curTick());
- // Flag variable to stop any more read scheduling
- stopReads = true;
- Tick write_start_time = std::max(busBusyUntil, curTick()) + tWTR;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Writes scheduled at %lld\n", write_start_time);
- assert(write_start_time >= curTick());
- assert(!writeEvent.scheduled());
- schedule(writeEvent, write_start_time);
-SimpleDRAM::addToWriteQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
- // only add to the write queue here. whenever the request is
- // eventually done, set the readyTime, and call schedule()
- assert(pkt->isWrite());
- // if the request size is larger than burst size, the pkt is split into
- // multiple DRAM packets
- Addr addr = pkt->getAddr();
- for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pktCount; ++cnt) {
- unsigned size = std::min((addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1,
- pkt->getAddr() + pkt->getSize()) - addr;
- writePktSize[ceilLog2(size)]++;
- writeBursts++;
- // see if we can merge with an existing item in the write
- // queue and keep track of whether we have merged or not so we
- // can stop at that point and also avoid enqueueing a new
- // request
- bool merged = false;
- auto w = writeQueue.begin();
- while(!merged && w != writeQueue.end()) {
- // either of the two could be first, if they are the same
- // it does not matter which way we go
- if ((*w)->addr >= addr) {
- // the existing one starts after the new one, figure
- // out where the new one ends with respect to the
- // existing one
- if ((addr + size) >= ((*w)->addr + (*w)->size)) {
- // check if the existing one is completely
- // subsumed in the new one
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write covering existing burst\n");
- merged = true;
- // update both the address and the size
- (*w)->addr = addr;
- (*w)->size = size;
- } else if ((addr + size) >= (*w)->addr &&
- ((*w)->addr + (*w)->size - addr) <= burstSize) {
- // the new one is just before or partially
- // overlapping with the existing one, and together
- // they fit within a burst
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write before existing burst\n");
- merged = true;
- // the existing queue item needs to be adjusted with
- // respect to both address and size
- (*w)->size = (*w)->addr + (*w)->size - addr;
- (*w)->addr = addr;
- }
- } else {
- // the new one starts after the current one, figure
- // out where the existing one ends with respect to the
- // new one
- if (((*w)->addr + (*w)->size) >= (addr + size)) {
- // check if the new one is completely subsumed in the
- // existing one
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write into existing burst\n");
- merged = true;
- // no adjustments necessary
- } else if (((*w)->addr + (*w)->size) >= addr &&
- (addr + size - (*w)->addr) <= burstSize) {
- // the existing one is just before or partially
- // overlapping with the new one, and together
- // they fit within a burst
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Merging write after existing burst\n");
- merged = true;
- // the address is right, and only the size has
- // to be adjusted
- (*w)->size = addr + size - (*w)->addr;
- }
- }
- ++w;
- }
- // if the item was not merged we need to create a new write
- // and enqueue it
- if (!merged) {
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = decodeAddr(pkt, addr, size, false);
- assert(writeQueue.size() < writeBufferSize);
- wrQLenPdf[writeQueue.size()]++;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Adding to write queue\n");
- writeQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
- // Update stats
- avgWrQLen = writeQueue.size();
- } else {
- // keep track of the fact that this burst effectively
- // disappeared as it was merged with an existing one
- mergedWrBursts++;
- }
- // Starting address of next dram pkt (aligend to burstSize boundary)
- addr = (addr | (burstSize - 1)) + 1;
- }
- // we do not wait for the writes to be send to the actual memory,
- // but instead take responsibility for the consistency here and
- // snoop the write queue for any upcoming reads
- // @todo, if a pkt size is larger than burst size, we might need a
- // different front end latency
- accessAndRespond(pkt, frontendLatency);
- // If your write buffer is starting to fill up, drain it!
- if (writeQueue.size() >= writeHighThreshold && !stopReads){
- triggerWrites();
- }
-SimpleDRAM::printParams() const
- // Sanity check print of important parameters
- "Memory controller %s physical organization\n" \
- "Number of devices per rank %d\n" \
- "Device bus width (in bits) %d\n" \
- "DRAM data bus burst (bytes) %d\n" \
- "Row buffer size (bytes) %d\n" \
- "Columns per row buffer %d\n" \
- "Rows per bank %d\n" \
- "Banks per rank %d\n" \
- "Ranks per channel %d\n" \
- "Total mem capacity (bytes) %u\n",
- name(), devicesPerRank, deviceBusWidth, burstSize, rowBufferSize,
- columnsPerRowBuffer, rowsPerBank, banksPerRank, ranksPerChannel,
- rowBufferSize * rowsPerBank * banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel);
- string scheduler = memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs ? "FCFS" : "FR-FCFS";
- string address_mapping = addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaChCo ? "RoRaBaChCo" :
- (addrMapping == Enums::RoRaBaCoCh ? "RoRaBaCoCh" : "RoCoRaBaCh");
- string page_policy = pageMgmt == Enums::open ? "OPEN" :
- (pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ? "OPEN (adaptive)" :
- (pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive ? "CLOSE (adaptive)" : "CLOSE"));
- "Memory controller %s characteristics\n" \
- "Read buffer size %d\n" \
- "Write buffer size %d\n" \
- "Write high thresh %d\n" \
- "Write low thresh %d\n" \
- "Scheduler %s\n" \
- "Address mapping %s\n" \
- "Page policy %s\n",
- name(), readBufferSize, writeBufferSize, writeHighThreshold,
- writeLowThreshold, scheduler, address_mapping, page_policy);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Memory controller %s timing specs\n" \
- "tRCD %d ticks\n" \
- "tCL %d ticks\n" \
- "tRP %d ticks\n" \
- "tBURST %d ticks\n" \
- "tRFC %d ticks\n" \
- "tREFI %d ticks\n" \
- "tWTR %d ticks\n" \
- "tXAW (%d) %d ticks\n",
- name(), tRCD, tCL, tRP, tBURST, tRFC, tREFI, tWTR,
- activationLimit, tXAW);
-SimpleDRAM::printQs() const {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "===READ QUEUE===\n\n");
- for (auto i = readQueue.begin() ; i != readQueue.end() ; ++i) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "\n===RESP QUEUE===\n\n");
- for (auto i = respQueue.begin() ; i != respQueue.end() ; ++i) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Response %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "\n===WRITE QUEUE===\n\n");
- for (auto i = writeQueue.begin() ; i != writeQueue.end() ; ++i) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write %lu\n", (*i)->addr);
- }
-SimpleDRAM::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
- /// @todo temporary hack to deal with memory corruption issues until
- /// 4-phase transactions are complete
- for (int x = 0; x < pendingDelete.size(); x++)
- delete pendingDelete[x];
- pendingDelete.clear();
- // This is where we enter from the outside world
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "recvTimingReq: request %s addr %lld size %d\n",
- pkt->cmdString(), pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
