// do not recurse to non-datatype types
+ const Datatype& dt = tn.getDatatype();
+ if( !dt.isSygus() )
+ {
+ // do not recurse to non-sygus datatype types
+ return;
+ }
d_min_type_depth[root_tn][tn] = type_depth;
- const Datatype& dt = ((DatatypeType)(tn).toType()).getDatatype();
//compute for connected types
for( unsigned i=0; i<dt.getNumConstructors(); i++ ){
for( unsigned j=0; j<dt[i].getNumArgs(); j++ ){
--- /dev/null
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --cegqi-si=none --sygus-active-gen=enum
+(set-logic ALL_SUPPORTED)
+(declare-datatypes ((IntRange 0))
+ (((IntRange (lower Int) (upper Int)))))
+(declare-datatypes ((Loc 0))
+ (((Loc (x Int) (y Int)))))
+(declare-datatypes ((LocRange 0))
+ (((LocRange (xD IntRange) (yD IntRange)))))
+(declare-datatypes ((Ship 0))
+ (((Ship (shipCapacity Int) (shipLoc Loc)))))
+(declare-datatypes ((ShipRange 0))
+ (((ShipRange (shipCapacityD IntRange) (shipLocD LocRange)))))
+(define-fun betweenInt ((x Int) (r IntRange)) Bool
+ (and (< (lower r) x) (< x (upper r)))
+(define-fun betweenLoc ((l Loc) (lr LocRange)) Bool
+ (and (betweenInt (x l) (xD lr)) (betweenInt (y l) (yD lr)))
+(define-fun subsetInt ((r1 IntRange) (r2 IntRange)) Bool
+ (and (>= (lower r1) (lower r2)) (<= (upper r1) (upper r2)))
+(define-fun betweenShip ((s Ship) (sr ShipRange)) Bool
+ (and (betweenInt (shipCapacity s) (shipCapacityD sr)) (betweenLoc (shipLoc s) (shipLocD sr)))
+(define-fun atLeast ((s Ship)) Bool
+ (> (shipCapacity s) 50)
+(define-fun subsetLoc ((s1 LocRange) (s2 LocRange)) Bool
+ (and (subsetInt (xD s1) (xD s2)) (subsetInt (yD s1) (yD s2)))
+(define-fun subsetShip ((s1 ShipRange) (s2 ShipRange)) Bool
+ (and (subsetInt (shipCapacityD s1) (shipCapacityD s2)) (subsetLoc (shipLocD s1) (shipLocD s2)))
+(define-fun max ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
+ (ite (>= x y) x y)
+(define-fun min ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
+ (ite (<= x y) x y)
+(synth-fun f ((secret Ship) (prior ShipRange) (response Bool)) ShipRange)
+(declare-var secret Ship)
+(declare-var prior ShipRange)
+(declare-var response Bool)
+ (=> (betweenShip secret (f secret prior response))
+ (= response
+ (and (atLeast secret)
+ (subsetShip (f secret prior response) prior))))