def __call__(self, ridx, is_vec=False, offs=0, elwidth=64):
if isinstance(ridx, SelectableInt):
ridx = ridx.value
- log("GPR call", ridx, "isvec", is_vec, "offs", offs, "elwid", elwidth)
- return self[ridx]
+ if elwidth == 64:
+ return self[ridx]
+ # rrrright. start by breaking down into row/col, based on elwidth
+ gpr_offs = offs // (64//elwidth)
+ gpr_col = offs % (64//elwidth)
+ # now select the 64-bit register, but get its value (easier)
+ val = self[ridx+gpr_offs].value
+ # now shift down and mask out
+ val = val >> (gpr_col*elwidth) & ((1<<elwidth)-1)
+ # finally, return a SelectableInt at the required elwidth
+ log("GPR call", ridx, "isvec", is_vec, "offs", offs,
+ "elwid", elwidth, "offs/col", gpr_offs, gpr_col, "val", hex(val))
+ return SelectableInt(val, elwidth)
def set_form(self, form):
self.form = form
+ def write(self, rnum, value, is_vec=False, elwidth=64):
+ # get internal value
+ if isinstance(rnum, SelectableInt):
+ rnum = rnum.value
+ if isinstance(value, SelectableInt):
+ value = value.value
+ # compatibility...
+ if isinstance(rnum, tuple):
+ rnum, base, offs = rnum
+ else:
+ base, offs = rnum, 0
+ # rrrright. start by breaking down into row/col, based on elwidth
+ gpr_offs = offs // (64//elwidth)
+ gpr_col = offs % (64//elwidth)
+ # compute the mask based on elwidth
+ mask = (1<<elwidth)-1
+ # now select the 64-bit register, but get its value (easier)
+ val = self[base+gpr_offs].value
+ # now mask out the bit we don't want
+ val = val & ~(mask << (gpr_col*elwidth))
+ # then wipe the bit we don't want from the value
+ value = value & mask
+ # OR the new value in, shifted up
+ val |= value << (gpr_col*elwidth)
+ # finally put the damn value into the regfile
+ log("GPR write", base, "isvec", is_vec, "offs", offs,
+ "elwid", elwidth, "offs/col", gpr_offs, gpr_col, "val", hex(val))
+ self[base+gpr_offs].value = val
def __setitem__(self, rnum, value):
# rnum = rnum.value # only SelectableInt allowed
log("GPR setitem", rnum, value)
# TODO, really should just be using PowerDecoder2
-def get_pdecode_idx_in(dec2, name):
+def get_idx_in(dec2, name, ewmode=False):
op = dec2.dec.op
in1_sel = yield op.in1_sel
in2_sel = yield op.in2_sel
in1 = yield
in2 = yield
in3 = yield
+ if ewmode:
+ in1_base = yield dec2.e.read_reg1.base
+ in2_base = yield dec2.e.read_reg2.base
+ in3_base = yield dec2.e.read_reg3.base
+ in1_offs = yield dec2.e.read_reg1.offs
+ in2_offs = yield dec2.e.read_reg2.offs
+ in3_offs = yield dec2.e.read_reg3.offs
+ in1 = (in1, in1_base, in1_offs)
+ in2 = (in2, in2_base, in2_offs)
+ in3 = (in3, in3_base, in3_offs)
in1_isvec = yield dec2.in1_isvec
in2_isvec = yield dec2.in2_isvec
in3_isvec = yield dec2.in3_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in in1", name, in1_sel, In1Sel.RA.value,
+ log("get_idx_in in1", name, in1_sel, In1Sel.RA.value,
in1, in1_isvec)
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in in2", name, in2_sel, In2Sel.RB.value,
+ log("get_idx_in in2", name, in2_sel, In2Sel.RB.value,
in2, in2_isvec)
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.RS.value,
+ log("get_idx_in in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.RS.value,
in3, in3_isvec)
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in FRS in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.FRS.value,
+ log("get_idx_in FRS in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.FRS.value,
in3, in3_isvec)
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in FRB in2", name, in2_sel, In2Sel.FRB.value,
+ log("get_idx_in FRB in2", name, in2_sel, In2Sel.FRB.value,
in2, in2_isvec)
- log("get_pdecode_idx_in FRC in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.FRC.value,
+ log("get_idx_in FRC in3", name, in3_sel, In3Sel.FRC.value,
in3, in3_isvec)