- // simply drop inhibited packets for now
- if (pkt->memInhibitAsserted()) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Inhibited packet -- Dropping it now\n");
- pendingDelete.push_back(pkt);
- return true;
- }
- // Calc avg gap between requests
- if (prevArrival != 0) {
- totGap += curTick() - prevArrival;
- }
- prevArrival = curTick();
- // Find out how many dram packets a pkt translates to
- // If the burst size is equal or larger than the pkt size, then a pkt
- // translates to only one dram packet. Otherwise, a pkt translates to
- // multiple dram packets
- unsigned size = pkt->getSize();
- unsigned offset = pkt->getAddr() & (burstSize - 1);
- unsigned int dram_pkt_count = divCeil(offset + size, burstSize);
- // check local buffers and do not accept if full
- if (pkt->isRead()) {
- assert(size != 0);
- if (readQueueFull(dram_pkt_count)) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Read queue full, not accepting\n");
- // remember that we have to retry this port
- retryRdReq = true;
- numRdRetry++;
- return false;
- } else {
- addToReadQueue(pkt, dram_pkt_count);
- readReqs++;
- bytesReadSys += size;
- }
- } else if (pkt->isWrite()) {
- assert(size != 0);
- if (writeQueueFull(dram_pkt_count)) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Write queue full, not accepting\n");
- // remember that we have to retry this port
- retryWrReq = true;
- numWrRetry++;
- return false;
- } else {
- addToWriteQueue(pkt, dram_pkt_count);
- writeReqs++;
- bytesWrittenSys += size;
- }
- } else {
- DPRINTF(DRAM,"Neither read nor write, ignore timing\n");
- neitherReadNorWrite++;
- accessAndRespond(pkt, 1);
- }
- return true;
- "processRespondEvent(): Some req has reached its readyTime\n");
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = respQueue.front();
- if (dram_pkt->burstHelper) {
- // it is a split packet
- dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstsServiced++;
- if (dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstsServiced ==
- dram_pkt->burstHelper->burstCount) {
- // we have now serviced all children packets of a system packet
- // so we can now respond to the requester
- // @todo we probably want to have a different front end and back
- // end latency for split packets
- accessAndRespond(dram_pkt->pkt, frontendLatency + backendLatency);
- delete dram_pkt->burstHelper;
- dram_pkt->burstHelper = NULL;
- }
- } else {
- // it is not a split packet
- accessAndRespond(dram_pkt->pkt, frontendLatency + backendLatency);
- }
- delete respQueue.front();
- respQueue.pop_front();
- if (!respQueue.empty()) {
- assert(respQueue.front()->readyTime >= curTick());
- assert(!respondEvent.scheduled());
- schedule(respondEvent, respQueue.front()->readyTime);
- } else {
- // if there is nothing left in any queue, signal a drain
- if (writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
- drainManager) {
- drainManager->signalDrainDone();
- drainManager = NULL;
- }
- }
- // We have made a location in the queue available at this point,
- // so if there is a read that was forced to wait, retry now
- if (retryRdReq) {
- retryRdReq = false;
- port.sendRetry();
- }
- // This method does the arbitration between write requests. The
- // chosen packet is simply moved to the head of the write
- // queue. The other methods know that this is the place to
- // look. For example, with FCFS, this method does nothing
- assert(!writeQueue.empty());
- if (writeQueue.size() == 1) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Single write request, nothing to do\n");
- return;
- }
- if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs) {
- // Do nothing, since the correct request is already head
- } else if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::frfcfs) {
- reorderQueue(writeQueue);
- } else
- panic("No scheduling policy chosen\n");
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Selected next write request\n");
- // This method does the arbitration between read requests. The
- // chosen packet is simply moved to the head of the queue. The
- // other methods know that this is the place to look. For example,
- // with FCFS, this method does nothing
- if (readQueue.empty()) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "No read request to select\n");
- return false;
- }
- // If there is only one request then there is nothing left to do
- if (readQueue.size() == 1)
- return true;
- if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::fcfs) {
- // Do nothing, since the request to serve is already the first
- // one in the read queue
- } else if (memSchedPolicy == Enums::frfcfs) {
- reorderQueue(readQueue);
- } else
- panic("No scheduling policy chosen!\n");
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Selected next read request\n");
- return true;
-SimpleDRAM::reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue)
- // Only determine this when needed
- uint64_t earliest_banks = 0;
- // Search for row hits first, if no row hit is found then schedule the
- // packet to one of the earliest banks available
- bool found_earliest_pkt = false;
- auto selected_pkt_it = queue.begin();
- for (auto i = queue.begin(); i != queue.end() ; ++i) {
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = *i;
- const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
- // Check if it is a row hit
- if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Row buffer hit\n");
- selected_pkt_it = i;
- break;
- } else if (!found_earliest_pkt) {
- // No row hit, go for first ready
- if (earliest_banks == 0)
- earliest_banks = minBankFreeAt(queue);
- // Bank is ready or is the first available bank
- if (bank.freeAt <= curTick() ||
- bits(earliest_banks, dram_pkt->bankId, dram_pkt->bankId)) {
- // Remember the packet to be scheduled to one of the earliest
- // banks available
- selected_pkt_it = i;
- found_earliest_pkt = true;
- }
- }
- }
- DRAMPacket* selected_pkt = *selected_pkt_it;
- queue.erase(selected_pkt_it);
- queue.push_front(selected_pkt);
-SimpleDRAM::accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency)
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Responding to Address %lld.. ",pkt->getAddr());
- bool needsResponse = pkt->needsResponse();
- // do the actual memory access which also turns the packet into a
- // response
- access(pkt);
- // turn packet around to go back to requester if response expected
- if (needsResponse) {
- // access already turned the packet into a response
- assert(pkt->isResponse());
- // @todo someone should pay for this
- pkt->busFirstWordDelay = pkt->busLastWordDelay = 0;
- // queue the packet in the response queue to be sent out after
- // the static latency has passed
- port.schedTimingResp(pkt, curTick() + static_latency);
- } else {
- // @todo the packet is going to be deleted, and the DRAMPacket
- // is still having a pointer to it
- pendingDelete.push_back(pkt);
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Done\n");
- return;
-pair<Tick, Tick>
-SimpleDRAM::estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime)
- // If a request reaches a bank at tick 'inTime', how much time
- // *after* that does it take to finish the request, depending
- // on bank status and page open policy. Note that this method
- // considers only the time taken for the actual read or write
- // to complete, NOT any additional time thereafter for tRAS or
- // tRP.
