# mode bits
MOD2_MSB = 0
MOD2_LSB = 1
- LDST_SHIFT = 2 # set =1 for shift mode
+ # pack detection (TODO, CR-ops needs one of these too)
+ LDST_PACK = 2 # set =1 for LD/ST-immediate Pack mode
+ ARITH_PACK = 4 # set =1 for Arithmetic Pack mode
# when predicate not set: 0=ignore/skip 1=zero
DZ = 3 # for destination
SZ = 4 # for source
OV=2 # OV and OV32
N_REGS = 3 # maximum number of regs
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("EXTRA2 pack", EXTRA2.PACK_en, EXTRA2.PACK_en.value)
self.pred_dz = Signal(1) # predicate dest zeroing
# Modes n stuff
+ self.pack_unpack = Signal(1) # pack/unpack mode
self.saturate = Signal(SVP64sat)
self.RC1 = Signal()
self.cr_sel = Signal(2) # bit of CR to test (index 0-3)
comb += self.bc_vsb.eq(self.rm_in.ewsrc[1])
with m.Else():
+ pu = self.pack_unpack
# combined arith / ldst decoding due to similarity
with m.Switch(mode2):
with m.Case(0): # needs further decoding (LDST no mapreduce)
with m.If(is_ldst):
comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
+ comb += pu.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.LDST_PACK]) # Pack mode
with m.Elif(mode[SVP64MODE.REDUCE]):
comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.MAPREDUCE)
+ # Pack only active if SVM=1 & SUBVL>1 & Mode[4]=1
+ with m.If(self.rm_in.subvl != Const(0, 2)): # active
+ comb += pu.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ARITH_PACK])
with m.Else():
comb += self.mode.eq(SVP64RMMode.NORMAL)
with m.Case(1):
with m.If(self.rc_in):
comb += els.eq(mode[SVP64MODE.ELS_FFIRST_PRED])
- # Shifted Mode
- with m.If(mode[SVP64MODE.LDST_SHIFT]):
- comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.SHIFT)
# RA is vectorised
- with m.Elif(self.ldst_ra_vec):
+ with m.If(self.ldst_ra_vec):
comb += self.ldstmode.eq(SVP64LDSTmode.INDEXED)
# not element-strided, therefore unit...
with m.Elif(~els):