# identify which regnames map to in1/2/3
if name == 'RA' or name == 'RA_OR_ZERO':
# TODO, really should just be using PowerDecoder2
-def get_pdecode_cr_in(dec2, name):
+def get_cr_in(dec2, name):
op = dec2.dec.op
in_sel = yield op.cr_in
in_bitfield = yield
# get the IN1/2/3 from the decoder (includes SVP64 remap and isvec)
in1 = yield
cr_isvec = yield dec2.cr_in_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_cr_in", in_sel, CROutSel.CR0.value, in1, cr_isvec)
+ log("get_cr_in", in_sel, CROutSel.CR0.value, in1, cr_isvec)
log(" sv_cr_in", sv_cr_in)
log(" cr_bf", in_bitfield)
log(" spec", spec)
if name == 'BI':
if in_sel == CRInSel.BI.value:
return in1, cr_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_cr_in not found", name)
+ log("get_cr_in not found", name)
return None, False
# TODO, really should just be using PowerDecoder2
-def get_pdecode_cr_out(dec2, name):
+def get_cr_out(dec2, name):
op = dec2.dec.op
out_sel = yield op.cr_out
out_bitfield = yield
# get the IN1/2/3 from the decoder (includes SVP64 remap and isvec)
out = yield
o_isvec = yield dec2.cr_out_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_cr_out", out_sel, CROutSel.CR0.value, out, o_isvec)
+ log("get_cr_out", out_sel, CROutSel.CR0.value, out, o_isvec)
log(" sv_cr_out", sv_cr_out)
log(" cr_bf", out_bitfield)
log(" spec", spec)
if name == 'CR1': # these are not actually calculated correctly
if out_sel == CROutSel.CR1.value:
return out, o_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_cr_out not found", name)
+ log("get_cr_out not found", name)
return None, False
# TODO, really should just be using PowerDecoder2
-def get_pdecode_idx_out(dec2, name):
+def get_idx_out(dec2, name, ewmode=False):
op = dec2.dec.op
out_sel = yield op.out_sel
# get the IN1/2/3 from the decoder (includes SVP64 remap and isvec)
out = yield
o_isvec = yield dec2.o_isvec
+ if ewmode:
+ offs = yield dec2.e.write_reg.offs
+ base = yield dec2.e.write_reg.base
+ out = (out, base, offs)
# identify which regnames map to out / o2
if name == 'BF':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, out, o_isvec)
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, out, o_isvec)
if name == 'RA':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RA.value, out, o_isvec)
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RA.value, out, o_isvec)
if out_sel == OutSel.RA.value:
return out, o_isvec
elif name == 'RT':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RT.value,
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RT.value,
OutSel.RT_OR_ZERO.value, out, o_isvec,
if out_sel == OutSel.RT.value:
if out_sel == OutSel.RT_OR_ZERO.value and out != 0:
return out, o_isvec
elif name == 'RT_OR_ZERO':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RT.value,
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.RT.value,
OutSel.RT_OR_ZERO.value, out, o_isvec,
if out_sel == OutSel.RT_OR_ZERO.value:
return out, o_isvec
elif name == 'FRA':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.FRA.value, out, o_isvec)
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.FRA.value, out, o_isvec)
if out_sel == OutSel.FRA.value:
return out, o_isvec
elif name == 'FRT':
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.FRT.value,
+ log("get_idx_out", out_sel, OutSel.FRT.value,
OutSel.FRT.value, out, o_isvec)
if out_sel == OutSel.FRT.value:
return out, o_isvec
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out not found", name, out_sel, out, o_isvec)
+ log("get_idx_out not found", name, out_sel, out, o_isvec)
return None, False
# TODO, really should just be using PowerDecoder2
-def get_pdecode_idx_out2(dec2, name):
+def get_idx_out2(dec2, name):
# check first if register is activated for write
op = dec2.dec.op
out_sel = yield op.out_sel
out = yield