- Tick accLat = 0;
- Tick bankLat = 0;
- rowHitFlag = false;
- Tick potentialActTick;
- const Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
- // open-page policy or close_adaptive policy
- if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
- pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive) {
- if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
- // When we have a row-buffer hit,
- // we don't care about tRAS having expired or not,
- // but do care about bank being free for access
- rowHitFlag = true;
- // When a series of requests arrive to the same row,
- // DDR systems are capable of streaming data continuously
- // at maximum bandwidth (subject to tCCD). Here, we approximate
- // this condition, and assume that if whenever a bank is already
- // busy and a new request comes in, it can be completed with no
- // penalty beyond waiting for the existing read to complete.
- if (bank.freeAt > inTime) {
- accLat += bank.freeAt - inTime;
- bankLat += 0;
- } else {
- // CAS latency only
- accLat += tCL;
- bankLat += tCL;
- }
- } else {
- // Row-buffer miss, need to close existing row
- // once tRAS has expired, then open the new one,
- // then add cas latency.
- Tick freeTime = std::max(bank.tRASDoneAt, bank.freeAt);
- if (freeTime > inTime)
- accLat += freeTime - inTime;
- // If the there is no open row (open adaptive), then there
- // is no precharge delay, otherwise go with tRP
- Tick precharge_delay = bank.openRow == -1 ? 0 : tRP;
- //The bank is free, and you may be able to activate
- potentialActTick = inTime + accLat + precharge_delay;
- if (potentialActTick < bank.actAllowedAt)
- accLat += bank.actAllowedAt - potentialActTick;
- accLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
- bankLat += precharge_delay + tRCD + tCL;
- }
- } else if (pageMgmt == Enums::close) {
- // With a close page policy, no notion of
- // bank.tRASDoneAt
- if (bank.freeAt > inTime)
- accLat += bank.freeAt - inTime;
- //The bank is free, and you may be able to activate
- potentialActTick = inTime + accLat;
- if (potentialActTick < bank.actAllowedAt)
- accLat += bank.actAllowedAt - potentialActTick;
- // page already closed, simply open the row, and
- // add cas latency
- accLat += tRCD + tCL;
- bankLat += tRCD + tCL;
- } else
- panic("No page management policy chosen\n");
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Returning < %lld, %lld > from estimateLatency()\n",
- bankLat, accLat);
- return make_pair(bankLat, accLat);
- scheduleNextReq();
-SimpleDRAM::recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank)
- assert(0 <= rank && rank < ranksPerChannel);
- assert(actTicks[rank].size() == activationLimit);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Activate at tick %d\n", act_tick);
- // Tracking accesses after all banks are precharged.
- // startTickPrechargeAll: is the tick when all the banks were again
- // precharged. The difference between act_tick and startTickPrechargeAll
- // gives the time for which DRAM doesn't get any accesses after refreshing
- // or after a page is closed in closed-page or open-adaptive-page policy.
- if ((numBanksActive == 0) && (act_tick > startTickPrechargeAll)) {
- prechargeAllTime += act_tick - startTickPrechargeAll;
- }
- // No need to update number of active banks for closed-page policy as only 1
- // bank will be activated at any given point, which will be instatntly
- // precharged
- if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
- pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)
- ++numBanksActive;
- // start by enforcing tRRD
- for(int i = 0; i < banksPerRank; i++) {
- // next activate must not happen before tRRD
- banks[rank][i].actAllowedAt = act_tick + tRRD;
- }
- // tRC should be added to activation tick of the bank currently accessed,
- // where tRC = tRAS + tRP, this is just for a check as actAllowedAt for same
- // bank is already captured by bank.freeAt and bank.tRASDoneAt
- banks[rank][bank].actAllowedAt = act_tick + tRAS + tRP;
- // next, we deal with tXAW, if the activation limit is disabled
- // then we are done
- if (actTicks[rank].empty())
- return;
- // sanity check
- if (actTicks[rank].back() && (act_tick - actTicks[rank].back()) < tXAW) {
- // @todo For now, stick with a warning
- warn("Got %d activates in window %d (%d - %d) which is smaller "
- "than %d\n", activationLimit, act_tick - actTicks[rank].back(),
- act_tick, actTicks[rank].back(), tXAW);
- }
- // shift the times used for the book keeping, the last element
- // (highest index) is the oldest one and hence the lowest value
- actTicks[rank].pop_back();
- // record an new activation (in the future)
- actTicks[rank].push_front(act_tick);
- // cannot activate more than X times in time window tXAW, push the
- // next one (the X + 1'st activate) to be tXAW away from the
- // oldest in our window of X
- if (actTicks[rank].back() && (act_tick - actTicks[rank].back()) < tXAW) {
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Enforcing tXAW with X = %d, next activate no earlier "
- "than %d\n", activationLimit, actTicks[rank].back() + tXAW);
- for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++)
- // next activate must not happen before end of window
- banks[rank][j].actAllowedAt = actTicks[rank].back() + tXAW;
- }
-SimpleDRAM::doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt)
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Timing access to addr %lld, rank/bank/row %d %d %d\n",
- dram_pkt->addr, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank, dram_pkt->row);
- // estimate the bank and access latency
- pair<Tick, Tick> lat = estimateLatency(dram_pkt, curTick());
- Tick bankLat = lat.first;
- Tick accessLat = lat.second;
- Tick actTick;
- // This request was woken up at this time based on a prior call
- // to estimateLatency(). However, between then and now, both the
- // accessLatency and/or busBusyUntil may have changed. We need
- // to correct for that.
- Tick addDelay = (curTick() + accessLat < busBusyUntil) ?
- busBusyUntil - (curTick() + accessLat) : 0;
- Bank& bank = dram_pkt->bankRef;
- // Update bank state
- if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
- pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive) {
- bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
- // If you activated a new row do to this access, the next access
- // will have to respect tRAS for this bank.
- if (!rowHitFlag) {
- // any waiting for banks account for in freeAt
- actTick = bank.freeAt - tCL - tRCD;
- bank.tRASDoneAt = actTick + tRAS;
- recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
- // if we closed an open row as a result of this access,
- // then sample the number of bytes accessed before
- // resetting it
- if (bank.openRow != -1)
- bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
- // update the open row
- bank.openRow = dram_pkt->row;
- // start counting anew, this covers both the case when we
- // auto-precharged, and when this access is forced to
- // precharge
- bank.bytesAccessed = 0;
- bank.rowAccesses = 0;
- }
- // increment the bytes accessed and the accesses per row
- bank.bytesAccessed += burstSize;
- ++bank.rowAccesses;
- // if we reached the max, then issue with an auto-precharge
- bool auto_precharge = bank.rowAccesses == maxAccessesPerRow;
- // if we did not hit the limit, we might still want to
- // auto-precharge
- if (!auto_precharge &&
- (pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
- pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)) {
- // a twist on the open and close page policies:
- // 1) open_adaptive page policy does not blindly keep the
- // page open, but close it if there are no row hits, and there
- // are bank conflicts in the queue
- // 2) close_adaptive page policy does not blindly close the
- // page, but closes it only if there are no row hits in the queue.
