BaseCache::functionalAccess(PacketPtr pkt, bool from_cpu_side)
- if (system->bypassCaches()) {
- // Packets from the memory side are snoop request and
- // shouldn't happen in bypass mode.
- assert(from_cpu_side);
- // The cache should be flushed if we are in cache bypass mode,
- // so we don't need to check if we need to update anything.
- memSidePort.sendFunctional(pkt);
- return;
- }
Addr blk_addr = pkt->getBlockAddr(blkSize);
bool is_secure = pkt->isSecure();
CacheBlk *blk = tags->findBlock(pkt->getAddr(), is_secure);
BaseCache::CpuSidePort::recvTimingSnoopResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
+ assert(!cache->system->bypassCaches());
+ assert(pkt->isResponse());
// Express snoop responses from master to slave, e.g., from L1 to L2
return true;
BaseCache::CpuSidePort::tryTiming(PacketPtr pkt)
- if (pkt->isExpressSnoop()) {
+ if (cache->system->bypassCaches() || pkt->isExpressSnoop()) {
// always let express snoop packets through even if blocked
return true;
} else if (blocked || mustSendRetry) {
BaseCache::CpuSidePort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
- if (tryTiming(pkt)) {
+ assert(pkt->isRequest());
+ if (cache->system->bypassCaches()) {
+ // Just forward the packet if caches are disabled.
+ // @todo This should really enqueue the packet rather
+ bool M5_VAR_USED success = cache->memSidePort.sendTimingReq(pkt);
+ assert(success);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tryTiming(pkt)) {
return true;
BaseCache::CpuSidePort::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
- return cache->recvAtomic(pkt);
+ if (cache->system->bypassCaches()) {
+ // Forward the request if the system is in cache bypass mode.
+ return cache->memSidePort.sendAtomic(pkt);
+ } else {
+ return cache->recvAtomic(pkt);
+ }
BaseCache::CpuSidePort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
+ if (cache->system->bypassCaches()) {
+ // The cache should be flushed if we are in cache bypass mode,
+ // so we don't need to check if we need to update anything.
+ cache->memSidePort.sendFunctional(pkt);
+ return;
+ }
// functional request
cache->functionalAccess(pkt, true);
BaseCache::MemSidePort::recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
+ assert(!cache->system->bypassCaches());
// handle snooping requests
BaseCache::MemSidePort::recvAtomicSnoop(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
+ assert(!cache->system->bypassCaches());
return cache->recvAtomicSnoop(pkt);
BaseCache::MemSidePort::recvFunctionalSnoop(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
+ assert(!cache->system->bypassCaches());
// functional snoop (note that in contrast to atomic we don't have
// a specific functionalSnoop method, as they have the same
// behaviour regardless)
DPRINTF(Cache, "%s for %s\n", __func__, pkt->print());
- assert(pkt->isResponse());
- assert(!system->bypassCaches());
// determine if the response is from a snoop request we created
// (in which case it should be in the outstandingSnoop), or if we
// merely forwarded someone else's snoop request
DPRINTF(CacheTags, "%s tags:\n%s\n", __func__, tags->print());
- assert(pkt->isRequest());
- // Just forward the packet if caches are disabled.
- if (system->bypassCaches()) {
- // @todo This should really enqueue the packet rather
- bool M5_VAR_USED success = memSidePort.sendTimingReq(pkt);
- assert(success);
- return;
- }
if (pkt->cacheResponding()) {
Cache::recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt)
- // Forward the request if the system is in cache bypass mode.
- if (system->bypassCaches())
- return ticksToCycles(memSidePort.sendAtomic(pkt));
return BaseCache::recvAtomic(pkt);
DPRINTF(CacheVerbose, "%s: for %s\n", __func__, pkt->print());
- // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
- assert(!system->bypassCaches());
// no need to snoop requests that are not in range
if (!inRange(pkt->getAddr())) {
Cache::recvAtomicSnoop(PacketPtr pkt)
- // Snoops shouldn't happen when bypassing caches
- assert(!system->bypassCaches());
// no need to snoop requests that are not in range.
if (!inRange(pkt->getAddr())) {
return 0;