return _mm512_maskz_set1_epi32(m, -1);
+ static SIMDINLINE Integer vmask(__mmask8 m)
+ {
+ return _mm512_maskz_set1_epi64(m, -1LL);
+ }
// Single precision floating point arithmetic operations
SIMD_IWRAPPER_1(abs_epi32); // return absolute_value(a) (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(add_epi32); // return a + b (int32)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(add_epi8); // return a + b (int8)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(adds_epu8); // return ((a + b) > 0xff) ? 0xff : (a + b) (uint8)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(add_epi8); // return a + b (int8)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(adds_epu8); // return ((a + b) > 0xff) ? 0xff : (a + b) (uint8)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(max_epi32); // return (a > b) ? a : b (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(max_epu32); // return (a > b) ? a : b (uint32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(min_epi32); // return (a < b) ? a : b (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(sub_epi32); // return a - b (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(sub_epi64); // return a - b (int64)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(subs_epu8); // return (b > a) ? 0 : (a - b) (uint8)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(subs_epu8); // return (b > a) ? 0 : (a - b) (uint8)
// Logical operations
return _mm512_cvtepi32_ps(a);
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_8(cvtepu8_epi16); // return (int16)a (uint8 --> int16)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_8(cvtepu8_epi16); // return (int16)a (uint8 --> int16)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_4(cvtepu8_epi32); // return (int32)a (uint8 --> int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_8(cvtepu16_epi32); // return (int32)a (uint16 --> int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_4(cvtepu16_epi64); // return (int64)a (uint16 --> int64)
static SIMDINLINE Float SIMDCALL cmpge_ps(Float a, Float b) { return cmp_ps<CompareType::GE_OQ>(a, b); }
static SIMDINLINE Float SIMDCALL cmple_ps(Float a, Float b) { return cmp_ps<CompareType::LE_OQ>(a, b); }
-template<CompareTypeInt CmpTypeT>
-static SIMDINLINE Integer SIMDCALL cmp_epi8(Integer a, Integer b)
- // Legacy vector mask generator
- __mmask64 result = _mm512_cmp_epi8_mask(a, b, static_cast<const int>(CmpTypeT));
- return vmask(result);
-template<CompareTypeInt CmpTypeT>
-static SIMDINLINE Integer SIMDCALL cmp_epi16(Integer a, Integer b)
- // Legacy vector mask generator
- __mmask32 result = _mm512_cmp_epi16_mask(a, b, static_cast<const int>(CmpTypeT));
- return vmask(result);
template<CompareTypeInt CmpTypeT>
static SIMDINLINE Integer SIMDCALL cmp_epi32(Integer a, Integer b)
return vmask(result);
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int8)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int16)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int8)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int16)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi32, cmp_epi32<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi64, cmp_epi64<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int64)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int8)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int16)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int8)
+//SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int16)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi32, cmp_epi32<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int32)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi64, cmp_epi64<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int64)
SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmplt_epi32, cmp_epi32<CompareTypeInt::LT>); // return a < b (int32)
SIMD_IFWRAPPER_2(unpacklo_epi32, unpacklo_ps);
_mm512_mask_store_ps(p, m, src);
-static SIMDINLINE uint64_t SIMDCALL movemask_epi8(Integer a)
- __mmask64 m = _mm512_cmplt_epi8_mask(a, setzero_si());
- return static_cast<uint64_t>(m);
+//static SIMDINLINE uint64_t SIMDCALL movemask_epi8(Integer a)
+// __mmask64 m = _mm512_cmplt_epi8_mask(a, setzero_si());
+// return static_cast<uint64_t>(m);
static SIMDINLINE uint32_t SIMDCALL movemask_pd(Double a)
#define SIMD_IWRAPPER_2I(op) SIMD_IWRAPPER_2I_(op, op)
- static SIMDINLINE Integer vmask(__mmask8 m)
- {
- return _mm512_maskz_set1_epi64(m, -1LL);
- }
static SIMDINLINE Integer vmask(__mmask32 m)
return _mm512_maskz_set1_epi16(m, -1);
return _mm512_maskz_set1_epi8(m, -1);
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(add_epi8); // return a + b (int8)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(adds_epu8); // return ((a + b) > 0xff) ? 0xff : (a + b) (uint8)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(subs_epu8); // return (b > a) ? 0 : (a - b) (uint8)
SIMD_WRAPPER_2(and_ps); // return a & b (float treated as int)
SIMD_WRAPPER_2(andnot_ps); // return (~a) & b (float treated as int)
SIMD_WRAPPER_2(or_ps); // return a | b (float treated as int)
SIMD_WRAPPER_2(xor_ps); // return a ^ b (float treated as int)
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packs_epi16); // See documentation for _mm512_packs_epi16 and _mm512_packs_epi16
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packs_epi32); // See documentation for _mm512_packs_epi32 and _mm512_packs_epi32
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packus_epi16); // See documentation for _mm512_packus_epi16 and _mm512_packus_epi16
-SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packus_epi32); // See documentation for _mm512_packus_epi32 and _mm512_packus_epi32
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_1_8(cvtepu8_epi16); // return (int16)a (uint8 --> int16)
+template<CompareTypeInt CmpTypeT>
+static SIMDINLINE Integer SIMDCALL cmp_epi8(Integer a, Integer b)
+ // Legacy vector mask generator
+ __mmask64 result = _mm512_cmp_epi8_mask(a, b, static_cast<const int>(CmpTypeT));
+ return vmask(result);
+template<CompareTypeInt CmpTypeT>
+static SIMDINLINE Integer SIMDCALL cmp_epi16(Integer a, Integer b)
+ // Legacy vector mask generator
+ __mmask32 result = _mm512_cmp_epi16_mask(a, b, static_cast<const int>(CmpTypeT));
+ return vmask(result);
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int8)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpeq_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::EQ>); // return a == b (int16)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi8, cmp_epi8<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int8)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2_CMP(cmpgt_epi16, cmp_epi16<CompareTypeInt::GT>); // return a > b (int16)
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packs_epi16); // See documentation for _mm512_packs_epi16
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packs_epi32); // See documentation for _mm512_packs_epi32
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packus_epi16); // See documentation for _mm512_packus_epi16
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(packus_epi32); // See documentation for _mm512_packus_epi32
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(unpackhi_epi8); // See documentation for _mm512_unpackhi_epi8
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(unpacklo_epi16); // See documentation for _mm512_unpacklo_epi16
+SIMD_IWRAPPER_2(unpacklo_epi8); // See documentation for _mm512_unpacklo_epi8
+static SIMDINLINE uint64_t SIMDCALL movemask_epi8(Integer a)
+ __mmask64 m = _mm512_cmplt_epi8_mask(a, setzero_si());
+ return static_cast<uint64_t>(m);
#undef SIMD_WRAPPER_1_