- // In this case, only force an auto precharge when there
- // are no same page hits in the queue
- bool got_more_hits = false;
- bool got_bank_conflict = false;
- // either look at the read queue or write queue
- const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue = dram_pkt->isRead ? readQueue :
- writeQueue;
- auto p = queue.begin();
- // make sure we are not considering the packet that we are
- // currently dealing with (which is the head of the queue)
- ++p;
- // keep on looking until we have found required condition or
- // reached the end
- while (!(got_more_hits &&
- (got_bank_conflict || pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)) &&
- p != queue.end()) {
- bool same_rank_bank = (dram_pkt->rank == (*p)->rank) &&
- (dram_pkt->bank == (*p)->bank);
- bool same_row = dram_pkt->row == (*p)->row;
- got_more_hits |= same_rank_bank && same_row;
- got_bank_conflict |= same_rank_bank && !same_row;
- ++p;
- }
- // auto pre-charge when either
- // 1) open_adaptive policy, we have not got any more hits, and
- // have a bank conflict
- // 2) close_adaptive policy and we have not got any more hits
- auto_precharge = !got_more_hits &&
- (got_bank_conflict || pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive);
- }
- // if this access should use auto-precharge, then we are
- // closing the row
- if (auto_precharge) {
- bank.openRow = -1;
- bank.freeAt = std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.tRASDoneAt) + tRP;
- --numBanksActive;
- if (numBanksActive == 0) {
- startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll,
- bank.freeAt);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
- startTickPrechargeAll);
- }
- // sample the bytes per activate here since we are closing
- // the page
- bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Auto-precharged bank: %d\n", dram_pkt->bankId);
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "doDRAMAccess::bank.freeAt is %lld\n", bank.freeAt);
- } else if (pageMgmt == Enums::close) {
- actTick = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat - tRCD - tCL;
- recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
- // If the DRAM has a very quick tRAS, bank can be made free
- // after consecutive tCL,tRCD,tRP times. In general, however,
- // an additional wait is required to respect tRAS.
- bank.freeAt = std::max(actTick + tRAS + tRP,
- actTick + tRCD + tCL + tRP);
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "doDRAMAccess::bank.freeAt is %lld\n", bank.freeAt);
- bytesPerActivate.sample(burstSize);
- startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll, bank.freeAt);
- } else
- panic("No page management policy chosen\n");
- // Update request parameters
- dram_pkt->readyTime = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat + tBURST;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Req %lld: curtick is %lld accessLat is %d " \
- "readytime is %lld busbusyuntil is %lld. " \
- "Scheduling at readyTime\n", dram_pkt->addr,
- curTick(), accessLat, dram_pkt->readyTime, busBusyUntil);
- // Make sure requests are not overlapping on the databus
- assert (dram_pkt->readyTime - busBusyUntil >= tBURST);
- // Update bus state
- busBusyUntil = dram_pkt->readyTime;
- DPRINTF(DRAM,"Access time is %lld\n",
- dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime);
- // Update the minimum timing between the requests
- newTime = (busBusyUntil > tRP + tRCD + tCL) ?
- std::max(busBusyUntil - (tRP + tRCD + tCL), curTick()) : curTick();
- // Update the access related stats
- if (dram_pkt->isRead) {
- if (rowHitFlag)
- readRowHits++;
- bytesReadDRAM += burstSize;
- perBankRdBursts[dram_pkt->bankId]++;
- } else {
- if (rowHitFlag)
- writeRowHits++;
- bytesWritten += burstSize;
- perBankWrBursts[dram_pkt->bankId]++;
- // At this point, commonality between reads and writes ends.
- // For writes, we are done since we long ago responded to the
- // requestor.
- return;
- }
- // Update latency stats
- totMemAccLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime;
- totBankLat += bankLat;
- totBusLat += tBURST;
- totQLat += dram_pkt->readyTime - dram_pkt->entryTime - bankLat - tBURST;
- // At this point we're done dealing with the request
- // It will be moved to a separate response queue with a
- // correct readyTime, and eventually be sent back at that
- //time
- moveToRespQ();
- // Schedule the next read event
- if (!nextReqEvent.scheduled() && !stopReads) {
- schedule(nextReqEvent, newTime);
- } else {
- if (newTime < nextReqEvent.when())
- reschedule(nextReqEvent, newTime);
- }
- // Remove from read queue
- DRAMPacket* dram_pkt = readQueue.front();
- readQueue.pop_front();
- // sanity check
- assert(dram_pkt->size <= burstSize);
- // Insert into response queue sorted by readyTime
- // It will be sent back to the requestor at its
- // readyTime
- if (respQueue.empty()) {
- respQueue.push_front(dram_pkt);
- assert(!respondEvent.scheduled());
- assert(dram_pkt->readyTime >= curTick());
- schedule(respondEvent, dram_pkt->readyTime);
- } else {
- bool done = false;
- auto i = respQueue.begin();
- while (!done && i != respQueue.end()) {
- if ((*i)->readyTime > dram_pkt->readyTime) {
- respQueue.insert(i, dram_pkt);
- done = true;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (!done)
- respQueue.push_back(dram_pkt);
- assert(respondEvent.scheduled());
- if (respQueue.front()->readyTime < respondEvent.when()) {
- assert(respQueue.front()->readyTime >= curTick());
- reschedule(respondEvent, respQueue.front()->readyTime);
- }
- }
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Reached scheduleNextReq()\n");
- // Figure out which read request goes next, and move it to the
- // front of the read queue
- if (!chooseNextRead()) {
- // In the case there is no read request to go next, trigger
- // writes if we have passed the low threshold (or if we are
- // draining)
- if (!writeQueue.empty() && !writeEvent.scheduled() &&
- (writeQueue.size() > writeLowThreshold || drainManager))
- triggerWrites();
- } else {
- doDRAMAccess(readQueue.front());
- }
-SimpleDRAM::maxBankFreeAt() const
- Tick banksFree = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
- for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++)
- banksFree = std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt, banksFree);
- return banksFree;
-SimpleDRAM::minBankFreeAt(const deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const
- uint64_t bank_mask = 0;
- Tick freeAt = MaxTick;
- // detemrine if we have queued transactions targetting the
- // bank in question
- vector<bool> got_waiting(ranksPerChannel * banksPerRank, false);
- for (auto p = queue.begin(); p != queue.end(); ++p) {
- got_waiting[(*p)->bankId] = true;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
- // if we have waiting requests for the bank, and it is
