self.source = m.source
+# Add buffers on Endpoints (can be used to improve timings)
+class BufferizeEndpoints(ModuleTransformer):
+ def __init__(self, *names):
+ self.names = names
+ def transform_instance(self, submodule):
+ endpoints = get_endpoints(submodule)
+ sinks = {}
+ sources = {}
+ for name, endpoint in endpoints.items():
+ if not self.names or name in self.names:
+ if isinstance(endpoint, Sink):
+ sinks.update({name: endpoint})
+ elif isinstance(endpoint, Source):
+ sources.update({name: endpoint})
+ # add buffer on sinks
+ for name, sink in sinks.items():
+ buf = Buffer(sink.description)
+ submodule.submodules += buf
+ setattr(submodule, name, buf.d)
+ submodule.comb += Record.connect(buf.q, sink)
+ # add buffer on sources
+ for name, source in sources.items():
+ buf = Buffer(source.description)
+ submodule.submodules += buf
+ submodule.comb += Record.connect(source, buf.d)
+ setattr(submodule, name, buf.q)