o_isvec = yield dec2.o2_isvec
out_ok = yield dec2.e.write_ea.ok
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out2", name, out_sel, out, out_ok, o_isvec)
+ log("get_idx_out2", name, out_sel, out, out_ok, o_isvec)
if not out_ok:
return None, False
if hasattr(op, "upd"):
# update mode LD/ST uses read-reg A also as an output
upd = yield op.upd
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out2", upd, LDSTMode.update.value,
+ log("get_idx_out2", upd, LDSTMode.update.value,
out_sel, OutSel.RA.value,
out, o_isvec)
if upd == LDSTMode.update.value:
if name == 'RS':
fft_en = yield dec2.implicit_rs
if fft_en:
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out2", out_sel, OutSel.RS.value,
+ log("get_idx_out2", out_sel, OutSel.RS.value,
out, o_isvec)
return out, o_isvec
if name == 'FRS':
fft_en = yield dec2.implicit_rs
if fft_en:
- log("get_pdecode_idx_out2", out_sel, OutSel.FRS.value,
+ log("get_idx_out2", out_sel, OutSel.FRS.value,
out, o_isvec)
return out, o_isvec
return None, False
self.new_dsubstep = 0
self.pred_dst_zero = 0
self.pred_src_zero = 0
def src_iterator(self):
"""source-stepping iterator
# pseudocode
if self.is_svp64_mode and name in ['BI']: # TODO, more CRs
# BI is a 5-bit, must reconstruct the value
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_cr_in(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_cr_in(self.dec2, name)
sig = getattr(fields, name)
val = yield sig
# low 2 LSBs (CR field selector) remain same, CR num extended
assert regnum <= 7, "sigh, TODO, 128 CR fields"
val = (val & 0b11) | (regnum << 2)
elif self.is_svp64_mode and name in ['BF']: # TODO, more CRs
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_cr_out(self.dec2, "BF")
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_cr_out(self.dec2, "BF")
log('hack %s' % name, regnum, is_vec)
val = regnum
self.namespace[regname] = SelectableInt(RT, 5)
if RT == 0:
self.namespace["RT"] = SelectableInt(0, 5)
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_out(self.dec2, "RT")
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_out(self.dec2, "RT")
log('hack input reg %s %s' % (name, str(regnum)), is_vec)
# in SVP64 mode for LD/ST work out immediate
# any modified return results?
yield from self.do_outregs_nia(asmop, ins_name, info, outs,
- carry_en, rc_en, ffirst_hit)
+ carry_en, rc_en, ffirst_hit, ew_dst)
def check_ffirst(self, info, rc_en, srcstep):
"""fail-first mode: checks a bit of Rc Vector, truncates VL
log("asmregs", info.asmregs[0], info.write_regs)
if 'CR' in info.write_regs and 'BF' in info.asmregs[0]:
crf = 'BF'
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_cr_out(self.dec2, crf)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_cr_out(self.dec2, crf)
crtest = self.crl[regnum]
ffirst_hit = crtest[cr_bit] != ff_inv
log("cr test", crf, regnum, int(crtest), crtest, cr_bit, ff_inv)
rc_reg = "CR1" # not calculated correctly yet (not FP compares)
rc_reg = "CR0"
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_cr_out(self.dec2, rc_reg)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_cr_out(self.dec2, rc_reg)
# hang on... for `setvl` actually you want to test SVSTATE.VL
is_setvl = ins_name in ('svstep', 'setvl')
if is_setvl:
def do_outregs_nia(self, asmop, ins_name, info, outs,
- carry_en, rc_en, ffirst_hit):
+ carry_en, rc_en, ffirst_hit, ew_dst):
ffirst_hit, vli = ffirst_hit
# write out any regs for this instruction
for name, output in outs.items():
- yield from self.check_write(info, name, output, carry_en)
+ yield from self.check_write(info, name, output, carry_en, ew_dst)
# restore the CR value on non-VLI failfirst (from sv.cmp and others
# which write directly to CR in the pseudocode (gah, what a mess)
#if ffirst_hit and not vli:
def get_input(self, name, ew_src):