- // amongst the first available, update the mask
- if (got_waiting[i * banksPerRank + j] &&
- banks[i][j].freeAt <= freeAt) {
- // reset bank mask if new minimum is found
- if (banks[i][j].freeAt < freeAt)
- bank_mask = 0;
- // set the bit corresponding to the available bank
- uint8_t bit_index = i * ranksPerChannel + j;
- replaceBits(bank_mask, bit_index, bit_index, 1);
- freeAt = banks[i][j].freeAt;
- }
- }
- }
- return bank_mask;
- DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refreshing at tick %ld\n", curTick());
- Tick banksFree = std::max(curTick(), maxBankFreeAt()) + tRFC;
- for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
- for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
- banks[i][j].freeAt = banksFree;
- banks[i][j].openRow = -1;
- }
- // updating startTickPrechargeAll, isprechargeAll
- numBanksActive = 0;
- startTickPrechargeAll = banksFree;
- schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
- using namespace Stats;
- AbstractMemory::regStats();
- readReqs
- .name(name() + ".readReqs")
- .desc("Number of read requests accepted");
- writeReqs
- .name(name() + ".writeReqs")
- .desc("Number of write requests accepted");
- readBursts
- .name(name() + ".readBursts")
- .desc("Number of DRAM read bursts, "
- "including those serviced by the write queue");
- writeBursts
- .name(name() + ".writeBursts")
- .desc("Number of DRAM write bursts, "
- "including those merged in the write queue");
- servicedByWrQ
- .name(name() + ".servicedByWrQ")
- .desc("Number of DRAM read bursts serviced by the write queue");
- mergedWrBursts
- .name(name() + ".mergedWrBursts")
- .desc("Number of DRAM write bursts merged with an existing one");
- neitherReadNorWrite
- .name(name() + ".neitherReadNorWriteReqs")
- .desc("Number of requests that are neither read nor write");
- perBankRdBursts
- .init(banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel)
- .name(name() + ".perBankRdBursts")
- .desc("Per bank write bursts");
- perBankWrBursts
- .init(banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel)
- .name(name() + ".perBankWrBursts")
- .desc("Per bank write bursts");
- avgRdQLen
- .name(name() + ".avgRdQLen")
- .desc("Average read queue length when enqueuing")
- .precision(2);
- avgWrQLen
- .name(name() + ".avgWrQLen")
- .desc("Average write queue length when enqueuing")
- .precision(2);
- totQLat
- .name(name() + ".totQLat")
- .desc("Total ticks spent queuing");
- totBankLat
- .name(name() + ".totBankLat")
- .desc("Total ticks spent accessing banks");
- totBusLat
- .name(name() + ".totBusLat")
- .desc("Total ticks spent in databus transfers");
- totMemAccLat
- .name(name() + ".totMemAccLat")
- .desc("Total ticks spent from burst creation until serviced "
- "by the DRAM");
- avgQLat
- .name(name() + ".avgQLat")
- .desc("Average queueing delay per DRAM burst")
- .precision(2);
- avgQLat = totQLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
- avgBankLat
- .name(name() + ".avgBankLat")
- .desc("Average bank access latency per DRAM burst")
- .precision(2);
- avgBankLat = totBankLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
- avgBusLat
- .name(name() + ".avgBusLat")
- .desc("Average bus latency per DRAM burst")
- .precision(2);
- avgBusLat = totBusLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
- avgMemAccLat
- .name(name() + ".avgMemAccLat")
- .desc("Average memory access latency per DRAM burst")
- .precision(2);
- avgMemAccLat = totMemAccLat / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ);
- numRdRetry
- .name(name() + ".numRdRetry")
- .desc("Number of times read queue was full causing retry");
- numWrRetry
- .name(name() + ".numWrRetry")
- .desc("Number of times write queue was full causing retry");
- readRowHits
- .name(name() + ".readRowHits")
- .desc("Number of row buffer hits during reads");
- writeRowHits
- .name(name() + ".writeRowHits")
- .desc("Number of row buffer hits during writes");
- readRowHitRate
- .name(name() + ".readRowHitRate")
- .desc("Row buffer hit rate for reads")
- .precision(2);
- readRowHitRate = (readRowHits / (readBursts - servicedByWrQ)) * 100;
- writeRowHitRate
- .name(name() + ".writeRowHitRate")
- .desc("Row buffer hit rate for writes")
- .precision(2);
- writeRowHitRate = (writeRowHits / (writeBursts - mergedWrBursts)) * 100;
- readPktSize
- .init(ceilLog2(burstSize) + 1)
- .name(name() + ".readPktSize")
- .desc("Read request sizes (log2)");
- writePktSize
- .init(ceilLog2(burstSize) + 1)
- .name(name() + ".writePktSize")
- .desc("Write request sizes (log2)");
- rdQLenPdf
- .init(readBufferSize)
- .name(name() + ".rdQLenPdf")
- .desc("What read queue length does an incoming req see");
- wrQLenPdf
- .init(writeBufferSize)
- .name(name() + ".wrQLenPdf")
- .desc("What write queue length does an incoming req see");
- bytesPerActivate
- .init(maxAccessesPerRow)
- .name(name() + ".bytesPerActivate")
- .desc("Bytes accessed per row activation")
- .flags(nozero);
- bytesReadDRAM
- .name(name() + ".bytesReadDRAM")
- .desc("Total number of bytes read from DRAM");
- bytesReadWrQ
- .name(name() + ".bytesReadWrQ")
- .desc("Total number of bytes read from write queue");
- bytesWritten
- .name(name() + ".bytesWritten")
- .desc("Total number of bytes written to DRAM");
- bytesReadSys
- .name(name() + ".bytesReadSys")
- .desc("Total read bytes from the system interface side");
- bytesWrittenSys
- .name(name() + ".bytesWrittenSys")
- .desc("Total written bytes from the system interface side");
- avgRdBW
- .name(name() + ".avgRdBW")
- .desc("Average DRAM read bandwidth in MiByte/s")
- .precision(2);
- avgRdBW = (bytesReadDRAM / 1000000) / simSeconds;
- avgWrBW
- .name(name() + ".avgWrBW")
- .desc("Average achieved write bandwidth in MiByte/s")
- .precision(2);
- avgWrBW = (bytesWritten / 1000000) / simSeconds;
- avgRdBWSys
- .name(name() + ".avgRdBWSys")
- .desc("Average system read bandwidth in MiByte/s")
- .precision(2);
- avgRdBWSys = (bytesReadSys / 1000000) / simSeconds;
- avgWrBWSys
- .name(name() + ".avgWrBWSys")
- .desc("Average system write bandwidth in MiByte/s")
- .precision(2);
- avgWrBWSys = (bytesWrittenSys / 1000000) / simSeconds;
- peakBW
- .name(name() + ".peakBW")
- .desc("Theoretical peak bandwidth in MiByte/s")
- .precision(2);
- peakBW = (SimClock::Frequency / tBURST) * burstSize / 1000000;
- busUtil
- .name(name() + ".busUtil")
- .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage")
- .precision(2);
- busUtil = (avgRdBW + avgWrBW) / peakBW * 100;
- totGap
- .name(name() + ".totGap")
- .desc("Total gap between requests");
- avgGap
- .name(name() + ".avgGap")
- .desc("Average gap between requests")
- .precision(2);
- avgGap = totGap / (readReqs + writeReqs);
- // Stats for DRAM Power calculation based on Micron datasheet
- busUtilRead
- .name(name() + ".busUtilRead")
- .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage for reads")
- .precision(2);
- busUtilRead = avgRdBW / peakBW * 100;
- busUtilWrite
- .name(name() + ".busUtilWrite")
- .desc("Data bus utilization in percentage for writes")
- .precision(2);
- busUtilWrite = avgWrBW / peakBW * 100;
- pageHitRate
- .name(name() + ".pageHitRate")
- .desc("Row buffer hit rate, read and write combined")
- .precision(2);
- pageHitRate = (writeRowHits + readRowHits) /
- (writeBursts - mergedWrBursts + readBursts - servicedByWrQ) * 100;
- prechargeAllPercent
- .name(name() + ".prechargeAllPercent")
- .desc("Percentage of time for which DRAM has all the banks in "
- "precharge state")
- .precision(2);
- prechargeAllPercent = prechargeAllTime / simTicks * 100;
-SimpleDRAM::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
- // rely on the abstract memory
- functionalAccess(pkt);
-SimpleDRAM::getSlavePort(const string &if_name, PortID idx)
- if (if_name != "port") {
- return MemObject::getSlavePort(if_name, idx);
- } else {
- return port;
- }
-unsigned int
-SimpleDRAM::drain(DrainManager *dm)
- unsigned int count = port.drain(dm);
- // if there is anything in any of our internal queues, keep track
- // of that as well
- if (!(writeQueue.empty() && readQueue.empty() &&
- respQueue.empty())) {
- DPRINTF(Drain, "DRAM controller not drained, write: %d, read: %d,"
- " resp: %d\n", writeQueue.size(), readQueue.size(),
- respQueue.size());
- ++count;
- drainManager = dm;
- // the only part that is not drained automatically over time
- // is the write queue, thus trigger writes if there are any
- // waiting and no reads waiting, otherwise wait until the
- // reads are done
- if (readQueue.empty() && !writeQueue.empty() &&
- !writeEvent.scheduled())
- triggerWrites();
- }
- if (count)
- setDrainState(Drainable::Draining);
- else
- setDrainState(Drainable::Drained);
- return count;
-SimpleDRAM::MemoryPort::MemoryPort(const std::string& name, SimpleDRAM& _memory)
- : QueuedSlavePort(name, &_memory, queue), queue(_memory, *this),
- memory(_memory)
-{ }
-SimpleDRAM::MemoryPort::getAddrRanges() const
- AddrRangeList ranges;
- ranges.push_back(memory.getAddrRange());
- return ranges;
-SimpleDRAM::MemoryPort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
- pkt->pushLabel(memory.name());
- if (!queue.checkFunctional(pkt)) {
- // Default implementation of SimpleTimingPort::recvFunctional()
- // calls recvAtomic() and throws away the latency; we can save a
- // little here by just not calculating the latency.
- memory.recvFunctional(pkt);
- }
- pkt->popLabel();
-SimpleDRAM::MemoryPort::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
- return memory.recvAtomic(pkt);
-SimpleDRAM::MemoryPort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
- // pass it to the memory controller
- return memory.recvTimingReq(pkt);
- return new SimpleDRAM(this);
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
- * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
- * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
- * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
- * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
- * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
- * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
- * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Amin Farmahini-Farahani
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Andreas Hansson
- * Ani Udipi
- * Neha Agarwal
- */
- * @file
- * SimpleDRAM declaration
- */
-#ifndef __MEM_SIMPLE_DRAM_HH__
-#define __MEM_SIMPLE_DRAM_HH__
-#include <deque>
-#include "base/statistics.hh"
-#include "enums/AddrMap.hh"
-#include "enums/MemSched.hh"
-#include "enums/PageManage.hh"
-#include "mem/abstract_mem.hh"
-#include "mem/qport.hh"
-#include "params/SimpleDRAM.hh"
-#include "sim/eventq.hh"
- * The simple DRAM is a basic single-channel memory controller aiming
- * to mimic a high-level DRAM controller and the most important timing
- * constraints associated with the DRAM. The focus is really on
- * modelling the impact on the system rather than the DRAM itself,
- * hence the focus is on the controller model and not on the
- * memory. By adhering to the correct timing constraints, ultimately
- * there is no need for a memory model in addition to the controller
- * model.
- *
- * As a basic design principle, this controller is not cycle callable,
- * but instead uses events to decide when new decisions can be made,
- * when resources become available, when things are to be considered
- * done, and when to send things back. Through these simple
- * principles, we achieve a performant model that is not
- * cycle-accurate, but enables us to evaluate the system impact of a
- * wide range of memory technologies, and also collect statistics
- * about the use of the memory.
- */
-class SimpleDRAM : public AbstractMemory
- private:
- // For now, make use of a queued slave port to avoid dealing with
- // flow control for the responses being sent back
- class MemoryPort : public QueuedSlavePort
- {
- SlavePacketQueue queue;
- SimpleDRAM& memory;
- public:
- MemoryPort(const std::string& name, SimpleDRAM& _memory);
- protected:
- Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
- void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
- bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr);
- virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const;
- };
- /**
- * Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar
- * in front of it
- */
- MemoryPort port;
- /**
- * Remember if we have to retry a request when available.
- */
- bool retryRdReq;
- bool retryWrReq;
- /**
- * Remember that a row buffer hit occured
- */
- bool rowHitFlag;
- /**
- * Use this flag to shutoff reads, i.e. do not schedule any reads
- * beyond those already done so that we can turn the bus around
- * and do a few writes, or refresh, or whatever
- */
- bool stopReads;
- /** List to keep track of activate ticks */
- std::vector<std::deque<Tick>> actTicks;
- /**
- * A basic class to track the bank state indirectly via times
- * "freeAt" and "tRASDoneAt" and what page is currently open. The
- * bank also keeps track of how many bytes have been accessed in
- * the open row since it was opened.
- */
- class Bank
- {
- public:
- static const uint32_t INVALID_ROW = -1;
- uint32_t openRow;
- Tick freeAt;
- Tick tRASDoneAt;
- Tick actAllowedAt;
- uint32_t rowAccesses;
- uint32_t bytesAccessed;
- Bank() :
- openRow(INVALID_ROW), freeAt(0), tRASDoneAt(0), actAllowedAt(0),
- rowAccesses(0), bytesAccessed(0)
- { }
- };
- /**
- * A burst helper helps organize and manage a packet that is larger than
- * the DRAM burst size. A system packet that is larger than the burst size
- * is split into multiple DRAM packets and all those DRAM packets point to
- * a single burst helper such that we know when the whole packet is served.