# using PowerDecoder2, first, find the decoder index.
# (mapping name RA RB RC RS to in1, in2, in3)
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_in(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_in(self.dec2, name, True)
if regnum is None:
# doing this is not part of svp64, it's because output
# registers, to be modified, need to be in the namespace.
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_out(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_out(self.dec2, name, True)
if regnum is None:
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_out2(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_out2(self.dec2, name)
+ if isinstance(regnum, tuple):
+ (regnum, base, offs) = regnum
+ else:
+ base, offs = regnum, 0 # temporary HACK
# in case getting the register number is needed, _RA, _RB
+ # (HACK: only in straight non-svp64-mode for now, or elwidth == 64)
regname = "_" + name
- self.namespace[regname] = regnum
+ if not self.is_svp64_mode or ew_src == 64:
+ self.namespace[regname] = regnum
+ elif regname in self.namespace:
+ del self.namespace[regname]
if not self.is_svp64_mode or not self.pred_src_zero:
log('reading reg %s %s' % (name, str(regnum)), is_vec)
if name in fregs:
- reg_val = SelectableInt(self.fpr(regnum, is_vec, ew_src))
- log("read reg %d: 0x%x" % (regnum, reg_val.value))
+ reg_val = SelectableInt(self.fpr(base, is_vec, offs, ew_src))
+ log("read reg %d/%d: 0x%x" % (base, offs, reg_val.value))
elif name is not None:
- reg_val = SelectableInt(self.gpr(regnum, is_vec, ew_src))
- log("read reg %d: 0x%x" % (regnum, reg_val.value))
+ reg_val = SelectableInt(self.gpr(base, is_vec, offs, ew_src))
+ log("read reg %d/%d: 0x%x" % (base, offs, reg_val.value))
log('zero input reg %s %s' % (name, str(regnum)), is_vec)
reg_val = 0
for x in rremaps:
log("shape remap", x)
- def check_write(self, info, name, output, carry_en):
+ def check_write(self, info, name, output, carry_en, ew_dst):
if name == 'overflow': # ignore, done already (above)
if name == 'CR0': # ignore, done already (above)
log('msr written', hex(self.msr.value))
# find out1/out2 PR/FPR
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_out(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_out(self.dec2, name, True)
if regnum is None:
- regnum, is_vec = yield from get_pdecode_idx_out2(self.dec2, name)
+ regnum, is_vec = yield from get_idx_out2(self.dec2, name)
if regnum is None:
# temporary hack for not having 2nd output
regnum = yield getattr(self.decoder, name)
if self.is_svp64_mode and self.pred_dst_zero:
log('zeroing reg %d %s' % (regnum, str(output)), is_vec)
output = SelectableInt(0, 256)
- log("write reg %s%d 0x%x" % (reg_prefix, regnum, output.value),
+ log("write reg %s%s 0x%x ew %d" % (reg_prefix, str(regnum),
+ output.value, ew_dst),
# zero-extend tov64 bit begore storing (should use EXT oh well)
if output.bits > 64:
output = SelectableInt(output.value, 64)
if name in fregs:
- self.fpr[regnum] = output
+ self.fpr.write(regnum, output, is_vec, ew_dst)
- self.gpr[regnum] = output
+ self.gpr.write(regnum, output, is_vec, ew_dst)
def check_step_increment(self, rc_en, asmop, ins_name):
# check if it is the SVSTATE.src/dest step that needs incrementing