- */
- class BurstHelper {
- public:
- /** Number of DRAM bursts requred for a system packet **/
- const unsigned int burstCount;
- /** Number of DRAM bursts serviced so far for a system packet **/
- unsigned int burstsServiced;
- BurstHelper(unsigned int _burstCount)
- : burstCount(_burstCount), burstsServiced(0)
- { }
- };
- /**
- * A DRAM packet stores packets along with the timestamp of when
- * the packet entered the queue, and also the decoded address.
- */
- class DRAMPacket {
- public:
- /** When did request enter the controller */
- const Tick entryTime;
- /** When will request leave the controller */
- Tick readyTime;
- /** This comes from the outside world */
- const PacketPtr pkt;
- const bool isRead;
- /** Will be populated by address decoder */
- const uint8_t rank;
- const uint8_t bank;
- const uint16_t row;
- /**
- * Bank id is calculated considering banks in all the ranks
- * eg: 2 ranks each with 8 banks, then bankId = 0 --> rank0, bank0 and
- * bankId = 8 --> rank1, bank0
- */
- const uint16_t bankId;
- /**
- * The starting address of the DRAM packet.
- * This address could be unaligned to burst size boundaries. The
- * reason is to keep the address offset so we can accurately check
- * incoming read packets with packets in the write queue.
- */
- Addr addr;
- /**
- * The size of this dram packet in bytes
- * It is always equal or smaller than DRAM burst size
- */
- unsigned int size;
- /**
- * A pointer to the BurstHelper if this DRAMPacket is a split packet
- * If not a split packet (common case), this is set to NULL
- */
- BurstHelper* burstHelper;
- Bank& bankRef;
- DRAMPacket(PacketPtr _pkt, bool is_read, uint8_t _rank, uint8_t _bank,
- uint16_t _row, uint16_t bank_id, Addr _addr,
- unsigned int _size, Bank& bank_ref)
- : entryTime(curTick()), readyTime(curTick()),
- pkt(_pkt), isRead(is_read), rank(_rank), bank(_bank), row(_row),
- bankId(bank_id), addr(_addr), size(_size), burstHelper(NULL),
- bankRef(bank_ref)
- { }
- };
- /**
- * Bunch of things requires to setup "events" in gem5
- * When event "writeEvent" occurs for example, the method
- * processWriteEvent is called; no parameters are allowed
- * in these methods
- */
- void processWriteEvent();
- EventWrapper<SimpleDRAM, &SimpleDRAM::processWriteEvent> writeEvent;
- void processRespondEvent();
- EventWrapper<SimpleDRAM, &SimpleDRAM::processRespondEvent> respondEvent;
- void processRefreshEvent();
- EventWrapper<SimpleDRAM, &SimpleDRAM::processRefreshEvent> refreshEvent;
- void processNextReqEvent();
- EventWrapper<SimpleDRAM,&SimpleDRAM::processNextReqEvent> nextReqEvent;
- /**
- * Check if the read queue has room for more entries
- *
- * @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the read queue
- * @return true if read queue is full, false otherwise
- */
- bool readQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
- /**
- * Check if the write queue has room for more entries
- *
- * @param pktCount The number of entries needed in the write queue
- * @return true if write queue is full, false otherwise
- */
- bool writeQueueFull(unsigned int pktCount) const;
- /**
- * When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a
- * pending request to the same address.\ If not, decode the
- * address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple
- * "dram_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue.\
- * If this is the only
- * read request in the system, schedule an event to start
- * servicing it.
- *
- * @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
- * @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
- * translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
- * then pktCount is greater than one.
- */
- void addToReadQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
- /**
- * Decode the incoming pkt, create a dram_pkt and push to the
- * back of the write queue. \If the write q length is more than
- * the threshold specified by the user, ie the queue is beginning
- * to get full, stop reads, and start draining writes.
- *
- * @param pkt The request packet from the outside world
- * @param pktCount The number of DRAM bursts the pkt
- * translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst,
- * then pktCount is greater than one.
- */
- void addToWriteQueue(PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount);
- /**
- * Actually do the DRAM access - figure out the latency it
- * will take to service the req based on bank state, channel state etc
- * and then update those states to account for this request.\ Based
- * on this, update the packet's "readyTime" and move it to the
- * response q from where it will eventually go back to the outside
- * world.
- *
- * @param pkt The DRAM packet created from the outside world pkt
- */
- void doDRAMAccess(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt);
- /**
- * Check when the channel is free to turnaround, add turnaround
- * delay and schedule a whole bunch of writes.
- */
- void triggerWrites();
- /**
- * When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q,
- * use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually
- * create the response packet, and send it back to the outside
- * world requestor.
- *
- * @param pkt The packet from the outside world
- * @param static_latency Static latency to add before sending the packet
- */
- void accessAndRespond(PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency);
- /**
- * Address decoder to figure out physical mapping onto ranks,
- * banks, and rows. This function is called multiple times on the same
- * system packet if the pakcet is larger than burst of the memory. The
- * dramPktAddr is used for the offset within the packet.
- *
- * @param pkt The packet from the outside world
- * @param dramPktAddr The starting address of the DRAM packet
- * @param size The size of the DRAM packet in bytes
- * @param isRead Is the request for a read or a write to DRAM
- * @return A DRAMPacket pointer with the decoded information
- */
- DRAMPacket* decodeAddr(PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned int size,
- bool isRead);
- /**
- * The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which read request needs to
- * go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS
- * and moves it to the head of the read queue.
- *
- * @return True if a request was chosen and false if queue is empty
- */
- bool chooseNextRead();
- /**
- * Calls chooseNextReq() to pick the right request, then calls
- * doDRAMAccess on that request in order to actually service
- * that request
- */
- void scheduleNextReq();
- /**
- *Looks at the state of the banks, channels, row buffer hits etc
- * to estimate how long a request will take to complete.
- *
- * @param dram_pkt The request for which we want to estimate latency
- * @param inTime The tick at which you want to probe the memory
- *
- * @return A pair of ticks, one indicating how many ticks *after*
- * inTime the request require, and the other indicating how
- * much of that was just the bank access time, ignoring the
- * ticks spent simply waiting for resources to become free
- */
- std::pair<Tick, Tick> estimateLatency(DRAMPacket* dram_pkt, Tick inTime);
- /**
- * Move the request at the head of the read queue to the response
- * queue, sorting by readyTime.\ If it is the only packet in the
- * response queue, schedule a respond event to send it back to the
- * outside world
- */
- void moveToRespQ();
- /**
- * Scheduling policy within the write queue
- */
- void chooseNextWrite();
- /**
- * For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer
- * hits and earliest banks available in DRAM
- */
- void reorderQueue(std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue);
- /**
- * Looking at all banks, determine the moment in time when they
- * are all free.
- *
- * @return The tick when all banks are free
- */
- Tick maxBankFreeAt() const;
- /**
- * Find which are the earliest available banks for the enqueued
- * requests. Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM
- *
- * @param Queued requests to consider
- * @return One-hot encoded mask of bank indices
- */
- uint64_t minBankFreeAt(const std::deque<DRAMPacket*>& queue) const;
- /**
- * Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce
- * the maximum number of activations in the activation window. The
- * method updates the time that the banks become available based
- * on the current limits.
- */
- void recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank);
- void printParams() const;
- /**
- * Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues.
- */
- void printQs() const;
- /**
- * The controller's main read and write queues
- */
- std::deque<DRAMPacket*> readQueue;
- std::deque<DRAMPacket*> writeQueue;
- /**
- * Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working
- * with them, but it's not time to send the response yet. The
- * responses are stored seperately mostly to keep the code clean
- * and help with events scheduling. For all logical purposes such
- * as sizing the read queue, this and the main read queue need to
- * be added together.
- */
- std::deque<DRAMPacket*> respQueue;
- /**
- * If we need to drain, keep the drain manager around until we're
- * done here.
- */
- DrainManager *drainManager;
- /**
- * Multi-dimensional vector of banks, first dimension is ranks,
- * second is bank
- */
- std::vector<std::vector<Bank> > banks;
- /**
- * The following are basic design parameters of the memory
- * controller, and are initialized based on parameter values.
- * The rowsPerBank is determined based on the capacity, number of
- * ranks and banks, the burst size, and the row buffer size.
- */
- const uint32_t deviceBusWidth;
- const uint32_t burstLength;
- const uint32_t deviceRowBufferSize;
- const uint32_t devicesPerRank;
- const uint32_t burstSize;
- const uint32_t rowBufferSize;
- const uint32_t columnsPerRowBuffer;
- const uint32_t ranksPerChannel;
- const uint32_t banksPerRank;
- const uint32_t channels;
- uint32_t rowsPerBank;
- const uint32_t readBufferSize;
- const uint32_t writeBufferSize;
- const uint32_t writeHighThreshold;
- const uint32_t writeLowThreshold;
- const uint32_t minWritesPerSwitch;
- uint32_t writesThisTime;
- /**
- * Basic memory timing parameters initialized based on parameter
- * values.
- */
- const Tick tWTR;
- const Tick tBURST;
- const Tick tRCD;
- const Tick tCL;
- const Tick tRP;
- const Tick tRAS;
- const Tick tRFC;
- const Tick tREFI;
- const Tick tRRD;
- const Tick tXAW;
- const uint32_t activationLimit;
- /**
- * Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter
- * values.
- */
- Enums::MemSched memSchedPolicy;
- Enums::AddrMap addrMapping;
- Enums::PageManage pageMgmt;
- /**
- * Max column accesses (read and write) per row, before forefully
- * closing it.
- */
- const uint32_t maxAccessesPerRow;
- /**
- * Pipeline latency of the controller frontend. The frontend
- * contribution is added to writes (that complete when they are in
- * the write buffer) and reads that are serviced the write buffer.
- */
- const Tick frontendLatency;
- /**
- * Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY. Along with the
- * frontend contribution, this latency is added to reads serviced
- * by the DRAM.
- */
- const Tick backendLatency;
- /**
- * Till when has the main data bus been spoken for already?
- */
- Tick busBusyUntil;
- Tick prevArrival;
- // The absolute soonest you have to start thinking about the
- // next request is the longest access time that can occur before
- // busBusyUntil. Assuming you need to precharge,
- // open a new row, and access, it is tRP + tRCD + tCL
- Tick newTime;
- // All statistics that the model needs to capture
- Stats::Scalar readReqs;
- Stats::Scalar writeReqs;
- Stats::Scalar readBursts;
- Stats::Scalar writeBursts;
- Stats::Scalar bytesReadDRAM;
- Stats::Scalar bytesReadWrQ;
- Stats::Scalar bytesWritten;
- Stats::Scalar bytesReadSys;
- Stats::Scalar bytesWrittenSys;
- Stats::Scalar servicedByWrQ;
- Stats::Scalar mergedWrBursts;
- Stats::Scalar neitherReadNorWrite;
- Stats::Vector perBankRdBursts;
- Stats::Vector perBankWrBursts;
- Stats::Scalar numRdRetry;
- Stats::Scalar numWrRetry;
- Stats::Scalar totGap;
- Stats::Vector readPktSize;
- Stats::Vector writePktSize;
- Stats::Vector rdQLenPdf;
- Stats::Vector wrQLenPdf;
- Stats::Histogram bytesPerActivate;
- // Latencies summed over all requests
- Stats::Scalar totQLat;
- Stats::Scalar totMemAccLat;
- Stats::Scalar totBusLat;
- Stats::Scalar totBankLat;
- // Average latencies per request
- Stats::Formula avgQLat;
- Stats::Formula avgBankLat;
- Stats::Formula avgBusLat;
- Stats::Formula avgMemAccLat;
- // Average bandwidth
- Stats::Formula avgRdBW;
- Stats::Formula avgWrBW;
- Stats::Formula avgRdBWSys;
- Stats::Formula avgWrBWSys;
- Stats::Formula peakBW;
- Stats::Formula busUtil;
- Stats::Formula busUtilRead;
- Stats::Formula busUtilWrite;
- // Average queue lengths
- Stats::Average avgRdQLen;
- Stats::Average avgWrQLen;
- // Row hit count and rate
- Stats::Scalar readRowHits;
- Stats::Scalar writeRowHits;
- Stats::Formula readRowHitRate;
- Stats::Formula writeRowHitRate;
- Stats::Formula avgGap;
- // DRAM Power Calculation
- Stats::Formula pageHitRate;
- Stats::Formula prechargeAllPercent;
- Stats::Scalar prechargeAllTime;
- // To track number of cycles all the banks are precharged
- Tick startTickPrechargeAll;
- // To track number of banks which are currently active
- unsigned int numBanksActive;
- /** @todo this is a temporary workaround until the 4-phase code is
- * committed. upstream caches needs this packet until true is returned, so
- * hold onto it for deletion until a subsequent call
- */
- std::vector<PacketPtr> pendingDelete;
- public:
- void regStats();
- SimpleDRAM(const SimpleDRAMParams* p);
- unsigned int drain(DrainManager* dm);
- virtual BaseSlavePort& getSlavePort(const std::string& if_name,
- PortID idx = InvalidPortID);
- virtual void init();
- virtual void startup();
- protected:
- Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt);
- void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt);
- bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt);
-#endif //__MEM_SIMPLE_DRAM_HH__